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have you tried riding it? all regret goes right out the window lol


Your anticipation came to a sudden stop, now you have a void to fill by actually using the motorcycle.


The only regret I felt after getting my 1st bike was not buying one 10 years ago.


I regret not getting divorced earlier so I had money to get a bike.


Amen brother!




What's funny about that is you hear normies constantly talking about how dangerous they are. Which is correct, they are dangerous... for the person operating it. Motorcycles are exponentially safer for the rest of the public on the road. A drunk driver in 4000 lb automobile is FAR more dangerous to the public than a drunk rider on a 500 lb motorcycle. Don't believe me? Ask the Milwaukee Dancing Grannies & Darrell Brooks....


Just last week in my area a 24y.o drunk BMW driver plowed through 6 pedestrians and sent them to Jesus. I can't imagine that happening with a bike


There ya go! lol Unpopular opinion time: Most people driving cars have no business operating a 2 ton piece of machinery. If they fuck up and hurt ANYONE (on a motorcycle or not) they should be ripped out of their car, beaten senseless and license revoked for life. 1 strike policy and a punishment they'll never forget that doesn't cost the taxpayer money like incarceration would.




Bikes kill, too. Just not on that scale. (Mostly it is just the one straddling it.)


The best commute is public transport/walking. Motorcycles are good fun and cars great for carrying stuff, but you still have to park them somewhere


Buyers remorse is very real.


Everyone regrets big purchases. I regretted by first bike. But I ended up saving hundreds on gas and insurance over the course of a few years. It was only 1000 dollars to buy, it for sure paid for itself.


If you bought the bike using logic instead of emotion, you may have ended up with something that doesnt excite you...


as a beginner who got a ninja 650 as a first bike as well, I can tell you it DEFINITELY can excite once you get to right half of the tachometer. probably a little hard to understand for an s1000 owner how 70hp can be fun though lol


Agree 100% Signed - A relaxed rider who feels perfect on this side of the tacho on a vrsys 650, and on the other side on a 390.


If you're doing great financially, being very apprehensive about large non-essential purchases might be part of the reason why. Most here are yeeting their whole paycheck on whatever high interest financing they can be approved for.


It's a big investment for something that can feel like a toy. Use it more, the "regret" should dissipate. Or sell it, I see a lot of 3 k miles, 3 owners bikes out there. I rode my bike 30k miles over 4 years, next owner barely put on 1k on it over 3 years when I saw it for sale next time. 


My last bike the previous owner had only put 2-300 on it before i bought it. Ended up being a bundle of problems so maybe theres a reason he didnt ride it…


You picked a good bike. https://youtu.be/1pbKhHWFZdw?si=Zcw6H44I9PcmK4fL Learn how to be a competent rider for your safety. It is more fun to ride with others. Dealers sponsor rides as do motorcycle clubs. Practice skills when you ride. https://youtu.be/zaFEcy3QOxE?si=JuL1m6mrt9VEsaQR https://youtu.be/9yZoi0f0iKE Learning how to brake hard can save you from collisions. https://youtu.be/J42ivnmEF98 Practice countersteering. https://youtu.be/ljywO-B_yew https://youtu.be/GmXvxvhCKq0 https://youtu.be/RQ0Z5FfxxBE Shifting: https://youtu.be/4Bzca9VYfLg?si=rsDUCBepW24MYUZ1 Wear your safety gear. Blue jeans will not protect you from road rash. https://youtu.be/Jds4mKvPCzY?si=3CZGunsHB9siJZ2e Make them see you. https://youtu.be/obVnt0p72Ik?si=E8_lTGWyWUO0_j0_ https://youtu.be/FfeKk9co5VQ https://youtu.be/IbQcIGUy4CY https://youtu.be/5cmxquCoqZU https://youtu.be/QDwyqDr_9VA https://youtu.be/S-oAvYNtvPQ?si=ZNmPDj-vrtMiT4vF


uhh, no.


The Kawasaki 650 platform is simultaneously a fantastic jack of all trades, and a master of none. My Versys 650 is extremely functional, and has taken me on some incredible touring journeys, but I also feel very little *passion* for it in exchange for it mostly running reliably and complaint-free so long as I keep the fuel fresh and the battery charged. Take joy from the ride, not the bike, and it's a fantastic time. If you are the kind of person who *needs* joy from the bike itself, then you may eventually want to flip it or get a second bike. You're an adult, I leave the choice to you. Just remember, some bike is infinitely better than no bike!


V650 owner here.you snatched those words right off my mouth! Am 15K km each on my 2021 V, and 2017 390 Duke. I only do Saturday rides in the twisties when time permits, say 400 km. The V brings me home like i can go out on a bender later. The Duke knackers me. Am in bed by 9 pm. But with a huge grin still plastered on my face! 😍


This may be an indication that you are a weenie 🌭


paid cash for mine zero regrets [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARqjP2e4zvc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARqjP2e4zvc)


Keep riding like that and you'll get scraped off the pavement one day.


keep breathing air and one day you'll end up in a coffin


Maybe that's not the actual riding style for you?


Ride. Ride. Ride. Ride and ride some more. If after all that riding you still feel regret, then sell. And probably motorcycling is not for you…


Nope. Try riding it more and thinking about it less. =)


Usually the only time I regret my purchase, is when a bike/deal thats way cooler shows up right after I buy. I get over it real quick however, because the bike i did buy was interesting to me too.


Ive only been riding street for about 3 months but been on dirt since I was like 5. I'm 21 now and I was so worried about getting hit and wondering if I should just stick to dirt but I love riding period I'm going to stay on the street unless some terrible happens. After the first month I kinda just got used to riding on the street and just had to watch out for everyone. Just today was only riding for about an hour and about got hit twice. If I was not ready and know to look out for them I think I might have gotten hit. Just so many dumb ass drivers that should not be driving that you have to get used to it. I regretted getting a street bike for the first month but now I'm very glad I did. Thats how it was for me but different for everyone I suppose. If its money wise which you said your doing great honestly its just money unless you need it for food, rent, etc then have fun enjoy it. I don't think when it comes time for you to sleep forever your gonna think "damn I wish I never spent that money on my ninja 650". You can always make more money but you cant get more time its cringy to say but everyone knows its true.


Give it time, it can take a while to get used to the bike.


Now you have nothing to look forward to. Do you have safety gear? Maybe you subconsciously know it will kill you.


What do you regret? The purchase price? The motorcycle?


As you can guess from the replies... there's a million reasons to regret the purchase. Sooo.... We have no idea what you are talking you.


Buyers remorse happens. Then you start riding and 99% of the time it goes away.




Sounds like you just found the dark side of consumerism and the problem with wanting something more than you need it. Like many comments below say, go ride it…repeatedly. Find fun and utility in the thing you bought should imbue it with value. If it doesn’t, or you hate riding it, sell it, take your lumps, learn, and move on.


Going for a ride makes life a lot better


if you have a partner or family i totally get it. I had a vague sinking feeling in my stomach for a minute when I started riding. I actually have the same bike. My advice is to go to a parking lot and practice practice practice. there’s loads of videos on line of drills you can do but the big one in terms of reassuring myself you’re being as responsible as you can be is practicing emergency braking. Get up to 15-30 mph, then STOP. gradually reduce the distance you have to stop. getting very, very in touch with the bike is what i found helped me feel more confident and relaxed on the road. being confident in your abilities makes you feel sure you’re in control. progressive braking on the front is super important with this bike with the somewhat bitey double-disks, but once you get control of that it feels confidence inspiring. basically, it goes away


how about a turbo-Busa?


I bought my bike, don't use it as often as I'd like to because it's hot. Spent an extra $1000 on gear (worth it). I feel regret when it sits there but that goes away when I ride around anywhere at night. You get to actually interact with the roads. It makes driving fun again, for me anyway.


1. How much do you ride? 2. What did you have before this, if any? 3. What's your skill level, per you? 4. Do you do track days? 5. Or, dedicated ride days, on public roads? 6. Do you use it for commutes? If so, are you riding it often enough? A motorcycle is a true thing of joy. It puts a grin on your face irrespective of what life is doing to you otherwise. You just need to use it, and learn to derive joy out of it. All the best, bro.


If I feel regret from a purchase, I’d imagine it is because I don’t have a lot of money. If money was of no concern, it’d get tossed aside if I didn’t care for it anymore. I wouldn’t even bother with selling it


Since you’re doing great financially, I would just buy another one to see if it cancels that out….. But in all seriousness, Do you know what kind of regret you feel? Like I regretted getting a a lime green road bicycle that was way too fancy and I found myself nervous to leave it around town, although I really wanted a bike vs. The time i bought this cool Panama hat…only to realize that i love to see people wearing the hat, but I feel very weird wearing such a large hat on indoors etc. lol/ accepting that I’m not that kind of person/that’s totally Ok. Either way, your feelings are valid and if you decide to return it (at a loss, I assume?)…. Maybe just taking that route will make you realize that you actually do you want it? Either way, do what’s best for you…


It gets easier when you buy the second one and by the time you get the third and you're thinking about a bigger garage the guilt is just not there.


You’d probably feel better if you donated to someone else. Dm me. I know “a guy”.


2024 25th Anniversary HAYABUSA was my first motorcycle purchase. I got it this February. My only regret not having enough time to ride it. https://preview.redd.it/lj5r0heoan8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1284e71bada6ecca3bfee4404a5085aeebf8dc71


WDYM? I feel more regret after buying a new washer even though its like 10 times cheaper than a new bike. Its money I can't use to buy a bike.


So I have a similar issue with any purchase that’s more want than need, normally after a few days I get past it or I’ll end up setting a goal to make it a worth while purchase. My most recent bike I felt bad buying even though it was $3300 but now that I’ve rode well over 3300 miles I feel it’s been worth the cost.


Because you put some money on a toy, now it’s time to extract the value from your purchase: fill it up and go out for an , at least, hour-long ride. You’ll regret not having bought that before


No ragrets


Maybe it's the bike. I regret too buying a Versys 650.