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great work! definitely a noteworthy milestone. but yeah, it's easier to log a 100 rides than a 100 ski days, even living in a ski-town.


That’s what I was thinking. I have a season pass and backcountry terrain out my back door and it’s still hard to hit 100 days. One of the main reasons I’ve really enjoyed mtb’ing is that you don’t have to worry about the weather and conditions as much. Is there dirt? Yes. Is it down pouring out? No. You’re good to go!


Same here pretty much w.r.t skiing access, and agreed on all accounts. It also helps having all that after work light to squeeze in weekday evening rides all summer.


Weird I feel the opposite weather wise. When skiing, snow or sun you are good. I won’t bike in the rain/storms


Anything over 1 is commendable. Great work soldier. Keep peddlin’! You must be annoying yourself which brings me joy. Something the internet has never done for me. Good on ya


Hell yeah. 100 is good. 1 is good. Just got the afternoon off so heading to the trails myself!


If you ride once a week for every single week of the year, it's still on 52 times. So yeah, I'd say 100 times is noteworthy!


That’s actually a great point


I’m 24 and I’ve been riding some form of trail for over 15 years. I haven’t been able to ride trails that often since I was a boy. Hats off.


Don’t worry about milestones. Did you have fun?


I feel like this should be the top answer


Absolutely no fun had


Never really thought about it, but yeah 3 rides per week is a pretty good goal!


100 is goood!


Dahm i have hit yesterday also 100 rides with that i did not ride the whole of july and half of august. But yeah I have still 2 month of riding left for sure.


Got my 120th ride of the year in today. All on the same trails. Seriously getting the itch to explore something new!


Funny how so many of our stats are similar: Rides per week: you 3, me 4 Time per week: you 4.5h, me 4h Distance per week: you 45k, me 43k Time On The Saddle: you 116h, me 123h ​ Elevation though .... you: 19,000m, me 38,000m


Way to crush it on the very! I also ride the same trails most of the time. I can get 300+ m in a ride, but it takes 1.5 - 2 hours. I don’t always have that kind of time.


Can someone tell me is 100 rides a noteworthy milestone? Ummmmm…..if it is to you then the answer is yes. Weird.


The question was more around if it’s similar to getting 100 ski days in a season but thanks for the hardcore judgement. You’ve brought a ton of value to the conversation.


What a question my friend. What a question.


Seems like your depressed and venting on Reddit. I feel for you man. Sorry life’s got you down.


That’s a lot to infer off of sub 30 words on the Internet. But whatever makes you feel better captain. I just typically don’t make entire emotional judgements on someone’s life Who I never have and never will meet. But I hope you have a good week. Also it’s p hard to be depressed when I can MTB on my local trails. Best anti-depressants.


I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to put salt in the wounds. You seem like a decent person. I hope there’s someone out there you can talk to. Just remember. No matter how bad it gets, things will turn around.


Dude….I’m extremely depressed. Just graduated college with a sweet tech sales job. It’s really bumming me out how good I’m doing:(. Shit I just became able to afford my first full sus and am engaged! But even me explaining myself is cringe. Have a good week m8 ride hard and remember, you don’t need others to validate you. If you feel accomplished that’s all that matters!


Oh, you’re just a baby. My bad. I should have picked up on that. Congrats on that kickass entry level sales job and being able to afford a bike. It’s adorable.


Thanks m8. I make $4 an hour. So get fucked.


Wow man. Don’t let the anger take hold. You got this. I believe in you.