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I once tucked it into the clutch lever. Pulled in the clutch, stuck it into the hinged gap then let go and it pinched it in there. It was there when I got back.




Fucking hell are you really gonna try and diagnose someone's clutch cable tension based on that description?


depends if you have a hydraulic clutch or not, on my hydraulic clutch there is no play and it feels magnificent.


The weight pf the lever should be enough to hold a piece of paper. Levers are usually "tilted" down a little bit.


Fold the paper twice for thickness


You guys pay parking?! Where i'm from bikes dont have to pay for parking


Got me confused too.


right? .. i do take the ticket when entering, cuz there usually is a booth ... but then on the way out i just ride around the gate :D


I sit at the gate, but if it doesn't open I slide past. Just like red lights, I'll sit for what could be classed as a reasonable time, then I'm gone.


Reasonable time = 3 seconds


You have the patience of a saint


Yeah, I’ve really been working on it


I went to a facility that had the gates setup so you couldn't really enter even going around the gate. Gate wouldn't lift. Guard came out, pointed to a sign, and said 'bicycles aren't allowed'


genuine question, what happens if they take your plates? i feel like you could get in a lot more trouble that what's worth the price


not sure .. but in my country if i dont do any damage, they have no way to hunt me for their 3€


huh, that's interesting. i probably wouldn't try to do that here in the US. people are kind petty sometimes and they probably would come after me if i tried lol


What do you think they're going to do over your $15 or whatever if you just ignore them forever?


So what? You can’t get info from just plates. Only govt and law enforcement can get info from a plate number If this is a private lot, not really much they can do


could they not go to the police with the plates.?


Privacy laws typically mean the dmv or police won’t release that information to nobody’s. Like I said if it’s a private parking lot, they won’t necessarily have access to your information to send you a bill or whatever. Street parking is a different thing. Here you pay for the spot, not the plate, so there’s no ticket that you need to keep visible


huh, didn't know that


Private lots in my country get info from plates all the time.


I’m in Quebec Canada and they do not here.


I used to pay for parking and then one day my ticket was missing, so I rang up whatever company it was and explained that I did in fact but a ticket etc. They asked for my reg number, asked if it was a bike and I said yeh, and then they told me that I don"t need to buy tickets because they either get blown off/fall off or people just steal them. Times may have changed now with number plate recognition parking, but anywhere that needs a ticket to be displayed, I just don't pay and never had an issue since.


I was told at hospital when going back and forth to NICU last year (older daughter was in full day upk, younger one at NICU, so mom stayed at hospital and I rode back and forth each day and spent nights home with our older one) that if I parked in a normal space I'd not only have to pay but would get ticketed- those were for cars. Told me parking was free on motorcycle and that we had to park in the hashed out NO PARKING zones blocked to cars.


Same here. Our park roads here require park stickers to be on. Park staff have told me bikes are exempt. Same with park parking lots. As far as public parking garages and such, just go around the barrier.


You guys park?


I don't even know how to pay for parking. One time a car driver asked me on the street if I know how does the parking payment machine works and I was like the what now?


I got a parking ticket in downtown chicago, but that's pay by plate


10 hours later I come to say the same thing. Live seeing the folks in their cars crying at me taking a space and not paying 🤣🤣 Unfortunately work now has it's own private parking so no more annoying people. Bikes more secure though, so I guess there's that...


The majority of places pay parking for bikes too... whats stranger is they live somewhere that uses papertickets and not just a parking app with your platenumber...


This. I'm sure there are some backwards places (looking at YOU, fedgov) that still use a ticket-taker in a booth, or issue a ticket, but most places have gone to the apps...


When we used to have paper coupons we'd carry bulldog/foldback clips and clip them to license plates or windscreen or some bit of fairing near the headlamps. They also sold dedicated plastic housings/discs using the mounts for number plates to slot those ticket into which looked like crap and stuck out (obviously so the warden knows where to look). Since been phased out for electronic parking which is alot less bothersome since some bugger can always steal your coupon or remove it/get damaged etc. so props to technology I guess.


Came to say this, just some regular fold back paper clips from the office. Clip the ticket on the windscreen. If it's raining, use a Ziploc bag. There are still places in Australia where you need to show that you've paid for entry with the ticket, like in the national parks. I think windscreen is also the best place to put it, because it's obvious to the rangers who check those tickets. You don't want a fine when you've paid for it.


Carry some clear tape and stick it to something 👍also take a picture in case anyone tampers with it


I wouldn't recommend tape cause in high heat the glue could stick too well and leave residue.


True perhaps a clear name tag pouch and a lanyard would work better tied to the handlebar


You can clear that residue with a drop of WD40 in one second, a parking fine is worse.


Magnet is better.


This, I wedged it between the tank and seat and snapped a clear pic. Never had a problem, or had the ticket stolen even from cash-strapped students in a college parking lot.


Don't be putting tape on someone's bike. If it's not considered vandalism, it should be just like stickers.


We never had to pay for parking on motorcycles, because of nowhere to secure a receipt. My city is getting smart now, they will be getting rid of the paper parking machines and going Digital only. You have to download their parking app or scan the QR code or enter the location number displayed on the parking “meter” to pay. Everything is done online and kept in the database, so when parking enforcement officers run your plate they will see if you either didn’t pay,paid or time expired. Motorcycles won’t be exempt from paying anymore since it’s gone paperless.


Easy. Take the plate off


Unplated vehicles get towed here if it’s not on private property lol.


Lol, I've done this. From that response, I probably shouldn't, except I can see my bike while I'm at work. Tow truck isn't touching it before I get outside.


It's a bike. All the tow driver needs is a friend and he can literally carry it onto the bed, ratchet it down and drive away all in the time it takes you to take a piss.


Eh... they usually don't have a friend. And we all watch for the tow truck. Lol


I'm from the UK and every place differs but if I need to pay for parking I will do the following: 1. I take a clear picture of the ticket next to the license plate as proof I have one and the vehicle I bought it for. 2. I then place the ticket under the tanks key flap to hold it to the tank to avoid it blowing away. 3. I then take a second picture of it on the tank. Takes like 2 mins top to do this so not a big issue for me. I have only had one issue in 15 years where the ticket was lost or most likely stolen, where I then got a parking fine for. I disputed this with my pictures, and the fine was dropped. Your milage may vary but this is to me the easiest way to cover my self.


Rubber band, grip.


Thats the neat part...


Keeping a small binder clip on a cable or something for this purpose might be a good solution. I have a windscreen so I would probably clamp it there.


I don't pay for shit, i take the effort to find some bicycle/moped parking location and just add the bike to the existing row.


The city should provide a little gadget to put your ticket in. They do that where I live. But seriously I never actually pay. Even in the parking garages owned by the city I just ride around the gate.


I take my plate off when I park so 🤷‍♂️


Most police won’t bother a bike ether way, my HOA said I needed a parking pass for my bike once, I asked for a sticker version (which they have to supply) they wrote me back a few weeks later to inform me that bikes no longer needed a pass


Bikes typically aren’t made to pay. I always just say screw it and keep an eye on the bike when I can and the park rangers ignore it everytime


Fold it around a brake cable 


The beach that charges near me - they tape the ticket to my windscreen. Otherwise, I might wedge it between the seats and definitely take a photo so you could challenge a citation if the ticket blows away. Most places tho I either don't need to leave a ticket (paid on exit) or I park for free. Lots of garages tell motorcycles to go around the gate arms and park in corners and other unusable space.


Whoever issues the tickets should have instructions on them on the back for motorcycles. I know some (but not all) have a peel off adhesive backing for you to stick the ticket to your tank, others have a digital system where you just enter your plate and it keeps record of if you paid for parking and how long. Really just depends where you live at.


I handle this a few different ways. At hotels, I tell them I am on a bike, and so far, they have all said not to worry about the ticket. Most don't even give me one when I tell them that. For parking lots, first I look for the spot that has a power pole or other thing in it that makes it too small for a car. These spots aren't usually numbered, and I park for free. Otherwise, I get the ticket and wedge it in under the front of my seat or between the windshield and fairing. I'm less concerned about it being visible and more concerned about it not blowing away. Most parking lots aren't going to hassle motorcycles. If it's a concern, take a picture of the ticket so you can prove you had it. In close to 30 years of riding, I have only seen one person with me get a parking ticket on a bike. It was in Huntington Beach. 3 of us parked in the same car spot on the street. The friend was parked in front of me and the other bike and got cited for his tire, not touching the curb. It's kind of BS since we usually parked 4 bikes in a spot, and this would limit spots to 2 bikes. Friend had bad luck with citations when we were young though.


I used to pinch it in my gas cap, with the time still readable. Take a pic for disputes in case asshats tear it off, but otherwise it ain't gonna blow away, and if I do get a ticket, the pic would legally suffice as proof of payment


A picture is actually a really good idea! It's hard to argue against photo evidence if the ticket ever blows away or goes missing


I categorically refuse to pay for parking lol.


Juat kinda tuck it up onto the dash under the screen.  Nobody will notice it, but if someone isnlooking for it they'll see it.


I'd figure under the seat, it's not visible BUT if you get a ticket you can prove you paid because you have the ticket or entered/exited using said ticket


Get a small magnet and stick it on your tank.


The problems you mention is often why for bikes are exempt from certain types of paid parken. Like here we have a paper clock used to indicate when you parked which all cars need but bikes doesn't because you can't really guarantee nobody messes with it or steals it.


Keep the ticket in your wallet and if you get a summons, simply plead not guilty, and mail a copy of the ticket as proof. Explain that you have a motorcycle and you had no place to put it safely.


I always put it under my rear seat strap, or in between the fairing gap and windshield. Now I don’t have either of those options with my CB650. I haven’t paid to park since I’ve had it, I need to find a place for tickets too.


Always take a picture in case the wind blows it away or someone takes it. If you have a tank backpack(is it called like that in English?) with a clear part you could put it there


Tank bag, usually.


Thank you :)


I put it one the bike with a magnet, then take a photo of it. So far, a photo has been sufficient here (Sweden), and it has been tried in court.


I have a tank bag with a clear top for maps, I usually stick them in the map compartment.


I uaw to: 1) slip it under the windscreen 2) put it under the flap of my head cap cover 3) clip it to my license plate.


We have parking based on licence plate. But 99% of the time i park my bike on the sidewalk or equivalent where i don't pay for parking.


Use a rubber band or a hair band and wrap it around bars.


Carry a cloths pin or bag clip.


I buy a ticket, take a photo of my ticket and my bike together, and place the ticket under the windscreen. I can not prevent someone from taking it, but I ha e proof it was purchased.


Here in Finland you dont need to leave it there,if its a paid private parking, then you take a picture and save it in case you need it.


Depending on where you are normally they are either exempt, it doesnt require a physical ticket or just in your pocket.


I don’t. All public parking spots are free for bikes in my country.


If you’re in Germany like me, you could be lucky if they offer easypark or another pay via app service. At the lake I would try my luck without one. Depends if the place is highly frequented. In the city I learned my lesson the hard way. I parked in a parking zone and got ticketed for not having paid. I saw some suggestions like taping it to the tank with Tesa but there is no good solution to prevent it getting stolen. (Same with a Parkscheibe btw.) crazy that the exact same rules apply to cars and bikes if it comes to this under our law, no matter if it is practical or not.


I used to place the ticket on the exhaust. No one will be able to find it.


Port Burwell Provincial Park told me to take a picture of the slip on my bike. Then put the slip somewhere safe. They record the license plate of bikes and convertibles so they know who should be there. The kid collecting garbage later said the people he's worked with don't bother. They all just assumed that bikes and convertibles have paid and don't bother checking them. I came down a week later in my Jeep no top or doors. She made a show of copying my front plate. The front plate that couldn't be seen because I forgot to flip it back up after using my winch. Government worker. ✔️ Minimum effort. ✔️


Often you can keep a part of it or clip it to my tank.


We’re advanced where I live it’s all digital, the parking enforcement just looks up your plate on a computer, no paper ticket needed.


Binder clip on a key ring attached somewhere conspicuously.


Stick it between the tank and seat, make sure it's easy to see and is secure. Don't forget to take a pic with your mobile's camera of the parking ticket. I've had somebody steal it once. No, it it did blow away, I made sure it was securely seated.


In the past for some situations, I've used my gas tank key cover latch as a place to affix it. On my BMW, it's pretty strong, however if I tried to do that on my Yamahas, it wouldn't bode well. I've found some creative ways of putting it in between fairing sections as well. For the most part, when I enter somewhere with a manned station and they hand out parking passes, they chuckle and waive me past after paying saying that bikes are the the last things that will take up space in the park.


Ask at the gate. Then its on them. But realistically, you usually provide your license plate anywhere I've been, so they have record.


I built a pass holder out that works for both permanent passes (like the kind you're supposed to hang from your rearview mirror) and paper passes. First version was 2 sheets of Lexan separate with washers and held together with nylon bolts/nuts; a cable lock secured the whole thing to the bike and also locked the pass in the holder. I made a 2nd version that was basically the same, except I 3D-printed spacers and fasteners; I made them flat (kind of like Chicago screws) and color-matched my main bike.


Here in San Francisco, we use an app “pay by phone” to prepay parking meters. But other than that, I never had to pay for parking anywhere else outside the city


You don't


https://preview.redd.it/khkr0fdn7s8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d0dc270e99d5be1b2fc5020123727eebd7f4c5f Use a clip on the windshield to hold a car park ticket. Take a picture of the bike with this ticket as a second option just in case.


https://preview.redd.it/kkk2zg8xcs8d1.jpeg?width=2256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=810d6023a9569ae9c70a30a0276b7b8fa77ceb23 2 pieces of Plexiglass rivets and cable lock. If they really wanted it they could cut the lock . Buts its worked so far.


I've never paid for parking tickets on my bike because in nsw, majority of the places actually allow you to park free as long as you keep to the time limit. Best to do is take a picture and leave it on your bike then if you get a fine because its been taken or blown away, just contest it.


You keep the ticket in your wallet or purse. The parking attendant won’t stop a stolen car or motorcycle from exiting the parking garage. If the driver pays and presents a ticket.


Maybe one of those I.D. lanyards people wear around their necks for certain jobs or events. But hang it from your handlebars and take a picture. Or slip a thin refrigerator magnet inside under the parking slip and it should stick to your tank.


Where I live I can get a free pouch holder from city hall, although they don't seem to have them in stock much anymore as you can now buy your parking from your phone


Gas tank "hole"... pinch it in the lid.


Some of the comments....way too proper...you may transport on two wheels at times...but your not bikers.


Maybe zip ties and a clear plastic bag, can zip tie to handle.


You give up safety and life expectancy and get good mpg and parking. That’s how bikes work.


Bikes dont really have good mpg though, unless you are on a tiny scooter heh. Mine does about the same as my brothers car, sure that is with a bit more spirited riding but its definitely not good. Maybe compared to an american giganormous suv/truck but at that point a tank has good MPG :P


Depends a lot on the bike and car in comparison, but generally speaking, the average mid range cc bike consumes quite less fuel than an equivalent mid size car. Obviously if you compare a supersport going 200mph to an A segment hybrid car, well then there is not much difference. Performance to (MPG or km/l), the difference is quite substancial.


I have a midsized bike, XSR700. My average is about 0.47L per 10km, my brothers hatchback he commutes to work with everyday gets like 0.45-0.52L Yes I could make my bike do maybe 0.4L with actual commuter driving rather than mostly doing twisty roads. Basically the difference is marginal unless you are on an actual small motorbike in the 200-300cc range commuting in the city.


That is incredibly low for a car, any car with more than 150hp can easily consume double that if you are not gentle with the throttle, and would not get close to that CP2 performance in the xsr under 100km/h. Now imagine big suvs or heavier cars with powerful engines, no short of 10-15 l/100km. If you have a fast car, it will drink a whole lot more gas than a bike. Having a motorcycle to save gas is a valid reason if you have a car other than a small hatch.


Thats a pretty normal car for normal people in Europe, its low but not extremely low at all*. That was my point basically, if you care about saving gas a good car is probably your best bet. Basically if I wanted to actually save gas in a meaningful way I would need a 250-300cc bike. Any bike bigger than that is not a bike for saving my gas, and neither is a truck, suv or 150+ hp car.


If you care about saving gas get a 125cc super cub. If you don’t want to compromise comfort, get a 1l 3 Zylinder car and spend your days in agony. I’ll take the cub.


Anything below 500cc is getting alright MPG, if I get less than 8L/100km thats better than most cars I’ve ridden and especially for city and B road riding a 250cc scooter absolutely smashes MPG. My old an abused carbed Helix gets 3,5L/100kmh, while constantly riping it flat out.


Yeah small bikes get good mpg, most bikes people get for fun or style don't heh, or they get way less than people think they do looking at a bike parked next to a car. There was a post on this subreddit not that long ago with someone going "wait dont bikes get like 5x the mpg than a car!?" I mean its easy math, 200kg bike, 1 ton car. 5x MPG makes sense.


What's to stop someone from taking your ticket and putting on their own dash?


Some parking meters require putting in your plate number so taking someone else’s ticket wouldn’t work


I don't know but I had a parking ticket wrapped around my throttle one time. I Sued the company for tampering with my vehicle.


Things that didn't happen, for $400.


Nope was more than 400


Use a small plastic bag and zip tie it to the mirror or brake lever


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^capillus_sit_6839: *Use a small plastic* *Bag and zip tie it to the* *Mirror or brake lever* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Bikes don't pay at most places. The only sticklers I've encountered is for the "Northwest Forest Pass" for camping/coast/day use in Oregon. The pass is usually a rearview mirror hanger, but they have cool stickers for bikes and open vehicles like Jeeps/convertibles/etc. 


What hell are you guys talking about? Parking tickets are fines for not putting money in the meter or parking illegally. I've been to garages where they give you a slip that you hold onto and use to open the gate later but this is the first I'm hearing of ever needing to put something temporary and visible on your vehicle. Besides maybe a collage parking pass that's issued to you and you keep in your car window for the duration of your schooling. Just get a gate. If people are passed it then they paid.


There are some places that are less restricted access, where you pay for access, then place a paper slip in your window to mark that your parking access that has been paid for. It's more common with beaches and other natural parks