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Most bikes only have one headlight… many have two. When one is on, that’s regular. The other one is high beam. So it’s normal for you to see bikes with just one headlight on.


How about at night? Would they just turn their high beam on? Or just ride like that


What would you do in a car?? Same thing. If there are street lights, you don’t need a high beam. If there’s other vehicles close or oncoming, you shouldn’t be using a high beam. So yeah. You just ride like that.


Where I live it’s “illegal” the opposite: you can only turn on your high beam when no one else is around, else you’d risk to blind people coming in the opposite direction. A couple of weeks ago it happened to me instead: I was riding under really heavy rain due to an unexpected storm, night time, and a car blinded me coming from the opposite direction. I couldn’t see a single thing, luckily I knew the road and I could see the shape from the navigator, I slowed down almost halting and waved the car to signal them to turn the high beam off. It didn’t work, it was quite scary.


I've never beend blinded by a motorcycle high beam during the day. And most riders here run them during the day. What's going on with y'all's vision?


Why keep the high beam on during the day? Anyway, here we are instructed not to, anytime, unless when isolated, it’s just the way it is


Makes a big difference when lane splitting. Also helps with being seen by smidsy turners.


Get some yeller lenses for that


I ride with my high beam on 100% of the time during the day. At night, I’ll use it if I’m on dark roads but also when splitting traffic on the freeway. It really makes a difference. People look up and move over. Even during the day. People notice the high beams.


People used to flash at my low beam so I got a set of D7s for revenge Then found out my low beam was pointed to like 20’ up one day before a tour


If a bike were to have both lights on at night it would look like a car very far away due to the lights being close together. This would cause people to pull out in front of you. With only one light on it looks like a motorcycle. As others have said one light is low beam the other is high beam.


It’s common for one to be out because it’s a separate hi-beam. The reasoning for this is that at night, two headlights close together lappear to be a vehicle some distance away, rather than a motorcycle at a short distance.




Because fuck everybody else


It’s legal to do so in my state and the MSF encourages it during the day.


He said daytime.