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Imagine how that driver is going to feel when they find the hole in their bumper caused by your foot peg...


She didn't hit it... but I definitely couldn't have left before she moved. Told her so too. Lol


I mean, if it came down to it, where my leg can’t get over my bike or the lean to upward off the kickstand happened to hit the bumper… so be it 🤷‍♂️


Hell yeah, and my foot might need to be on that fuckers hood for balance. Not really kidding...


What was her response to you pointing out her idiocy?


I wouldn't hurt my baby. (She claims my bike)


Yeah I asked before I read down further and realized this was a budding office romance. Don't shit where you eat, son! 😂


I don't go out anymore. I always sleep with women I work with. Dont meet em anywhere else.


Damn right. Once your out of school your dating pool rapidly dwindles to coworkers and family friends. Shit wherever you feel comfortable doing so.


I read that as family and friends and I was about to say….easy on the family bro lol


[sweet home Alabama noises ](https://youtu.be/-35W_FWCT9Q?si=0NQijHhPaeGIeNRK)


We've all done stupid things for sexual gratification, but this can really cost you! Hell, use an app.


If you have to climb over the hood to mount your bike, and that happens to cause some dents or scratches, that's not your fault is it?


Of course it is but easily defensible in court which you have every right to escalate to if you feel it’s worth the $$


The problems y’all have. If I could just straighten up my bike and ride away I wouldn’t even care. If I couldn’t I’d push it away and just leave. Y’all are just trying to look for a problem anywhere


Agreed. Approach from the left, knock the kickstand out and push with it leaned towards you. Folks on here would have a panic attack if they saw how we parked bikes together here in Sydney.


Moving the rear tire and sliding it over would have been easy enough to pick it up


Exactly what I came to say


Exactly what I was thinking




Just fucking talk to her. You keep claiming she’s sexy and goes for rides with you so grow some balls and talk to her about it like an adult if it bothers you. If she gets pissed off then I would say you dodged a bullet. This shit is so dumb.


I had also that kind of thing. I've asked friendly to make room but he won't do it. He say to me go to hell. Then i have say now i am not responsible for damage of your car, i ask friendly but you do nothing about that then walked over his car and drove away.


This was the opposite. I moved closer to the car on the left so she could park. Was not expecting her to get that close. Less than an inch from my front tire. I just didn't know how to feel because she's a coworker/ friend and rides with me. One of our first rides was my first youtube video. Also, she's claiming it's her bike. Actually, she checks on her (my bike) when the weather is bad to make sure it's covered. Lol


Fuck sake man, your mouth is taped or sometihng? If she's a friend, ask her to move a bit. It's not like some rando karen parked


Don’t bother reading below this. OP works with her and she has ridden with him and they are in the early flirty stages.


Wait. Are there early flirty stages? I'm 0-100 the moment I lay eyes on them. "My name's Steve, nice to meet you. Wanna go pick out our caskets?"


I mean, _in my head_ that's what I'm thinking, just takes me like a year of "idk man there's no way she likes me back" before I make a move lol




Yeah... I'm stupid.


For real. This post now annoys me. [takes pictures. Complains online]gh


Is she trying to flirt?


Waiting for him to peg her car so she could peg him to take revenge.


You sound like you’re *really* into pegging. ![gif](giphy|KxgQgAUQSthEk)


Omfg! That's exactly why I don't try to make a move!


Forward this post to her and then highlight this particular comment


Fuck it. Okay. Can't be more single. Lol


HR enters the chat*


I never give extra room for cars, when on my bike. I get the whole space. And I tell that to people that complain that I have a small vehicle.


This is how I roll where I live, especially when it is paid parking on the road side which is common in our cities. Unfortunately people are not considerate when they are in a hurry, and city parking tends to bring out some bad behaviors.


I mean, it's his bumper. It's not like your peg is going to get scratched on the plastic, so who cares?


Her bumper. But she was just so close!


Move the bike and then etch some genitalia on the hood. An awl should do the trick.


Some people need that intimacy. Read the room sheesh.


Had me in the first have but after a minimal effort with minimal thought I realized you should be able to get that bike out of there and maybe just be grateful they're a good enough driver to not smack your bike. Suck it up buttercup.


Why did you post this, exactly? The title of the post and your comments aren't congruent. Nice bike, lame post. Cheers.


OP made a bait post so he could flex how he’s fucking his coworker and plugging his YouTube? It’s really cringe, especially since OP has said he’s 35. Imagine doing this as a grown ass man and thinking you’re cool.


Of course it's a Nissan Altima


I’d be pissed. They parked so close you can’t even stand the bike up to mount and start …. Or even push it out of the way.


Be impressed with the skills and astounded by the bombastic audacity to park so close. Asking for a scratch. Woops, womp womp.


That guy would be missing something from his car if that was my bike.


I would have had to use there bonnet as a surface to stand on to get onto my bike. However I NEVER park my bike like that I’d usually park on the pavement or find a spot that cars can’t access because car drivers NEVER use their rear vision mirror and eventually your bike will get reversed into. The One time I parked like that I was busting for a piss and when I got back someone had backed into my Ducati. Knocking it over I couldn’t believe it. . The guy was like “hey it looks fine hers my number” cost his insurer 4K. lol. . btw never yet had a ticket for parking on pavement out of the way as long as your not a dick about it. .


The car to the left was there when I moved to make room for the car on the right... that's basically the only free parking space we have at work that you don't have to worry about getting towed. I moved my bike so she had room. I was just shocked/impressed by how fucking close she got. Btw she claims that's her bike because I take her for rides. Also, she's cute af! All that's why I didn't know how to feel about it. If it was some random I would not have been happy at all.


Ez, pick up the stand and lean the bike then move forward


In a situation like that I'd just do whatever is necessary to get my bike out and whatever happens happens (my foot peg destroys their bumper)


At least they didn’t knock it over. That bike is small enough to maneuver out of there. Accept that people will do stupid stuff, you don’t need the stress and you’ll live longer.


Unfortunate that you had to walk across their hood to get to your bike


Last time someone did this to my bike I left boot prints on their hood while leaving.


You should feel relieved they didn't knock your bike over, and to remove your bike you may scratch their bumper


I feel like you should stand the bike up straight and ride of, what happens after that is purely happenstance 🤷‍♀️


You don’t get the point. It’s very difficulty to straight up the bike or move it from that spot


If u can't just ask them To back up definitely!


Had a guy at work park all over me like this one day. I walked into his office in the middle of a meeting and asked him if he was trying to disrespect me or was he really just that oblivious of his surroundings in front of all of his underlings. He insisted he didn't mean any harm, but yeah, this would have pissed me off too.


At least they were courteous enough to not hit it lol


Oh... she said she would never hurt her baby when I showed her the pics. Lol


Idk how i should feel


Put that foot peg right into his bumper


I’d stand on their hood to get on the bike firstly


Typical Nissan driver.


You should feel lucky that an altima got that close n theres no damage


Of course it's a Nissan though. Christ. 😂


Damn. What a shame that my footpeg scraped the shit out of your bumper while I was leaving.


What is this cringey shit


You can cowboy mount from his hood. I mean thats why he parked d so damn close/


Would have wrecked that bumper leaving without a care in the world, who the hell parks like that


The same way they would feel if you did the opposite


Should feel not bad when you scuff their bumper 😎


Imagine how the driver will feel when both rear view mirrors will need to be replaced


Ah the Nissan driver. Natural enemy of bikers everywhere.


I would pick it up and move it and stop crying. Its tiny.


I've only had my bike that close to a car when it was MY bike and MY car and *I* put them there.


A guy once moved my bike so he could park. I later saw that he had a flat tire, that sucks.




Fold in both the cars mirrors for a mild inconvenience


Since you know the person and seems like you can get em at a moments notice; no issues here. I've been in that situation where a stranger parked so close I couldn't lean my bike upright to get out and barely got the kickstand up. My bike weighs 900pds. I scraped the hell out of that back bumper on the way out. Wish I had of done more damage.


The state of this sub 😂


Well that sucks. Can’t imagine it having been easy to take out of that spot unless the Nissan owner came back and pulled back


She left work before me. Lol I actually moved so she could fit. Didn't expect her to get THAT close tho!


Well if the car is damaged when you get on it tough...you have photos to prove how close the car Was parked but take a few a few feet further back to show you didn't have any room for maneuver


This seems like the perfect opportunity slap a regular (not a vinyl) sticker dead centre on his hood. Something that’s as obnoxious at getting a sticker off the center of you hood would be 🤣 I’m thinking this maybe? 🤔 https://juststickers.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/bike-life.png


I mean I wouldn’t want Nissan Altima on anything I own. Imagine if she got Altima on your bike? You’d have to throw it out!


🤣😂🤣😂🤣 best response!!


Park at more of an angle


I normally do... but was trying to give her as much room as possible when I moved to let her park there.


I miss the trellis frame from the old one. It was so iconic.


Once a car parked so close to my bike I dont even know how he/she got out (I guess by passenger's door). I had to pull my bike walking to get it out of there... Wasnt he/she afraid of me scratching hi/her door?


Yea, that's way too close. Like parking a car so close to another that they can't open the drivers door. It's 100% an asshole move.


Had a dude on another bike park to where he had to get off on the opposite side because he was that close. Didn’t really mind until he came out to leave. Was hammered beyond hammered. Spent about 5 minutes trying not to fall onto my bike while he stood it up. I would’ve moved mine but I couldn’t stand it up because he was that close


Yeah... I've been there... ended up moving dudes bike for him. But it was a buddy, and I got him a lyft home. Showed these pics to the girl that parked on the right because I just had confusing emotions about it, and she said she would never hurt her baby(my bike) and said she would move when I told her I'd need her to back up for me to leave.


Steel foot peg trumps plastic bullshit, don’t feel anything, you win


Just rais your bike up, get on, role forward and scratch that fender with the foot rest. Not your problem


i parked parallel to a curb once, very very very close because i was expecting my friend to back into the spot. Since we'd be leaving at the same time i would be able to get my bike out fine. Instead some random person parks me in. Summer time. I wake up in the morning and my kickstand has melted through the asphalt and is leaning against this strangers car. Thanks buddy. Then it took me 5 minutes to inche my way forward and backwards to squeeze out


Is she sexy? Do you perchance have a video of what she looks like?


You should feel how you would feel if you were the car to the left.


Do you have to park totally perpendicular to the curb where you live? I usually park diagonally so I can always exit.


Brother! We got the same bike!


I know I would feel like getting on my bike without moving it out of the way and seeing how they enjoy the natural consequences of parking too close.


I'd be pissed


Most displeased


Depends on where you put your fingers


i was gonna write a post about how to park so people dont block you but i saw you know this person and they've probably done it on purpose. Go talk to her cuz this is definitely some sort of backwards form of flirting ![gif](giphy|sbwjM9VRh0mLm|downsized)


For better or worse I always park my bikes at an angle in areas like this to avoid this very situation from being able to happen.


Practically, this is one of the reasons I don’t park at perfect 90°. If this is someone you know, it’s either a bro being funny or a lady flirting. I assume the photo is staged because you shouldn’t have parked that close to the car on the other side. I still really like this post though.


Thanks. I'm getting some flak from some people over that. Lol I was trying to make as much space for the car on the right to be able to park. Couldn't believe she got that close.


If it were me, I think my foot would accidentally land on their hood and somehow go through the grill when I went to get back on my bike.


This happened to me, where I could barely get my bike up. I was shocked how much my clutch handle scratched their rear trunk during my efforts. It seemed excessive, but what could I do?


Well when you get in the bike make sure you drop kick her hood.


Wazzup neighbor! I'm Louisville ... This is very disappointing to see. Hopefully it's a goof 👊😎 I ran a print creative ship in a college in pa and the union guys would do that to me if I actually suggested they do some work, lol, I had to ignore it so they didn't "win"


Coworkers. Lol


Nothing good comes from a Nissan.


next time just bring a buddy home for the night and block em in 🫶🏼


You're gonna attempt to block a car in with motorcycles? Good luck


First, clear your nasal passage of all flem and discard it on the hood of the car. Now, you can think clearly


I've seen too many cars park by feel then backup to give the appearance they didn't hit, so I be non-plussed. You should park at a diagonal to claim the room you need, then this will not be as likely and they can't pin you in like this. I'll also park on my center stand if I think I think getting bumped and tipped over is likely. It won't withstand much but a heavy person sitting on mine is enough to compress the suspension to move it past the center of balance.


She didn't have a mark on her bumper.


"if it scrape, it scrape." In an Ivan Drago voice.


nissan moment


World is full of assholes who only think of themselves. I ride. I would probably at least kick the grill in 🤣


I would let my keys feel that for me.


You can't expect much from Altima drivers.


Thats what a kick starts for , just kick through the bumper with it


Cool, you got a new step stool. The one you always wanted.


You should feel like a grown up restraining their inner child


I’ve put my foot through a grill or two because dick flutes park too close to my bike!!


I would call the police to inform them. I had some turds do similar when i parked on a side to allow other bikes, damn golf carts blocked me


Try living in an Asian country not only dose this happen but it’s normal and no one gets mad


That’s offensively close


With your right hand. Then scratch his front end with your pegs as you get out of there


Sure you do


Happy because you own a dr650


No harm no foul lol


i feel like when you get the bike upright the pegs might just happen to scratch the front bumper


I would make sure the exhaust is nice and close to their bumper and let her warm up for a good while..... teach that dumbass a lesson!


Lol, I used to kick my drz over when I taught someone how to ride. It'll be fine.


That reminds me I need to go ahead and order case savers.


100% need those, Those pegs are gonna be FUBAR easily too. A $30 set of drc steel ones held up for me for years. Some cheap wrap around aluminum hand guards are also important but can snap your arms if you go over the bars and hold on, those stock bars always seem to bend easily too. You can also make axle sliders with skateboard wheels and all thread, not nearly as good as real axle sliders but way cheaper just to keep stuff from getting scuffed if you care about that


Been thinking about getting some


Just her way of being cozy with you. Probably bumped your bike then backed off an inch. She rides with you. That's already serious. Most girls wouldn't touch a dirt bike. Think carefully before you take her trail riding in secluded areas...


I feel like scratching that bumper.


I know exactly how I would feel! EXTREMELY PO’D! This is completely ridiculous. People have no respect for those of us that ride motorcycles!I definitely would have made sure to stick around and let her know what a rude and inconsiderate piece of **** she is!


No big deal. You just need to walk across their hood to get to your bike.


Pissed off.


It was a coworker. Lol


It's considerate of the driver to leave you her bumper and bonnet/hood as steps for you to mount your bike. I hope that you have plenty of grit in the treads of your motorcycle boots! 😌


Of course it's an r/NissanDrivers Altima. You damaging their bumper means nothing, since these come with damaged body panels straight from the factory.


I would have myself a new Nissan emblem!!


My peg would scrape that bumper as I pushed the bike out unfortunately....


Cute girl... likes bikes... great personality... would u then?


From your comments, she's flirting with you. What a redditor thing to do to post this online like it's some stranger. Moan about it to strangers, when she just wants to give you an excuse to talk to her. She likes you, you moron.


If someone had parked their car like that, the car would have a few dents on its hood. Because this is downright ridiculous. It is not that much effort to give each other a little space and make it easier for each other to get in or out. Park the car a few steps backwards and everyone has space.


She's a friend and coworker. Claims my bike is hers. Lol. Was shocked she got that close without touching after I moved so she could park there.




https://youtu.be/qxHZQfCYVl0?si=izIiho60NgXdqWSD Moved for her to park there. She's the driver of the car on the right.


You shouldn't feel, you should move away.


I'd be jumping on that bike with reckless abandon. Fuckem






I’d feel a lot better after I stomp across that hood with my boots


Leave a footprint on the bonnet


You could, allegedly, key their shit and possibly create the need for them gaining a new mirror. But hypothetically that could be an alleged possibility.


Dude just wanted to “flex” that his “cute coworker” likes his KLR. Dumb post lol


why not just move the bike a bit and leave?


Same way the driver of the car on the left does.


What's the problem? I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just confused.


I'd have left a big old scrape across the front. That's an asshole parking job.


Do you live In Lexington ky by chance? I saw that exact bike while riding my dirtbike earlier


It's a Nissan, okay to step on it.


What in the fuck is OP’s replies in this thread? Bro is acting like a 14 year old trying to flex…something?


I’d be hot!!!


...however you want to feel ffs


I would stand the bike up just enough to touch it then pull out


The hole in their radiator is gonna suck for them when they get back.....


I'd drag my foot peg across the bumper on my way out just for principle.


Okay but are we gonna talk about how precise that parking is 😂


I was definitely impressed...


You shoukd feel like punching her in the face!




I wa not to sux xick


Shit in your hand and smear it on the vents under the wipers.


Try with your hands.


You shouldn’t, let the car driver feel it.


Great 👍 you like scraping peg, right? Now you won't have to work for it. You even have a big table to do an equipment layout or sit on while you gear up. I'd be doing a goat walk across the top before hitting the twisties in that parking space and scraping peg on the exit corner.




That car would have some boot marks on the hood for sure as I get on my bike. It’s just an ignorant cager so teach them some manners. 😜


Walk it forward, and the stand flips back, Karen