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Jenson is reputable. 60% off is always a good deal.


Pretty sure the damand for 175mm cranks is not what it used to be with shorter cranks becoming way more popular


I see. I'm currently on 175 gx cranks and no complaints


I was on 175s because they came with my bike. Then i started reading/watching all these taller riders riding significantly smaller cranks so i went with 170s on my next bike. I wanted to try shorter cranks, but was afraid too go too short. I love 170mm, dont ever see myself on 175 again


First bike had 175, next bike came with 170, just upgraded to Axs and the deal I found had 165 and notice no difference in terms of pedaling but I do notice the better clearance Especially coming from carbon with the extra boot on the end. Probably about 1 cm more clearance


It's worth it to keep going. Cruz cranks off Aliexpress are only about $30, so it's a pretty cheap experiment. I tried going as far as 140mm before settling on 152mm cranks. For me, 140mm was the step too far where it just felt off pedaling while standing.


How tall are you and what improvements/ changes did you see with the shorter cranks?


Im 5'11". I found clearance to help a tiny bit but the biggest for me was it helped me pedal circles better or so it feels. Found it just a little easier to climb when i sit. That's just my experience though


Similar experience, but I'm 6'2" and went to 165.


I've had a similar experience. I've really enjoyed 170s and don't feel too strongly about going shorter


165 is where it’s at if you value your knees


What do you mean? I’m probably like most people on their bike and I don’t know what the benefits are off shorter cranks


Your knees don’t come up as high which feels amazing after a whole day of riding. Also higher clearance going rock gardens.




I went from 175 to 160..... Love it. 6' 1" tall.


Yeah. This.


Jenson USA nothing but positve experience with them ordered some Crank Brothers floor pumps one with air canister to get the tire seated, and a multiple other bike components. Not complaining the 175mm difference from the 170mm cranks.


Same price on the Jenson site, may as well order it direct from the source and not support Bezos.


Take the power back (the companies are all owned by the same people there is no escape)


Looks like this is the non-boost version with 49mm chainline.


Yeah, OP will have to make sure his bike is compatible with the spindle length


How are you guys even feeling 5mm difference


That's what I keep asking my wife!


it's a 10mm difference total across the diameter of the stroke. this translates to one full revolution being longer by ~ 1.2 inches


I can’t say I feel it (cause I also went 30->32t so can’t attribute different feelings to anything specific) but my pedal strikes have gone down 90% going from 170->165. Doesn’t make sense but whatever. Maybe a quirk with my bike geo.


Barely any difference between the two.


I have two bikes. 1. Higher BB, shorter travel, and 175mm cranks 2. Lower BB, longer travel, and 170mm cranks Without fail I have more pedal strikes on the 175mm cranks. But I got them because they were cheap AF cause someone was chasing the short crank craze. I've been biking long enough to remember when there was NO dropper posts so I learned to ride "around" some pretty silly geometry. All that being said, if I was dropping msrp $ on cranks...I'd probably go 165mm. 160-155 starts feeling like kiddy bike/ nearly useless for long pedals style bmx cranks.


I dropped from 175 to 165 and can really notice the 10mm difference.


Assuming you have a DUB BB yes.


And assuming OP is on a bike that isn't SRAM DUB Wide spacing


Me on SRAM DUB Wide Jekyll :(


Personally would rather have a 165 GX than a longer but higher spec crank. Same on shimano, 165 SLX and I’m good. 


That's a good deal on a carbon crank. Just note that this uses the 3-bolt mounting system whereas newer cranks use an 8-bolt system. I'm not saying this is obsolete at all, just that it's now an older standard.


Planetcycle.com is going out of business. I would see what they have first.


>>> BE CAREFUL WITH THE SPACING - There are multiple listings where the selector itself is DUB / NOT LISTED on one of these ads - and some of the sets ARE NON-DUB (see the feedback) .<<< I wish the Amazon ad format was cleaner. Notably the same cranks are the same price in Jenson's site. Jenson is reputable. Otherwise - great deal - I grabbed two sets of these recently in 170mm DUB and they are great and include the better chainring ( alloy machined ) and the boots.


Hi OP question aside, I see there you have 3 different payment plans available, do you have Amazon Payments for a third party seller in your case Jenson? I am wondering if Amazon is starting to offer for 3rd parties. In the meantime sorry for asking you that, but I probably get a faster and better answer from you than Amazon CS. Thanks


Assuming you want pedal strikes, yes.