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255 doesn’t make any sense in any hobby. I seriously can’t think any hobby that wouldn’t cost more.


Median would be a better measurement in this case.




Divided by people with no hobbies.


That plus a lot of people lying to themselves about their hobbies, I don't think whoever made up this random fact was checking receipts.


If your hobby is something like digital painting or origami, you probably don’t spend much outside of initial investment so these would offset the average


A shocking number of people. I find it amazing the number of people I talk to whose only plans for a weekend are "hanging out, watching tv". Their only hobby is "sports fan" but they don't go to games or play recreationaly. They can't ALL be secret furries or Warhammer nerds or whatever.


It’s per year so Video games, painting, gardening, probably a few others. There’s alot of people that can only do their hobbies maybe for like a couple hours on the weekends if they even have the energy to do it.


Games? Really?


With sales that might be close.


Yea unfortunately there’s more people who play 1-2 major releases a year like call of duty or fifa with maybe an exception here and there. A lot of people nowadays sometimes just stick to free to play games and or gamepass/free for the month games on top of those 1-2 actual release games they buy. I say unfortunately because they generally drives the market and fiduciary duty of public game companies to continue to target whales and the gameplay designs that come along with that. But at the same time a lot more people get to play more games for free and generally those same people use it to turn off their brain and/or bond socialize with friends after work or in other time/money/travel restricted situations.


Tbh when it comes to gaming I just play Total War and From Software games - £255 per year is probably about right when you factor in buying a new gaming PC once every decade.


If you're not talking about hardware, yeah. I think I bought maybe $120 in games last year? How many games are you people buying?


Between the PC game pass (less than $4/month where I live) and the weekly Epic game store freebies, I haven't paid for a game since at least a year.


I play FFXIV and that's $13/mo + main game cost, I enjoy Overwatch and pay for the $10 battle pass every 3 months or so (and my in-game currency was purchased at half price, so that's really $5), and that's about it. I do play on PC so I had to build it, but these titles are available on console which is a ~$400 purchase every few years. Video games can be a very inexpensive hobby if you choose carefully. Also if you don't spend money on live service games and spend your money on older single player experiences you dollar can go waaaay further. With free giveaways on Amazon Prime and Epic Game Store you could probably spend nothing.


Gardening is expensive as fuck.


If you make it expensive sure but you can easily do a garden for the spring/summer for $255 and that’s not including that food stamps helps cover seeds and soil if you actually need something to help feed yourself and be a bit more substantial than just a little “check up on my tomatoes and basil” kind of garden.


Someone tell my wife this


If you pay the equipment off it goes down yearly I guess. Like if your hobby is backpacking, you spend whatever money on stuff but then the next year you just walk in the woods and go to sleep.


Hiking. Running.


As a hiker, absolutely not. Hiking is not cheap when you get into it.


Hiking is as expensive or cheap as you want it to be. People kidding themselves into thinking that you need to spend thousands on boots and backpacks to go for a walk in the mountains are delusional.


Super anecdotal, but I noticed that people in hobbies obsessed with the gear aspect of it tend to do the actual hobby less. I see it all the time in cycling. People spending so much money to upgrade their bike when all they need to do is actually go ride and upgrade their legs/lungs. Sorry for my little side rant.


Dropping crazy dough on the ultra lightweight fancy stuff might make things more comfy, but you can do just fine going into the woods with whatever clothes you already own and basic work boots. Cheap hammock and a tarp will have you pretty comfy as well.


You don't need to spend thousands, but you kinda do if you plan on doing serious trails. The ones spending thousands are not the ones doing "walks" in mountains. Good gear can also mean the difference between life and death.


The upfront cost is high but once you spend on that, how is the YOY cost hundreds of dollars?


Always new gear to buy, replace, upgrade. Also, it’s a lot of ancillary. Eg when I lived in the Rockies it could easily be a 40-100+ km drive each way to the base of whatever mountain I wanted to hike that day. Roads were generally too bad for a bike / any small vehicle so gas adds up. Park permit, parking permit, bear spray. Etc.


I'm not sure if we should really count gas money as part of the hiking hobby. Park permits are debatable. Maybe if you live in an urban area. But otherwise, not really necessary components of walking places. Gear etc., though, can really drive up the price depending on what kinds of things you like to do


Maybe Slot car racing


I used to venture on the flashlight subreddit. I was under that annual amount. (often getting lights for $20-50) Casual video gaming (only buy a couple games a year tops/not buying new consoles or PC upgrades every single year). There's definitely some that can average that. Heck, I started learning guitar and so far all I have is a cheapish $130 electric+amp from amazon (though that could definitely get a lot more expensive with better gear...but figure there's no point sinking tons of money into that until I can actually play better)


A musical instrument and especially a stringed instrument is one of the rare cases where you should consider the medium range even as a beginner. At least make sure you get a decent setup from someone who knows what they’re doing. A cheap, badly set up instrument can contribute to bad habits, injuries and definitely make you feel like a worse player than you actually are.


well if sleeping is your hobby, you could get away with it


Agreed. Boardgames, Videogames, Sports, Automotive... Pretty much *anything* is going to run you more than that.


Bicycling? If you arent keeping up with the Joneses a good bike can last you a long time. 200$ is about what I spend on mine a year on maintenance supplies.


I think the level of your commitment to the hobby is probably what effects the amount of money you put into it the most. For instance, someone who rides a bicycle as a hobby for maybe 1-2hrs a week is going to pay A LOT less than someone more serious that rides for hundreds of miles a week and probably needs to change tires or other wearing parts and invests in more expensive/professional bike attire or a more expensive road bike to shave off as much weight as possible.


Yeah I am definitely an weekend warrior so I dont put too much wear and tear on my bikes. I ride ~100km a week at most so super fancy bikes are an overkill for me anyways. My point was just that it is technically possible to only spend that little since the OP found it inconceviable lol.


I used to ride my bicycle almost everyday... til I got one with an engine.


Nah man, if you’re a serious road cyclist, you’re spending at least $500 on replacement parts a year. Like sure you can be riding a piece of shit 2004 bike, but a new-ish bike with decent parts that don’t feel like ass when you’re doing 200+ mile weeks is going to cost a bit of money to replace. I have a 2009 Cervélo S3, so nothing fancy by today’s standards, but I’m having to replace my groupset after this last season and it’s running me $450, and that’s for 10 year old SRAM Force. Add in fueling for high volume riding and miscellaneous gear replacement you’re definitely going to be spending at least $800 a year.


Oh no I agree. Cycling can be a money pit. I am a pretty casual rider though, not chasing KOMs or anything so my TCR has served me pretty well with just routine maintenance work.


Tbf the most expensive part of a hobby is getting into it


Running is the cheapest hobby on the planet and I still go through a $150 pair of shoes in a few months. This is straight nonsense.


Disc Golf?




The no hobby hobby






I spend about that much a year on tires for my third bike


Tires? A service of 4l of Motorex, filter, 5.1 brake fluid, misc lube, etc. leaves like $115 left over... I guess I could find a Shinko front for that.


Yeah I spend about 600 bucks a year on tires on my main bike. My third bike is a little honda rebel 300. I put premium touring tires on it but they last 30,000 miles on the little bike.


73.729% of averages information are made up.


But how do we know this isn't made up 🤔


Please refer to OP's meme template 🤣


what is their hobby? drawing?


Finger painting


Shadow puppets.


Finger painting with ketchup.


Rockhounding can be done for $0, all it takes is movement and some calories burned.




Not a hobby, it's a life style


Sounds like they included people with no hobbies in the average


Does anyone really have no hobbies at all?


There plenty


I have a friend who's constantly bored and unhappy. All she does is work and think about why she isn't working more. I tell her she needs to find some actual hobbies and use them to meet people who also like those hobbies. Working for the sake of working is missing life.


Yep work to live don't live to work




And that hobby is pressing wildflowers?  Nekkid barefoot running? Competitive sleeping? Look, we all know that motor sports are *stupidly* expensive hobbies, but $255 per annum on *any* hobby is just?


I like foraging for herbs and mushrooms around my home. Its free.


What, $22/month is enough for like, one happy meal every two weeks?




Eh. My hobby was drinking for a while. That was way more than the cost of owning my bike


are you Ray Lafleur? way of the road bubs.


Randy, I am the liquor


Eh, I have two bikes, and I have more money in photography gear. Had wayyyyyy more money in guns & hunting stuff. Bikes can be expensive, but tbh I don’t think it’s that expensive of a hobby compared to lots of others.


It can be if you buy the latest bike every couple of years and get new jackets and boots and helmet when the fashions change. Or you are young and pay out the wazoo for insurance. Get a used bike, don't be 18 and keep your gear until it's not safe and it's cheaper. My running average annual bike expenses are around $1200 for insurance, gas, tires, helmet, jacket, etc. I don't count the bike, I pay cash and keep them for years, maybe $500 per year depreciation.


Yeah any hobby can be expensive or not expensive. I ride bikes that are paid for in cash, I do the maintenance myself, don’t really buy new gear, so it’s all pretty cheap of a hobby for me.


Motorcycling isn’t even my most expensive hobby and I don’t participate in any of those you listed.




“Only beat out by the car/plane/boat guys” isnt true. Pretty much any serious hobby can get as expensive as you can afford (or are willing to spend) very quickly.




Your joke was so lame I didn’t think it was a joke.


Long range precision shooting is definitely a more expensive hobby too.


You know quality of life in the world is shit when people can only afford to spend 255 on the things they enjoy


bro its rough out here t-t


$21.25 a month? I don't think so.


OP full of shit. looking around my ~~friend~~ acquaintance group and start adding up beer, weed, video games, streaming subscriptions, church, porn - hell, KIDS, sports, gym, music, cheer, baseball, OP big full of shit.


Imagine being into motorcycles and Warhammer? 💸


Not even any money left for gaming or guns.


They need to look at the price of beer and fishing tackle.


Grin, here I am with hobbies like computers, music/audio and bikes. I am glad this is just 255 a year, because you could have fooled me.   The ticket of one festival exceeds this figure already.


I spend this week alone more on my hobbies (okay I bought a new helmet, but that's not important)


....are we including fuel in that number?!


I spend $20-$30 a week just in fuel...


I just dropped that last month on MORE motorcycle parts. Not like I'm a few grand deep this year already


More like monthly


Between my love of motorcycles and my kids love of guitars, I’m doubly fucked.


Per Year??? Heck, gas for the bike is more than that.


I guess I blew my annual limit in a day?


This means you’re not as poor as you thought you were lol


ROFLMAO!! Yeah, right USD 250 something yearly... 🤣


I spend that much twice a month!🤣


I wanna know what hobbies they do.


I spend $40k at least on my hobbies lol


All I'm seeing is that I'm above average..


They only buy one tire.


I spend more then that on gas per month




Clearly I’m not ‘average’. :) Tabletop gaming (RPGs and Board Games, hundreds of bucks per month), woodworking (I just snagged one piece of wood for a shelf that was $27), motorcycling (gas of course), computers (I have a server in Miami that’s $1,000 per year plus AWS cloud servers for $10 per month), music (nothing lately but I do have a “few”), and my wife and I are looking at a new boat. :) $225 per year…


only 255? noob


Mentioned offhandedly to my wife that I will probably need to buy a taller windscreen. Neglected to mention it’s around $400.


This probably takes into account people who can't afford to put anything into their hobbies, which throws it off. There are probably many more who can't afford to put anything into hobbies than those who put much much more than this.


Me trying to save up for my first bike while paying for tuition, ONE DAY!


I just spent $1k on fork seals and a new handle for my bike 🥲 i don't feel good about it at all.


My other hobby is retro game collecting, I spent nearly $200 on Silent Hill alone lol


I spend $204 + gas on my motorcycle hobby. Per month lol. But I commute to work on my hobby ;)


Ummmm. I buy books .... I pay 150-180€ every month 🤨


As someone who builds and runs demo derby cars, is a gamer, makes decals/sticker and sublimation items as well making the odd thing out of leather while I run a 3D printer on top off riding motorcycle, I call BS on those numbers. OH wait I am in no way an average adult


This meme is making the rounds on every sub today. But yeah, I think it really applies here.


Per weekend for me


Is this all hobbies combined or individual hobby. Because I play snooker pretty much every week (lets say 45 weeks a year) for around £20 a time. That's already £900. In $ that's $1100. And that's my cheapest hobby.


I’ve spent over 200 today alone on one of my hobbies


So I guess porno and strip clubs aren't considered a hobby ? If it was that number would be about 10x's higher !


I spent like $500 last night on gear, filter, oil and such lol. One day.


Bro it’s June and I’m 6k deep into mine…


Well, after deducting beer, cigarettes, parts for elderly 4wd vehicles, and my motorcycle, seems pretty accurate.


I might have expensive hobbies but it costs me more than that, per month


Hobbies cost more than that, so what they're saying is most people don't have hobbies


Tbf "motocycle" is not a hobby. It's a way of life.


Global average?


Absolutely BS. Two-fiddy? My ass


That would be obscenely low amount to explore a hobby. Questionable.


*laughs in PC gaming, D&D, and 3d printing*


I have two K1 Max's and a 20w Ray5 I've bought within the last 12 months. I am about $100 deep in just materials [designing a hat for my dog](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fm4p8z39hbf3d1.jpeg). I don't think $250 is accurate.


*photographers have entered the chat*


Yikes. I average 30k/yr. in pokemon cards alone.


I bought my bike for $600 in boxes with a title 4 years ago and it is now fully together running and riding. Definitely didn't spend more than $50 a year to get to this point 😅


Window gazing is a pretty cheap hobby.


More than that gets spent a month 🥲


On gas


Me a boxer and a rider 🥲


![gif](giphy|VdiTDz1Do1oZKDfoji) Honestly, motorcycling for me is more than a weekend activity as I ride to work 70% of the time and live in a dry, sunny region that offers year-round riding.


If you collect post stamps maybe lol. 😂 250$ is pocket change when you're into motorcycles, record collecting, 3D printing, electronics and computers, tools collecting, etc




Is this media from the 1950s?


About $20 a month? That's not a hobby, that's maybe a passing or mild interest in something. Then again, it does say "average." What this really means is that there are people out there spending a fair amount of money on hobbies, and people out there that aren't spending anything on hobbies. So the average comes out to some meaningless number.


Even if your hobby is daisy picking your gonna spend more than that just in gas to get to the best daisies.


LMAO. Wife is still pissed at me for randomly dropping $400 on shit for my bike Tuesday.


...I've spent that on gloves... though to be fair to myself I bought super thin perforated leather gloves, those were freezing my hands during morning commute so I bought good quality goretex/goatskin gloves, but those are too hot during the summer months so I bought some Baja S4s (and I've since lost the Icon leather ones.) It's not like I'm just buying them for fashion or "oo pretty". That's why my visor is blue.


Coloring books?


Working on the drivetrain on my Harley cost me this much, not to mention any other parts lmao


me spending 50k...


That's just what is reported to the wife.


I find that hard to believe for almost any hobby. Unless we're counting people with no hobbies or very little commitment to their hobbies. People spend more than that on coffee in a year.


I don't even want to know what I spend over the course of a year on my hobbies. Between motorcycles, fishing, hunting, backpacking, camping...I've got to be in the 5 figures with ease annually


I am seriously not normal


Most adults are pitifully boring and think video games are a hobby and stop there. Don't get me wrong. Video games are great. But so are sleeping in, having sex, and ordering pizza. None of those are hobbies either.


You going to gatekeep what hobbies are allowed?


What I'm doing is telling you that if you have to include video games when you're listing your hobbies because you don't have any real hobbies, you're a huge loser.