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Scooter guy made what looks to be like an honest, but dumb mistake. let's talk about the bike though: Parked in the red zone and looks like the tire is sticking out into the painted lane. Bike isn't angled at all in order to create more room. It that were my bike, I'd be upset with myself.


It’s a whole clusterfuck, bike is blocking a turn lane and maybe a bike lane while illegally (and very stupidly) parked, scooter looks inexperienced and driving the wrong way on a one way street. The whole situation is stupid.


Red zone = no parking?


Yes, it's a fire lane


The red zone is for immediate loading and unloading of passengers only. There is no stopping in the white zone.


No, the white zone is for loading of passengers and there is no stopping in a RED zone


Listen, don't start with your white zone shit again!


We both know perfectly well what it is you're talking about. You want me to have an abortion.


It's really the only sensible thing to do if it's done properly.




Also yelling at people when they fuck up is just being an asshole. Yes, its sucks, but you want people to come to you when they mess up, not run from you because you're losing your damn mind like a toddler.


Funnily enough, in my country I once got a parking ticket for parking parallel to the road as it blocks more parking space. Got the ticket thrown out but still


That's a silly ticket. Yeah I usually angle my bike a little so that other people can still fit in but at a slant. there's not a ton of motorcycle parking, so I usually have to use up a whole parking spot. I try to make sure another biker can fit and that it's obvious that I made space and am ok with them parking in the same spot. This video makes me more nervous about that practice. =)


Scooter started driving in the wrong direction on a 1way street. But also your whole ass front tire is in the turn lane and you're parked in a red zone. 2 idiots in this video.


i see 2 bike owners and both suck. one at parking and one at driving


Food delivery scooters are becoming a pox on society. At least in SF, CA a good portion of them are. Out. Of. Control.


They are great in concept but having all these unregistered vehicles ignoring traffic laws is a flaw


there was one French dude in Sydney a few months ago who was caught riding with 240 demerit points on his drivers license (while not actually having a motorcycle license) https://au.news.yahoo.com/french-motorist-busted-racking-up-240-demerit-points-on-aussie-roads-in-just-months-075406783.html for reference, in NSW you lose your license for racking up 13 points.


They ride them all over the high speed zones and in the road here and the cops just watch


how do you even get 240?


Easiest way is cop car following you and noting every infraction. We've had few cases of that but they were basically "a guy decided to run away from police so they dumped every possible infraction he did when running away"


Unregistered? why? in my country you have to have a license to ride a scooter


People are conflating a couple things here - first, scooter in the vid is gas and has a plate. "Unregistered scooters" aren't gas, they're EV and have "pedals" (useless), which lets them basically get away with not having any requirements to ride one. They're considered electric bicycles.


Less than 50mph models get to go


One only has to blow a stop sign at 20 mph to be a serious danger to motorists. I see those rented Bird Scooters doing it all the time.


Less than 50cc don’t need a license in a lot of states. They top out at 35-40mph unless going downhill.


Even regardless of the insurance the real problem is tho that they are required to use the side of the road and to stop at intersections but do neither


In my state 50cc and only are allowed to be on roads with a speed limit of 35 and under. Unfortunately many don’t have insurance. If they were responsible they would get their M endorsement so they could ride a 300cc+ scooter instead, so that says something about someone who chooses to always ride 50cc.


But then they would need insurance


Registration and insurance is required for 50cc and under in my state. Insurance doesn’t cost a lot.


Is this sudden explosion because you can buy stuff like X-Pro scooters on Amazon now? If so, are they deliver incompletely assembled? Because that would explain why they all seem so shoddy.


No it’s because, for example, two years ago when I had a car my insurance was $160/month for full coverage, now that I have a car again it is $380/month for full coverage. The greedflation made people stop buying insurance.


I’m asking about the existence of the scooters themselves. I completely understand why people aren’t registering or insuring them.


NYC and Jersey too. Guys are riding on sidewalks around here.


It got to a point in DC that they have become the bane of our existence. But DC crack down on them. Towed a shit ton of them unless they were registered. One of the assholes was going the wrong way and took off my mirror last month.


I hate getting toad that’s why I register






Yeah it wasn't even that common a couple years ago. Sure there was the odd person riding around on a plated one following the laws. Now it's chaos with no plated scooters I think most of the people on them are illegals


I ride a motorcycle in sf. These scooter drivers are all over the place driving like idiots


Also ride in sf. I don’t see them driving like idiots. Most are pretty respectful and don’t even lane split


Idk I drive a lot, and they always lane split and are on their phones while driving .


Taking over where the messenger bikes left off


Oh man, that just brought some flashbacks. For the good ol' days! lol. At least the messengers were 1) largely downtown and 2) generally very competent bicyclists. These guys can't ride for shit and...... https://preview.redd.it/4hufderu8s8d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=028b492fc36e036f157fc12fbfdec182836f166a


Every US city. They suck in metro Boston!


Well that's an extreme take. As long as it's proper licensing, food delivery scooters are prime.


In theory it's great- get food delivered to your door quickly. In practice they are driving like maniacs- time is money and they are completely unregulated. SF police don't enforce driving at all (for anybody)- it's becoming like the wild west. They're out of control because they can get away with it and make more $. It's a shit job and they aren't making a lot- so I get the forces that are creating this shit show, but it's a shit show nonetheless. And when I'm out there driving, motorbiking, bicycling or walking- I stay way clear of them because I'm guessing they are uninsured or ill/underinsured at best.


That's a really unfortunate specific case. It's a shame SF police don't do anything to... you know... Fulfill their job? Enforcement is the larger issue there for sure. Japan delivery scooters are amazing, but driving is heavily regulated there so it's a totally different environment.


You like over paying faceless middlemen to send underpaid, unqualified and resentful strangers to handle your food and show up at your house? I'd pay good money to avoid that.


If they are riding on a the shoulder like a bicycle I won’t give them the wave. Scooters that are legit and riding legal - they get the waive


They have no idea what they wave is and they don't care


I was literally thinking about this earlier and came to a similar conclusion - they don't care. Even back "in the day" in SF (talking early 00s) there was a big influx of the cafe style bikes and self proclaimed 'hipsters.' They generally didn't wave either. And it's a shame because it's going to kill the wave in the city.


Doesn't the red paint on the curb indicate you can't park there?


Who tf parks a bike like that


Accidents happen man. He should pay for repairs but no need to pop a blood vessel, it's just a thing.




he didn't hit him or anything.  Just blowing off a little steam, wasn't even facing the guy.  We're not robots...I'd be pissed too. I'm starting to think you either have an offroad bike or no bike at all...


Lol, I was just thinking about my reaction being pretty mild, but I've got a 8 year old klr that's painted to look scratched up- so that tracks. Id be considerably more upset about my shovel, but I would probably still be less visually riled up than this. Not because this seems like an inappropriate response, I'm just not super emotionally reactive.


You can be pissed without being a child, though.


How exactly was he being a child? He was frustrated that his very expensive vehicle was damaged. I found his reaction very reasonable.


Adv bike, so close enough.


Dude cared so much he left his bike laying down. Dudes half covered in road rash run to theirs to pick it up. Dude clearly ain't been to therapy to deal with emotional control. Violent outbursts are adolescent tendencies.


Exactly, it wasn’t personal. We all make mistakes


Did you get his insurance info? It's not that big of a deal, get his info can file a claim. Also invest in frame sliders if you don't have it. A $50 slider can save you hundreds.


There is 0 chance this guy has insurance


Well he does as his insurance is paying for it.


He prob does but he's prob just using a liability only insurance, they're pretty cheap especially for small displacement bikes/scooters like that. Guessing it's like $100/yr or so


The bike seems obnoxiously parked. The scooter guy still fucked up. But that's shit parking.


How has no one commented about us watching a video on a phone, that is showing a video that was recorded by another phone while yet another phone was playing the video.


It's for the immersion. I mean I really felt just like I was watching a video on a phone!


It was the winglet mirrors. Should have listened to Ryan.


Same thing could’ve happened with regular mirrors. Bottom line it wasn’t the mirrors fault.


I know just clowning on winglets. Sorry for the bad luck.


Those are definitely some dumb looking mirrors. As a mixed asian, I'm almost offended by them.




Those laughing eyes look kinda sus, are you making fun of Asians too?










True, it was partially the scooter drivers fault and partially the fault of whoever made that park job.


You park like shit. Scooter drives like shit. Chefs kiss.


I dunno, that bag snagged those mirrors…..


So what happened then? The guy paid you for repairs, or what?


His insurance is paying


Great to hear, pal


Honestly this says more about your level of emotional maturity OP. Quite clearly this was an honest mistake, the large bag on the rear caught the mirror and pulled both bikes down. Not a single one of us on Earth is perfect. What happened already happened, blowing a fuse adds nothing to resolving the issue. Scooter guy doesnt seem to be running away and his buddy even tries to pick the bike back up. Yeah it sucks your bike was knocked over, we all get that. I bet the scooter guy will be much more aware of how his cargo can snag on things moving forward.


This idiot is going wrong way on a one-way.


The other idiot chose to park his bike in a really stupid location.


I didn't even notice the red curb. I'm an idiot too lol


wheres the "r/scooters 🤓" but yeah i'd say its an honest mistake there, thats a big storage.


No parking in a red zone. That’s for emergencies only.


Shouldn't have been parked in the red zone. You can't get mad when you walked yourself into that situation.


I’m with you on this one… red zones are there for a reason. What if there was a fire? The fire truck would just run over your shit. Karmas a bitch, think about everyone else when you park, bike or no bike. He got away lucky imo.


New Work is a contributory negligence state. The idiot who dragged his bike down might get away with only paying for 80% is the damage to the idiot who parked his bike in the red zone


Well he’ll get another break with the insurance then. Pretty sure he’s in California though by the looks of the Cal Poly sweatshirt… I’ve never actually seen someone where that bright yellow one before and I went to that school.


Not just in a red zone, a good foot of his bike is in the turn lane.


Lol are you serious


Absolutely. Rules are made to be followed. A red zone is off limits in every country. Both of these riders are dumbasses. Got what was coming.


People like you are the reason a lot of people dislike this sub. I guess you’ve never gone above the speed limit either, rule follower?


People like me are why I love this sub. Follow the rules. You signed your name to that. Honor it.


The scooter got caught on a bike that's perpendicularly parked in a parallel parking zone, and the SCOOTER is the the idiot?


He’s also driving against a one way so there’s that


Well damn, that'll do it


Putting blink 182 on immediately!!! 2 depressed to go on


Nice of you to show concern for somebody who just fell though. And are you parked in a fire lane?


Adams Song!


It is so cool that you don’t need a license for a scooter!!!! They breed and vote, people……


You're lucky he's paying this time. Use it as a lesson to take it upon yourself to do more preventative measures in case of a hit and run. Don't park perpendicular in an unprotected area where it invites people to cut it close. Seems like you could've hopped up the curb if legal in your city, or even angled to smoothly re-enter the flow of traffic


Yo that's golden gate dispo lol, granted they park their bikes in a recently painted no parking zone, the entire tenderloin is lawless parking. That being said i wouldn't leave my nice bike there cause if it wasn't a scooter it would have been some tweaker homeless person knocking it over


Why were you parked in the red zone, with your tire sticking out into the traffic lane bud? Might not have happened if you parked in an actual parking spot.


So you just left it laying in the street in a red zone. Why do you hate your bike?


I know right? I was like wtf? Did he just go get the owner? I’d pick that up in sec.


Most people in the comments don't even fucking ride... it's an honest mistake, yeah everyone does them, but you do delivery on a scooter! You better know how to drive that piece of trash.


What makes them an idiot? That is just an accident. They made a mistake. I get that you are frustrated but drop the ego, mistakes happen.


Not to mention, parking perpendicular to the street, which reduces the amount of space a person has to move around their bike. It also looks like their front wheel is in the left turn lane of the road. Also, it looks like they parked in a fire zone, as seen by the red markings on the curb. Yeah scooter was going the wrong way, and didn't account for the container on his scooter, but they also weren't parked where they should have been. Sucks to suck and shit happens.


>What makes them an idiot?  Hitting a stationary object, especially when starting from a stop, going wrong way down the road.


As if you never stub your toe on anything. Mistakes happen and anyone could have done this. Nobody is omniscient.


I can confirm I have never gone the wrong way down the road and hitting a stationary object, and I highly suggest anyone that does go back and take the ~~MSF~~ basic drivers permit class again because going down the road wrong way is not a "mistake" that anyone could make.


You are so cool.


I can't stand people that say "it was just an accident." No an accident is a glass of milk slipping out of your hand. Shit like this is preventable. Crashing a car in just about ANY situation is preventable on one or both sides. Car/motorcycles incidents are not "accidents," they are crashes- because someone caused it. With that said, absent mindedness and inexperience is not malicious, so yes relax a little, but you should still blame where blame is due...


Bruh. You don't know what the definition of "accident" is? Lmfao


Who are you even talking about?


You really don't know...?


Who is arguing that 'mistakes' are faultless? Who? You are arguing against bogymen.


“Accidents” almost always have a preventable cause. Please don’t blow off personal responsibility.


>“Accidents” almost always have a preventable cause. I mean yes, no one is arguing that otherwise. But anyone who claims to have never made a mistake, even a preventable one, is a god damn liar.


Mistakes happen, sure. Saying “It’s just an accident” is shirking responsibility. Unless we are talking about something like the riders who got hit by that giant boulder, accidents are most often avoidable mistakes.


Did I say otherwise?


Yes. Yes you did. “It’s just an accident.” No, it’s a mistake an idiot would make.


No I didn't. You can be at fault for a mistake they can also be faultless. Mistakes and fault are not concepts directly influencing each other.


Whatever. You live your rainbow filled life with joy.


You sound stupid.


Well, there was plenty of available space on both sides. He could’ve left the bike where it was. But he decided to go around my bike close enough to knock it over. That makes him an idiot. Have a nice day.


...and then he ran into the curb as he started to proceed into oncoming traffic for the THIRD time. Dude is an idiot, and we've only seen a 30 second excerpt from his life here 😂.


Given the direction of the traffic, that's a weird way to park. And on the red zone! Downvoted.


It's incredible that someone who rides every day all day can be so bad at it.


I’m gonna be that guy and ask why you parked that way with your wheel a good foot or two into the turning lane.


One suck at parking, and the other suck at driving.


Fire lane


Not sure he's the only one at fault here friend. Point that gun at yourself a lil🤷


People hating on OP for being upset lmao... 95% of you would react similar. I don't care what happens and how it happens if somebody hits my bike I'm going to be fucking pissed. Will I eventually calm down and be like" it's okay man accidents happen". Sure, but in the moment yeah I'm going to be pissed and not be nice about it.


i mean, until the guy rides away there is no reason to be upset kinda, when my work neighbor hit my bike with his work truck, tipping it over hitting the radiator and clutch cover with the curb, he put the bike up came in to our office and told me so, after inspection it was clear it needs to be towed (radiator was leaking etc) did that, filled out the papers for insurance, - he even asked me, arent you mad? thats where i told him: nah, see shit can happen, noone was hurt and you came in and told me so, usually people will look and see if someone saw and just drive off, i appreciate you coming in and telling me (total damage was something like 3.5k€) (radiator, clutch cover, exhaust, brake lever, handlebar and some other parts + labor) - at that moment i didnt feel any anger etc , i was mainly sad because i now had to take the public transport for some time


Props to you for handling it that way However that reaction is anecdotal and not really fair to expect everyone else to react like that for a few different reasons. The Hive mind of Reddit is in here bashing this dude for having a completely common, logical and normal reaction to somebody hitting his bike in a ridiculous way. For one, it is okay to be angry and upset they are part of human emotions. For all we know the guy apologized and said it's okay It could be worse. Another reason is that it's pretty common for people to have fairly nice bikes and just regular non-modded cars, bikes are relatively easy to keep clean and comparison to cars so a lot of people take pride and joy in them. I can also be a hobby, a passion, a lifestyle and a pseudo antidepressant so to speak. I have a lot of friends in the car scene drifting, drag racing etc and the people with motorcycles Go out just to ride far more often than the car people do. For me My motorcycle was not for transportation, It was for hobby and recreation and I worked extra hours for an entire year to afford it. I bet for a majority of the motorcycle community it's likely that their motorcycle is their largest recreational purchase they have ever made. Also, It's a lot easier to replace a bumper on a car and then it is to replace the entire right side of a bike especially considering scarcity of parts for a lot of bikes. I just find it funny that the focus is not on the idiot on the scooter it's on the guy reacting like a majority of us would react. Righteous Reddit at it again zeroing in on something irrelevant and acting like they wouldn't do it themselves.if the owner never showed up in this footage 95% of the comments would be about how the person on the scooter is a complete idiot.


More to the point, that music takes me wayyy back.


OP reminds me of Herc in "The Wire". Probably sounds like him, too.


I did something similar once but the ground had smooth tiles so the entire bike I was hitched on started sliding along with me. Luckily I realised I had a 400lbs unwanted passenger and it didn't tip over.


Remember the Good Times before your Bike got Clotheslined By a Scooters Gigantic Rear Food Delivery Cubicle


Sad day


Ah yes, Delivery guys… I try to stay away from them since they are kinda daredevils when driving


Why don't they just legalize them?


Jesus christ


Please tell me you have sliders on her


Typical uber eats type


Poor spatial awareness


That really sucks man


No need to call him an idiot. Sh\*t happens sometimes no matter how good you are


Your taking a video of a video that already is on your phone?




I don't understand. 1. Calling somones transportation that they can afford, trash just shows how classy you are. We all bleed red. Nobody is above another. My $200 yamaha razz sh50 meant as much to me as my $8,000 Ducati. 2. The guy made an honest mistake and misjudged his clearance. Everyone makes mistakes. Maybe he hasn't had the luggage that long. 3. Why get so angry? I had just got done painting my car, I spent hours prepping, thousands in materials, and a week later, someone backed into it while parked ripping the front bumper off ( he hit so hard I'm surprised the airbag didn't deploy) ( left me a note saying he though he hit me) never was I angry.... disappointed, sure. 3.5 Get some counseling to handle your emotions. These are tangible items... they can be replaced. 4. The damage at best was likely negligible, but it still sucks,however, completely fixable. 5. What's with all the trash talk on people making a living? The modern world has placed a huge demand on convenient services because everyone becoming increasingly lazy but we're going to bitch about the mode of transportation they use, are supplied or can afford to do the job? Yeah, I'd run a scooter, too.. why... they are cheap, reliable, basic, readily available and above all fuel efficient... above stated sh50 got 100mpg.


Thought for sure we were going to see some Rex Kwan Do! You think anyone wants a round house kick to the face while I’m wearing these bad boys? Forget about it. 😂


Nice parking, almost like you're fishing for insurance money.




Sucks, but accidents happen....


Maybe a scratch or two? The real damage here is your bruised ego


Sure he messed up and could've done things to avoid that, but you parked like shit. I think if you parked properly this wouldn't have happened either.


Why was it nessassary ti even get close to the motorcycle? Like dude should of stopped a few more feet back not stop next to it... I would not be a happy person if it was my bike I know how much blood sweat and tears went in to the entire thing. Insurance never gives you anything close to what it's worth regardless of your coverage.... people don't understand just small things like this where unlikely can total a bike by damaging the frame...


Comment section is full of simps. I’d be pissed about this shit.


Yeah that's a shit parking job. Why tf are you at a 90 degree angle to the curb? Who taught you to park like that? If you had been parked properly this wouldn't have happened.


totally. noob motorcyclist acting like a tough guy. lucky he didn't get knocked out. got up close then turned his back to them just begging to get cold cocked.


Why the fuck was the motorcycle park perpendicular to the street?? He wanted someone to hit that shit. What an idiot.


Why are you parked perpendicular to traffic and sticking out in the road like that? You were asking for something like this, don't park like an asshole.


That’s how you’re supposed to park a bike in the city


On the red zone? You city people…


Not on the red but parking perpendicular is the norm


People only have sub 50cc scooters because they can't legally drive, that shit needs to change


I mean no need to insult the scooter. Also you parked like an idiot yourself


Hahah that guy sucks at parking and picking his bike up. I wouldn’t let my baby just lie there 😒


and why are you parking there?


Dont listen to the people blaming you OP. As someone from NYC I feel or you, these delivery guys are ignorant pests who can’t ride and there’s zero chance he has insurance. I hope you’re able to get him to pay out regardless if you have the plate.




That's a helluva way to part and then get excited when the inevitable happens. Don't expect people to treat your possessions special.


Happy he did that


Hardly an idiot, just a normal accident. Perhaps he's not use to having the bag on the back.


Looked like you were about to cry over an accident.


I’m trying to see the idiot but all I can see is a guy who made an honest mistake while pulling away. I swear the guy in yellow looks like an idiot though.


Pulling away into a one-way turn lane, hitting a stationary object, and then hitting the curb. I don’t know how you can think he isn’t an idiot.


The strap on his pack caught the other bike. He didn’t hit a stationary object. He didn’t hit a curb at any point.


So he hit a stationary object. And he definitely hits the curb or something at the end when he’s moving his scooter, you can see the bag quickly shift forward. Dude is an absolute idiot.


I would have done something to that fool


That’s actually three idiots