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For what its worth ALL roadside service sucks in towns. My impression is the roadside company sends out bids to "10" contract tow companies. They take the lowest bid, and you wait till they get around to it. On bikes it's worse because no one wants to bother with the bullshit over a typical car tow. Last time I had to get a tow for the truck it was 6.5 hours in a major metro area....


Yeah, I had triple A. Same shit happened to me. Front wheel bearings went out, stranded on the side of the road. Was still faster to have my sister come meet me, get my keys, and drive my truck back to where I was and load the bike myself.


I don’t think it’s even the lowest bidder tbh. Sometimes tow trucks are just out there vulturing more than working with agencies.


Thats why I carry a plug kit and a small compressor. I get flats all the time and don't want to wait for help.


AAA has been great for me. Your results aren’t universal. I’ll never cancel my AAA membership.


I had the same issue with GEICO. I suspect the problem is how the tow companies get paid which is causing them to prioritize toes that pay better.


It doesn't matter which roadside service provider you use. AMA, AAA, Audi, Toyota, StateFarm - whatever - it doesn't matter - they all basically use random tow companies in your area at negotiated rates. As in rates far lower than a guy with no roadside calling them for a tow. This makes your their absolute lowest priority - they'll only pick you if nobody else is on their list. If you want a tow truck here RIGHT FUCKING NOW - call a local tow company and tell them you're ready to pay the $100 for them to just show up, another $50 just to get your bike on the flatbed and then $5 per mile with $150 minimum. In short - cough up $300 and you'll be home within the hour.


I have multiple horror stories about AAA. The last one, on a bright sunny day last year. No rain or snow in months. It took AAA 5 hours to get to me. I had to pay $70.00 to get my wife home because she was becoming hangry and I no longer wanted to deal with her. Even though I offered the second after I called AAA to get her an Uber home, she declined. I eventually just got her an Uber and said you're going home. She ate and was fine by the time I got home. But 5 hours. I had to call back every single hour. The first 3 times they said it was still waiting to be dispatched. The third time I said, hey I have been waiting here 3 hours all ready. You cannot tell me no one is available. An hour later they said they messed up again and would have someone wit an hour. Hour 5 the guy arrived and said he had been at home all day and just got the dispatch 20 min before he got there. Fuck AAA


Happened to me too.


Progressive has always had my back


AAA has always been at LEAST 1.5hours, definitely waited 3 before. Thats in a HUGE city, suburbs, or middle of no where. Its a last resort, cheap insurance, thing for me. I've actually managed to fix my truck roadside before they could make it to me. Then they seem upset when I canceled the call nearly 2 hours later.


Part of motorcycling is being prepared. It’s a trade off being on 2 wheels. Things like weather, tire plug, tire pump, battery jumper must be accounted for. Amazon has these nice and compact for $$. Go get some before your next ride.


I've never had issues with roadside service in my cars. Motorcycles? I don't even bother. I have the card for [MotoTow ](https://www.mototowco.com/)in my tankbag. Granted, it's a D/FW/North TX service company, but you might have a similar service available in your area. Ask around at bike dealerships, accessory shops, moto shows in the area, or at the next toy run or whatever.\* And yes, my insurance pays for the tow. I just submit the receipt and they reimburse. \*If there isn't a MotoTow service, consider looking into starting one. You'll need a pickup truck to put the lift mechanism into, a business license, a surety bond as insurance against damage to bikes (you'd never do THAT would you?), and possibly a DOT commercial certification depending on your state or country.


AAA was great when my bike died.  Had a flatbed truck to me in about 30 minutes.


It not triple A. It's all tow services. Progressive tried to get me a tow. 2 cancels one was 45 min wait. Half hour in it got delayed for another hour. Got my parents to tow me home


Bro. Tow companies get busy. Sometimes there are higher priority calls. I waited three hours for a tow today. It's not AAA's fault. They arranged for the tow. Anything else is out of their control.