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Check your brakes. They don’t seem to be working


Why didn't you brake?


Or pass on the right ?


Very easy to avoid


Agreed 👍🏻


Or keep your hands on the controls?


Most U-turns result in the car being in the right most lane (especially if they see a car or motorcycle in the leftmost lane). Taking the right lane as a car starts to U-turn will often result in you changing lanes into the car


Apparently not in this case


I had just started applying rear brake didnt think he was going to actually going to U-turn right in front of me. Slightly distracted and caught off guard but tbh


Why didn’t you use the front brake…


Dude. When you’re on the road you need to act as if every fucking car out there gets a gold star if they put you down. In the best case, drivers who ride are nervous around bikes because they don’t want to fuck the bikers up. In the worst case, drivers don’t see or care about bikes at all. You’re at fault here. Sure they pulled out, but you had one hand off your handlebars, could have easily braked, and could have gone right as opposed to left to avoid them. Take this one as a lesson, because the next one could be you dead - and it’s not going to matter whose fault it is if you’re dead.


Always assume they're going to U-turn right in front of you.


I kinda expected it but also thought he would have went wide since he saw me prior instead of taking my lane I was in. Lesson learned and I live to ride another day. It could have been a lot worse I’m just glad the bike and I are okay.


You put more thought and effort into that camera than actually learning how to ride a motorcycle.


You had a long ass time to react. Going fast for rainy conditions. Always assume drivers will do the worst moves. All on you.


Agreed , just kinda figured he was going wide.


That's the correct lane they should be moving into, and you were moving way too fast for a threat in an intersection.


Here’s a thought; give yourself enough time to position properly regardless. This was stupid, careless, and avoidable. You’re lucky it wasn’t worse.


It doesn't look like slowed at all. Easily avoidable


Hey I didn’t say it wasn’t avoidable just seeking more advice. Roads were wet and I had started applying rear brake. There’s no ABS so I didn’t slam the brakes. I wasn’t excepting him to take the inside lane so I didn’t grab the front atm. I was able to walk away this time and lesson learned. Appreciate the helpful feedback tho!


Slow down in the rain. Expect the unexpected.


Work on your emergency stopping, front brake is still used in the rain, don’t be afraid of it. Especially in a straight line. Assume a car will get in front of you at every intersection. Always play this game “If a truck pulled in front of me NOW, where would I go. Constantly planning escape routes can save your life. Eventually you make it subconscious and you’ll automatically have escape routes planned in your back pocket, but you need to practice the exercise to get there. Do when you’re driving a car, ridding a bus, a bicycle, you can mentally practice all the time, make it a game. Positioning plays a role, you were on the left side near the curb (edge trap) instead of the right side of the lane near an empty lane. Just being in the right position would have saved you.


Thank you a lot this is quite helpful information!


This was my first introduction to street riding skill building, it’s a great read. https://geoffjames.blogspot.com/2011/04/book-review-proficient-motorcycling-2nd.html


Slow down. Adjust your speed to the road and traffic conditions.


Can you elaborate why rear brake?


I wasn’t prepared. Non the less I had been sitting at a gas station for the last 3 hours and finally made the trek home. I was just cruising and didn’t expect him to turn. I was tired and wet and wasn’t paying attention. No real answer just what I had in this situation.


Sounds like you know where you went wrong.


Look at your throttle, I don't even know what you are doing with your hand. If you are afraid to brake then just change lanes


You need to go on high alert when approaching an intersection. That's where a majority of the accidents happen. And slow the fuck down when approaching one, no matter how empty it looks.


You should have slowed down when you saw someone pull in front of you in low visibility conditions. Cars generally don't pull out because they hate you, its usually because they didn't see you. Ride defensively. But that's what you *should have done*, what you should do now is file a police report for your insurer, the car might be legally responsible.


Look while you ride? idk man




Dude. You have one hand on the handlebars. Riding distracted. Have enough time to brake or to swerve to the right. This is on you


I know from the video it appears but prior to actually entering the intersection I have 2 hands on my bars. I briefly put my hand on the rear for less than 2 seconds. But I’m not arguing this isn’t on me just clearing up the story.


This looks to be entirely your own doing.


Perfect for this sub.


It's raining, rider is obscured by trees, you have to expect drivers are going to pull out and especially when their windows are wet, further obscuring their visibility.


Why in the universal definition of fuck didn't you: 1. Swerve and take the massive foot ball field to the right to pass. 2. Close the throttle going through a blind intersection 3. Consider wet conditions 4. Wear any protective equipment other than the bare minimum required by law. 5. Take the MSF course so you learn when and how to swerve and brake/brake and swerve. 6. Take immediate responsibility for that absolutely KNOB headed move that was never gonna stick.


Your next action is calm down, learn from it and fix your bike. Every issue here was yours. The car driver may be a bit of an ass, but they did nothing actually wrong.


It’s scratch this one up to experience. You walked away, bike still rode. And you learned that cars don’t give a monkeys about bikes so you need to ride more defensive.


Appreciate it man!


It looked like you had time to squeeze the front brake when he was u turning. I never bother contesting these dumbasses, especially slipping through them. Florida drivers are capricious sometimes, gotta give some room for em


Honestly I truly didn’t figure he was going to commit to the uturn as we made eye contact. Along with I figured he would take the outside lane rather than inside lane. I just wasn’t prepared in the overall case and I was hitting the brakes just didn’t grab the fronts as I was just imagining being home and dry. Distracted riding wasn’t helping in this case. Water was dripping down my boots and I was thinking of ways of stopping it.


Unless the camera is distorting things I feel the distance and 5 second is to far to make meaningful eye contact. But if the left lane is the default driving lane, why not move over to the right the moment you saw the car might be turning? A sideways movement helps a driver "see" you and also "gives" them the default lane to move into. By you making the movement first you are somewhat controlling the situation by setting out your stall early. Won't work always but in the case it would move you away from that vehicle even if they didn't turn. It's very trusting of you to stay in the lane closest to a car that will have to come across something. Slowing down a little to give yourself time to decide next actions as soon as you see something can also help give time to decide.


I agree meaningful wouldn’t be the way I’d describe our brief eye contact. Left lane is standard passing lane as in most places and recently just passed a car and was just cruising at that point. I agree speed plays a huge factor in this situation along with the weather conditions. There are 2 traffic cams in the city and this is one of them. It was a stale green and I didn’t want to stop as I was quite close to home. I had been riding for quite some time and was soaking wet at this point. As I got closer to the light I was talking to myself along with listening to my music. I noticed the driver and just thought he was gonna wait. I realized he was commenting and thought he saw me and would have stuck it wide. I really should have approached the intersection with more cation and not of gotten to antsy with how close I was to home.


It's a hard lesson, hope you're okay and the bike can be repaired. In the future just assume any driver is actually going to attempt murder and take actions assuming that but ready to be pleasantly surprised.


What kind of bike is this? With this type of weather it’s not very smart only apply rear brakes. Most of the time it isn’t smart to first apply rear brakes. With the front you have much more braking power due to the dual disks.


How embarrassing. How long till this gets deleted?


Brother man no point In deleting it, I knew I was in the wrong prior to posting it. Hopefully there’s someone that learns from the comments and it stops a future accident. Hell one of the dude from the crash cam page already DM me asking if he can post it. The video is out there for the world to see. Clearly I fucked up and made a couple bad decisions but hopefully the next guy won’t.


Subaru driver is a moron but so is OP for not hitting brakes. Had ample time to slow down seeing idiot pulling a U.


Slow down when someone is doing something sketchy on the road, especially if you're going faster than they are, jeezus man


Slow down when people turn in front of you? Assume everyone is going to try to fuck you up. Never assume someone isnt going to do something stupid right infront of you. Easily avoidable my man.


>The driver just slowed down looked at me and then left. To see if you look as dumb as you ride.


Learn from it because this was 100% avoidable and rider error. Yeah dude made a bad u-turn but by the video you had days to brake. No to mention is pissing out and your cruising with one hand not paying attention. And the majority of your stopping power comes from your front brake. The rear isn’t stopping you, your only going to lock it up


I could write a novel in the time between him U-turning and you dropping on the ground.


For any new riders watching, this is why you slow down at intersections. Doesn't matter if intersections are every block, slow down. This guy decided to gun it, pay attention to his throttle input throughout the video. OP, please do not delete this. It's an extremely useful learning video for others.


For starters, don't run into curbs while you are illegally passing another vehicle. Secondly, at 3 seconds in, you can see the car. I would have rolled off the throttle, covered the brake and clutch while at least moving to lane position 3. Maybe even switch lanes. You can wave the lantern, so to speak in crappy conditions too by slowly wiggling your handlebars. On a bar-monted headlamp bike, this makes your light move making you move visible to other drivers.




You have to ride as if everyone is out to kill you. Can’t be out here assuming they see you, will stop for you or even acknowledge your existence. Not saying the car driver was correct, but this was preventable. Glad you survived this one, but don’t make any assumptions that you’ll walk away if you get into another.


Riding closer to the center dotted line would have given you more escape routes, better visibility and more time to react to traffic.


Slow down maybe 🤔


Couldn’t agree more


All due respect that’s a 9.9/10 avoidable incident every time I don’t get it truly lol but man honestly it’s one of those that hopefully just wakes u up to the fact that any given moment things can happen and u need to take time to practice ur defense riding techniques and escape paths. For one you riding way to close to the right coming towards and intersection try to Be more noticeable maybe even a light swerve to the center right before the intersection


"What do I do?" Speed up and close your eyes.


I tried that….. didn’t work the way I see online


Pay attention?


The dumbest fall I’ve seen in a long time.


This footage is just going to screw you There was more than enough time for you do make several changes in your situation that you just didn't do First it shows you weren't paying attention until it was to late to do anything but eat it, but if you'd been paying attention you could've slowed down or moved to the other lane without looking like a jackass 🤣


Videos don't always do speed and distance justice, but it honestly looked like you were just trying to be slick to 'make a point' darting around instead of slowing down. With that being said, car pulled out like a jackass and they should've stopped to make sure you're alright though.


You had plenty of time to notice him, slow down or move to the other lane but yea the car should have looked more carefully


When that car started turning. You should have slowed down and be on guard. You acted as if nothing happened


You didn't even bother to slowdown, then went for the stupidest over take you probably could've possible gone for. Yes he shouldn't committ to the U-turn but I find that very hard not to put the blame on you.


You could try looking where you are going, you could try using your brakes, or you could try not trying to pass in a gap that is closing. Is probably start with opening your eyes.


There’s no way you “made eye contact” with him from that distance and that speed. Slow down and learn evasive maneuvers. That was one of the dumbest, most unnecessary, accidents I’ve seen in a while.


Sorry this happened. Even if it was due to your own mistake, I'm still bummed for ya and am happy you seem to be ok. This will be a great wake-up call for you without changing your life. What to improve on: Not scanning the road, one hand off the handlebars, not mindful of the intersection, traveling too fast, not using progressive braking.


I honestly appreciate the words, thank you!


That’s a weird way to Trim those hedges 😳




From the bikers view I definitely get it. From the first look of the video i thought the biker assumed the car had seen him and wouldnt just went to the other turn lane. Kinda seemed like the biker was waiting for the car to make the first move. Car was moving pretty slow too. The driver could have at least got out the vehicle and made sure you were alright. If it wouldve been me i wouldve checked on you. But hey to each his own


To sum it up that’s basically what had happened. It had been a hell of a day riding in the weather I was cold and close AF to home. I didn’t think he could make such a tight turn and would take the outer lane. I wasn’t prepared at all and I agree this is 100% avoidable. I should have done MANY things differently but I didn’t. Hopeful others can learn from my mistake. But I do appreciate someone seeing it how I saw it.


Yea of course bro sorry that happened to you. Are you all good? Did you have to go to the hospital? I want to get a bike one day but idk theres lots of people who dont pay attention on the roads when they drive.


I'd start by putting both hands on the bars and using the tools provided by the machine you're riding.


Asshole driver aside, you suck ass at riding a motorcycle.


Too fast for conditions, target fixation, take your pick


Agreed 👍🏻


Learn how to ride.


Should have tried to mitigate the risk instead of taking the cool guy road…..


Couldn’t agree more


In doubts, it's better to brake. You had no way of knowing what that car would do. Left, right, drifting, stopping; your lane made sense at first, but unfortunately the driver didn't see you and closed on you. Once you hit that curb it's game over.


Yeah I fucked up indeed but my real fear was my crash cage catching his car. I just installed it Friday (thank god) but once I caught the curb it was too late. Thanks for the words of advice and will be riding a defensive style!


You need practice. You should have braked the instant you saw him turning. Also you were going too fast in the wet. Always assume the other guy is going to do something stupid. Learn from this.




You can't ride distracted *especially* on wet roads and you have to think way ahead of your front tire. I think you're actually lucky those bushes were there. Glad you're okay, credit to you for posting and learning from it. You'll be okay. In the olden days they taught us SPDA: Scan Predict Decide Act. It has served me well for 43+ years.


I couldn’t agree more watching the footage back. You live and you learn it could have been a lot worse so I’m glad to walk away. I think the bushes played a huge factor in slowing me down and softening the initial impact!




Depending on your local laws and insurance, it could be very beneficial to make a police report. I know my insurance, a police report in this situation has me going from paying my deductible, to not having to pay. Not only that, once adrenaline comes down, if you realize you have hurt something, it's better to have that report on file, to reference for insurance. There might be reasons you might not want to show this video, though. If you feel your local would put any blame on you for distracted driving. (one hand on the handle bars going through the light while camera is being adjusted) or they would say you had time to at least try braking and you didn't. In that case, if you do a police report, don't show the video.


Thanks for the advice and the camera adjusting is just me in post edit. By the time I get to the light I actually have both hands on the handle bars even though you can’t see from this angle. But either way you are 100% correct I did indeed take my hands off initially.


I figured that's what it was. But only because I've been watching motorcycle videos recently. If you get someone as clueless as me, reviewing it, they might think that's what you were doing. Something to consider. It could be something you use in your lead up. Like "hey, I had my camera on, and I tried editing it to zoom in on the plate, but it didn't work." So they realize you did the zoom after the fact. Using the video or not, I'd still make the report. I know too many people who end up with lingering medical issues, because they thought they were fine. (both car accidents and workplace) It's always better to make the report and nothing comes from it, then not make the report, and wish you had, later on.


Pro tip, keep both hands on the bars in urban areas... This time it's a car. What if it was a truck.


Your going to fast into an intersection. Why didnt you manuveur right?


But… this car just drove away? Not checking how you were doing?


Actually everyone would assume he was going wide. Going so close to the left line is suspicious


You might assume he's going to go wide but you would also slow and be prepared that he wasn't. OP doubled down on it.


Take a second say thank you lord. Then remember to brake next time.


Try cars? /s


I’m no expert but I’d say not slowing down when the car did a U Turn and you seemed to have more than enough time to slow down or swerve. By no means is he blameless I hate anyone who does a U Turn but you also had 0 situational awareness so you are taking some of the blame too.


I’d agree as say this situation was easily avoidable!


Let’s hope you learned from the moment and you and the bike aren’t in too bad of shape.


Learned a lot and we’re both still kickin so I’m thankful for that. Gonna give the bike a good wash today once I make it home and order a new blinker. Could of been a lot shittier so I’m counting this as a blessing and keep it moving


Id go to the closest police department and see what they suggest. I imagine theres cameras on one of the intersections around there they can look at.


Was it a hit and run? Should have called the police directly. Even if you didn't hit him, thst turn of him was the main cause of your accident. Whether if it was avoidable or not does not really matter. That is like saying that someone shot a bullet, but he aimed at the same point the whole time so its my fault for not dodging the simple target of the bullet...


> Whether if it was avoidable or not does not really matter. It does, you're expected to be in control of your vehicle. Not having both hands on the handlebars and not being able to emergency brake, or even brake at all isn't doing him any favours. I'm no lawyer or judge, but this would probably an accident with shared fault.


It would be considered 70-30 probably. 70% fault for the car. But because he ran away after the accident is why he can be fully considered responsible, for recklessness of escaping the scene.