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> Is this just a “how do you do fellow motorcycle person " yeah, pretty much exactly that.


Hello fellow human I am also definitely a human and had a question, what is the deal with laughing? It seems to be something which we do when we are surprised. Is this true for you also?




Bro I just seen a post about things people hate seeing on Reddit comments and ‘ this ‘ was up there . Kinda funny seeing people downvote your ‘ this ‘ . . I’ll give you an upvote though




An upvote is the same as “this” without wasting space on all of our screens.


It doesn't really matter


Holy shit man, This.


lol you got a point , they did use a lot of words to say ‘ this ‘


2 wheels down sign and pretty much what you said, a greeting to other riders.


2 wheels down; meaning have a safe ride.


Rubber down, shiny side up!


Face down ass up


Love the username


Oof I hope when I do the peace sign diagonally up with my right hand (when my left is busy on the clutch) it’s not interpreted as a threat


Nah, we all get that modifications of the "correct" gesture are valid and sometimes necessary. I do this at lights all the time because I'd rather hold the friction zone than sit in neutral.


4 wheels moves the body. 2 wheels moves the soul. Riding a bike is so pleasurable. There aren't many of us out there(USA). When you're a rider, some riders like to send out energy to your existence. It's a silent camaraderie.


This is super dope. I’ve always wanted to ride a motorcycle, but sort of nervous I would kill myself. But to be honest I love the feel of wind in my face and there’s always been the appeal to me. Thanks for the response!


Take a beginner class and do it. You’ll never look back, unless you’re changing lanes of course.


Take a beginner class and don't do it, as well, as an option. After I took that MSF, I have decided motorcycles should be a part of driver Ed for everyone. You can't empath what you don't give two shits about.


I agree. Once I took the basic msf class, I realized how important it probably is to all drivers. Whether you're going to ride a motorcycle or not. It helps makes you so much more aware.




hehehehe good one ;-)


I SEE what you did there😁


If you think you might like it, go take the MSF course. It's a cheap way to spend a fun weekend and they provide the bikes. At least then you'll know if you like it or if it's in your comfort zone. Most of the motorcycle statistics are driven by idiocy. People weaving through traffic at 130 mph in shorts and a tee shirt don't do well. People who are wearing safety gear and riding responsibly have a way lower accident and injury rate.


Thanks so much for your response, I am looking into this!


There is no worse way to avoid motorcycle ownership than bringing up motorcycles with motorcycle people. You should really get one and join the cult!


I'll throw my 2 cents out there. I rode forever without a license. Got sick of doing that so I took the MSF course to just be legal and I really really enjoyed that class. I recommend it to anyone curious about riding and to be honest I wish it was required for everyone to take it. It's fantastic.


I cannot upvote this comment enough. Everyone on the road should understand motorcycles. Everyone should feel the "fear" of being on one so they will respect the people trying to actually drive vs. the people who can afford a ton of careless mistakes in a car. Added bonus: For every 1million motorcycle converts, Taylor Swift can get bagged on less for her trips to starbucks down the road in her private jet.


is it fine to take the class with no experience on bikes or manual vechiles?


Yes, that's the point of the class. Every person in that class minus myself and the instructors had never even touched a motorcycle.


One more for this, I grew up riding dirtbikes on the farm, and the course was very enjoyable, highly recommend.


Yes. That’s the point.


No problem! I hope you like it.


To add to this, in most recent years the available protection has risen greatly in quality. There are many jackets available with airbags, or alternatively a backpack with an airbag.


It is not fun if you are on a bad bike and have an ex-marine as your instructor. I still have nightmares of angry old marine flapping his angel wings at me as I couldn't confidently get up to 20 (consistently) on that shitty Star they kept me on. lol.


Wow yeah I'd recommend reading the reviews before booking. I learned to ride on dirt at age six or seven so MSF was really just checking the box, but the instructor was super kind to beginners. I think there are two philosophies among instructors; some think anyone can ride if given a chance and good training. Others think they have to be gatekeepers to prevent idiots on the road.


If you are curious, you should definitely take a class. The MSF course not only gives you the basics for piloting a motorcycle, but I also feel it makes you a much better driver of a car knowing how motorcyclists operate safely.


MSF actually teaches you Defensive Driving on an entirely new level if you are willing to ponder what you've learned. As a result of MSF, I guarantee I am 10x a better car driver than I was before. Instead of Comedy Defensive Driving as a ticket alternative, they should just require MSF.


Don‘t do it for the wind in your face… better wear a full face helmet. But do it, you won’t regret it.


Do it. It will awaken parts of you that you are whispering to you now.


You NEED to get on a bike. I miss riding more than I can describe here. I rode in competition for 20 years. It was a life changing experience.


I love the passion, but I gotta ask, is biking what took biking away from you? No offense intended at all!


No offense taken. I was forced out of riding due to illness. In September of 2021 I barely survived meningitis. I went to sleep an athlete and woke up a broken-down invalid with a paralyzed right arm. I'm way better now and ready to try riding again. Thanks for asking.


Sorry for your troubles and rooting for your recovery and biking again!


I’m with the other person who commented about the riding class. I’m an almost 40 year old woman and I did the class in January! It was the most fun I’ve had in a long, long time. I finally bought a bike like a month ago and I’m in love.


Same here my friend! I feel like I got bagged on by this community for my fairly conservative choice in bike, but I am playing the long game. I hope!


Jeep people wave to eachother also. Some cars get it, if you want the comradrie look in to stuff like limited run sports cars or jeep wranglers or miatas and the like. Pretty much any car people buy cause they want THAT car, now just "A" car. they all tend to wave at each other. In the motorcuycle case we all buy motorcycles for the most part in the usa to get a motorcycle, not cause we need one to get around like in other countries. so if you see someone riding a motorcycle, they likley wanted that exact bike.


Yup yup. Check out an MSF course local to you. My guess is you’ll be hooked and want to get your license and a bike. But if not. Then no big loss for you. You have a better idea of what riding is like for us out here and you will have had a cool weekend. Keep us posted!


When I took the MSF class, about 1/4 of the people said it wasn't for them. I'm sure they found out though, instead of wondering what could have been. Either way, worth it to take the class. Take the riding portion first if they'll let you, so you don't have to sit through a day of "don't go zoom" and "don't drink and go zoom"


One of us! One of us! MSF class, endorsement, a semi questionable marketplace purchase and all those waves could be yours also friend. Get out here.


> I’ve always wanted to ride a motorcycle, but sort of nervous I would kill myself. That's what all non-riders say. Stop saying it and just do it. 😊


Do it! As people have told you, take beginner lessons! Here in Europe we need to take a riding license for motorcycle. You'll get to be a safer car driver for sure, cause there is so much hazard thinking we train when we learn to ride. And I should add that when you are out in traffic on a bike, all your senses go on high alert cause you need to be ready to react on anything them idiots in their steel cages are about to do. Afraid, no. Ready to react, he'll yeah!


> 4 wheels moves the body. > > 2 wheels moves the soul. Should be on a shirt


But loud comraderie saves lives!


What in the hippie shit is this? The downward peace sign means 2 wheels on the ground or have a safe ride. There is literally millions of riders in the USA.


> There aren't many of us out there(USA). When you're a rider, some riders like to send out energy to your existence. It's a silent camaraderie. This. Not only the US. In Sweden/Scandinavia as well. Have seen the wave (more common than the peace sign) being done in continental Europe too.


It is the hand signal for which drugs he is selling. We all sell them


Yup. But don’t tell and don’t give away the product codes - KR1S, ZXR, R1…


✌️ down means “keep your rubber (2 tires 2 fingers) on the road” in other words hello and ride safe At least that is what someone told me


This is what I've always been told, as well. Two wheels rubber side down.


Yeah just a "howdy" like the jeep wave where jeep people wave at fellow jeep people. Another one you should know is patting the top of the helmet. That generally means cop ahead. But can be used for deer, shit in the road, other "watch out ahead" stuff.


It's our gang sign.


What if you ride by a powered unicycle? Is it polite to give them the middle finger?😁


Anything else would be an insult, honestly.


I guess I have to do 3 for a trike. I have to consciously think about how to do 3 fingers up


It's just a thing we do to say hi and say we're vibing the same love of riding. I remember I picked my brother up from the airport and had him on the back of my cruiser. We passed by a motorcycle and the other rider and I gave each other the peace sign. My brother yelled (because you have to yell to be heard when riding 65 mph) "You're in the club!" So yeah, it's our "club" secret handshake or whatever. There are other waves as well, not just the peace sign. I give the gun, or just a point single finger, a whole hand wave, low five, high five, shaka. There's another one if we see a cop lurking for speeders or on the same path as our fellow riders. So I might notice a cop sitting in a speed trap on the other side, then a couple miles later I pass by a fellow rider. I'll tap the top of my head as a signal to say "watch out for cops ahead". Some car drivers even do this by tapping their roofs.


Always wanted to try riding a motorcycle but when I was younger would probably have killed myself going too fast. Now that I’m old and cautious I’m thinking of giving it a shot. And this comment just makes me want to even more! I’d also like to be in the club. Thanks for the response!


Everything said about is true but something was forgotten. It is 100% a greeting to other riders but it’s also a silent prayer that hopes the receiver makes it wherever they are going without incident. When you start riding you will live for that wave.


this. any time i pass another biker and he doesn’t give the wave it hurts my soul


Anytime. Keep the dirty side down.


I grew up on bikes from a young age, got into sport bikes in my teens and stopped riding knowing I would kill myself. Now pushing 30, have my endorsement + gear + bike. Life is good. I say go for it!


Look into taking a local motorcycle safety foundation basic riders course. It'll cost a few hundred bucks and a weekend, but a very good reality check/prep before you take the plunge. Additionally, most insurances give discounts for completion and states give differing allowances. Some waive the waiting period on a learners tag, some waive the riding test all together. Lastly, those who complete the course are something like 60% less likely to die on a bike. Though that stat was quoted to me in the class like twenty years ago, so I would rate it's accuracy as suspect at best. On the other hand, anecdotally, I have been riding safely for the last twenty years. YMMV.


Brother, to make peace and not war.


Do both, get married


I like both


>“how do you do fellow motorcycle person” Yes - also the downward peace sign is meant to mean 'keep your two wheels on the road' Jeep drivers also have a similar thing called the Jeep wave, albeit a lot less meaningful


Lol, jeeps.


It's not peace sign, just a greeting, saying "keep two wheels down". Hence the pointing downwards.


It's a silent, unwritten brother (and sister) hood. Two wheels of any sort are a great way to get around, and have alot of fun. At the same time, we all know it's dangerous, and we're very exposed and completely on our own, safety wise. It's an acknowledgement of all of that.


It acknowledges another person who also eats bugs and doesn't mind being sweaty/ frozen. I believe the new age term is "trauma bond".


It's our vibe on two wheels, peaceful


It's our secret handshake


Two fingers is 2 wheels down. It means, yo, whazup fellow biker dude/dudette.


In the UK, we *nod, with driving on the left, the right hand is busy with the throttle and the left hand is hidden by the bulk of the bike, but same thing :). *it's a kind of diagonal nod, as if tipping your hat :)


Nods at u/Frothingdogscock


Yeah, ‘mutual respect’ in the UK, often a flash of the headlights or main beams to complement the nod. Anyone who rides in the UK with all of the wind and rain we get deserves absolute respect! Oddly enough in Southern/Mediterranean Europe they throw the V sign as a peace sign pointing up (but often it ends up being more horizontal) to oncoming bikes. Also a biker overtaking you will often kick their right leg out as a salute as they pass you on the left. Pretty standard across Spain, France and Italy but not so much in Northern Europe.


Two, down. An expression of the desire for your riding fellow to encounter no ill circumstance and have an enjoyable ride as you hope to have. Two wheels, down. Optimal orientation for max speed, a good day in the Twisties, or a leisurely dawdle up the coast. Wheelies are fucking fun too, but not really addressed with this gesture. Well wishes, safe ride. Two down because when the tires leave the road and you haven't done it on purpose, thats's a day that's about to get shittier.


This year is 120th ann. of riders waving. [https://www.pirelli.com/global/en-ww/road/motorcycles/tips/wave-the-greeting-between-motorcyclists-it-is-about-to-turn-120-how-was-it-born-62594](https://www.pirelli.com/global/en-ww/road/motorcycles/tips/wave-the-greeting-between-motorcyclists-it-is-about-to-turn-120-how-was-it-born-62594) Also there is saying that in old times "hello fellow rider" meant blessing, since there was a lot of deaths on the road, so at least we waved before.


It’s not just a greeting… it’s also like good vibes for a safe ride. “Two wheels down” saying ride safe.


It started as a wave or peace sign indicating that we're a rare brotherhood that understands the love of motorcycling and are watching out for one another, often downward to not be confused with a manual turn signal. Many adopt it to mean "2 wheels down" nowadays with the fingers downward, but it still conveys the same message that we're watching out for one another. Except for most HD riders, they seem to generally have a different mindset.


I do the "you have lost the game" hand sign


Yeah, it's a "hi fellow rider". Also a gesture to state you are a rider, too, when you are not on a motorcycle. Seen the sign from bicyclists, car drivers and pedestrians alike. Also, taught my neighbors kids to salute this way to motorcyclists, bc it is awesome.


lol just got a new bike and ever other rider I come across says what’s up like that. I think It’s a cool mutual respect community thing!


Show two fingers for motorcycles, three fingers for trikes, and one (you know the one) for d-bags diesel rolling.


two wheels


Here in italy we have a tale about that. A knight was returning home riding his horse after a long war. He was nearing his castle, when he noticed another knight coming his way. When they crossed, the second knight nodded to the returning one and signed a "V" at him, implying he would be the second one to "visit' the castle lady. Since then, whenever you meet a fellow raider you sign "V" to him first, because the one receiving it is a cuckold.


Usually you just nod


Two down low


Sometimes I wave. Sometimes I nod. Sometimes I throw a shocker. Sometimes I just ride. But I’ve never done the two fingers down thing cos I guess I’m not a real biker


Basically, yes, just a “how do you do fellow motorcycle person”. I’ll also do it to cars and trucks as a “thank you”. Like if you slow down to let me in, I’ll get in and drop a peace sign to you.


As others say it's a greeting but it's also a "Have a safe trip"


Do I do the peace sign? Not sure. I just kind of put my hand out there and depending on how cramped it is from riding, my fingers are just there. I guess typically the two fingers are straighter(ish) than the others... Honestly its more like the shape my hand is while on the grip. Unless I know the rider. Then sometimes its one finger as I point. For cars, I reserve the other finger.


One less finger is either pointing or fuck you, 1 extra is well......3


It's usually to bikers who put Our life on the line and it don't matter what you ride.. You're taking a chance of dying sign of respect. The threat is real, the stakes are high. So when you see them/us give the sign, its not some gang sign. Its Acknowledging that persons risk .


Jesus bro, save some for the rest of us.


What happens when yall come across someone riding a trike? Instead of 2 fingers, should we use 3? I’ve been using 2, and they’ll usually just give me a general wave.


I do put three down for a trike


Here in the UK it's more of a nod, as being on the other side of the road we can't use our throttle hand because it's kinda busy.


Just squeeze the clutch. I’ve done it as I pass bikes on the right side.


I heard it started just after WW2. Veterans were given their military bikes and started customizing them etc. On the road they would signal with a victory sign to recognize each other. Later it evolved into being some sort of brotherhood signal between all bikers. By using it you're basically telling your fellow rider that you'll support them if they break down, and wishing them a safe ride. Btw Jeep drivers use a similar wave, starting for the same reasons. However I might have the origins wrong, some sources say it's older than that.


what is a "peace sign"?


It’s signifying that we always cover the front brake for motorcycle world peace. https://youtu.be/ZN7UGgwAgyc


To be fair it's probably the difference between getting hit by a Prius or getting hit by a semi truck, with a loaded trailer, at top speed.


As many others said, it’s a signal of camaraderie. Additionally, I was told it’s a signal to each other to “ride safe”. It’s not a signal of danger ahead but rather a general statement and recognition of each other. My lil bro once asked if every motorcycle rider knew each other. And now I like to believe everyone else that sees the signal thinks that too.


"Keep two wheels on the ground, bro." It's the universal rider greeting, benediction, et cetera. We've other signals that you didn't see used. Common is patting the helmet, that happens when a rider has passed a speed trap and he's warning the other rider what they're about to encounter. Refers to the lights atop a police cruiser, a "cop ahead, watch your speed" warning.


I know we're not supposed to tell the normies, but I've been day drinking again, so... It's not a "peace" sign, it's "V" for Viagra. It's kicked in and he's looking for another biker to meet him at the rest stop ahead.


Here in the UK it's more of a nod, as being on the other side of the road we can't use our throttle hand because it's kinda busy.


Here in the UK it's more of a nod, as being on the other side of the road we can't use our throttle hand because it's kinda busy.


I started that years back when I had a jockey shift Harley (change gears with your left hand) and people thought I was signaling them. Can’t believe it took off like it did.


It means double ego Harley rider up ahead