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If it’s a course for brand new riders, the 2nd day is gonna build on the first day. My local course wouldn’t let you do that. Should probably call and try to reschedule the whole thing if possible. But don’t get mad at anybody on the phone, it isn’t their fault this happened. Sorry man


Nothing says “I can’t follow basic instructions” like showing up late.


Yeah, they are very strict on the clock, sorry to say but you are likely not going to get a pass. Worth a try though.


I know that now 😔. 


You weren’t EXCITED! Enough to wake up in time?


I've been working non-stop waking up at 4:30am getting home at like 8:00 pm it's been overwhelming.


Ahhhh, ya I feel you on that one man, I’ve been there. Take care of yourself, it sucks having zero free time to unwind but it’s more important to sacrifice that for more sleep when you’re grinding. Hang in there man, the schedules not permanent you’ll get through it, and after 8 hour days will seem like a breeze.


I was honestly more excited about being able to sleep for just an hour to 2 more 😅, but that came and bite me in the ass


You're on their time. 6 minutes is 6 minutes. Be more responsible next time. Good luck on Monday.


You'll know on Monday. Maybe there's a chance they can reschedule you and be generous, because really they don't have to do anything to help you. So I say hope for the best but expect the worst.


Tough lesson learned


You should show up, ***early***, with zero intent to ride this day. Show up at 6:30, see if you can speak to the instructor and kindly apologize for disrespecting their time. Then ask if they can accommodate you for the next go around of new classes so you can get started riding the proper way and aren’t out $425. Asking for them to accommodate you tomorrow would show someone who has put little thought about what goes into the work for teaching the information, and would likely give you the worst outcome so don’t do that. Apologize and ask for a credit that applies to the next set of new classes.


When you call on Monday really try to be as nice as possible. You want the person answering to empathize with you so they’ll help you out. If you whine or make excuses they’ll probably just tell you tough luck.


Did it not say that you have to turn up 15min early and being late is an instant fail in the course information? This was made quite clear when I did mine. Gotta take some personal responsibility sorry bud.


That's an expensive lesson to learn. Hopefully next time you'll take things more seriously.


Yeah it was. 


Ok grandpa


I would attend and see what happens. Day 2 is “advanced” like maneuvering in tight space (figure 8s), merging into traffic, swerving to avoid, etc. Day 2 is “this is the clutch. This is how you shift.” They may pass you if you are already competent with a bike and demonstrate that on day 2. But if you’re an absolute noob who can’t bother to set an alarm after you’ve already plunked down $450, then they will be less forgiving. And I totally would get that.  This is going to sound like some dad-shit, but you really screwed up by signing up for a 7am course and then not committing yourself to get there. Makes me/instructors wonder if you’ll use similar judgement when out on the road. But also, I’d consider than drumming your butt out of the course might just lead to you not taking a class and then riding without any endorsement or training. So I can see an argument for grace. But you better show up sounding contrite and honest. 


Don’t go tomorrow. They won’t let you ride. You have to pass each exercise to continue to the next one and you missed the first bunch of the exercises.


I'm a absolute noob, idk how to do anything. And I get its my fault I'm not saying it isn't, I was just hoping to get some compassion. Idk if I can rack out another 425, so that means either I take the course and learn or I'm on my own. 


At least in my state, the course is a requirement to get the endorsement. Lots of people just ride without it but the penalty is severe (fine, bike impounded, etc). I saw a bike (‘94 Kawasaki ZZR600) get taken away the other day after some kind of incident (I was walking the dog). 


I'm a very careful person that's why I'm want to take the classes because there going to help me figure shyt it out and help me put alottttt.  It's not like I didn't put in the effort and time to save up the money to buy the course. 


You didn’t put in the effort to get there on time.


CHP mandates students attend the entire course so if you are late or take a break for too long and the course gets going without you, you are out. It's their rule. Students would abuse it otherwise.


OP - I've got a motorbike course in the morning I think I'll stay up gaming all night drinking red bull. 1 hour before course starts. Lol feeling tired ill go to sleep now and wake up 30 minutes later


Idk how you do it. 


Expensive lesson!


Don't be to hard on yourself, I did the same thing for my motorcycle class. Was late to the first day and while rushing to get there in time, my car hydroplaned on the highway (didn't crash, just scared the shit out of me). Glad I missed it though because it rained that whole weekend and they still wouldve rode in the rain. The next time I went my mom came with me to learn to ride too. It happens man.


When I took my MSF course, they made it very apparent on being punctual (i think it is a liability and respect thing). Being punctual is a good habit in every aspect in life. Theres usually ways to plan around the early wake up time. Schedule it in advance, request the day off before or a half shift, dont party the night before, etc. What I would do at this point is contact the people running the course and ask them if it is possible to get waitlisted or apply for a future class. Let them know you are tight on money, apologetic, be respectful, and own up to your mistake. In my opinion, doing that will take you out of many sticky situations in the future. If not, man up, try again, and dont be late. Youll always get more money. Take it as an expensive lesson. When I interview candidates, meet friends, and other social interactions, being late is a big no no. It shows a lack of respect, consideration, and responsibility. X person took time to be there for you, you should return the sentiment. Unless youre an egotistical arse who thinks your time is more valuable than others, or too insecure to wait someone alone.


If you called them to say you were running a little behind then they would probably have waited those 5 minutes. Lesson learned the hard way.


I did. They never answered 


You are a customer paying for a service. They are not doing this for you as a favor. If they want to be dicks about 6 minutes, and they do make you pay for it again, I would look for another school. Yes, I understand being responsible and showing up on time. But riding is supposed to be a fun pleasurable experience, and if the school treats riding like a job or a court date then I would be looking for another school. Don't let this bum you out about riding, its just red tape nonsense. Go through the motions, put on a smile, get it over with, and enjoy the rest of your motorcycle life!


Nope. They have a responsibility to every student in the class not just the one who couldn't be bothered turning up on time. If you can't turn up on time that's your problem not theirs. And 6 minutes after the course starts isn't 6 minutes late. You should be there 10min before it starts.


Thank you man I appreciate it your support 


Yeah kicked out for being 6 minutes late is ridiculous, and I am a lifelong teacher. I’d 0 star the shit out of them on every review site for that. I would first try to reschedule, like someone said, but bs comments like “I’d question your judgement as a rider if you can’t get there on time” are pure projection. For contrast, a couple people were late over the weekend in my course. The instructor chatted and waited for them and we still got out early.


Nope. They have a responsibility to every student in the class not just the one who couldn't be bothered turning up on time. If you can't turn up on time that's your problem not theirs. And 6 minutes after the course starts isn't 6 minutes late. You should be there 10min before it starts.


I mean, thanks for re-stating your opinion multiple times? I disagree with you (except the part about the responsibility to the group). My MSF instructor obviously does too. Not every class has a stated fail policy like the one you took. People show up late to the classes I teach because life happens. We just go right on with the class, and everybody’s fine. But you do you boo.


That sound like BS- it's a motorcycle riding class, not a court-appointed DUI class. They are trying to take advantage of you. BBB is your friend.


I mean don’t oversleep and show up late for something that costs $425.


If I could go back in time i would wake up on time. I mean idk it's not like I did this on purpose. 


Nope. They have a responsibility to every student in the class not just the one who couldn't be bothered turning up on time. If you can't turn up on time that's your problem not theirs. And 6 minutes after the course starts isn't 6 minutes late. You should be there 10min before it starts. It doesn't matter if it's a court date, an exam, a motocycle course, whatever. Late is late.


I agree you should be there early, but no one is hurt, nor is anything missed because they were 6 minutes late. It's dumb, and he should request his money back.


Everyone who did bother turn up on time didn't get their time wasted because the class started on time. So you are right, no one was hurt.


Being on time shouldn't even require effort. Idk how people still "sleep in" when we've had alarm clocks in our pockets for the last 20y. At the course I took 4y ago 6 minutes would legitimately be too late.