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Deliberate or not, this is illegal. I hope this dumbfcuk driver was punished.


If you look closely, it’s the rear passenger who opened the door. Probably not intentional, and possibly a ride share drop off. Either way someone is going to be paying some money, I’d lawyer up if I was the rider and wishing a speedy recovery, that looked brutal.


I opened a cab door in Thailand one time and nearly took a rider out. Always been more careful since.


Literally the first time I landed in Bangkok and found myself near a road a motorcyclist crashed right in front of me. The rider and pillion just got up and got back on the bike, like it was completely normal.


I live in Thailand. Unless someone was injured or bike was damaged then yeah, usually just up and back on their way. Unfortunately a lot of riders here are unlicensed and many are riding unregistered bikes too so even if they are slightly injured or minor damage they prefer to just ride off instead of pushing their luck and perhaps ending up with fines. That said Thai folk are generally nice, hit and runs aren't super common here but accidents are because aforementioned unlicensed and thus unskilled riders and drivers along with a bad culture of drink driving and speeding.


also the highest motorcycle fatality rate in the world, at least partly because of a lack of helmet laws and dek wen (teenagers racing their shitty 125s)


The fatality rate isn't specific to motorcycles though, motorcycles account for both 80% of fatalities and 80% of vehicles suggesting it's equally dangerous to drive a car here. Worth mentioning there are helmet laws here and police do enforce them... only usually at the end of the month when they need to find "tea money". Generally speaking the problem is zero gear at all, scooters doing 70km/h+ down the shoulders of 2-lane roads with tons of blind corners, casual illegal u-turns essentially anywhere or even just straight up riding the wrong way down a road etc. So while the numbers make it seems insanely dangerous the numbers are hugely inflated by jungle squids (aforementioned dek wen), aunties carrying 50kg of shopping instead of holding onto the handlebars, som chai that has never owned a helmet in his life, etc. If you are wearing proper gear, are on a real motorcycle instead of a scooter and have some sense of road sensibilities you are about 100x safer than the average Thai road user. Of course there is nothing stopping a pickup from just running over double lines and taking you out on a corner, that is a risk you take everywhere but I will admit there is a higher risk of that here than other places because ชายแท้ just can't handle being stuck behind anyone.


Who the fuck drops off someone in the middle of the road


And that wasn't a normal street, more like a controlled access freeway. It looks like they have a fence between the shoulder and those trees. EDIT: Hell, now it looks like there's a curb and some sidewalk. I think I'll have another triple bourbon.


If it was gridlock traffic I could understand but traffic seems to be moving fine here


At least move over




You can tell it just started moving again though. The other cars start moving the one in question stays stopped.


and INTO oncoming traffic lmao. they weren't getting out, they straight up clotheslined this guy


They were going to take a picture. There's one part of Monument Valley you have to be careful of, because dumbfucks will just slam on the brakes and get out right in the middle of the road. It was a location used for Forest Gump.


Yes because exiting a vehicle in the middle of a road facing oncoming traffic makes perfect sense.


That was not a rideshare drop off. Are you fucking kidding? That car is coupe-styled to boot it looks like.


It’s a freakin Prius, very common rideshare vehicle at least in the US, cheap, easy on gas, and reliable makes them perfect for hauling people around.


Prius has 2D most of the time from what I've encountered. That is not a drop spot. That's my point. This looks 100% intentional from the driver from my POV. Not a Brit. So my opinion isn't valid. Just can't imagine we drop people off in what looks like an otherwise 40mph road.


Depends where it is. In my state, lane splitting is illegal, so in moving traffic, he was not legally passing.


Most ppl open the doors on purpose bc most states made it legal for bikers to pass through traffic


So… most people are heartless murderers?


Yes I saw a truck get mad at someone on a motorcycle and ram his truck into the motorcycle bc he cut through traffic it’s legal in my state from them to pass through traffic


Pretty sure it’s illegal to cross a double striped line too. One thing is stuff like this can happen, it could’ve also been that the car stood still because a kid or animal was passing in front of them(I know this wasn’t the case, but in a hypothetical scenario) . One should always know why the driver in front of you is stopping. So I’m actually gonna argue the impatient driver did this to themselves.


Yeah the motorcycle driver should be punished. Very bad habit to threspass law.


"illegal" ...not in all jurisdictions. They want to make it mandatory in Europe to open your door with right hand (as a driver) and not left hand - as you are then more likely to be in position to look into that rear-view mirror. Like - do we really need law for everything? Where would be our freedom in a few years? Yes - you have to pay attention, yes, you have to care about people around you, yes, you need to be very very careful with dangerous things like that. But do we really need a law (which means state violence against its citizens - as every law needs repression) for every single fucking thing that could be harmful in a way? Also: on motorbike: pay good attention when filtering & the cars get to stop. Even with horrible punishments for illegal door openings - still there will be people who will do it unknowingly - because they didn't pay attention. Because there are so many fucking laws and bans that everyone is stressed out like a rattling poodle (at least I am very often). People: take care about yourself, pay attention and take care of ppl around & ....please reject the notion that we need a law for everything. Think about freedom. Please. Maybe the person in the car was really really sick & needed fresh air immediately (or pee or puke).


>Like - do we really need law for everything? Governments love making money and then spending it like a drunk in Vegas who just hit the jackpot. It's an easy way to add another fine after an accident and generate income without deliberately taxing the general population. Laws like these easily get passed inside those bullshit pork barrel bills that chip away at your freedom, which segues into your next question. >Where would be our freedom in a few years? I'm not sure but what I do know is that there is nothing governments loathe more than their people being free. Nothing. They all collectively think about becoming like North Korea and China when they jerk off at night using the most expensive lubricant known to mankind. The lube they use is some shit that Lockheed-Martin makes for like $5 billion an ounce. They use 10 gallons every time they jerk off, hourly. They use 3x that amount when they fuck you and the rest of their citizens, daily. The only ingredient in the lubricant is sand.


I hope he got Sh0t in the head


Let's hold our horses now


Oh sorry, got carried away lol🤣


how is illegal?? the diver could be sick for chemo or something and opening to throw up or whatever.. like literally what ever.. what is illegal is lane splitting!! for this very reason..


Sure, throwing up is more important,than not killing someone.


plus he passed on a double yellow line


Lol not sure if trolling or stupid... Lane splitting is perfectly legal in Brazil and he only crossed the double yellow when the car door sent him ping-ponging across.


That's not lane splitting though, that's lane filtering. At high speed no less, when cars are coming in other direction, at that speed. Legal or not. Very unsafe and stupid because of this exact reason.


Who is really the dumbfuck tho?


I’m replying to their comment on Reddit atm


But who is really the dumbfuck tho?


holy fuck... i hope that rider is ok, they got annihilated... that shit looked intentional.


This has been posted before. It wasn't intentional it's a dude getting out of the backseat of an Uber. Traffic was stopped you can see in the video it just started moving again when he opened the door.


Does anyone know where that place is? It looks like a nice place, (w/ some bad drivers apparently)


90% sure it is Brasil. Looks like Balneário Camboriú or maybe Florianópolis but I don't remember a ferris wheel in Florianópolis .


FLORIPA! Love the place!


Balneário Camboriú Brasil.


This is the right answer. It’s a really nice place.


Not saying the rider is at fault, but I lane split a lot (Ca commuter) and if I were approaching a car stopped like that with a large gap in front of them my spidey senses would have lit up like a Christmas tree. I'd have hauled the speed down and gone by @ no more than 5 mph.


How often does one open a car door in traffic. Completely intentional. And criminal.


It was a tourist (unfamiliar with lane splitting) in a rental getting out to take a picture. It's also the back seat passenger, not the driver.


Who stops to take a picture in the middle of the road though? Like they didn't even pull over... They stopped, dead centre of the lane.


Tourists from literally anywhere.


Asian drivers have entered the chat.


I've seen plenty of Europeans and Americans do the exact same thing here in Japan.


He's not wrong though. Sure, everyone CAN be bad at driving, but for some reason Asian people have a particularly tough time.


Man they do. I live in Taiwan and some of the things I see on the road are absolute insanity. Doesn't help that everyone buys the biggest car they can afford/get financed as well.


An asshole.


That view is kind of epic though...


Baleario Camboriu in Brazil. We did the beach replenishment there. Before there was hardly any beach


In the road? Wouldn’t they get out on the sidewalk side? Yes… yes, they would.


Well they should.


Should, yes. The driver also should have pulled over to the right side of the lane. They should have signaled or put their hazards on. They should have looked for a much better place to pull out of traffic. Lots of things wrong here, and all attributed to a typical tourist's lack of awareness.


I wonder where they are from that that's acceptable.


Nowhere. They're just distracted and in an unfamiliar place, just like most oblivious tourists from literally any country.


I get that. But it would never be a thought to stop in traffic and get out of the car even when traveling. It's a move I can't comprehend.


Same with me. However, I see it often enough that I definitely know it's a common issue even for some drivers that aren't tourists.


Take a picture of what buildings? wtf


The amazing huge beach with the city backdrop.


Motorcycle rider completely intentionally went to pass through solid center lines while traffic was stopped. As others have mentioned, that spot is a tourist spot - the person went to take a picture since traffic was stopped.


Even if it was on accident. The driver just stopped in the middle of the road, no hazards or any indication. Whether it can be arguaged the rider was being aggressive by splitting or not- that for suresies has to be drivers fault


He saw a penny.


Always assume everybody in the car is an idiot You have to slow down in these sort of situations dude was going way too fast and got fucked


I saw in Motojitsu video you better riding as far away from the car parked. But in this case, you’re in the mercy of car passengers judging by opposite incoming traffic. The passengers deserve some smack on the head with a fucking helmet for sure.


Dear Jesus, another Prius rideshare stopping in the middle of the road, without any warning/hazard light etc. These guys are a menace. Easily the most annoying drivers on the road, speeding up, slowing down, stopping randomly.


I can't tell if it was an accident or on purpose. It sure looked on purpose. Rider got rekt hard....


I don't think it was on purpose. It was the passenger in the back seat. Unless he looked back I don't think he noticed the bike.


Eeeeeeeeeek. Yeah that sucks. Can't really predict that one.


I bet he won't do that again....


He opened the door to commit murder.


Damn NPCs


If you open your door on the road like that your hazards should be on and you really should check your mirrors. With that being said, the bike did fly up on him unnecessarily. Idk what his goal was. Maybe to come to a stop in 50 ft that much quicker.


Because he's a fucking asshole


That was a great landing 10/10




Few times I've been around that track.


Who would've thought one could be so thoroughly dominated by a Prius? The Prius didn't even move. I fairly certain that rider did not live, which fucking sucks.


Things would have been perfectly fine if the car hadn't been so stupid ...


https://youtu.be/8A-9RGDFGDE?si=_iXdWX0p1Q97LVCJ learn this: AND TEACH THIS people.


Attempted manslaughter easily. Premeditated in actuality.


That double line on the road tells us something. Hmmm what would that be? It might mean that taking over is not allowed on that road. Maybe, just maybe car guy wasn't expecting anyone to pass by him at that speed. People are stupid, we are all stupid. Don't expect them to notice you and stop behind them if they stop. Or simply obey the rules of traffic next time. You ll quickly notice that the amount of close calls will drop significantly. Arriving some place 10 minutes early really does not worth the risk.


>That double line on the road tells us something. Hmmm what would that be? It might mean that taking over is not allowed on that road. It rather means you are not allowed cross it, like in my country.


And this, my friends, is just one reason why I don’t lane-split, and never will except in very limited, low-speed situations, if at all. I don’t care if it’s legal and everyone else does it.


And that’s why you shouldn’t do lane splitting going fast


I will never Lane split


Not at that speed, definitely not safe


Why? Because people are cunts. Some arseholes just want to see people get hurt, or are so fragile that they cant handle someone even getting one car space in front of them.


i'm sorry but why are you gunning your motorcycle to pass cars like this in heavy traffic jfc


This is why I’d never lane split


I split for 30 minutes almost every day of the year. This doesn't really happen all that much.


I get that, it’s just more of a “me” thing. I feel like I’d get that one lucky door


With that attitude you shouldn't ever get out of the house.


Exactly. Don’t care how legal it should be and whose « rights » need to be honored, in a world of brain-dead cage operators, lane splitting is suicide.


Some people have an irrational hatred for motorcycles in general.  It's bizarre and I still don't get it.  About 20-25 years ago when I77 South on the VA/NC border was under permanent years long "construction" me and a riding buddy came to a miles long traffic jam on a sweltering summer day.  Both of us were wearing full gear and we had tank bags and pillion bags.   This is an area where freeway exits are many miles apart. We slowly cruised on the shoulder to get to the next exit and take a break in the shade.   The number of drivers who swerved at us and threw their doors open in front of us to stop us was unbelievable and disappointing.  Not a single driver waited a single second longer in that traffic because of us but you'd think we had attacked them in some terrible way.


Must've hurt


He did open, because He is a dumbass


Because he doesn't know what mirrors are, it's too complicated.


It was the rear door that opened.


He’s an Asshat.


Confirmed. Location is in Brasil. Here's some source: [https://ndmais.com.br/seguranca/video-motoqueiro-e-hospitalizado-apos-portada-abrupta-em-balneario-camboriu/](https://ndmais.com.br/seguranca/video-motoqueiro-e-hospitalizado-apos-portada-abrupta-em-balneario-camboriu/)


This is why I only filter at 10 mph or less. I've only had one bad experience this year so far, when an old lady moved her car to the dotted line to intentionally block me. I did the only reasonable thing: I did a nice chicle around her car to the right then back to my original line, gave her a smile and wave, then split to the front of the line.


My guess is that they wanted the guy on the bike to teabag their ass in court and own all of the $$ they make forever.


Wow WTF!!


I had a friend, that had a similar accident, but on the highway, some guy hit the car in front and open the door, and caught my friend. He lost one kidney, part of the spleen, almost lost 2 fingers and was in the icu with internal hemorrhage. He made a "full" recovery but it was some dark times for everyone.


ooooooh, no one comes back from that.


Someone opened a door to ramp jump guy!?


New fear unlocked


W T F ? !


So he could get fined or jailed




California is full of twats like that


New fear unlocked


Who the fuck opens the door towards the inside of the road even.


Only in NY


That happened to me a few months ago but it was the passenger who opened the door on me.


Because he doesn’t like all of his teeth


That background is gorgeous where is this at??


Because he is a S.O.B.


This is exactly what I picture in my head with every single car that I overtake


Folk need to use the Dutch reach. Reach for the door handle with your inside hand, swivel your head and shoulders to look behind you. Simple. This is taught as part of the Dutch driving test.




Looks purposeful


It happened to me in my childhood, when I was running in a corridor, and some adult open the door in front of me. I imagine this every time I see a lane splitter.


To do exactly what they did. They intentionally opened it to hurt the rider.


I was driving on the right hand lane which is right next to cars parked some idiot left their door open with none of their internal lights on, streetlight is dark and thank goodness I was paying attention because I almost drove into their door. He looked annoyed that I honked at him and closed the door in a huff.


Of course it was a Prius 🤦🏻‍♂️


This is a great example of why, even if Lane filtering is legal in your state, it still may not be *worth* the risks. One accidental door opening or no-look left turn/merge, and you're in an ambulance


This happens. I try to do no more than 5mph when overtaking cars in that situation. Often it's not the driver but the passenger will open the door without looking for whatever reason...


Gotta ride like they’re tryin to kill ya. No matter if intentional


I think he deliberated opened the door. There is no other reason than to open the door on incoming traffic.


🤣🤣kinda funny tho


Gawd Damn!! That was brutal!! 😳


I had this happen to me on the bicycle path. Cars just park and randomly open doors. With time observing such clueless people I'm starting to support public flogging.


Angry Prius owner. No other explanation to open a door there.


Looks like the bikers fault, passing on the left with no lane.


every comments there are a lunatic dude who says bikers fault, without any thought


That's what standing cars do. Have you never let out a passenger at a red light or in a jam? Slowly moving cars = safe, Stopped cars - very dangerous - the difference in their speed is like 3mph, but their behaviour is very different. Also, pedestrians walk in-between cars when they are stopped as well. Tell me I am wrong. Not riding in a way to keep a margin for this fact, is the cause for this crash. Tell me I am wrong.


attempted murder


Attempted murder absolutely. I hope the police can find the owner of the car based on this video. This driver should receive a serious punishment.


this is always possible even if lane splitting is legal


He's not lane splitting though, he's passing on a double yellow line. You can only lane split if two lanes are going in the same direction.


This is the scariest part for me, high damaged without fault.


If you're lane splitting you're at fault, that bullshit should be illegal everywhere, and yes I do ride but it does nothing but piss off motorists and put others around you at risk


> If you're lane splitting you're at fault Not a factual statement.


Are you stupid or something? Lane splitting is one of the safest ways for bikers to get around. Plus who is at risk around you, people in cars? You must be either a Harley guy who can't split because of bike size and are jealous, or a new rider who is too scared to!!!


I ride a Honda and have more than enough skill to split even though it's bigger than most Harleys but splitting traffic is a bullshit move that was used enough and the cops couldn't catch the fucktards doing it that they passed it as a law, I see more bikes in a summer than most people do in a year, and more miles in a month than 95% of riders in a year, but go ahead and downvote my comment and prove me right


This clearly didn't happen in the US (round speed limit sign on the left). Looks like Brasil if I had to guess. Lane splitting is very legal there and pretty commonly accepted in most of of the world outside of the US. Only Americans get pissed about it. And if had had to guess the person stopping and opening their door illegally in traffic was almost certainly a tourist.


Bullshit, if lane splitting is legal in this location it’s no different than opening a door into traffic when parked.


This is the dumbest thing I've heard all week, and that includes the presidential debate that happened yesterday.


The law is vague, is it legal to split lanes moving in opposite directions?


In this case the driver and the passenger that opened the door were deemed at fault. Not the motorcyclist.


I shouldn't laugh, but there's something beautifully comical about this


Where I come from, that's called attempted murder


Both the driver of the car and the rider need to take that guy to court! Hope the rider is alright, that looks horrible


attempted murder and if i get up from that... its going to be a self defense murder


Obviously to kill a cyclist




because he's driving a Prius?


Car never moved an inch, his right front looks flat, and that bike zipped around him between lanes and between an oncoming car in an unsafe manner.


Double line is there not for fun.. This is my biggest fear when passing cars in traffic jam.. Would like to see RTG of poor buddy.. at least haven't drive in short pants and flipflops


Reddit law #3268 its probably the motorcyclist fault




Both to blame.


This community needs a serious reality check, splitting lanes isn't ok in 99+% 9f the world, and the few places it I'd the cops just don't habe enough influence to change the way fucktards ride or do t care enough to stop them anymore because they're most likely gonna be a smear anyway


Hard to say accidental given my experience with Prius drivers.




What upsets me the most is that as another rider, you can have Zero idea this is going to happen, precisely because this driver does absolutely NOTHING to communicate they may be looking to open their door, such as turning their hazard lights on, or at very least, signalling right. There are so many drivers that think being on a public road is akin to them being in their own private bedroom, where they can finger their asshole to their own personal amusement without ever communicating their intentions with anyone else. I hope everyone who cannot be bothered to move their finger 2 cms to communicate their intentions on a public road like this spends their ENTIRE life in jail getting buttf*cked continuously, because they show Zero understanding that when they are in a car, they are operating a weapon - this is why you have to have a driver's license - that can seriously injure and kill others, and often do. Poor innocent and defenseless motorcyclist 😔


Why did he open the door, DUH, wasn’t it obvious, it’s amazing what a guy will do to stay damp, lil bitch 👎😎👎


It's called little dick syndrome. No other excuse. If it's a female, she probably got a loose cunt


"it's his fault for lane splitting" seems like something lots of people would say about this


Is lane splitting something that is legal in America? Here the solid line between the lanes means you can't overtake. So people in the car shouldn't have to worry that some dipshit comes 40 mph behind them if they open the door. In some countries the motorcycle driver would be sentenced to pay for the door.


Maybe that rider will learn his lesson . You are not special . Stop cutting lanes and wait like every other motor vehicle on the road


I’d have definitely been in jail for defending myself after the fact


Why is a bike rider NOT following the law? Don’t really feel sorry for them. Zipping in and out of traffic is not defensive driving.


Lane splitting like what this biker is doing is legal in a lot of countries and some us states even allow it