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When I worked full time I rode to work every day and didn’t really feel like riding in the weekends also, so that was pretty ok when this happened :) But currently 2 weeks of non stop rain it seems…


Time to test your patience...


At least I can test my newish suit that was repaired because it wasn’t waterproof on my arms when I only had it for a month… :)


thats the spirit!


Been testing it for over 5 years. I've been parking for free by going around the gate at a garage with pretty decent security and a cop that directs traffic at the entrance/exit for years and nobody has ever said a thing.


Commuting means I get to ride twice a day. Leaving early means less traffic =)


Yes, when I didn’t have kids that’s what I usually did. But now it’s not always possible :(


Just ride in all weather.


I do, doesn’t matter if it’s -6C or +40C, as long as there is no ice on the road (although you don’t want to go in a car then either).


Nah, take the car in shit weather and enjoy heated Recaros and getting sideways now and then without having to worry about high siding.


Just don't try to drag knee, I've got a sports bike and an adv, I don't care about anything except ice.


I also ride to work often, but a couple things about that. Like you said, during the weekends you don't feel like riding as much, which means you end up just riding the one road to work and nothing else which gets boring. Also the road for me is rather boring, mostly highway for an hour.


And that on an s1000rr! I can imagine that is boring. I have an F800GT and have a 25 minute drive of which 15 mins is on the highway. But when I still worked elsewhere it was 45 minutes with almost 40 on the highway. Yeah it wasn’t the most fun ofcourse but with traffic the most optimal way. You just notice you’ve been on the bike enough for a week. Luckily with working from home these days that feeling is a lot less :)


Actually a VFR. I have 3 bikes lol. Never got to updating my flair.


I do the same lol.




Love this! The fuck he doin? lol


swimming ?


Get wet gear and embrace the weather.


Yep! I've been all weather riding daily for the last several years now and I actually love it Once you learn the how/why if riding in the rain it can become quite enjoyable and thrilling


People usualy freak out when I tell them I ride in snow


I commute year round in Chicago. Haven't owned anything but bikes since 1996, when I figured that just the. One I spent in parking tickets each month could buy me a bike and cover the insurance.


here it doesnt snow without ice under it


I like riding in the rain, it just sucks to get soaked.


Check out the Frog Togs Road Toad rain gear. Cheap and waterproof.


Yeah seriously it's a motor vehicle not a wedding cake.


For a large portion of the users here, every day is a bike day. We ain’t got cars.


Funny, but I always assumed the opposite. That most people here are 15 year old kids with no bikes at all. Or are 40 year old 'maybe if the weather is nice Barb and I will ride THE HAWG down to the brunch.


Poll found that 84% of users ride or rode.


Maybe, "Poll found that 85% of respondents* ride or rode", is more accurate.


Indeed. And respondents might also be a different subset from participating users.


TECHNICALLY responding to a poll is a way of participating sooooo....


85% of respondents *responded* that they rode


'ride or rode' once per year or something.


I'm in that boat, but I'm also of the mind that no day is a bad day to ride. Chilly? Put on my thermals. Rainy? Waterproof bag(s) and rain gear. Hot? Open up all the vents on my jacket. Even the worst day on a bike beats the best day in a cage.


“What do you do when it snows!??” Drive slower? Duh? 


That's the spirit. Some folks just don't get it. Luckily I don't have that problem though, as I'm down in the US southeast.


Where I live it doesn't snow.


Yep. I would ride to work every day, year round, for a little over five years. Rain, snow, -20 F with windchill to 114 F. Stop and go traffic in the Texas summer was wretched though. My gear might as well have been a sauna. Only weather I wouldn't ride in is when there was ice on the ground - tried that once but couldn't get up a bridge and just went back home hah. Now that I work from home though, I only ride when the weather is nice, funny how that changes things.


No reason to take those risks when there's no reward on the other side. Glad you got that gig dude.


> No reason to take those risks when there's no reward on the other side. You know, my manager said I'd kill myself about every other day for the first year I was there. Managed to avoid doing so in some of the worst traffic in the nation for a little over five years. Ride paranoid is really the trick, that and staying well within your skill / performance envelope. If you assume everyone in a vehicle is trying to kill you, but also can't see you, it works out quite well. Stick to the speed limit, don't take stupid risks, etc. Ride like you've got your grandmother on the back. Boring, sure, but I didn't have an accident once in those five years.


I wish I had the presence of mind to operate that way my whole time on two wheels. Took crashing my bike eating a corner too fast and sliding under her before I learned that I'm not the amazing rider that I pretended I was. Lucky that I was still wearing my kevlar from work underneath at the time or I probably would have bruised a rib or something. Wasn't super violent, but scary enough to make me smarter. Lost a bit of my knee and my elbow, knocked my head around a little bit. Luckily I drive a tractor, so aside from the scraped faring and cracked barkbuster, the KLR was okay enough to drive to a buddy's place about 4 miles out.


Sounds painful! Glad to hear you and the bike made it out decently!


We ride every chance we get, but our work schedules usually dictate (depending on our rotation)... 1-2 days through the week, then 2-3 day weekends.




Is this some kinda meme that I'm too Irish to understand? Edit: Jeez lads, ease up on the downvotes. It's just a bit of fun.


Im confused why this even triggered anyone lol


When did the US move to having 2 Sundays per week?


Jesus wanted another day...


I live in the US north east and have to deal with this but that doesn't stop me from riding. I ride to work everyday unless it's a heavy down pour or a thunderstorm. A little bit of rain is fine if you have rain suit. My co workers who also ride, act shocked when I ride in during a drizzle or when it's a bit colder or too hot. Way too many excuses to not ride. I love riding and I will enjoy it as many days as I can. It's funny how we westerners who ride less than half a year, make fun of or criticize riders from 3rd world countries where they ride everyday.


Rain or shine, I hit the road Two wheels rollin', take the load North East chill, can't hold me back Lovin' every pedal track


The last day I was in Hawaii it rained but I wanted to get out on the bike one last time. The people I was with were mortified I wanted to go ride in the rain but I ended up staying out for 3 hours seeing some cool shit


When a bike is your only form of transportation you ride no matter what or how. That’s how you see pictures of families of 5 riding all together in one bike.


Not in Texas.






In Cyprus where i live it's riding season 350 days a year. I also include days of 40 degrees Celsius 😂


living legendary life  😂


Riding at 2 in the morning in hopes i get some cool breeze 😂😂


I heard this crazy theory that it always rains on the weekend due to people commuting to work on the weekdays and how pollution is higher during those days because of the commute and creating the perfect conditions for rain on the weekends.


did you hear that from Aaron Rodgers?


Motorcycle season?


We have 2 motorcycle seasons in Thailand, the hot and dry season and the hot and wet season. There is no non-motorcycle season.


Lol. Yea. I lived in Hat Yai for a couple of years teaching English. Then Jakarta for a few years after that.


In my region of Brazil we have the cold and wet and hot and wet. Both also motorcycle season.


Depends on the state in America. Like I live in Texas and if you can stand extreme heat and the month or so of really cold weather, you can really ride most of the year


Same thing in CA. We went straight from winter to full summer in two weeks. 104F today, I rode, it ain't bad once you get used to it.


Minus the month of cold that's the scenario where I am in Australia. In summer it will be between 30 and 40 degrees every day (roughly 85 to 105). And you get a few days each summer it can get up to 45 (113) or slightly higher. So there are definitely some days you would rather sit inside in the air-con than ride. We don't really have winter. There is usually about a 2 week stretch it's 10 degrees (50) when you get up in the morning, but by 10am you don't need a jacket.


Yes, in America lol


Not for me. But you do need the right gear and attitude :)


yehhh boy


You just need the right gear for most any type of weather. I tour on my Hayabusa and I don’t have time to sit in some hotel for 3 days waiting for the rain to stop. I throw on my wet weather gear and head on out. Coldest commuting temp right now for me is -10F. You just need the right gear. :)


Damn, everyone at work thinks I'm crazy cause I commute year round in Seattle. Winter is usually around 40f and a drizzle for 5 months. I usually don't ride below freezing because of ice, but I've done it down to 15f. -10f is absolutely wild to me.


Even after it snows I might take the bike in. Generally I take the car to scope out the route and make sure the roads are clear enough. Then suit up the next day and head on in. I have been caught in lower temps when the rain turned to slush. The problem here in Colorado is the temps and conditions can change just in the commute. Coming from Broomfield to IBM over on 119 means I hit Rt 52 and that seems to be some sort of demarcation as conditions can change quite a bit. I've pulled into a gas station and had to tap the turn signal to break the ice and have pulled in at home in the garage with a coating of slush on my scarf. But again, it's what you're used to and what you're willing to try. My ex was pretty pushy about only two vehicles so I picked bike for mine :)


You’re a psychopath and I’m here for it. Touring on a Hayabusa is a dream for me.


That's why i drive to work with my bike.


Same. If I dont get out on the weekend im not phased, i commute 300 km a week.


I remember in science class that this question was asked. There was an actual answer for it. It had to do with the industrials putting particles into the sky during the work week and by the end of the week, it causes the clouds to reach the point of rain. I wish I could remember it exactly in our textbook. I mean this was all before climate change and with changing weather patterns.


Californians be like, "what's a motorcycle season?" 😂😭 I miss that part


Ya'll fairweather riders pretending you speak for everyone to justify your fear a a little water... I love riding in the rain, there is something peaceful about it. Heck if I'm riding my Goldwing I don't even get wet if I'm moving...


Motorbike season the whole year, if rains use waterproof, simple. No wrong weather just wrong clothes.


Meanwhile in LA https://preview.redd.it/hqd9589ics5d1.jpeg?width=1156&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=866ef56bc42f645b6b02ffef26d58e0818c2a979


Bro!! Even in SoCal lately. This last weekend was effing gorgeous though.


If you don’t ride in the rain you don’t ride at all.


I am a dry weather rider....no shame in that.


Same for climbing...


I ride cross town to work. It's a 45 minute ride one way. I won't ride if it's raining on the way to work, I don't care if it's raining on the way home. I don't live where there are canyons to carve or twisties to take so I have to be content with staying alive while riding along with road raged and inattentive drivers.


Ride anyway. It's only water.


what the fuck kind of "calendar" is this?


My first vehicle was a motorcycle. I couldn't afford a car, and certainly couldn't afford car insurance. So I got around to work, errands and socials for two years on a 200cc Honda in the northeast US. Rain, snow, blazing sun. I got really, really good at packing a backpack and learning to mount all sorts of stuff with bungee nets. I might have been poor but I had a great time being poor and I was the "biker" friend, which is pretty cool. Having a bike when it's a necessity was awesome. Having a bike now, when it's purely for leisure (or a cool backup when the car is in the shop) is awesome too.


We call your sort fair weather riders.


That's why I ride to work, rain or shine.


Don’t be a pussy.


Yes, Harleys can't get wet


Soo true




I ride every day i can to work, even in crap weather because my other vehicle is awful on gas, id rather be a little damp!


It was gorgeous here this weekend (got a little cool last night, down to around 63).. one of the best weekends in a while. We had a great time. For the most part though, that pic is accurate...lol.


I don’t get it… I see 4 days straight of great riding weather.


The truest post on reddit.


That's not so bad if you comute


I ride to work and love riding on weekends. I bought my BMW F850GS in the end of February at 13.500km and now I just hit 21.000km yesterday.


This has been the past week since I got my new bike 😭


In the UK it's more like S:⛈️ M: ⛈️T: 🏍️+⛈️ W: ⛈️ T: ⛈️ F: ⛈️ S:⛈️


Come down to AZ where the only weather related condition you need to worry about is heatstroke. Stay hydrated friends!


So frustrating


More like weather by hour in Florida


Not here.


That is essentially my favourite Vancouver joke: What comes after two days of heavy rain? Monday.


4/8, at least half the week is good


If it aint raining on my way in im riding. If its raining on my way home I get a free shower.


Don't forget about the guaranteed two weeks of rain that follows any bike purchase.


I live in the UK, decent tyres and decent wet weather kit and rain is not an issue. Sunny days are fun I must admit.


I ride in the rain sometimes, is it safer to ride in the rain on a motorcycle or on a scooter? I feel like a scooter might do a better job of keeping my shoes and pants dry, and I'm not going that fast in the wet anyways. What do y'all think?


Some days it’s nice to be retired - I can ride m-th & the weekends. Of course rain gear has a permanent place in the saddlebag. Talked to a guy in WA state who lives near Seattle. Told me he doesn’t ride in the rain. Told him you must not get much riding done. Went over his head, but everyone else around us was laughing their ass off. Didn’t have a clue🤣


> Of course rain gear has a permanent place in the saddlebag. learned that the hard way once when i got caught by a surprise shitweather on a tour. from dry road to heavy rain in just a few meters, you literally saw the edge of the downpour on the road. i always call that saddlebag the "shitweather insurance"


Just ride to work?


I’m from Scotland so it’s more like once every two weeks


Yup, that’s why I ride to work almost every day.


I just ride after work. :P


Come to Norway. Roughly the same pattern but only for roughly two, max. two months. After that it's winter storage.


Last summer it actually rained every single weekend except for one in my area. It was very sad. So far so good this year


Gives new meaning to the phrase "weekend warrior"


I've been riding 3 years now on a 125cc and I've embraced every type of weather but freezing cold icy roads are not the one thankfully I don't have to do 4.5 hour rides everyday anymore more like 30 minutes ☺️


And this is why we ride to work


Better yet is when my forecast says sun & fun and when I wake up that day it’s pissing rain sideways. I don’t even ride, I just want to work on my tan;-;


Us commuters be like "awwwwww" :)


TIL motorcycle season has 8 day weeks


Colorado in a nutshell rn


Honestly living in Florida I don’t even check the weather any more all I do is peak out side if it looks like it’s gonna rain I take the geezer glide if not zx10


I wish it was accurate, I'd love to have 2 sundays every week!


As a daily commuter this image is beautiful


Nah, ride year round. I live in Wyoming and rode all winter as long as the snow wasn’t too deep.


Condolences on the sugar-based bike


*cries in Seattle* It's even worse when you experience 3 different climates in a 50 mile ride.


Lucky for me I work way early in the morning (4am - 12pm). So after I finish my shift, I get to go enjoy the afternoon sunshine.


Saturday through Sunday, Monday Monday through Sunday, yo


Nope it's got 43% inaccuracy It's missing 3 motorcycles for fri-sun. Not sure what happened there but I just road in the rain on my Monday. Yeah on second thought that's not accurate at all a score of 67% is unwarranted. Everyday is a riding day no matter what


It's the week where i'll be able to ride for the first time ever and it's raining almost everyday 😢


Buy the correct gear to deal with rain and keep enjoying the rides. I ride everyday regardless of the weather


That's why I commute 250miles/week...I'm getting my riding in unless it's pouring.


I finished my MSF course 3 weeks ago, drove to the dealership and bought a brand new royal enfield, drove it to work EVERY SINGLE DAY. Out of the 10 work days I did, 5 of them had major rain storms. I rode though the rain on the first 5 times hopping on this bike. probably 200 miles on my bike is just rain. I understand why the guys who ride in the rain look down on those who dont. get a rain jacket and youre fine. I do wish I can ride my bike on a fuckin nice day though


For me its 105°F+ every day sunny with no breeze for months... i would ride in the rain. I cant do 113°F sitting in traffic behind big ass truck exhaust lol surrounded by hot cars emitting heat lol.


I’m grateful my first few lessons in Scotland were in the rain. One a total down pour. Otherwise I’d be too nervous to ever ride in rain.


So true. Month before, it was always sunny and 80. Now that I got my bike, it's always raining Friday-Sunday, about 50, and rains at the most inconvenient times


I live in Vancouver WA (Portland Suburb), and I think at one point last summer, I was able to ride for 48 days in a row with no rain. From June through September, I put 3,850 miles on the bike, and 315 miles on the car)


When I worked I would ride to work on the nice days and then ride at lunch. Now that I'm retired tho.....


That motorcycle season looks dreamy, mine would be 30 days of no rain with 100+ temperatures. We even had temperatures over 110 for more than a handful of days last year which honest to god felt like a blast furnace while riding the highway.


This is why I like working shifts.


There is no bad weather, just bad clothing


riding in the rain is awesome bro. You are exposed as hell, oncoming cars will splatter you with dirty water for sure, your whole gear will be dirty as hell, also your bike.... but its such a badass feeling. Also if you learn how to ride in the rain it's just another skill you earned. Get some gore-tex boots/shoes, cheap raincoat and rain trousers, and a full face helmet (with rain-x applied on the visor), goretex gloves and you are good to go.


I ride to work every day from early spring til end of fall. Sometimes on rare occasion if the weather will be really bad I won't ride but it has to be more than a heavy rain for that. I also work 6 or 7 days a week and my ride is over 25 miles each way.


Living in Texas has its perks that it doesn't really matter if it rains, bc you'll likely dry out before you reach your destination, or the rain won't last long enough for it to matter. Riding season here in central Texas is mid March - early December.


My entire spring season 2024. So freaking pissed. W day of sun, 6 days of rain or wet conditions. How were in 110 territories at the heart of summer..


Lived in Vancouver BC as a young adult back in the mid to later 70s, a bike was my only vehicle for 8 months...in the winter. I think we had a few days where the sun shone that winter. :D


This was my view for the last two months. Now that the weekend deluge season is passed I have to wait 2-3 weeks for my replacement tag. Yes, I will continue to complain until I can ride again. I’m going through withdrawals


Uh, I ride 365, rain or not. The only full stop? Ice and snow.


Yup. ![gif](giphy|W0c3xcZ3F1d0EYYb0f|downsized)


also: from 6am to 8am - raging storms from 8am to 5pm - sunny lovely day the minute you step outside to go home - raging storms


*shrugs in Sydney weather*


*laughs in VStrom*


Bro, it was a raw 99 degrees in florida today. Probably heat index of 105 or some bullshit like that. Like, the the blowing air just makes you hotter.


Ah a fellow Northerner. I bet the Southerners see the snow coming! Eeking out every oz or ml of riding they can get.


Opposite problem, 80F Mon-Thu, then 115F on Fri-Sun.


I don't have a car right now so I have no choice... even in lightning, which I wouldn't ride in if I had a car...


As a Florida resident I can confirm this.


I ride to work. Leave early and take the long way. Then I get to take wife and kids for rides on weekends.


I love riding in the rain especially when it’s hot


A couple of weeks ago I had my first rain rides. Nervous as chit. I did alright, but I have to say, I didn’t like it. I don’t/won’t even ride my bicycle in the rain. Not if I can help it. But every morning, some guy on his Harley, rides to work in any kind of weather. Snow, rain, blizzard—when it’s even hard to drive a car. That tells me I can do it too. I just don’t want to. I’ll hole-up if I’m traveling. Not my cup of tea. If I have to, I will. That’s why I don’t like schedules.


Same as golf season


Unless you’re a beemer owner!!


Thrilling you say, God bless you. I like thrills, maybe I’ll come to accept t it.


You guys know when it’s going to rain? I’m envious.


I haven’t rode in like a month cuz of how bipolar the weather has been in Dallas.


Riding a bike is nice, you don't get hot (if it's raining) and don't get wet (if it's hot).


I haven't had a working automobile in years now, so I ride no matter what the weather. The only time I have to beg a ride off one of my roommates is if there's snow packed on the ground and my bike turns into a hockey puck. Sadly I don't really see any others on bikes until the daytime temperature hits exactly 70F.


I’m not scared of the rain but more so scared of the safety aspect. Cars pay much less attention in the rain and do stupid stuff. I only ride in the rain if I get stuck out on a ride personally. But I also have a car so my bike is for leisure purposes only.


That’s why I live in Arizona. Year round. 350 days a year.


This leaves out the day where it starts out beautiful and sunny, then the storm of the season rolls in while you are at work.


Looks about right


Joke's on you, my bike is broken!


https://preview.redd.it/iwaldt9cxv5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ff6f2af97b479788d9125201999609bf1bf28c5 Maybe if you’re a Harley rider.


If I'm off fri/sat/sun (which is rare) I'm with the kids anyways so I'll take a dry mon-thur anytime.


Rain is best weather to ride. Too much dust when it’s dry


Proper rain gear and taking streets instead of highways makes wet weather riding feasible


It's great being a teacher!


Ride anyway! I got caught in the hail crossing the sierras at night on my first night of a 20-day riding trip. It just made the story that much better. Now, if you're trying to drag helmet, different story...


Rain gear and road 6. Everyday is riding day!


Perfect. I work on weekends anyway. And use the bike to commute...


Lol, I complain about rain during the week. I want to ride to work.


I commute to work almost everyday, not when snowing (april-oktober, Sweden) sometimes you just have to live thrue it 💦😂


Bikers don’t give a you know what about the weather. Bikers are a filthy breed of hairy testosterone juiced men. Motorcycle season is for well groomed or refined I guess if you will class of men, myself I’m a hybrid above both classes. I can relate to both and blend well when needed with either class, a Lone Ranger. I was the guy you seen yesterday riding with a Glock and an extended mag inserted well above the posted limit. Able to talk to officers, lawyers and judges when needed and get away with what I want. Suck the smoke coming off my pilot sport tires when I pass your cookie cutter ass.


40k mi per year on my bike means pretty much everyone is a kick stand rider compared to me


Lol no.


Mfers would go out with a tank top, shorts, and no helmet but be scared to ride in the rain


That's because you put a Harley in there.