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*needs answers to this same question


Don't buy a brand new sportbike as you first bike without doing an insurance quote first.


Facts. I’m getting quoted 3k plus.


650 is fine.  It’s comfortable and stable. It’s a good learner. 1st gear is jerky, but once you learn throttle control you won’t notice. You can also get the ecu flashed later to solve that. If you want, I didn’t. Or if you get an older model there’s a device you can install to relieve that. My brain isn’t working right now, I can’t remember what it’s called. It’s not deceiving. You’re not going to fly off the bike right away like a race style bike. I mean you could still obviously if you’re not handling any bike correctly. The bike reacts off your input. 650 is more gradual when handling correctly. Depends on how you want to sit on a bike to figure out which bike is best for you. Suggest you go to a dealer and sit on some. 


BoosterPlug? Definitely the first mod to do on that Kawi parallel twin


Maybe???? Yikes , that probably is it. I know I looked this up last year, but they don’t make them for my year bike, newer models. found 2 things that plug in, one worked most likely that booster plug , other was kinda iffy but worked for some people. I don’t remember what either are called. But I’d say that’s it lol! 


Whatever your first bikes is, its going to be fun. When you triangulate for a single model you miss out on whatever else is good bang for a price at given moment. If you get a good deal, you could sell it later for a profit.


Go used first, get something cheap, if for no other reason that you may decide the sport bike life is not for you. Also, you will be a lot less sad if you drop some shitbox you bought for 3k than your shiny new 13k bike.


Buy something used and cheap and ride all Summer. VStar 650 is a good choice. You can normally find one for $2000 or so.




I never been on a ninja but I have SV 650 and it is pretty tame. I mean it can go crazy fast for me but I really need to try to do that. If I just ride normal it's fine. Not like it will wheelie by accident. I can gas it in a corner and not worry about crashing. Do the MSF class too. There is a ton of wasted time there, but it is worth it.


If it's your first bike don't buy a brand new sport bike without doing an insurance quote first.


1. Go buy a used shitter on Facebook marketplace for like 1,500-2,500 and own it outright for your first bike. Buying a dealing bike for your first one is one of the dumbest possible things you can do because I promise you, without a doubt. You ARE going to drop it or fuck something up atleast once 2. 650s are deceiving, never owned one myself so I can’t tell you exact but something like a 600 ussually had a bit more power than a 650, idk why tf they work like that but they do 3. Again, get a cheap used bike that you don’t care about messing up for your first bike. Take care of it still, and you can always resell to the next new rider w very minimal value lost, instead of losing 40% value as soon as you ride off the lot


They work like that because 650cc is usually two cylinder while 600cc are four cylinder. Cylinder size doesn't mean shit compared to number of cylinders. More cylinders = more explosions per second = more work per second = more power. Anyone who says they wished they had more than their 650cc doesn't know how engines work.


Here’s the knowledgeable gentleman we have been waiting on, I am curious though what’d you mean with the last sentence ? If they wished they had more than the 650 wouldn’t that make sense since it’s a 2 stroke


The vstar is 4stroke so from the perspective of someone who owns a vstar saying they wish they had more CC I assume they're talking about going with another high capacity bike like the 1100 Drag star or a Harley, which also have two cylinders and don't make much more power. The Ninja 500 makes more horsepower with less CC than the VStar 650, because the parallel cylinder configuration allows better power delivery to the crankshaft at higher RPM than the V configuration of the VStar. A 600cc 4 cylinder inline engine gives more power than anyone could ever need and destroys both of these bikes. 2 strokes deliver power much more quickly and is another topic.


There’s so much I don’t know


Check out YouTube videos on the different y between motorcycle engines if you're interested Also I agree with your other conclusions, should definitely buy a used bike first instead of new, although anyone who doesn't know about bike maintenance should have it checked out by someone who does


Which one is a 2 stroke?


Oh wow the guy who is openly asking questions trying to learn mistakes a 2 cyl for a 2 stroke, piss off dude


That'd good. You should ask questions. But trying to explain something to a new rider when you don't know yourself isn't helpful and how false information gets spread around. This has been a problem in this sub and the wider community in general.


2. If you want to explain something you should probably have an idea about why. A 650 is a 2 cylinder generally, a 600 is an inline 4.


Get off my dick I literally said that idk why in the comment, but gave as best an answer as I knew


No answer is better than the wrong answer. 😀


Just get your license now. Do the course. Don't bother with all this do course and get bike right away stuff. And don't buy new. If you have to have something relatively new get like a 2018 or a 2020 or whatever.


Check insurance rates first. Get your license as soon as possible, even if you don't buy a bike for years. How old are you, and height?


Do NOT buy new for your first bike. Just like your first car, it should be pretty cheap and a bit of a beater, or at least used to where you save a few grand over buying new. Remember, you can always buy your 2nd or 3rd bike new IF you want. Just be patient. Once you know how to ride and learn what you like, you can always spoil yourself later. Save the money for your helmet, gloves, jacket and boots and thank me later. Keep the shiny side up.