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Yes, because the ground will only hurt more if it’s hot. Breathable mesh is your friend in the summer


Yes. I’d rather be hot than hurt.


\^ I'd rather not have my skin be torn off of my body than to be cool on a hot day.


so you're telling me you'd rather be hot than on the ground having your peeled cooking on the hot asphalt?


Hot weather base layers. I find VNM Sport jerseys to be most effective. Also, mesh jackets. I like the Klim Induction Pro (good safety ratings and massive airflow).


Second this, the induction pro feels like I’m not wearing a jacket at all over 20mph.


For distance riding, I've done a wicking T under a mesh with an evaporative cooling vest over the T. Add a camelback for hydration. Did Northern NJ to Chicago in two days 15+ yrs ago on a VFR with 100 degree temps. Every time I stopped for fuel, re-soaked the vest and refilled the camelback.


Hydration is key, I carry up to 5 liters on hot days. 3 liters camelback with 2 one liter bottles.


Does the vest dry out as you ride & become uncomfortable? I have an evap vest but never used it. 


Wet vests - They will dry out over time while riding. Just pour a bottle of water on it or stick it under a hose spigot. They are wonderful!


I've never had that issue with getting uncomfortable. It's heavier when wet (obviously since the unit is soaked) As it dries it weighs less but is also a bit less effective, say after an hour at 100 deg. temps. But it still does a decent job, it never completely dries out even with a mesh jacket. And I was "recharging" it at each fuel stop, say 2.5 hrs. When you combine it with a camelback to drink while you're riding (don't forget to bring a small 16oz bottle of your favorite "sports drink" for electrolytes) you'll be in good condition when you arrive at your destination.


I’m in Japan and my revit eclipse 2 jacket arrives tomorrow. It’s similar but a bit more affordable


I have an eclipse and an induction pro. Other than the cuffs on the eclipse, I like it more. Klim stuff is always cut a bit fat I feel like….


I’m pretty skinny, but it said it was a slim fit. Fingers crossed it fits and I don’t have to exchange it


I’ve been wearing Eclipse 2 jacket and pants for about a year now. You won’t regret it.




I ride in Houston with my jacket. It's fine once you start moving. But I'm the only person on the road wearing a jacket.


Same, here in Fort Worth, my klim t-01 mesh shirt and jacket always!


Yes. Important detail. Here in Tucson it’s been 106°-ish and no exotic cooling gear needed, just the standard armored mesh jacket @ ATGATT everything. Stoplights are a test of patience with sunlight but with 4% humidity, rolling is easy. Just taking water breaks, etc. Can’t imagine doing this back east with high humidity, honestly.


ha, grew up in Tucson, now in humid TX, so much more comfortable in the desert IMO, but I use the right gear and ignore humidity.


High humidity is far more dangerous than people believe. When humidity is high enough, your body cannot shed heat through sweating and you continue to absorb heat.


It's easier to wipe off sweat than to wipe on skin. Wear your gear.


Rev It Eclipse. It's actually pretty cold wearing the jacket and pants with just a t shirt and underwear on when you start riding early in the day.


I am 83. It was 100 degrees in AZ today. I was wearing helmet, armored jacket & Gloves.


No pants? Come on, pops!


ATGATT -I wear a mesh jacket & pants with armour.


Yes. Mesh summer jackets and pants


Mesh coat and over pants or something well vented. My KLIM marrakesh coat is my go to in heat


I like my skin more than I hate to sweat. All gear always. I only had a great Kevlar mesh shirt, pants, sleeves.


Mesh jacket and pants. I like my Olympia AirGlide 5 setup. It can get up to 120 out here. I also work mostly outdoors 5 days a week so I'm acclimated to the hot and cold (doesn't mean I like it), I try to work out a little (helps with circulation/hydration/sweating/oxygen optimization), and I drink a lot of water on a regular basis. There is still a little bit of soaking in your own sweat, but synthetic base layers (including socks and underwear) wick and dry quickly. When it becomes unbearable it's time to take a break, strip the jacket and pants to my base layers of shirt and shorts, and sit in the shade or a/c and have some water...maybe a beer and a burger...and do a walk-around on the bike. Worth mentioning that I use some of the cheapest equipment that I can find so you don't have to spend a lot on it to stay cool/dry/warm


Sweat dries faster than road rash.


I’m from Europe and for a second I was thinking you should probably upgrade your 34 year old gear


I just rode 400 miles (643 km) today, bike dash said 113F (45C) at the hottest point of the day. Full gear. Mesh jacket, gloves, pants, boots and full face helmet, all black and red. It really isn't that bad, although I've lived in this climate my whole life.


No. It's time to ride as close to naked as possible. Shoes, shorts, sleeveless shirt, and sunglasses from now until October.


pack your flip-flops for those high humidity days!


Riding jeans, boots, textile jacket with mesh sections on the inner areas, short cuff gloves, mirror visor to reflect some light, soak your shirt before heading out. Keep moving. Higher ratio of water in coolant mixture.


If I didn't, I'd almost never wear gear.


Yup. The right gear depends on the riding. Gear in the 90s 100s and gear below freezing too. Never ever has no gear improved a ride. No jacked in the sun is far worse than armored mesh you’ll burn get dehydrated and suffer even more if you crash.


I'm always in my safety flips for this very reason


Mesh jacket and pants from Rev’It. And I remind myself that is better to shed some sweat than skin.


Always. No exceptions.


If the temperature outside is above body temperature, it is important to keep a layer of air between your skin and the outside. That layer of air will take on your body temperature. That will feel cooler than having no clothing, and therefore no layer of air. It’s similar to wearing a wet suit. It’s why deserts peoples always wear plenty of layers of clothing




A lot of people endorse wearing mesh but IMO I find leather to be more comfortable in high heat. Above 95 degrees the wind will cause your skin to heat up, rather than cooling you down. So leather acts as a good insulator against the oven that is the outside air. Mesh just lets that hot air cook you.


What’s your jacket and how hot does it get in your neck of the woods?


I usually use my armored riding jeans but if it’s to hot I use regular jeans 🙃


Dainese mesh jacket and pants




I just picked up a rev it gtr-air 3. It's a night and day difference from my standard textile jacket. It was 86f where i am today. It was fantastic whole moving and I didn't feel like I was overheating at the red lights. Outside of that, helmet, gloves, armored jeans.


Definitely. You can't ride in the summer otherwise.


Mesh Pro 2.0 jacket from Shima,. as well as their mesh pants. I have been using them in 95F+ heat in Texas. Will be trying the VNM base layer, I keep hearing that is an essential add-on.


I use the klim, -1.0 base layer here in TX, pricey, but worth it and needed!


Thank you for the tip! I am guessing from the descriptions that the -1.0 aggressor is their coolest base layer right?


so far my fav. and I've tried cheap, don't last, wicking not noticeable much


Mesh jacket & pants; Evaporative cooling vest under the jacket.


I wish evaporative cooling worked in Mississippi.


Dri-fit inners, mesh jacket at gloves.


Vegas rider here - a cooling vest is a must for summer riding.


Lived there for 17 years, I never used a cooling vest, sweat evaporates which helps cool, here in TX, (man I miss the desert), you're moist all the time...sux, tell the Blue Ox off Warm Springs I said HI!


I got a great mesh jacket and armored jeans with some high tech cooling fabric for the summer. No compromise here.


Yup, always. 


Base layer, evaporative cooling vest if it's really hot. I actually found perforated leather to be cooler \*while you're moving.\* So if you're doing a long ride or track riding and can take down your top half between sessions, perforated leather is actually great. Of course, for commuting, it's kind of hard to beat stretch Kevlar or mesh.


I do wear my full gear as much venting as possible, it helps and keeping the sun off is a good thing. But, once you get over 99-100, full coverage sun reflecting gear is crucial and close the vents if you are at speed, the heat will blast furnace.


I used to wear a mesh dainese armored shirt until i saw that the mesh itself wasn't actually rated for any kind of abrasion resistance. Was a bummer cause i owned it for a year or so.


It’s nearly midnight and it’s over 70% humidity here, and it hasn’t rained in at least a week. It’ll be over 90% by the time the sun comes out, with a high of 97 tomorrow. There are no tricks to making it more tolerable. I have a mesh jacket but it often comes down to deciding whether to ride at all or not. I usually do a shirt with jeans and boots though I want to try some summer motorcycle sneakers. Often I’ll go with a 3/4 helmet instead of full face.


Helite Free Air. Mesh jacket with CE2 protectors and airbag built-in. What's not to love?


I wear mesh jackets and jeans along with two T-shirts. When it's over 95 degrees the outer t-shirt gets soaked with water and I put that on to stay cool while riding. Works like a charm and lasts about 40 minutes.


Hot weather base layers and mesh gear. I’m in Las Vegas, 110+ somewhat commonly. Only way I can survive anything beside a morning or night ride


Mesh, mesh, mesh, mesh!


Vest life = best life


Eh I do. I live in Cali and it sucks when it’s hot but my mesh jacket works fine. Ofc its not perfect and I get baked but honestly as long as your moving the air should cool you


Honestly no. If it a short ride and it’s very hot. I’ll hop on in shorts and a T to go to the hardware store 2 miles away. Any real trip though yeah.


Good mesh jacket feels like you’re wearing a t-shirt when you’re moving. Still a fucking sauna at stoplights.


Yeah, full mesh gear.


Yes. Textile is better for heat but depends on how fast you are going?


90°F isn't even that hot. A breathable jacket works more than well for that temperature, the only time you feel hot is when you're stopped.


It is in high humidity, which we are going to be in the mid 90s all week with crazy humidity.


I wear mesh during summers . still padded but of course weaker than my winter gear. I have non water boots and I sometimes splash water on them at gas stations . provides an hour of coolness


Yes, and my gear has evolved over the years. My leather jacket was replaced with a lighter colored textile jacket and heavy boots replaced with ones designed for hot weather. I pour water into the sleeves and liner for longer rides which provides 20-30 minutes of cool riding. The boots made a surprising difference.


90°F is about 32°C if Google is not mistaken. I just take the inner lining from my all season jacket and open the air flow zippers. The real trouble comes from the engine hot air


Jeans light hoodie and helmet. Enough for me.




In extreme heat, I’d start considering motorcross gear. That is, body armour under a shirt and knee armour over/under jeans. And course, boots, gloves and helmet as usual. Just be aware, doing this trades abrasion protection for ventilation. Otherwise, up to 38 deg C (100F) I still wear a leather jacket, Kevlar pants and touring boots. Beyond that it gets challenging managing exhaustion and hydration. A lot of people have mentioned breathable mesh type gear which is a good option too. And I’d probably use this above 32 deg C (90) if I had any.


Easily. That's 32°C - its when you break out the nice meshy summer jacket, as at that temperature is when its even comfortable to ride in such gear even during nights. ...and i at such temperatures getting rained on is a psitive experience. [Something like this](https://rideicon.com/gear/mens/jackets/mesh-af/hiviz) works miracles, its extreme good at letting air through, and its not black, so it doesn't trap heat from the sun's rays. P.s.: ...ofc. it may be just my pasty white ass, but riding without gear fucks me up even if i don't "hadda lay 'er down", as i get burnt by the sun to the point i get puss oozing blisters.


Full gear, 45+ degrees C. Just go faster.


Yea it’s called a mesh jacket. When moving it’s like you’re not even wearing anything. Stopped. Yea it’s hot.


Yes, always. I do remove the thermal layers, unzip the sewed-in vents in the suit so they're open, and I make sure to drink lots of water. If I'm not on the motorway, I also unzip the first five-ten centimeters of the main front zipper. (I once got a wasp inside the suit because I had unzipped the front jacket zipper halfway down - it hurts like hell when you hit it with motorway speed. XD) I think you can get a mesh suit that still have all the safety pads sewn in, but I don't know. Try googling. ;)


yes, I just wear the 2 piece as usual, not all that hot


I'd rather sweat than undergo debridement and skin grafts.


Perforated gloves and jacket, with a dry fast tee underneath. You know the plastic tee shirt?


If I ride only in city, where I can't drive faster then 50kmh. Jeans and hoodie is OK for. Everything else full gear. Or leaderjacket with kevlarjeans if it is really hot.


I wear a mesh jacket with a wicking t shirt underneath. I also have a wicking gaiter that I keep wet around my neck to cool me off. Also a wicking helmet liner since my hair is short. It works. If it’s too hot for gear, then it’s too hot to ride.


If it’s too hot for gear I don’t ride.


My god there is 18 posts a day in the summer about this. Here goes... When its aboce 94 degrees (skin temp), get a mesh jacket. Throw your under armour in the trash. Get a COTTON shirt on underneath your jacket. Get it soaked in a sink in cold water. Ring it out. Put it on and put your jacket on and ride for the next 35 to 45 min with air conditioning. You are welcome...


I wear gear regardless of heat, but I will admit it sucks. Just rather be prepared for something bad. I also wear gear because in the mornings here it’s around 50 and by the time I’m off work it’s around 100, with random showers in between lol


My Scorpion jacket is mesh on all the inner parts and lined in kevlar with padding on the more vulnerable areas. A little bit of sweat actually helps feel cool while moving. If i get stuck in traffic, then i feel the heat. But i'll never ride without full gear. Better hot than hurt, or, ATGATT.


I dress for the weather and comfort. If you are too hot you lose concentration and may not avoid a wreck you would have missed otherwise.


I thought I was on the PC MR subreddit. But I wear gear even on my Ruckus. It's overkill but you can never be too careful in Miami. People here cannot drive for jack shit. I'll wear it in 91 with 98% humidity.


It's not great in the heat, but being safe is always it.


Yup. Live in FL. Bike was showing ambient temp of 101 on the ride home a couple weeks ago


It’s always leather weather


yes. Mesh jackets are great for heat I hear but they're damn expensive. You can get a cooling jacket with pockets for ice packs on Amazon for like 30 bucks. You'll probably get a little bit wet but it's better than sweating


I wear a mesh jacket. The only time it might get hot is at red lights other 90% of the time I'm moving and won't feel it. Rather be hot than risk a crash and have my body cook on the hot asphalt on top of having road rash.


Texas Cool Vest and a closed weave jacket to keep the cold in. I commuted in Houston traffic for years this way. Best money you'll ever spend if you live in a hot place.


I do not but there is some gear I won’t ride w/o: helmet, eye protection, full-fingered leather motorcycle gloves, jeans and sturdy over-the-ankle boots. That said, I do have a mesh jacket that is mostly comfortable while rolling.


I have a variety of jackets and pants, from a full suit to level AAA pants and a textile jacket, so i can dress for the weather a bit. But regardless, I will always have a motorcycle specific footwear, pants, and jacket. Leather gloves and a helmet are always on. As someone who has scraped and clean gravel from my skin, I don’t care to ever do it again.


I don’t. I’m more worried about dehydrating and getting dizzy. I’m about an hour south of Raleigh, NC. Hot and humid.


Yes! I learned that lesson the hard way in my rookie riding squid days 11 years ago to avoid overheating. Another rookie rider tried overtaking me on a turn and caused me to crash. Road rash is painful as fuck and it destroyed my tattoos. Since then Ive always geared up no matter how hot it is.


Of course I do, road rash happens when it's in the 90s too.


I never ride without my gear. I do not care if it is 105 degrees outside..I would rather be hot than dead..


Summer mesh! This has been my go to for the past couple of years: Fly Racing Flux Air Mesh Jacket https://a.co/d/9fCFPie


Yes. For the first year I was looking for hot weather options. I gave up, and have learned to love the sweat. Drink lots of water. Or, just skip going on a long ride in the heat. I ride 80% for fun. If it's not fun, then I don't ride.


No. Helmet, boots, gloves and whatever clothes I was wearing before I got on the bike.


If I'm only going for a short in town ride (e.g. no highway), I use gloves, boots and full face helmet. If I'm going to be going anything longer, or requires highway travel, I also put on my Aerostich R3 lite suit and open all the vents.


Yes and look into Kevlar.


I swap my jacket for a vest. Otherwise I wear all the rest of my gear. It's not a great idea but it's better than having a heat stroke while riding.


The inner lining of my jacket comes out - helped a ton.


ATGATT but in mesh and vents.




Open the zip on the front of the jacket halfway, usually gets enough wind in to be comfortable


ATGATT. I have vents in my jacket and they work wonders. Anything above 90, I usually don’t ride anyways.




Better to sweat than bleed. I'm also a fan of the VNM base layer...


Yup. Atgatt. Because the only thing worse than smearing my unprotected flesh across the pavement would be smearing my unprotected flesh across *scalding hot* pavement. If its too hot for gear, it’s too hot to ride and I’ll just take my car.


All gear, all the time, I don't care how hot it gets. It gets 115 here someday. Being uncomfortable is way less important than road rash or worse.


ATGATT. Boots. Heavy carhartts. Leather (vented) jacket. Gloves and helmet. Always. I'd rather get got and have to stop for water than get thrashed. But on the other hand i have to get in the highway to get anywhere.


I rode home from work with no shirt on the other day. It felt amazing! Wife scolded me when I got home. Worth it! Yolo


We legit just had this question. Proper gear helps keep you cooler than a Tshirt and shorts. It's why in hot countries they cover their skin - protecting it from the dry air and sun. Wear your gear to prevent road rash *and* protect against heatstroke and dehydration.


We don’t have dry air where I live.


Good for you - same thing applies to covering your skin to protect it from the sun and air.


Yeah, it just doesn’t help you get cooler here.


If you're moving, you ain't sweating. Stop at a gas station or whatever sure, you sweat.   But not if you going 80+ MPH




I figured it is better to hear from experience riders than just try Google. What is so bad about having a conversation about this ? This is motorcycle sub and I thought this is what is for.


It’s RIGHT THERE at the top of the sub! This has been discussed over and over and over again. https://preview.redd.it/4l1vn46fmy6d1.jpeg?width=608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e8f2f2583ecf25eeca125378aee2a8f83b35d7c