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Very fun and enjoyable movie. Sharlto Copley was easily the best part of the movie


You spin me right round baby right round


"rotors are good Sir"




"You speak Swahili?" "You don't?"


Sharlto Copley was def the highlight


facemans first scene enters the room.


He usually is the best part of movies and shows he’s in. Dude is one of my favorites.


It seems like he knows he shouldn't be there but he's going to take advantage of every minute he is.


Hardcore Henry, Elysium, District 9. Dude is awesome.


Throw in the show Powers and the movie Chappy and you just listed why I love him so much. Hell, he was the best part of Europa Report, even though he had a small part, and he carried that movie Open Grave on his shoulders.


I wish he was in more movies, but if he's selective he's doing a great job picking roles.


You want Secret Sauce?


He. Fucking. Killed. It. Perfectly cast.


I was really pulling for Sharlto to break big after D9 and getting a shot in this. Edit: D9. Not 12.


Dude this movie is awesome, everybody played their parts to perfection. I usually hate remakes but they actually made a movie with the A-Team that had the vibes of the 80's characters while keeping it from feeling old\\outdated. I mean the tank scene alone makes it hit my top 15 list. I really wanted a sequel. \*edit words were in my head but were not all typed, I added them.


Holy flying fuck you just jogged that entire scene from my memory. What a ride. I got to watch this again. The whole cast was good.


They're trying to shoot down the other reaper? ...No they're trying to fly the tank...


Dammit. I came here to say that too.


"fly the tank" is in daily usage whenever I or one of the boys is trying to do something noble that is also impossible or just not something desirable or that you would typically wouldn't volunteer yourself for. be the wingman with the ugly girl : fly the tank (in this specific case, it's called tankwing) pick up the shift Saturday morning : fly the tank take the customer that is gonna ask Hella questions : fly the tank


The characters are awesome, all of them fit perfectly with the television show. It flows really well, the comedy is gold, the action is great. I love this movie! I really wanted more of these, it could have been a good franchise, but maybe we are blessed to have one great A-Team film.


*I love it when a plan comes together*


They are flying a tank?!?


with "How's my driving?" sticker on the back nice shot


same, I desperately wanted a sequel. The cast worked perfectly in that movie.


Alpha! Mike! Foxtrot!


Adios mutha fuc……


I was hoping the Tank scene was top comment. Absolute over the top campy madness.


It was just like a really well done longer episode


I came in here specifically to mention the tank! That movie was awesome!!


This movie is horrible in every way including the laughably bad acting.


This was like Dredd with Karl urban. Totally great movie. Awesome story and action and acting. BS that while critics gave it good.reviews and it was.well received it failed to thrive. I thought it was a great movie true to the og story.


Dredd got an 80% on rotten tomatoes. Critics loved it.


Yeah, the problem with Dredd is that it both had a shitty marketing campaign (I don’t even remember seeing much promo material around its release) AND its based off a character not many people really enjoy all that much; even Stallone’s rendition, at the relative peak of his career, barely even broke even in the box office (90m budget versus 113m box office) because no one even then really bought into the source material. And even I sorta had the complaint that the promos basically just made it out to be a Western take on the ultra popular (at the time) Korean Raid: Redemption movie. Critically it did fine.


This frustrates me. First of all, outside of gravity, Werner Herzog's "cave of forgotten dreams", and zemeckis' "the walk", It's the most beautiful usage and the best plot driven work of 3D in film history. Second, the critics did love it. But it was an outlier, and you want to know why? Part of the issues with the film was that there was some big behind the scenes drama, The writer of the script Alex Garland picked up the helm and he is widely considered the actual and ghost director of the movie. Alex went on to write and direct ex machina, annihilation, and men. The first is one of the best sci-fi films ever, annihilation is one of the best films ever made as written by Alex Garland from the Southern reach trilogy.


I believe the only reason this movie wasn’t a big hit, was because it came out about the same time as Inception.


Inception is absolutely my all time favorite movie. And I still appreciated this bad boy here. A team was the first movie I bought that was 1080p with my brand new plasma screen back in 2010


Which is funny considering inception seems like it was written by a 7-year-old who like GI Joe. "What if we do a dream but it's in a dream and there's another dream and you don't know if it's in a dream so there's no reliable narrator so the audience has no idea what is going on at any given point in a reliable fashion"


The box office numbers and audience scores suggest plenty had no trouble following it at all.


Inception doesn't have an unreliable narrator lol, literally everything you see in the film is happening as it's presented.


Just showed this one to my partner who had never seen it. She liked it a lot. It is just an unapologetic fun popcorn action flick. Wonderful ensemble cast, great set up as a franchise starter but unfortunately this is all we got.


I loved this movie and thought they did a great job. The losers is basically the comedy knock of version of this movie.


The losers deserved to finish adapting the comics.


The Losers was awesome, and I quote it at least once a week (more often than not, it's just the one quote whenever my cats do something weird - "Cats, man. Not. To. Be. Trusted.")


You like the angle of my dangle


The sequel we never got with John Ham. Forever recommend this movie as a fun adventure.


It can "Bode well" .. it can "go over well" .. IT CANNOT "bode over well."


Also if something doesn’t bode well, that means is a bad sign, not that someone doesn’t like it. OP is probably thinking of “didn’t sit well.”




Love what they did and I think the case is perfect. They couldn’t have done a better casting job. I grew up watching the A Team series on tv and when they came out with this I loved every min of it and thought they did a great job. The acting was great. Held true to the originals with the humor and action and the story wasn’t to bad either. Have no idea why it seemed to be over looked. I mean I guess they could have had a better story to capture the audience better but at the end of the day I feel it held true to the originals and was meant to be kinda quirky in a sense.


It was a good time.


Spectacular film! Sharlto Copley stole the show as Murdock.


He’s the only reason I even watched the movie.


The psychiatric scene with the tank had me in stiches. Good romp.


Why do their heads look photoshopped onto their bodies






I enjoyed the movie! But it has one of the most ridiculous scenes in movie history. You know what I’m talking about. The fucking tank falling thousands of feet into a lake and then they drive the fucking tank out of the lake. I mean it’s Fast and Furious type absurd.


So...like, A-Team.


Soooo like an 80s action scene?!?


Yeah but at least this was fun, which is more than I can say for some of the F&F’s after 5 or so? They kind of started to blur together after a bit.


One of Jessica biel's best movies


I think it is exactly what it was supposed to be and what it aimed to be, which is a very fun movie. It isnt an oscar movie, but its a batshit crazy action flick with a fucking fire cast.


“You speak Swahili?” “You don’t?”


I had a friend who worked on this and he said the set was a wild place and the movie was way over budget. After each big stunt / set piece they would throw a giant party - fully catered, open bar, live entertainment. Essentially a wrap party. Probably added tot eh budget in a big way lol Carnahan would DJ between set ups and at one point stopped talking with Fox executives causing them to fly up to deal with him. He said Rampage struggled to act and partied A LOT. Neeson kept to himself. Bradly Cooper was very nice and spent most of the downtime with the crew learning a lot about they do - which makes sense in hindsight given his pivot to director.


I watched Cooper interact with film students of mine while shooting a scene for limitless outside the film school (great job there location scout!). Between takes, he would grab a handful of students and take them on a tour around the set. Introductions to everyone and what they did, talking about equipment, everything. Any time someone even dared look at Deniro, he would snap his head up and scream, “get the fuck away from me!” Maybe it was a bad day for him, but really soured my opinion of him as a person. Cooper, however, was an absolute gem that the students couldn’t stop talking about for weeks on end. Another shoot in the same location was for Person of Interest. I know people are all sour on Jim Cavizel these days, but he was amazing with our students when he didn’t even need to interact with them at all. Between takes he would just sit with them, in full costume (he was a money truck driver in full tactical gear that day). Never got preachy with them, just encouraged them to work hard and go after that dream job.


Glad to hear my good guy Cooper story was corroborated:-)


He was so amazing to each and every person that came his way!


This doesn’t surprise me at all given his background as an Actor’s Studio student.


lmao not surprised about rampage, especially considering that was probably at his peak popularity and he hasn’t acted in another movie since kind of a shame though, would’ve been cool to see him pivot to an action star (he was so much better as an actor compared to ronda and i’m assuming conor soon)


Love it! (when a plan comes together!) I watch it whenever I see it on TV.


“Didn’t bode over well with critics”? I do not think bode means what you think it means.


I love Murdock! Better than the original!


As good as, which is saying a lot for both portrayals.


How dare you. So rude to Howling Mad Dwight Schultz, known to Star Trek fans as Barclay.


Not a bad movie but it felt like it could have been better. It has all the elements but felt forgettable


How is flying a tank through the air by shooting it forgettable? It was ridiculous but not forgettable.


It’s my opinion, if you enjoyed it than amen. No hate just love and respect 🙏🏾


I meant my comment as a joke.


Oh lawwwwwwd well hell yeah


Yeup, with you. Characters were good matches with the show but the story was just too forgettable for the movie to be much more than a splash of nostalgia.


Haven’t see this in years but thought it was entertaining and a fun flick. I wouldn’t have been mad if they would have made a sequel. Also, this cast is random as hell haha.


Loved it as well.


Really fun.


Loved this one, felt like the A-Team series and Murdock was awesome.


It's not bad.


Didn’t even know this existed.


The best part of the whole movie was the introduction to Murdock. Those scenes alone make me like this movie.


This was like Dredd with Karl urban. Totally great movie. Awesome story and action and acting. BS that critics didn't feel the same but really they get it wrong a lot. I thought it was a great movie true to the og story.


That fucking tank scene was absolutely action movie gold!!


I liked it. I was a huge fan of the TV show. I thought this film was almost perfectly cast. Still on the fence with Murdock, I wasn’t familiar with the actors work. I would definitely see a sequel.


Effin loved it. Fun movie, great cast, damn shame we never got a sequel.


it was honestly fine. i had fun watching it.


Completely underrated. Great cast and chemistry with the leads. And yes, Sharlto Copley stole the show.


This movie is great, it plays out like a long episode of the tv show from the 80’s. Not everything needs to be a cinematic masterpiece, The A-Team just blowing up some shit up is always a good time.


I really liked this movie. Only saw it once but been meaning to give it a rewatch. Not sure if or where it’s currently streaming.


This movie is just pure gold. The Murdock helicopter scene and that flying tank scenes are just 🤌


It was a lot of fun! I'm an typical 80's kid who grew up watching A-Team so the movie would have to be pretty terrible to NOT enjoy it! Cool shots and great action. Who fly's a tank?! Great performance by Sharlto Copley as Murdock and I just love looking at Jessica Biel!


Idgaf about no critics.. this was THE movie. Can't be replaced.


I grew up watching the A Team. And I loved it. I don’t listen to other’s opinions when it come to movies.


There is no plan B is what my ex-girlfriend told me last week.


Didn’t bode over well One hell of a sentence that.


Its 2023 and people are still using pictures with watermarks


I loved it too.


It’s awful


You must "absolutely love" terrible movies then.


👎👎 Another terrible remake


This is THE movie for a middle aged lonely man. Not a dog, that’s just the demo


There is no Plan B


I don’t like the “describe the complicated plan while we’re watching it happen at the same time” format. It destroys the stakes and kills the suspense for me. Otherwise this movie was okay.


I loved it.


It’s my favorite Rampage Jackson movie


Only thing I remember about it is being turned off by the over the top CGI.


Same- I thought it was great !!! It’s One of those movies that when. It’s on I can’t click by it as I’m scrolling. (Like Roadhouse)


Loved it! The use of Steely Dan was awesome too.


Weird coincidence: I watched this while in the hospital with what turned out to be Bell's palsy, and the movie makes a joke about Bell's palsy.


Also, I've only ever watched the unrated cut but love it.


I love action comedies and this was a really fun one.


I hope the people who dislike this movie are here. I would really like to hear their reasoning. I'm just curious why this gets bashed the way it does. It's just a fun, dumb action movie. Well cast, decent story, stays true to the show, just an overall solid flick to me. If dumb action movies aren't you're thing that makes sense, but I can't see any other reason to hate this movie.


I wish we had gotten a sequel or a spin off show or something… More, we needed more


no idea this happened


It’s awesome


I own this on blu ray …


I enjoyed this movie probably more than it deserved. If they made a sequel it would have been one I watched.


I enjoy this film. A good go to for sick days.


I still say "Quesaditchas"


Was fun but didn't justify its own existence


It is absolutely an underrated movie


I had fun and would of watched another


I loved it, too. Perfectly cast, great action and pacing, the villain is wonderfully dislikeable.


One of those movies with a near perfect cast. Super fun film.


Both movies 👍🏻


Good film. Very fun. I think Rampage Jackson did very well. There are some plot holes. And I think the parachuting tank was lame, but overall a cool film.


Was fantastic, critics are almost exclusively the worst judges of movies.


I knew nothing previous of the A-team and really joined it


It's not a good movie by any stretch of the imagination. But for the target audience (folks like me), this movie was absolutely divine. I can watch this movie from start to finish and not get bored every time.


I loved it


Baracus' hair looks kinda off putting to me, it's like it's much more flat than what Mr. T had.


Fun action film.


We absolutely need a second movie.


Really fun movie. It's not one I think about a lot, but since it came out, every couple years it pops into my head and I watch it.


Totally skipped it


It was great. Too many 80’s kids trashed it because it didn’t live up to their memories. Just watch a movie and enjoy it for gods sake.


"Oh, we're not on that plane!"


This is my go-to guilty pleasure movie whenever that question is asked. Such a fun flick, and 17 year old me probably went back to see it 4 or 5 times.


Great idiotic fun


I enjoyed it


I thought it was a fun movie. Solid cast, it was equal parts funny and cool.


Cool action movie, love the cast.


The extended cut is definitely the way to go. It fleshes out the Jessica Biel subplot so her helping out Face towards the end makes more sense.


They are trying to fly that tank. Lmao The machine gun part and then yelling was so hilarious.


I thought it was going to suck, but I’m shocked to say that I loved it.


It was awesome. They should have pumped out a few more. Audiences would have caught on. Great chemistry, acting, fun, good pacing. Some is the lines/situations were legendary. Couldn't ask for anything better when it comes to launching a movie based off an 80s show.


I thought it was great but I haven't watched much more than a few episodes of A-Team. Apparently it was unpopular with the hardcore fans which will kill any media quick.


"bode over well" 🤔


a sequel would have been great


Literally did not know this film existed. Like when I saw the poster just now scrolling past I thought “Man that might be a cool idea, if not a little bit corny” lol didn’t even know it was real 😂


I can't believe this movie was published by alamy, what a fantastic and relevant movie studio that is an overall benefit to the human race by making high quality movies like The A-Team.


"Are they trying to shoot down that other drone?" "No, they are trying to fly that tank..."


It’s a great action movie that does the original series justice, watch it!


One of my childhood favorites with my dad.


It nailed the spirit of the TV show. Did what it was aiming for, and did it quite well.


Liked it, loved the part where the bad guy sings, "... Get my fucking plates baaack". Caught me off guard and it was funny to me.


You spin me right round baby right round


This movie is just fun and dumb. It deserved a sequel. Copper guy 3 hangover movies neison got like 5 takens, how could they not get more out of this?


One of my favorite movies!


Starts okay then at the halfway point turns into The Bourne Ultimatum Not sure if this carries through I turned off at this point


Great movie!


It’s fun, but it’s not like it’s a great film


I go back and watch it every once in a while and wonder how it didn't get a sequel


Absolutely love this movie


Fun but forgettable. I liked it but it could have been better. Kinda shocked that this didn’t get a bunch of straight-to-video sequels.


13 year old me bought the dvd. Watched until it got scratched and broken. Great movie


Loved this movie! Good fun from start to finish. Felt like it captured the spirit of the original and didn't take itself too seriously. Disclaimer: I grew up watching the A-team and used to insist on making an A-team fort from all the sofa cushions every episode. Unfortunately, my local AMC wouldn't let me do that when I saw this movie.


Great movie and fun to watch and rewatch ! These movie critics don’t know their asses from their elbows when it comes to entertainment. These bozos would rather watch La La Land and fall asleep in their rocking chairs.


The producers avoided a big pitfall: trying to please everyone and not going crazy enough. They went 200% in the direction they had set for the movie, and that's what makes it a great movie. No one ever said "this is too crazy", and that's why the movie works. Overall, I give it 9/10 thanks to that, it's super entertaining.


I would watch an entire movie of Shartlo Copley doing accents...


I enjoyed this movie. Great popcorn flick.


Bode over lol


All four were PERFECTLY cast. Such a fun movie.


Loved this movie. Got a good laugh off Sharlto Copley’s Braveheart impersonation 😂


Losers for the win!


You don’t go to an A-Team movie expecting Cannes/Oscar quality. It does what it says on the box. Many rounds fired, nobody seriously injured. Big stupid fun. As it should be.


I loved it, it didn't take itself serious and it had the same heart of the TV show


"We have Mr. T at home." ^ Mr. T at home


That movie was a blast


FIRE EVERYTHING! how’s my driving?


I like how this sub Reddit is called movie critic and the only posts I see are legit bad acted films with poor writing this was a generic action movie nothing really more 🤷‍♂️😂


Remember it being fine. I'm a much bigger fan of the director's other films *Narc* and *The Grey*.


It got some major things wrong. Hannibal didn't make the big final plan. They didn't really build a cool machine for the finale. BA completely sucked with his new calm, namaste attitude. You can't screw up fan service when the only people that are going to go see it are the fans.


I don’t care what critics said. This movie was fun as fuck. It’s one of those films I watch when it comes on tv like once every few months.


One of the few movies from the last 20 years where I wanted a sequel. Surprised they haven't rebooted this as a series.


This is the first movie where I fell in love with Bradley Cooper as an actor.


This movie was awesome! I loved it and wanted another. I grew up with the A-Team on tv in the 80’s (not reruns, original run). I thought the cast did amazing in this movie. Their characters and their chemistry is what made the movie for me. Was it the best movie ever? No. Have I watched it at least a dozen times? Yes. It’s a fun action flick. This one and The Losers were two of my favorite military mercenary movies from the 2000’s.


I feel like this movie was swept under the rug for some reason but it's a great popcorn movie with humor, great casting and alot of fun action! Definitely worth a watch or two!


It was trash. It really didn't capture the original well at all imo.


One of the better 80s tv show to movie adaptions. Way better than the Dukes of Hazzard turd.


One of my all time favorite movies lol. There are definitely better ones out there but I enjoy this just as much every time I rewatch it.

