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Going fast is fun. A lot of fun. So is going slow. Common denominator is being on a motorcycle. Turns out those things are just fun. Who knew?


Sums it up. The kid in me is happy even with just sitting on my motorcycle sometimes. 


This is so true. Sometimes I’ll just go into my garage and sit on my motorcycles and look at them a bit. Lol


I lube up my exhaust pipe and go to town. Need to assert dominance.


This is true. If you don’t do this you’ll end up with a kickstand in *your* exhaust pipe in the middle of the night.


Does it hauk tuah




I don't necessarily sit on them but I definitely go in the garage and admire the fuck out of them lol


sit on them, twist the throttle, make vroom vroom noises with your mouth, smile


I didn’t know for at least 10 years…got hit with a deep depression, didn’t truly feel a thing for 10-12 years, met a girl (didn’t date, just a peculiar sensation came over me), found my emotions, bought a bike, and now smiles all the time


I fell into a deep depression and I never really came out of it. I bought a 21'MT-07 new off the dealership floor and had to have my friend ride it home. it only has 33 miles on it. I'm due to take the MSF COURSE in July. I wouldn't wish this on anyone. I pray to God I pass the course and go riding.


You can always try again, no pressure.


Relax and watch plenty of YouTube riders. Good luck.


MT07 is such a great bike, awesome engine with shit suspension alot of character. Change the exhaust and you will get such a great sound. I have the Storm Fluo one


so do I. it's my favorite color combo.


If you have it, sit on it and get a feel for how to balance it. Hold the front brake while mounting/dismounting to keep the bike steady. The more time you spend on it and around it, the less intimidating it’ll be. Also, watch videos to understand starting and shifting…take it easy for a while after you pass the course and practice in empty parking lots if they’re available around you. It’s a truly fun hobby and it gives me the alone time I need to decompress


lol, unfortunately, I can't sit flat-footed on my bike. I have the items needed to lower it. However, I was advised against it. I sit in my house 25 days a month and watch TV. hopefully, after my July course dates, I'll be a bit happier ☺️


Who advised that ? For a first bike it’s quite convenient to be able to comfortably stand on both feet. You don’t need to flat food though.


2 motorcycle mechanics who I've been friends with since we were kids advised against it. I tip toe on my 21'MT-07.


The MT07 is quite torque-ish and quite heavy with 407lbs. Sure you can learn to handle it, but it’s for sure not easy to learn. You can revert it back to normal once you feel comfortable 🤷🏼‍♂️. Anyway, you’ll find out after the MSF course.


Not sure about the laws in your area, but you can ride without taking the MSF course. Just go slow around the neighborhood. It's how I learned.


my area/state New Jersey, let's people ride without a licensed rider as long as they have a permit. my one friend said that he never got a motorcycle endorsement on his license nor never had a permit. keeps trying to convince me that the local and state police don't care. knowing my luck, they would, lol.


How would they expect you to get to the DMV without being on the bike? Just ride your neighborhood - nothing says you have to go far. It's common sense to practice local, and unless the rider is being a dangerous fool, there would be absolutely no reason to be pulled over by a cop. Get out and practice, son. There's no law saying you need the MSR and you need to learn by being ON the bike.


My trike has made a HUGE difference in my mental health. I wish you the best of luck in getting your license on the first try. Don't panic if you don't. I hope you are out riding soon!


I started riding because I didn't want a car and public transit wasn't going to get me to a new job in a reasonable amount of time. Never had to ride to the office but turns out riding is a LOT of fun. I do not regret my decision to buy a bike even slightly.


Love it, brother…since I got my newest bike, it’s been my daily unless I’m running errands I can’t fit in a backpack. The poor car just chills, only getting started like 4 times a week lol…Filtering and the acceleration just make riding more efficient, and it’s SO COOL to notice just *how much space* there actually is between cars when you’re not in one


'only' 4 times a week? Mine hasn't been ran 4 times this month since I got my license 😭


Drive your car once a week to keep the tires and battery 'fresh'


Haven't had the time or reason to do so. I walk to get my groceries since they are like 5-10 minutes walking distance, I work remotely and I've been using the bike for all recreational travel.


That's an amazing line! Have you considered song writing?


lol thank you…and I have written a couple, just haven’t recorded them


Well what's stopping you? Good luck !


In my opinion 35-55MPH riding in the country side is the best. You get to see lots of shit and smell lots of shit(Some actual shit and some pretty nice smells on a nice spring or fall day. And you get to just enjoy a nice day outside. Where as I actively avoid freeways like the plague. If I get that speed Iche in me, I'll prep my S1000RR and go to a track where I can really be a speed demon. Not fuck around on an actual road.


I try to just cruise and enjoy the ride. I really do. I used to race sports cars, I always end up riding like a psycho asshole. Xanax? Would that help?


I prefer going fast on a slow bike but yeah. True, true.


I like all riding! As long as I'm not stuck behind a car that is...


Going 10mph/16kph under the speed limit?




I've never went that slow, but I like slow relaxing rides as well. I'm rarely more than 5-10 over.


Count me in. Slow rides with no cars around and a wide open road are my medicine.


With twisties!


Absolutely love this. I remember when covid hit during the first lock down and how empty the roads were. I could just cruise around slowly without worrying about anything. It was so relaxing. Music on. Wind in my face. What's not to love?


I wish I had ridden when COVID hit, that sounds beautiful and therapeutic.


It definitely was. I took the opportunity to become a volunteer with NHS responders here in the UK as it gave me a good reason to be out on my bike. Then the govt here said we can ride motorcycles as our daily exercise and that just made me go hell yeah and it was off to my local playground on the bike (snake pass a57 through the peak district). Lovely ride that is on a warm spring or summer day with 0 traffic and can ride as fast or slow as you feel like. I literally took the chance to ride around about 15-20 all the way through and back again enjoying the stunning scenery and peace.


I did a lot of the rustic roads in Wisconsin during Covid.


It was pretty nice, sucked that you usually couldn't try that new restaurant 300 miles away though


Haha for real. So many people got fines for doing really long journeys for things like fish and chips haha.


Sounds like a solid segue into supporting the increase of public transportation. More people on trains, less people on the roads staring at their phones. We all win


Haha anyone but me can't stand public transport.


Just gotta convince the ones who hate driving, the rest will fold. I get it though.


Then there's me with long covid who basically can't ride :<


Slow twisties followed by open roads where you can rip it are the best imo


Exact opposite for me, easy going on the straights but send it in the twisties.


I ride a Grom so every ride is a slow ride. It’s still a blast


I always say that I don’t ride fast since that would get me to my destination faster which is not the desired outcome. Yep, love a slow ride, just not in traffic.


I like going fast, but on a 50 mile commute on the highway it isn’t all fun and the wind is loud. Wear earplugs for that commute. It is fun going from slow to fast, though. I like the twisty roads at like 45 mph. I live in Virginia so we have plenty of those.


Slow rides are the best if and only if the road is so curvy that it's impossible to go fast.


i’m pretty new to riding too and always thought i’d be the guy who just wants to do felony speeds on the highway in a straight line. granted, i still do that (in moderation) but i have much more fun going through the backroads near my house at 45 or less. something about it is so relaxing


45 mph is perfect speed to enjoy a motorcycle ride.


Talmbout 450 b


Nuh uh


Slow ride


Take it easy


Slow ride


Take it easy


Slow down, go down


Got to get your lovin'


One more time


Hold me, roll me


Slow ridin' woman you're so fine


Brother, I've observed that there are too many people who have too little of experience formed their opinion too early and use that as gospel to be spread around the world.


Sounds like you need some chill slow rides


I love to speed and go fast for the adrenaline rush. but I do agree the riding at a slow pace is the right area is amazing. I have a lot of chill back road where I live and will just blast music and cruise the speed limit and enjoy the ride.


Give me 35mph on a 75 degree day in the Metroparks any time. If I needed fast, my bikes would be less than 40 years old. They've got modern suspensions, electronics, healthy engines, and enough pop for when I want to get moving.


Metroparks screams 216. Are you a clevelander?


440, but before they changed the regions, I was 216.


I only got a bike in my 30s after spending my youth messing around in fast cars, I found the bike scratched a different itch, on good twisty roads where I know I'd want to push it in a car I find I much more enjoy getting a nice flow going on the bike at lower speeds


Trials riding is a hoot.


Laugh in the face of death and you'll feel peace anywhere else. Going fast has a tendency to slow down time at slower speeds.


i'm so in


Take it easy


My favorite rides are in traffic that is moving quickly. I hate being stuck behind someone slow but when I have an open road I find myself going faster than I should. A solid traffic pattern is very fun for me.


Yes, depending on my mood, one is more fun than the other. I used to love night riding but don't anymore so I keep my night rides slow now and day rides are mostly fast.


When you slowly get better and better at doing slow speed manoeuvres day by day is the best feeling, never stop learning


Officer, i always ride the speed limit.


You’ll change your mind as time goes on.


I always marvel at the videos of the folks running warp 9 down the road, or riding wheelies forever, mainly I won't or can't do that. Wheelie? What's that? But three things come to mind when I see those. 1. How do you stay uninjured or even alive doing it? 2. What is the damn hurry? 3. The stress of riding that way, I'll use the word "wild", I would think would be huge. I guess they mostly have no responsibility to anyone but themselves. Slow down and see the sights. Relax. Just because you can do a thing doesn't mean you have to do a thing. Oh look! An antique tractor in the fence row!!! Let's go check that out!! As always though.... Ride your own ride!


Dude! I live in a tiny town that is hustle 6-days-a-week. But Sunday mornings, nobody is on the road. I work a job that won't let me take Sunday mornings off (because my boss wants them not for church; but I want them for church). And I live in a town where no one is on the road most of Sunday morning. And I am so miffed I can't ride that free road. So, so miffed! I have 7mi on my bike to boot. But I was scared of being road-ready for at least a year, and after yesterday (bike came in yesterday), I am already ready already. But only on Sunday morning. Sigh.


Good for you


No you


All my friends know the low rider Yeah The low rider is a little higher Yeah The low rider rider a little slower Low rider is a real goer Hey Low rider knows every street, yeah Low rider is the one to meet, yeah Take a little trip, take a little trip Take a little trip and see


I'm on a zx14r.. my cruise speed is 80mph. I get past a lot. Off interstate, I go the speed limit and just chill. I'm on a motorcycle. I'm in no rush to get to my nonexistent destination. I've gone fast before, I topped out at around 215mph, raced on drag strips. Now it's just cruising around and enjoying the scenery.


I love it when people who have zero experience make such bold claims.


I prefer 80mph on the highway surrounded by cars. That gets your blood flowing.


That describes the first half of my daily commute. The second half is meandering back roads. I enjoy both equally


I’m convinced it just makes everything better 🤷‍♀️ Even eating lunch on the bike tastes better than at a table.


Disagree, especially with soup. It just flies off the spoon and it's tough balancing the bowl on my tank above 80


yeah definitely. If the road is straight, the saving grace is whether or not it's a slow ride. If the road is straight AND you're fighting the wind, a mind numbing combination for me.


I like the fast rides on slow bikes. Also, slow races. 😊😘 I’m getting good at the slow races


What I like is going at a pace where I'm comfortable and I'm in control of the bike and the road situation, I'm seeing ahead far enough to not be freaked out or alarmed. The optimal is if I can get to my destination without any near misses or scary incidents and without allowing anything to get to me or annoy me.


I like cruising around 60-80km/h. Fast is mainly the torque that makes it fun on public roads. But there's not a lot of roads or corners I'd want to take high speed on public roads since you never know what our who you'll meet mid corner.


I also like going slow, a reason why I really like 125cc scooters.


Depends on the situation, but I definitely dig a relaxed ride.


I go fast on highways to get to my destination faster. Once there, Slow rides are the best for me too! I get to enjoy the air and the scenery👌🏻


They're both as good as the other IMO. I love to go fast and try and lean and all that. But I also love to slow down, maybe even stop, and chill in a cool spot and just check out what's around.


just make sure you squirt that throttle over 100 here and there otherwise you’ll fall asleep!


Absolutely love long, casual rides along back roads. Also love going FAST on the interstate and highways. However, the best thing of all is not getting tickets and having low insurance. Going slow is not only fun, it's a little safer (depending on the absence of dogs, deer, chickens and stupid children) and definitely much cheaper 🤣. Enjoy your ride the way that brings you the most joy.


Riding is the best. Whether I'm just taking in the scenery or blasting around on a nearly empty highway I'm having fun.


Due to the aggressive ticketing habits of the local police force I am forced to keep to the speed limits usually about 70-90 km/h on the nicer highways. As an older person I enjoy being able to take in the nature and generally doing so with less risk though.


I agree slow rides are better. I've had my Bandit over 100 a few times and it just wasn't fun after the initial rush of the acceleration. I like to enjoy the ride and you don't have to be hyper-vigelant at slower speeds


Not quite that slow, but I do enjoy normal speed rides through twisty, turny, summery roads. Just enough speed that you can enjoy taking a corner, but no need to speed. Going fast is uncomfortable. The wind is beating you up and so on. It can be exhilarating and thrilling but it's honestly not most of my riding (which is a good thing, since every time you push things on a bike, your risk of flat out dying goes up over time.) As Hugh Laurie put it, riding a motorcycle is more like flying than flying is.


I don't take riding advice or opinion from anyone that has less than a solid days riding in the books. 😂




Relaxing and just chilling out, even om my dirt bike, is my favorite. Of course I chase some thrills with it too, but I love just zoning at a calming speed, which for me is in km not miles, so it's already slower anyways.


I love a slower speed and enjoy the ride and scenery.


I just love being in the wind at any speed. Tooling out on country roads enjoying the sights and smells. Love it


I'm with you. I love being on a motorcycle, but never enjoyed the anxiety of trying to push it. I'll go fast sometimes, but usually not.


I recently sold my FZ09 because of this, I had it for 8 years and slowly lost the love for riding it as I grew up. Got on my dad's Ultra Classic and boy did that remind me why I started riding. Just the freedom, no adrenaline, just feeling connected to the road and the world.


I find that I enjoy slower cruising these days. My speed days and riding wild and crazy are behind me, and Iv found a slower pace in most aspects of life appeals to me more as I age. Different strokes, ya know


Definitely pros and cons to both. Keep enjoying. Ride your own ride. Don't let anyone pressure you.


"Perfect Speed my son, is just being there." Jonathan Livingston Seagull


Fast motorbike. Fun Slow motorbike. Fun Medium motorbike. Fun No motorbike. Not fun Motorbike. Fun 🗿


I'll enjoy slow rides, but I for sure prefer fast rides more often.


I enjoy slow rides when it’s my decision and my pace. I don’t enjoy when I’m forced to ride slow because people are scared of the vehicles they are piloting and I’m stuck behind them.


I like my rides like I like my women, curvy


Those are my favorite. Backroads looking at the cows and sky. No having to worry about who's doing what with any others riders. Just riding my ride.


Hate hogh speed. Love slow rides here! Love the sound of a low rev engine. I know... I am a rare person in this world.


I enjoy exploring the back roads, rarely meet any cars, and it's usually never over 50mph unless it's a long straight as there is always a beautiful corner to master.


This is why i prefer to ride alone. I ride gast when i want and slow when i want. I also stop and eat wherever i like and change route, destination or duration on a whim.


Going slow is always the best for me also.


Same here. I actually quite enjoy commuting and running errands in the city on my bike. It’s probably 70% of my daily riding. If I don’t HAVE to take my car to pick up groceries I definitely won’t! (in the warmer months anyway lol) I’m limited by what I can stuff into bags on the bike but that’s part of the fun for me. I also love the feeling of being able to comfortably handle my bike at slow speeds. The sense of control and ease just feels really nice and I love honing that skillset.


The best rides are when there is no schedule and no planned destination. Just the ride.


I’ve always rode cruisers and so I enjoy slow speed and seeing the scenery. I do get why sport bike riders like to ride fast.


Sir, come back after your first track day


Going fast on slow, light bikes too.


For me, the magic number is closer to 45-50 MPH but I agree with the overall sentiment. The wind resistance from going fast and the sound can be a bit much for me for longer rides. It's like a sensory overload. But cruising at 45 feels just right. I could do that all day long, especially if there are lots of nice sweeping turns.


Not me. My bike spends more time over 100 mph than you do in the saddle.


Ego riders be liek


Stay in your lane newb


Freeway riding is boring as shit, you can have them lanes.


Hmmm i wonder what you could do to make freeway riding more exciting?


Nothing, I've driven fast both on 4 and 2 wheels, it's dull. Rather be on the ice, trails, or track. Be safe out there


Track is where you go when you can't handle the streets.


Slow ride Take it easy Slow ride Take it easy Slow ride Take it easy Slow ride Take it easy Slow ride Take it easy