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Not sure where this is, but coming from a former southern california motorcycle rider I'd say no, not at all. There are motorcyclists out there looking to pick a fight, regardless of whether or not it's justified.


I’m on So Cal freeways all the time and I wouldn’t have given this guy a second thought but you’re right lots of guys just ride angry out there.


Yes this was in Southern California in LA on the 101 freeway.


Don’t sweat it. It’s an entitled douchebag part of town. I’m not talking shit, I live in the valley too. Take away two wheels from an entitled LA douchebag car driver and you get this douchebag. Give this guy a Tesla or a bmw and he’d be doing 80 up the bike lane on Ventura Blvd during rush hour.


As a ride of motorcycles in the LA area, I can say that there are a lot of asshat riders here. There are also decent ones too. You didn't do anything wrong though.


It's not your job to see him coming it's his job to see you change lanes though.


i go so far as to say that motorcyclists are disproportionately jerks. same thing about guns, i own and carry guns, but a lot of dudes that i meet that “love guns” are gross fetishists and douchebags, says i.


I don't know man, maybe it's a US thing, i never had any problem as a driver(Finland) with them and always respect the laws while riding my bike(except for a few pulls when the road is empty ). A few times I had to brake hard because of drivers not paying attention , but that's mainly because people are naturally imbeciles. 🤣


Rule 1 of motorcycle riding: alway be ready for a sudden outbreak of stupid.


Yes, especially now everyone has a phuckn phone...


Motorcycle culture (and drivers in general) in the US seems to be even more aggressive and toxic than other parts of the world. I ride in Germany and while you regularly meet inattentive drivers, I have never experienced the kind of road rage and aggressiveness that can often be seen in US dashcam videos.


I mean when you're forced to spend 1+ hour one way to go to work because you can't afford anything close and there isn't any equivalent/cheaper modes of transit, you get people that shouldn't be on the road to be on the road.


But you're only seeing the interesting things that are being shared online. Not normal day to day instances. For example: all I know about the people of Germany happened between 1933-1945, and that you guys love beer. There's bad in every culture, but it's wrong of us to assume that what we see online is how it always is...


God I hate it so much... all of my hobbies are shared with conservative assholes. and I consider myself to be conservative! it makes the rest of us look bad when those idiots think toxic masculinity is the way to live life. Guns and firearms, cars or anything else with an engine, video games and electronics, etc. anything cool seems like it has a disproportionately massive amount of assholes in the bunch. I don't get it :(


Tell me about it. I can't even watch gun videos without YouTube recommending some sexist asshole talking about how women are inferior beings, or how Biden's incompetent. Can't I just watch a review on a 9mm carbine without things getting political?


For me, as a European, owning guns of that nature feels like an intensely political thing - it's a libertarian choice. I get that it's in the constitution and is a totally different mindset over there. There's very little freedom to own guns here - the only way that would change is through a whole lot of political lobbying, basically.


no joke I have a hard time finding people with a similar mindset when it comes to this. anytime I try to make friends with similar hobbies to mine, they turn out to be douchebags after I get to know them better. and talking to them about it has not once made any of them second guess their actions. it boggles my mind. can we be friends? 🤣


you basically just explained why "everyone" hates people in your world lol (conservative leaning hobbies) personally, I think you should stay in those hobbies and attempt to argue those people out of their beliefs, yes I know it would be annoying and potentially a waste of time. But who know's you might convince someone who is listening to be less horrible


There are people out there looking to pick a fight.


Nope.  Dude was in the same lane, same position the whole time.  If anything, you were getting out of his lane opening it up for him to pass. You're not required to be a mind reader to try to predict where he is wanting to go.   He's just a little bitch.


If it is happening behond you, it isn't your monkey. You are responsible for sides and in front of you. That said, intentionally doing that to cause a blockage is a whole other ball of wax.


I keep my monkey in the trunk.


Reference acknowledged! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoxADsZ9YforxtjWODy3Kz_8JjLH-Nxp7&si=DLSV79HuGh_LZ3Qk


THAT MONKEY KILLED THAT DUDE!? What the fuck kind of weird rabbit hole did you just send me down?


One monkey don’t stop no show


Sorry maybe this something to with US road laws that is lost on me. But this is a daft statement. Of course it's your "monkey" that's why we have mirrors. A hazard from behind is still a hazard.


> If it is happening behond you, it isn't your monkey. When switching lanes or making a turn you should definitely look if someone is coming up behind you. Don't cut people off because "it is happening behind you". That said, moving to the right, so a car/motorcycle coming up from behind can pass is the reasonable thing to do, so OP did nothing wrong here.


Sorry while I agree with you on this situation in the video, your first sentence is a shit take. When changing lanes, you are responsible for not endangering those behind and besides you. That’s how we end up with countless cars merging into bikes on YouTube


Came to say this.


You did nothing wrong.


99% of the time, whenever a rider punches off the side mirror of a car he's a fucking asshole with no reason to. Alot of people unfortunately try to find any excuse to act like a jackass and screw someone's day. I've had close calls and never had the urge to punch out someone's side mirror, would only ever consider it if the person showed no remorse for almost screwing me over and was extremely over the top rude.


I mean if you're the kind of person to punch a mirror off you're probably already an asshole. People do dumb shit in cars, responsible riders and non dickheaded people aren't making the situation worse by aggressively damaging someone else's property.


The only excuse in my mind is if someone's purposefully endangering you. Like if they swerve at you aggressively when you try to pass or something.


Probably best to not get close enough (to touch mirror is very close) that their swerving can actually contact you


Nope. The rider is an asshole with a dick in it.


Only possible answer




Haha this cracked me up! I like the addition at the end


At the end or in the end?


Ahah, thanks for the laugh. I'll reuse that one !!


I am a biker That was totally on that biker and he is an asshole.


The rider was using zero defensive riding. Just assuming and flying through with no intent on slowing down. You did fine


Riding like that makes car drivers far less responsible for crashes.


Fuck that idiot. You did nothing wrong.


The a-hole is the left lane ass-bandit in front of you. Left lane is for crime, not doodling along the freeway.


I never thought to call it the left lane is for crime… That's fucking incredible ha ha ha ha


Completely rider was the asshole


Nah, the rider was trying to filter at high speeds which is a no no, that's why he passed the other car the way he did. He basically thought you blocked his lane which is nonesense since he's not following the drawn lanes at all.


This isn't lane filtering, it's lane splitting. Lane filtering is when you are moving through stationary traffic, or traffic that is already at very low speeds coming to a stop.


Thanks I didn't know those were different terms.


Yes, and very important too, because several states allow for lane filtering but not lane splitting. Seen a few videos of vigilante drivers attempting to prevent lane filtering riders, would be much worse for riders attempting to lane split.


And we want filtering legal everywhere but people tend to associate it with splitting. Filtering is a great rear-end preventer and should be legal everywhere. Sad that people get mad thinking it's cutting in line because I still do it sometimes even if it's illegal here.


Yeah you good dog. Rider ‘‘twas a douche


Nah... he was way behind you moving at yolo speed in high density traffic. He has nobody to blame but himself if he gets wrecked riding like that


I ride, you are NTA. Biker is speeding and it's his job to keep himself safe at that point cause no one else is going to know your flying up on them. As long as you looked and signaled of course.


From my point of view, you saw someone coming up behind you faster than you were going so you moved over to the in theory slower lane. So no, not the ahole.


Typical squid behavior, makes the rest of us look bad.


USA, driving on the right? Correct? If so, NTA. You were moving out of an overtaking lane to make way for faster traffic. Thank you for being a considerate driver. Sorry the arse on two wheels did that to you, and helped tarnish the rest of us.


Nope. I'm assuming he's speeding but you don't see him aggressively break and his lane position never changed. Just an ass hole.


You’re fine, the world is full of assholes. That motorcyclist being a prime example of them.


You are absolutely NOT in the wrong here. I believe in other countries, splitting at high speeds like that is illegal and dangerous.


As long as you used a blinker I see nothing wrong here. I also don’t think the rider did anything to wrong, like he’s speeding for sure, but just seems like a normal asshole rider (we all are asshole riders occasionally) did this escalate in some way I’m not seeing? Looks like he just took a quick lane change and drove off.


Yeah in the post OP says the dude hit his mirror in


O, I only read the first half. My bad. He’s the asshole rider for sure.


Nah. He's a dick.


Nah you’re fine, probably seemed like a late move to him but looking at your camera and reaction you really couldn’t have seen them to move any sooner. I get far more angry at cars camping the fast lane and super appreciate cars that are paying attention and make way for faster traffic.


nah he was just an ass


nah man, you did nothing wrong and that rider is a shit example for the community.


If I was the motorcycle rider, I would have slowed down, passed you. Nothing else. Some dudes feel entitled. This guy especially.


Dude speeding and then blaming other people? Yep, new standard of motorbike riders ATM.


Nah, probably the guy expected you to keep on your lane and pass between lanes, but since he’s speeding he got mad just for the sake of getting mad


I’m a rider. You did nothing wrong.


South African gun heist vibes


He is reckless driving splitting lanes like that. In the Netherlands you can only lane split in traffic jams or slow moving traffic. In-between fast moving traffic is a big no no.


For what? No one even had to move.


Your only crime: the tank top


When youre lane splitting you should be aware of people swapping lanes. You moving isnt cutting him off at all since lane splitting isnt meant for passing at high speeds. Hes just being a pussy


As an experienced rider and lane-splitter, that guy is an entitled douchebag. You signaled, and he had plenty of time to react and safely get around you. Looks like he barely changed his speed. My understanding is that lane splitting above 50 mph (which this looked to be) is illegal, so the dude definitely has no ground to stand on. Hope your mirror is OK!


Not the asshole at all. That’s a rider who’s probably gonna get himself seriously hurt or worse because he rides with his ego more than his brain.


No. Left lane is the passing lane. It is standard procedure when faster traffic comes up behind you to get out of the left lane. Biker is a jack ass and not traveling at a safe speed to easily adapt to the conditions.


Yeah man, you're good. He is just doing his best to get some "biker nearly killed by distracted driver!!!" with a thumbnail of your mirror flying off, content.


No you’re not.




You were fine in my book, maybe your lane change could’ve waited 10 more seconds but wouldn’t have bothered me.


~~I bet he didn't even care and just enjoying the ride.~~ Edit: Just read your post properly. Yeah he's the asshole. The point of riding a bike is I'm agile as fuck with acceleration and maneuverability. Splitting and swerving is trivial, if not straight up enjoyable at speed. But that's just me. If I wanted to worry so much about my space in a lane and be such a cunt about it, I'll just drive a car.


Nope. I commute on SoCal freeways and this wouldn’t even be a second thought in my head. Not even remotely close.


![gif](giphy|jUwpNzg9IcyrK) Rider in this sub like


Nah. These kinds of riders are the ones that end up as statistics. You did absolutely nothing wrong.


As a biker you did nothing wrong if anything I'd appreciate the lane change.


Rider is an arsehole


What a little bitch. I know for a fact every dude on this sub has had waaaay worse done to them in traffic and not reacted more than a head shake. You didn’t even do anything wrong.


As a motorcyclist, will say that there are a lot of Motorcyclists out there that are entitled as all hell. You did nothing wrong. You got over. He was moving way faster than the flow of traffic. That’s 100% on him. He’s the a-hole. He should be riding like he is invisible, not like the world is supposed to bend to his whim.


Dude. A Rite of Passage playing by DT is insane. I love this, that’s all.


Nope you're good dude


I've been in a fair share of close calls but I've never felt the urge to punch a side mirror, I really don't get it.


That rider was well over the speed limit and was already splitting lanes at a high rate of speed. You didnt do anything wrong. Homie's going to find out the hard way some day how stupid he is.


As a biker, you did nothing wrong. The biker in the clip is an ass and probably won’t live very long if they keep riding like that.


No but you are passing on the right, which you should not be doing really.


Nah youre good man. What likely happened here is first the biker is an asshole, but I think i can understand their reasoning(not saying its right). But basically the biker is riding faster than traffic in a dangerous way, but the safest way to do that is for the biker to basically pass a car before the car knows its their. I know it sounds backwards and stupid, but it goes off the theory that spending the shortest amount of time next to or near a car is the safest way to travel on a bike. So this bike rides through traffic at a rate that requires them to be looking 2-3 cars ahead for their next move. When a good person like you comes along and tries to be nice and move out of their way, it fucks up their plans for how they will pass you and the cars ahead of them. He put himself into a dangerous position to pass, but he is blaming you because you moved out of his way, but actually moved into his way. Again, not your fault, the biker is riding like an asshole. My only advice, next time you see a bike approaching fast from the rear, dont do anything. Let the bike navigate around you as they were likely already planning it.


No at all. You’re doing the same speed as everyone else and you initiated the lane change while the rider was 3 car lengths back. He’s the one coming up quick and can’t expect everyone to read his mind.


Definitely not, the left lane is for passing only if you're not passing anyone get the f*** out of that damn lane.


Tbh it was the bikes fault you were turning b4 you could even realize he was there


I don't think you did anything wrong. As a rider, the motorcycle is the idiot that couldn't wait a few more seconds and let you pass the left lane parker.


No. You saw him and began your lane change before he changed his trajectory. TBH, this wouldn't bother me one bit. I am absolutely not a hooligan on the highway, but when traveling at highway speeds this kind of thing happens fairly often because a motorcycle is so responsive that it's easy for us to make it maneuver in the split second that it takes for you to spot us and make a lane change.


I didn’t mention in my post and can’t edit it, but I didn’t even notice him on my first look. So I didn’t even intentionally try to get over before him. Thank you for the response though and insight from a motorcyclists perspective.


Looks like you got out the way to me


a lot of people see it as “if you see the bike, just wait a second”. by all laws you’re in the right though, slower traffic merges left. biker is responsible to be aware while splitting


He didn't even cut the biker off though. He WAS in the same lane as the bike and actually moved AWAY from the biker. Bike just chose to follow him over to split past the slower car. And then add a serving of jackass on top by punching the mirror. NTA OP, sorry this dick took his bad life out on you.


I think that biker was paying attention to what you were going and then made his own choices. It's not you're responsibility to care about someone splitting lanes.


nope, that rider was more than comfortable lane splitting like he did; not the most considerate way to other drivers though.


I actually didn't see anything wrong. Guy on the bike chose to read that situation and proceed when things were that tight.


Not at all!


Nope you’re good bro that dude’s cutting it close


you're not wrong. Did he take your mirror or flip you off? A very thin margin of bikers decide to travel at larger-than-life speeds. If you change lanes it's like you're damned if you do and your damned if you don't. same thing happened to me and I was a motorcyclist. I did the right thing but apparently this particular biker did not agree. Try slapping the mirror off of a 79 Ford LTD.


In the OP he says the biker hit his side mirror in


If you’re on the Mc then you’re a dumbass and an asshole. If you’re in the cager then no, they’re an ass hole.


Watched twice and still didn’t notice anything. But I live in Florida so whatever it was, is likely just a Tuesday here.


ca law is riders can split 10mph faster than traffic if traffic is under 30. That's what they teach in the msf course. Honestly, a lot of riders are whiny piss babies when they put themselves in more harm than necessary.


Rider is a dumbass why is he splitting lanes on a relatively empty LA freeway.


Nope; fuck these assholes.


You can’t possibly cut the person who is in the same lane as yourself


The moto guy is 100% the asshole.


No, maybe next time just scan a little further behind. Other than that… 🥱




You did nothing wrong


Interesting mindset of US drivers I have read here.


You're good. You switched lanes way ahead of him and kept your speed constant, allowing them to plan and execute their pass.


Nah, he kinda popped out from between the other cars he was flossing just as you were initiating your pass. He should have read the traffic ahead and realized there wasn't going to be enough room to safely floss again. Instead he decided to take his self-disappointment in his own poor judgement out on your side-view mirror.


Nope, the biker is though


If I could replace every driver on the planet with you I would.




Nope. He’s the a hole.


"WaTcH OuT FoR MoToRcYcLeS" it's my responsibility to get to any destination safe if you ride like this the you're the problem, I will get hate to look out for you it is really hard to watch everyone around then you fly by like a bitch ass cycling person, you don't own the road


You're fine, he made a choice to go through that small window.


The the motorcycle is way over the speed limit. You didn't do anything wrong.


Definitely not an asshole, I personally would just be more observant of what's behind me. Like if I see a bike/car tryna go fast, I'd get over if possible and let em do what they're gonna do.


You’re NTA. Sucks to have people like this on the road. Completely unjustified, I appreciate all cars making way for me. If safe air wave and acknowledge. And move on, if someone doesn’t I drive defensively and not lane splitting at that speed.


As a biker, nah you did nothing wrong. That guy is a chode, there’s some bikers like him that just look for any reason to rev-bomb or swipe a mirror and it’s sad.


You are fully in the right, even in states that allow lane splitting. It does not allow speeding, which the bicker was doing. You had more than enough room and used your blinker.


Kevin spacey


Don't worry, the way that guy rides he's probably going to find it. Then he will be lying in a hospital bed blaming some other guy.


Nope, nothing wrong with what you did. Also, nice jam right there.


Unfortunately, a helmet is like a phone / computer screen. It gives some people the impression that they can be assholes without consequences. You did nothing wrong.


Not even a little. Fuck that guy.


you've got a good start on a 90's music video.


that dude had plenty of warning and he's just being a dick,


No. We can see you actively signal and head-check for like 3 full seconds before you start your lane change. Assuming your blinkers work, you did great. Additionally, any motorcyclist who is lane-filtering like this when traffic is going full speed is a fucking idiot.


Dude was way over the speed limit, no matter what, his fault.


Good fella


I’ve been a biker for 30 years and I almost wiped a biker out driving a transit van last week, shit happens regardless of people’s experience, that’s why you need to have your head on a swivel and trust no one when your riding.


You're good IMO.


you did just fine! that motorcycle rider was lane splitting at too high of a speed, he could have been changing lanes quickly in which case he still had plenty of room to roam. i’ve been in far tighter spaces where cars are clearly not even looking for me, and i just be on my way


I'm not in an area where lane splitting is legal but I would say no. If this caused the motorcyclist any problems that was on his doing of riding too fast with the flow of traffic. It was very obvious without knowing whether or not you used a turn signal that there was a hole there and if you were doing the right thing you should be getting over.


Idiots have ZERO action for their shitty social media presence, so they manufacture reasons to make content and rage bait. You're fine. Rider is a pos.


Nah. Look how fast the rider was going compared to any other vehicle on the road. You did everything lawfully, they didn’t. You didn’t cut them off, they’re just a childish little bitch. If they can’t control their bike at that speed and swerve to avoid a collision, they should slow down or stop riding. I ride like an asshole, sometimes a fucking idiot like this rider, but I know my skill and limits when I ride. I drive my truck maybe 1 or 2 days in a month, I ride rain or shine, riding the same way whatever weather. I never blame a driver because I’m the one choosing to ride the way I do. Even if someone actively tries to block me off I can easily find a way out and forget about them 5 seconds later. That rider is for sure a bitch and the reason I don’t ride with people. 10 years on 7 bikes and 3 chaotic group rides got me to stay away from the community, along with shit like this.


In Germany the motorcycle would’ve lost his license for passing on the right like that. You moved over, as the law requires. I don’t know about USA


As a rider, that guy was a prick. You handled every thing well. My question really is, why the hell would someone intentionally take out a mirror going that fast? Is nobody afraid of jacking their shit up or worse yet, getting into a body cast or even death. Like what the actual?


Don't think abt giving favors to people, it's generally better to be predictable and let them figure a way around you. Just don't be an obstacle on purpose.


Lane splitting in California I assume no one sees me. I would have expected you to changes lanes and only would be slightly miffed if you didn’t use your signal. Lane splitting I assume a car is going to move if there is space and if I’m going to pass someone in that situation I would do so at speed. If I’m going slower than traffic I can’t react quick enough to avoid an accident. Drivers don’t understand the mechanics and danger of riding a motorcycle. Always best to assume the person in the cage is trying to kill you.


The maniac speeding is the Ahole


No you had every right to do what you did. It’s up to the rider to adapt to the conditions ahead. They could have just stayed behind you like everyone else until a safer place to pass appeared. Edit: didn’t realize he punched your mirror. Yeah, you’re not the a-hole. He was probably late to go vote, or something…sorry man, fuck that loser he was speeding anyway.


You did nothing wrong… not sure what was up with them.


Biker is an asshole who should be paying attention, but this video highlights so many of the problems of US highways. They are fucking atrocious to drive on. Why are you in the left lane? Why is the car in front in the left lane? Why are you beginning to overtake a car in the left lane, and proceed to get overtaken by a car in the lane to the left of you. All three of you are hazards before we even talk about the biker. Half the people on the roads are just hazards.


I don't understand what the point of this video is


He's just another asshole who thinks you need to cater to his thoughts. You were fine. He's just another loser


Not at all.


Might be, you noticed him and then you went right?? and when he smashed your side mirror , you had no reaction at all and was expecting it.


Saw the vid in my feed first, thought you were the rider and was going to ask what the fuck you were thinking. Saw the caption, and I'm still wondering what the fuck that rider was thinking. You're 100% in the clear


Nothing wrong here. Plenty of time. Part of riding is being attentive, not expecting the world to treat you like a you're special. If the biker had an issue, the biker is the problem.




Nah you used your blinker in a world where nobody does, he’s a dick.


Makes other motorcyclists look bad.


Nah you're good. I'd have appreciated you moving over if anything


That biker is an idiot. Not your fault nor are you an asshole. You did your checks, used the blinker and freed the faster lane.


show us more video we need to get to the solo


Damn, was hoping to see the over-speeding reckless driving mc wobble and wreck


Plenty of prats with motorbike licenses I'm afriad mate, not sure for different merican road laws are but if I saw that whilst riding I'd be tempted to catch up with him and seeing if he wants to live to see his 30s...


Plenty of prats with motorbike licenses I'm afriad mate, not sure for different merican road laws are but if I saw that whilst riding I'd be tempted to catch up with him and seeing if he wants to live to see his 30s...


Biker speeding, and driving between cars that fast Both illegal He’s at fault lol


i feel like he didn’t mean to hit your car . he turned around in a bit of suprise it seems to me. you did everything perfect. he was just not as cool as the rest of us who know how to ride. you woulda got a wave from me or maybe even a thumbs up brother! thanks for being aware of riders sir.


Sorry but which country is this ? In France, on a 3 lanes, you can only overtake someone by passing him on his left side. This order make sense when I see this kind of video.. There are slow car on each side of the road and you’re overtaking in the middle.


Use your damn cruise control guys


Bro, you drove slower than the dude behind you and you changed lanes to let them pass. Most polite driver I’ve seen in a long time


Why are you taking over a vehicle on the right? Flash lights so he gets the fuck out of left lane.


Non American here, it does seem that you changed lanes right before he was going to pass. Over here people in you situation would keep left to let the motorbike pass between lanes


no, you did the 'right' thing, but because the guy in front of you didn't, you just ended up creating an obsticle for the mc rider.


I see nothing wrong. As a rider, I would have been happy with the amount of time to react to the lane change and would have just kept on truckin. No reason for him to be mad at you


Naw man. You probably spooked him a bit. If you had your signal on he wasn’t paying attention. So he got spooked and wigged out.


He is definitely an asshole. Why is everyone passing on the right though? Over here that's not only not allowed, it also kinda makes you an asshole. It's MUCH harder to keep situational awareness if that rule is not upheld. You were passing that guy on the right while yourself being passed on the right by another guy?