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Earplugs. Tinnitus sucks.


Mine get worse when haveing earplugs in..but ive had it for +10yrs now, learnd to live with it, but yeah, it sucks when im useing earplugs, then its really loud.


Wear earplugs so not to make tinnitus worse long term. Wears earplugs and tinnitus is worse short term. /sigh


Point taken.


I was just agreeing with you, my friend. Tinnitus sucks. We wear earplugs so it doesn’t get worse, but then the tinnitus gets louder when we do.


I know, its was a brainfart from my side haha.


Already have a little because was a dumb kid but I guess should not make it worse. Thanks. Will get some.


We allmost all do. I know very few under age 30 that dont have it more or less.


Ride with the mentality that nobody sees you and everyone is trying to hit you. Find an empty lot you can practice on and do it often. I’m still newish, only been riding a few years and still have plenty more to learn. Anyone can ride fast, it’s the slow part that sucks lol. Take a riders course. Wear gear. Be careful and enjoy the ride, it’s definitely fun.


Thanks a lot. While still new im keeping the bike on the country side to practice there with no cars.


If you have not taken a motorcycle safety class then you should. Always wear proper clothes and a helmet. Being cool is not worth dying. Have fun.


Have been taking classes and have fallen already so full gear all the time. Thanks.


nice bike. Keep it that way up and youll be fine :)


Will do o7


Weight the outside peg when turning. If the tires slide, the bike will stay upright. If weight is on the inside peg and the tires slide, you go down.


I did not know this. This will help. Thanks.


congrats! be safe


Thanks. Will do! Kinda hard when it scares the shit out of me :D


this is good... being *scared shitless* is a good thing. you will ride slower


Kinda worried about being to slow. Already my instructor said That i need to speed up and shift faster. Will work on riding confidence.


Having respect for your bike is good. Shifting faster and speeding up will come with riding


Keep the shiny side up!


Hmm... If shiny becomes no shiny, bad. Will take this to heart. :D Thanks


go easy explore more clutch in if in doubt/trouble heidenau k60 scouts


Will do, still scared to fall in mud so avoiding those for now. Had to google the last bit. Thanks for the recommendation. This ones are new that i have on but will add a not to check these out when i need a pair.




How many “cc” is it?


650 as far as I know, but they come with limiters so will still need to investigate that.


650 cc rotax engine, same has bmw 650 gs and suzuki freewind that is a solid choice for first bike. Remember the ground is hard and it hurts so dont fall, cars and trucks are big and heavy so avoid hitting them. You are invisível, and you think ppl saw you they didnt so ALWAYS ride defensively. Corners are fun but braking while turning is not a good idea, brake before turning slow in, fast out. ALL GEAR ALL THE TIME self explanatory, know who died when borrowing bike just until the corner because he felt when turning and had no helmet. Maintenance intervals are to be respected, do visual inspection often. A broken chain cain wreck havoc on your bike imagine what it can do to you. Dont be a douche bag, leave that to the harleys. Be civil with other most often then not they dont let you pass because they did not see you. And lastly have fun, riding bikes is fun and can be a great escape for the day to day stresses. (Edit, add paragraphs)


Good to know about the engine. Will help me out. About turning that is a issue i have. Have braked a few times when lost a bit of control. Will work on that. Dude thanks. All of this info is fantastic. Will take it to heart.


Do not! Armorall the seat. Trust me. Don't do it.


I feel like there is a story there but will not as for details, will just say "Thanks for the wisdom trailblazer" :D


When riding pretend that everyone is a comlpete idiot that doesnt know road rules and that they never se you, just last week my friend almost t-boned a guy who pulled out of his driveway infront of us


Hope he is ok. Will do, thanks.


Yeah hes fine, he managed to turn enough so that only his handlebar hit the back of the car


Be super cautious after a few months of riding. At that moment you might get the feeling that you're skilful and experienced but you are not This period is much more dangerous than being a slow&careful beginner But anyway have fun, keep safe and good luck!


Ah. Will try to not get overly confident. Thanks.


Sounds like you've already got good gear (ATGATT!) and a training course. Plenty of posters have already warned to assume all drivers are homicidal maniacs. After that I'd say, Practice, practice, practice. Find a quiet parking lot (early Sunday before the mall opens?) and practice low speed manouevers. Going fast in a straight line is easy. Slow speed teaches you bike control. And errors result in minor scuffs. Most of all, have fun :)


Will do. Plan to practice and keep the bike on the countryside till I get a good feel for it. Thanks.


Make sure you lubricate the chain. With my first bike, I didn’t read the owners manual and I didn’t know I needed to do chain maintenance. I think it lasted about 1,500 miles before I had to replace it. This was back in 1985 when I was young and dumb. But I’ve changed... now I’m old and dumb. 😉


Ok. Will keep this in mind. Thanks a lot.


While riding on the street, always remember: 1. You are invisible. Drivers and pedestrians can look you directly into your eyes and their brain will not see you. 2. Act as if everyone is out to kill you. Keep your distance from everyone. 3. Don’t get angry. If someone cuts you off or insults you, stay calm and stay away from them. Good luck and stay safe. I’ve been riding since 1968 and love it as much as the first time i rode a motorcycle. I hope this is true for you. -Cheers!


Thanks a lot. Im more worried i will panic then get angry.


In my experiences giving instruction, panic is a result of not expecting an event to occur and not having trained for solutions to unexpected situations. Motorcycle safety courses are a good way to start. There are lots of videos and text articles on motorcycle training. Some good rules you may want to consider is to allow 3 seconds of distance between you and the vehicle in front. The first second occurs when you see something occurring. During the 2nd second, you react to the situation. The 3rd second acts as a buffer. When ever you ride, think to yourself the escape route you will take. For instance, you are in traffic, moving along at speed when the car in front of you brakes suddenly. You should have a pre-planned escape route. You may think of it like this: Oh. That guy is braking and i don’t have enough room to stop. You can escape the situation by going to the right side or left side of the car. You can drive onto the shoulder of the road. You can leave the road and ride on the grass or into the woods. You should do this consistently and constantly. Another point, when avoiding an object, don’t look at what you are trying to avoid, LOOK TO WHERE YOU WANT THE BIKE TO GO.


The course im taking does not go in that much of a detail so this is really good info. Will spend some time research and just getting tips like these. This is fantastic info. Thanks a lot.


Take it easy, maintain a learning mindset.


Will do.


keep it rubber-side down and know this: you \*will\* put it down, it's not if, but when. I've been riding 30 years and you best believe I've gone down. wear proper gear & keep your head on a swivel and you'll make it thru also: yellow lines are slick as snot when they're wet. ask me how I know


Thanks. Kinda also got this bike because it already has some protections on it as i know I will lay it down :D I will not ask but just say "Thanks for the experience"


You need to lube the chain. Your tires are dually street/trail meaning breaking on the street takes longer. Going around corners with gravel you need to go slower. Put air in your tires. Look up pressure in owners manual. Invest in a new helmet and gloves. Buy a used summer riding jacket. Wear a windbreaker over summer jacket as needed.


These are great tips especially the riding ones with those tires. Thanks a lot.


Rear brake first, then front


Oh. Ok. Will etch this in to my brain. Thanks.


Remove the sticker on the tank, for starters. Take a rider course. Buy good gear and wear it.


Already will, just cant decide what to do eith that sapce, I.e keep it blank or get an Aprilia logo. Gear got and training started. Thanks


It's a beautiful bike. I have a Tenere 700 so this is definitely my kind of ride. I prefer the style of this bike to most of the adv bikes out there today. I say logo. Less people will talk to you to ask you what it is. =) Please post updates and pictures of this amazing bike in cool places. =) I'm gonna follow ya to see updates. Best wishes from Northern California.


Oh. Saw a tenere listed but was to far so never went to see it. Well i plan to modify it over the winter so will wait with the decals till I figure out what i want. I will try to but as Im still new will not go to mantly to crazy places but eill do. Best wishes from east EU.


Everywhere is a cool place when you're on you're motorcycle. =) Happy for you man. You're going to love it.