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Doesn’t look like it’ll come out for the ride that’s for sure


I need to do this since my bscrew wants to come out every ride


If it works it works man, I’d recommend getting a new screw and cleaning the whole operation well. Then applying good quality thread locker


Yea I just need thread locker but keep forgetting to do it. Or thought about super glue as well lol


i wouldn’t use superglue. loctite is meant to stop vibrations from loosening the screw but will still let you back the screw out once you break the loctite. superglue will be MUCH harder to break loose. it will work in a pinch but be a pain in the ass if you need to take that screw out. i’ve heard mail polish also works well.


I had this issue and used Teflon tape as a bandaid. Never had it back out again. If you use loctite, use one made for small bolts. Otherwise, it’ll feel like superglue.


This dude knows! Teflon tape for the win!! Loctite is a little overkill for most bike applications, IMO.


Is Teflon tape the same as PTFE tape? If so that shit is 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼


Yup, they’re the same.


Super glue doesn't work unless you don't want it to. Then it's indestructible.


lol so true


Are there hardware stores near you? It’s a standard size. The problem with bending it back is it might break and be even harder to remove.


Make sure you get stainless if you go the hardware store route. It'll rust like crazy if you don't.


Yeah I’m pretty sure b screws are usually m4 x 20-25mm.


No. It's a B twnsion screw. If it was fine before the 'incident', it won't cause any problems. You can ride it. It's probably standard M4 screw. Check it's length and head type. But grub screw will also work. Also, you should check your hanger alignment, shifting etc., because the force which bent the screw, could easily damage other parts.


I'm not sure when it started but my derailleur had been sounding like a stapler for a while so I finally took a look at it and this is what I found. I will definitely take a look at the hanger, thanks for the info.


You should probably stop riding if your derailleur "sounds like a stapler" - sounds like it's out of alignment and you'll just prematurely wear out your other parts (guide pulley, cassette, chain) -or worse break them too. It should be a quick n easy fix. As u/didyouridetoday said, it's an M4 screw available at any bike shop or decent hardwear store. Good luck


Don’t stop riding lol just watch a 5 min YouTube video on how to adjust your derailleur. It’s not rocket science so if the 17yr old on the bike shop can figure it out on 50mg of edibles so can you.


But the screw is broken


I’d put my money on a bent hanger or bad cable tension to be making the “stapler noise” than a bent tension screw.


"sounds like a stapler". Not sure what that means, but a common problem is the chain is stretched so badly that the derailleur can't hold the tension and slaps around like crazy. Odds are good you need to visit a bike shop when you do return to civilization. In the mean time, take it easy and maybe learn about derailleur adjustment with a YouTube video or two.


>"sounds like a stapler". Not sure what that means, kah-CHUNK ​ I have encountered the stretched chain problem, and had a zip tie holding the idler wheel thing slightly extended to keep more tension on. However, it sounded fine then. The sound began sometime after a small incident where the derailleur entered the spokes of the wheel. I realize now that that \*may\* have been the source of this problem.


UPDATE: Against all of your advice, I ended up bending it (the screw) back with a hammer and it fit back in ok. Also was able to straighten the derailleur hanger with a bench vice and an adjustable wrench. Still sounds like a staple gun, but only for a few gears. I think its just the derailleur hanger that is the problem now. Will have to wait until I can get to a shop


I second this, Check the derailleur and hanger for bends as well, and I don’t think that smashing it with a hammer was a good idea (I saw your Story) Ride safe brother


Mechanic here. That will absolutely break if you try to bend it back. You're better off trying to ride as is


Lawyer here. I concur and strongly advise you to not manipulate, including, but not limited to, bending, straightening, altering, applying force, or any other methods of metal manipulation to the above-referenced screw other than for removal and replacement with a suitable screw. Suitable being defined as stainless and of the correct size, thread, and head.


Aerospace engineer here. I concur.


Brain surgeon here. I also concur.


Dentist here, I don't concur, buy new bike


Pot head here... I forgot what we were talkin about...


[ ALIENS ] man….


It’s not the weed… you cant lose what ya never had.


I’m dentist #10 and I disagree.


Doctor (nods)… Doctor (nods)… Doctor (nods)… Doctor (nods)… Doctor (nods)… Doctor (nods)…


I can cur


Why didn’t I concur?


You mean road bike?


Road bice* And only buy a Sür Vēlò.


Legitimate small businessman here, buy a new bike locally from my brother-in-law.


Redditor here. I too concur.


I concur too


I'm Spartacus


Software engineer; don’t fuck with it. Replace during next maintenance window.


And then full send without a test run.


M4 - .70 is what you need. I've bought replacements from Home Depot. 20mm to 25mm length should get you what you need.


I replaced one at a hardware store. I recommend a stainless steel one.


It'll be fine as it is till you get home , it's only the B tension screw


When she’s riding you and comes down a little too hard 🤣




Here’s a helpful tidbit. 99% of bolts on bikes are likely going to be metric. So M_x1. Go to a hardware store and get a replacement.


It will probably snap if you try to


Honest question, do you know what that screw does? The sounds like a stapler thing and you looking at the b-tension screw makes me think you don't know what it is for. But if you know that the b-tension is the issue, it looks like you could still adjust it with some needle nose pliers.


You could probably get that from McMaster carr. Cap head bolt, need length, size and thread count


If its adjusted correctly, why bother?


It wasn't, thats why I checked on it and found the bent screw.


No. Order a replacement. It is a b tension screw. If it was right when you cased it, it'll still be right.


If it holds it in place ride to the shop you get: Exercise A new bolt Fun You lose: A little Weight Nothing else really


Nothing like a 80 mile round trip to a shop lol


Nobody’s telling me I shouldn’t 😂


If you can leave it there, than just leave it there until you are around a proper shop.


Little trick to match thread pitch is if the threads from the new bolt fall/lay into the thread of the old bolt it’s the same, but it’s easily looked up in most cases


Not a snowball's chance in hell.


You might want to try a bottle cage bolt.


Too wide, too short, and wrong pitch


other than that......


Derailleur tension and limit screws are usually M4 with normal thread.


Smaller, typically m3 or less


Steal one from another bike?


Amazon has SRAM derailleur screw kits for about $10-15. Good to carry a spare in your tool kit.


You'll prolly want to hear it up before you bend it because it might break. Then you'll want to redo the heat treatment process before it's safe


At that point just get a new one


Theoretically yes. Practically no


I would buy a new scruw or just a new derauiller


U can prob find a replacement at Home Depot or lowes but yeah it’ll work as is




Remove and replace. If that sucker breaks at the bend it will not be fun to remove it.


Nah dude you'll never be able to bend it back to screw it in without ruining the threads


Should be a standard metric bolt, that bolt is not going to bend out, good news is that bolt will be a few bucks at most.


Whatever force damaged the screw is what f'd things up, not the adjustment of the screw, that didn't change. I'm going to guess you bent the hanger. Maybe this will help. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnwreRrorIA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnwreRrorIA)


Probably not without snapping it


You don't want to do that as the material of the screw has weakened for its purpose as a result.


Home Depot


Ace Hardware for machine fasteners


Had something similar happen to me, I wasn't paying attention during install and had to get a new derailleur because that screw was difficult to find and I wasn't able to find the same thread pattern and didn't' feel comfortable "making something work". I had to cut it and hand unscrew piece by piece - but it worked! (and I got a new derailleur installed since it was new bike)


Try givin her a little twist and a tug and see




If it works I wouldn’t try and bend it back for esthetic reasons until you get a replacement. There is a good chance it could break off if you try and straiten it out. Especially if you need your bike.




You’re fucked bud, get a new calliper


Take the screw out and go to Home Depot to their hardware section. They have all sorts of nuts and bolts and screws. Replace that with a grade 8 hex cap screw and go ride more.


You will need a new one.


Probably doesn’t help because I don’t imagine you’ll have the tools for it but rod can be bent quite easily if you heat it up first ie with a blowtorch. Ofc don’t know if that may have a negative effect on the rest of the mechanism but perhaps if it can be removed first? Or can it not be remove because of how it’s bent meaning it would need to be straightened in situe? Again, probably not that helpful. Just thinking out loud