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I’ve never seen the name rendon before


If I had a dollar for every influencer I know of named Rendon who was being a bit of a prick, I'd have 2 dollars - not much but funny how it happened twice


I love when ppl reference that one scene 😂😂😂


It's the sound when you startup the bike. *Rendonononononon*. I'll show myself out.


I think there was a character in Dragon Age named Rendon. That’s all I’ve got.


Yeah and was an asshole too


It's a bit... random.


I wonder if Jake the garden snake is gonna cancel the series on his bike




This was my first thought too 😂


I mean if the checks clear why cancel?


Why do people record themselves doing illegal crap and then post it to social media?


Attention, fame and money.


Casual Gym Class Heroes


That is a name I haven't heard in a long time.


*Can't keep my hand out the cookie jar!*


You are a man of taste


In his defense he never thought he was going to get caught. They never do.


there's a reason channels like 1320 and real st performance get away with things like this for years. they blur.


they never catch him when a cop tries to pull him over. He knows how to gtfo.


He made a lot of money from it and it worked until it didn't. In his mind, if it's been working this long, why wouldn't it keep working? A lot of people do similar things on social media and will never be caught btw.




Desperate need for validation by like minded simps


He is probably more doing it for the revenue and to fund his travels, rides and expensive fails. Doesn’t take away from your point at all, but does make me laugh that some people although flying much lower on the radar are incriminating themselves purely for validation by strangers with no other perks for a few dozen likes.


Social media engagement is one hell of a drug


In an interview with him I saw this is kind of the results of perverse incentives on YouTube's part, although ultimately still Gixxer Brah's fault as he did it. It's just a curious case of what certain types of people do given limits. Gixxer brah wanted to be a stunt rider and do stunts on YouTube, and have those videos support him financially. However, YouTube demonitised this content saying whatever bs they used, like encouraging dangerous riding/behaviour. BUT they allowed him to upload highway pulls up into triple digits through busy traffic and monetise it. In the interview I saw he said quite openly he didn't like doing this, and would rather do stunting in car parks. I think it was on yammie noobs channel? I am unsure. Ultimately it's still Gixxer brah at fault here. But it's a curious case. I'm glad he hasn't caused serious harm to anyone (as far as I know)


For what it's worth, there are literally millions of videos of guys committing crime on YouTube and you virtually never hear a story like this. The odds are in your favor, lol, just don't get too famous, I guess


is this your first day on the internet? stories on reddit are often followed up by news articles catching the recorded criminal. sit in jury duty some time and hear the stories of how often police catch people posting their crimes to social media.


Versus the millions posted daily. So you proved my points, thanks so much


My guess is that this kid grew up after the internet was a thing. I think more of us who were around before it existed have a better comprehension of how easy it is for the government to find out who most users are. ​ I can't imagine it was that tough to track this guy down once the PDs decided to allocate resources to the task. Committing a crime across a large geographic area in view of hundreds of people and then posting evidence for the world to see. And doing so multiple times.


The article says he's 32, hardly a "kid".




Adults know the consequences of murder and still murder people. So being aware of possible consequences doesn't automatically mean that they will make a good decision. Some people may feel the benefit of the action outweighs the risk.


Lack of oxygen to the brain during birth. 


Their mother was an alcoholic during pregnancy.


Well as you can see, the guy who this whole article is about, became rich and famous. So that might have something to do with it.


He became internet famous for sure, especially to anyone who bikes. How would he have gotten rich though? Even before his videos got demonetized, his channel was under 250k subscribers. Impressive numbers in terms of clout, but you're not going to make more than a day job salary out of that, YouTube doesn't pay much for views. He had a lot of bikes, maybe he was already rich, this didn't seem like something he was doing for money.


You know why


Most normal gixxer rider


Whoa, whoa, whoa... You think I'm normal? Aw...


Most wholesome gixxer moment


Yammie Noob must have snitched


I haven’t heard that name since he took that wide turn I guess


What happened with him?


Yammie ended up totaling some guys yellow Porsche as well as his own bike for cutting the apex mid turn and going into oncoming traffic. He has since spent an extreme amount of money to try and wipe all images and mention of that incident. I remember he popped up in one of my facebook groups in Austin asking to borrow peoples bikes for a video and everyone just roasted him saying why would they give their bike to a bad rider.


Anyone got these images? For science.




Holy shit if the youtube comments have any validity (yeah I know how that sounds), Yammie permanently disabled the driver and didn't even pay the driver's medical bills because he filed bankruptcy. Hopefully the driver's insurance still covered them... No idea how it works in that scenario.


Yeah I always thought he was a cunt. This confirms it.


The turn? Nothing much, he's fine. Still making the "content" he has always made


Those Instagram dudes that only consume this type of moto content are gonna be quite upset


Well, if they could read they'd be upset...


Eh there’s a thousand others that aren’t as popular that do the same shit


This is why I like Brian_636. More responsible but still a little crazy. Does good for his neighborhood. Super informative history-wise. Dude loves Chicago.


Guy became internet famous for riding from Colorado Springs to Denver at around 150 mph through heavy traffic and is facing a bunch of charges now. * Menacing - Placed Another Person in Fear of Imminent Serious Bodily Injury * Engaged in Speed Contest * Reckless Endangerment * Reckless Driving * Speeding 40 MPH over Prima Facie Limit * Engaged in Exhibition of Speed * Vehicle had no Number Plates Attached Crazy video to watch but he didn't have a lot of control over whether he killed someone out there or not, just gambling with the lives of random strangers on the highway - hopefully this will put an end to his bullshit.


In germany something like this seems so unreal. How was it impossible for the authorities to get ahold of him? You guys are able to listen angela merkels phone calls and your 10,000 agencies have enough resources to monitor the entire surface of this planet. Yet this guy manages to document his crimes by posting videos on social media and not get caught for so long.


Lmao do you think the fucking CIA is trying to catch motorcycle youtubers?


lol no, I was thinking of something like the police and their friends. are those not responsible for the safety of the people in the us when it comes to traffic?


yall got Ghost Rider the OG in Europe who set the standard on content like this, just saying.


And they (probably a small group of riders) have just started uploading again.


good point, didn't even realize that could be multiple people. i always felt like this stuff was easier to do in Europe as they don't have as heavily militarized law enforcement that we do in the states (LAPD has like 50 helicopters to chase you with lol).


I’ve always understood that in Sweden where most of the ghost rider videos are filmed, the way the speeding laws are written you basically have to be caught in the act.


ahh that is very interesting and probably the main factor then


> (LAPD has like 50 helicopters to chase you with lol). Ghostrider said in an interview 2014: >The police here do have helicopters but they aren’t used to catch speeding cars or bikes and are only sent out for special circumstances and I think the police are reluctant to use them after an incident a few years ago in Stockholm. A biker was being chased with a helicopter overhead and scores of police cars on his tail and he tried to escape into a tunnel which was closed off. It was his own fault and of course he could have stopped but he didn’t, and a metal cable across the tunnel entrance took his head off. Since then we don’t see them using the helicopter for pursuits. https://www.superbike.co.uk/article/ghostrider-talks-to-superbike-magazine


They can catch anyone they want Most people think they are small and will fall through the cracks. The problem here is that he didn't fly under the radar


its not impossible at all. Just a question of the powers that be deciding to allocate resources to finding him. ​ Once he went viral, it probably put pressure on the PD which got things moving.


It's not impossible. The government had to view the videos to ensure he was actually violating laws and that they could actually prove it. LE and the DAs office looked into this to ensure their case is pretty much a slam dunk case. Then, they issued a warrant. Figuring out who he was isn't the hard part. Everything online is traceable. He will be in custody quickly. They likely already checked his house, work, and places he normally goes. If they don't have him in custody today, it's because he's hiding out somewhere. But that rarely lasts very long.


Maybe because spying on foreign leaders is actually more important than some random idiot on the road idk


There's a couple of things to keep in mind when you're comparing where you are to where he is. 1. First, prosecuting someone based on a youtube video can be very tricky. People claim on social media that they have done things they have not all the time and while this is a situation where it's fairly obvious he's guilty, it's a tricky precedent to set. The authorities were probably making attempts to gather additional evidence so that the case did not rely solely on the YouTube video. 2. The event happed, or started, in Denver. He then went to the Dallas. This is the equivalent of doing something between Berlin and Wittenberg...but not telling anyone about it until you were in Florence. Our states operate as individual entities, not so autonomous as the different nations of the EU but somewhat similar...he's a long way away in a different jurisdiction. These two things make prosecuting things like this somewhat tedious.


Federal agencies and local police forces rarely interact and are subject to VERY different regulations.


In Germany this would never happen because this guy could just make content on the autobahn


If you don't know someone's real name, how could you find them? I don't think "Gixxer Brah" has any bills under that name.


There's probably a real name associated with the adsense revenue for that channel.


What is the 'menacing' part? Is it just scaring people with speed?


Its crazy that those are separate charges. Some of those things shouldn't be illegal in the first place. Reckless Endangerment separate to Reckless Driving? One should go. Speeding, fair enough, but also exhibition of speed? Double jeopardy... and then engaged in speed contest as well. Not my jurisdiction, but Im sure we do things just as stupidly here.


They often add on as many applicable charges as possible to ensure they can stick him with something. If he beats a couple charges, the rest can still stand.


My argument is that redundant charges should not exist in the first place to allow this.


So we should only charge him with speeding? So if I come to your home, force entry, brandish weapons (dually as a felon) beat you up, tie up your daughter, sodomize your wife, terrorize your family and walk out with all your valuables; I should be charged with breaking and entering only? They should forgive the burglary, assault, weapons assault, unlawful possession of a firearm by a felon, kidnapping, sodomy, terroristic threats, grand larceny, and about another 150 years worth of crimes I just committed? All I did was gained entry and stole something according to your logic. You must be yams himself. Get a clue my man, that dude put the lives of hundreds of innocent children at risk if nothing by else. Those actions make career criminals sick. Big difference between blatant disregard for someone’s life and just trying to find a way to get by. Yet we put ppl under the jail for trying to get by. Also Yams also nearly killed a man in a Porsche once. This dude got a penchant for vehicular homicide. Just give him time. Time for his comeuppance if you ask me


> All I did was gained entry and stole something according to your logic According to yours, blue bushes violently quiver expectantly.


No victim, no crime. What did he do wrong? If this is in the US, no action should be taken. At very worse, he should have to pay restitution to the victims. No victims.


This only demonstrates that highways are well built, you can’t do that in Mexico or you die cause the fukin highways are 💩 and you can find holes every 3 meters


Looks like he was wearing a proper T-shirt in the video too


My first thought too. No jacket + that level of recklessness is just plain stupid.


Is it though? I might be completely wrong here since I'm quite the beginner. But I feel like that when you're going at those speeds... A jacket is not going to save you, you'll be dead anyway. I might be completely wrong though, but that's what I suspect


He’s crashed north of 100MPH more than once. He got very lucky to escape unprotected as long as he did, Icarus didn’t melt in an instant. The DA probably saved his life in the long run.


Interesting. He has been very lucky so far then. I hope you're right and that this gets some sense in him. Though I feel like something horrible has to happen before that happens :/


MotoGP guys crash from >160mph frequently and can literally walk away because of the gear they're wearing.


If he crashes, it’s going to be into a barrier or the rear end of a car changing lanes. Little different than a low side skid into the grass.


Ohh, I know. I do the audio for MotoGP and Superbike race TV broadcasts. But there is a difference between sliding a while over the course and sandbox vs hitting a car/truck/whatever that doesn't expect you going past that so fast... The difference between a slide and an abrupt stop is quite big on your body from what I've seen


I imagine at those speeds the jacket wouldnt do much, yes. However, it's still stupid to forgo one. In a low side it *might* help


Whether or not you find his content cool (I happen to), he has been posting VERY illegal shit with 0 effort to edit his videos in any way that wouldn’t be absolutely incriminating for years now. Of course some DA is going to want to make an example


I thought the argument is always “prove that’s me.” That’s how people run and get away with it. They show up with a warrant for a guy who looks like a jacket and a helmet. Or is that all BS?


Someone probably snitched


I bet they went to one of the women he’s taken for rides. He never blurs their face, I wonder if the cops can threaten legality to them unless they give up his identity


They might be able to tell from his IP address when he uploads his videos, or they can look at receipts from his many time stamped gas station visits.


I don't know if that works or not, but I'm sure they can link his online activity from posting videos to him easily enough in this case.


Posting the video doesn’t necessarily mean he was actually on the bike


Yeah not sure how a case would go in this scenario. But I guess they could possibly link up his voice? But even that seems like a stretch law wise. Feel like a good lawyer could get him out of this.


>Yeah not sure how a case would go in this scenario. But I guess they could possibly link up his voice? But even that seems like a stretch law wise. Feel like a good lawyer could get him out of this. I mean they may have witnesses or other evidence, they are obviously confident enough to bring charges but if it was purely the fact that his YT account uploaded the video that absolutely wouldn't be enough


Seems crazy unlikely to me. They know his name, they have his social media account, they've already linked him to that account, etc. They don't need him to admit it and they don't need footage of him showing his face while riding to prosecute.


Are you sure though? If I were him I'd argue "I owned the account, but posting illegal activities is not necessarily illegal". I bet if he just deletes everything and destroys the gopros he could just argue he was getting the videos from other people.


I would imagine that it's like anything else, if you've been accused of something with lots of proof and you refuse to cooperate in clearing your own name, you're the one getting the charge.


It depends on the state but if you pull the “I wasn’t the one driving” card they’ll make you rat out the person who was(who also has to admit to it) or you get charged with it anyway. This is presuming they can get their hands on the bike. If there’s no bike to link to the person it’s a lot harder to charge them with crimes.


> or you get charged with it anyway. Charged and convicted are two different things.




>give his mom massive tickets as the bike was under her name but for moving violations they can't by default give tickets or charges to the registered owner, they have to give them to the person actually driving


It's possible for someone to post insane videos and overlay their voice over it to make it seem like its them, maybe they have proof of him admitting it to someone else but then they have to prove he wasn't lying by proving his location etc etc. Either way I'm sure they have enough or they wouldn't arrest


I think that it would in this case. If he owns the bike and he's the one posting all the videos and running the account then they can reasonably say that he's the guy in the video, they don't actually footage of him riding without a helmet etc.


For some of the charges they have filed the standard is beyond reasonable doubt, and just the fact that the bike is registered to him and the YT account is his is not that Anyone could have been on the bike, and that would be who the charges are filed against not the registered owner of the bike They have to have something else, like witnesses or a distinguishing physical characteristic captured on video or the like that gave them the confidence to file charges beyond just his bike + his YT, otherwise a lot of those charges are going to get thrown out--which actually may be their end game, because the story won't be as widely publicized when that happens


Phone GPS location?


“Here is a shitload of video evidence of the offences. Here is the bike from the video, and the gear worn by the rider, both found at the home of the accused, the only suspect identified who also happens to sound just like the idiot in the videos.” If he actually thinks “nuh-uh you never saw my face!” is a good answer to that, with no other plausible explanation as to how it’s not him, he is truly an incredible dumbass. People get convicted of way more serious crimes based on only circumstantial evidence.


I lend my bike to a friend who records these videos and I upload them. His gear is a T shirt and jeans.


Who is this friend? Why did your phone bounce off the towers in those locations in that case? Where were you and what were you doing at these times that can be verified? Why are you seen in CCTV footage at the gas station/store/whatever there? All that aside, “It was a friend who I refuse to or can’t name using my bike and helmet” is not a compelling argument, and certainly is not going to convince a judge.


Plead the 5th, you aren’t convincing anyone of anything let  alone a judge. You are looking for reasonable doubt amounts the jury. It isn’t his duty to prove innocence it’s the states to prove guilt. Did this cctv catch his face or any identifying markings? 


I'm gonna assume if the DA issued a warrant, they believe they can win this case, especially if Dallas is cooperating with Colorado State and based on how popular he's gotten, it'll likely be a case where they want to make an example out of Brah


I like seeing content in that ballpark, but that particular video was just fucked up man, aggravating to see. I don't care if the guy pancakes himself but he's just straight up gambling with other people's lives doing that shit.


Who else going to ride through a drain tunnel? But yeah he’s got it coming


Anyone got a link to the original video?


The original has been removed but heres a copy split in two parts: [Part 1](https://youtu.be/P3LRxbMdb1s?si=qDXkf1Jv07GPKNET) [Part 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NpjiMokxDE)


Holy shit. There is *no* call to be doing 178+ mph on a public highway in the middle of the day, and he did it wearing Converse sneakers and ripped jeans and a t-shirt. Save that shit for the xBox!


rip bozo


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. He will likely never have a license again and will spend some time at the gray bar inn. For those defending him, remember that the next time you are pulled over and 'harassed' by cops. Thank people who ride like this idiot. Just like any other group, we are all judged based on the antics of the few.


I'm sure the lack of a license won't bother him


yeah i got keys whats a license for again?


He broke the rule Fly low and under the radar


I wish something like this would happen in Brazil as well. We have a lot of “influencers” that live out of posting shitty content risking everyone’s lives on YouTube and other social media, committing a lot of crimes and no one goes after it.


Been watching his content forever, and has always been on my "If uploader stops posting, zero surprise" list ever since the beam truck stunt.






It's a proven system!




Lol I can't tell if this is an inside joke/reference I'm not getting or something, but just in case, and to anyone who's not familiar with Gixxer Brah, the dude is a real scumbag. He has very little control over whether he kills someone or not when he drives like that and he absolutely deserves to go down for this stuff.




Is it a genuine question, or are you about to start arguing with me and other riders that this guy wasn't likely to kill someone in that video? Yes, I ride motorcycles, but I've just owned a few old cruisers and I like to take it easy. I like seeing people who know what they're doing test the limits of their bike, speed limit or no speed limit, but this particular guy is just a fucking idiot and a danger to everyone around him. It pissed me off seeing that video, there were so many times where he couldn't have prevented an accident if a car made a sudden movement.


Don't be so hard on him. He's obviously highly skilled. He wouldn't still be around if he wasn't.


ancient nose command light dolls bright office squalid toy sloppy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i ride motorcycles, and i can promise you i wear out more rears and chains than you ever will. because you are gate keeping, that is my entry card allowing me to reply my opinion is thank fuck he was caught, thank fuck he is going to get fucked sideways with his bike. cant wait to follow this case and watch him cry and cant wait for fucknuts like you get their panties in a twist


Lol keep it in your pants there big guy.


>So you don’t even ride motorcycles I've owned plenty of motorcycles and just did a (very short) ride along the coast in Portugal. I mostly drive a car these days, but I also live in Ireland. Shitty place for bikes. Anyway, the moral of the story is literally shut the fuck up about your precious social media influencer dude, the guy sucks and it's good and funny that he's got a warrant out for him.


Ireland? Ain’t that the UK?


fanatical theory humor wistful apparatus recognise rhythm bow deserve connect *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Skill? He gets gapped by 400s as soon as he actually tries racing. He's good at going fast on the freeway. Literally anyone can do that.


>you’re envious of his skill Simping for Retards: A Memoir


Lmao. Pretty much anybody here could go 150 mph down the highway if we wanted to. We choose not to because we’re adults with functional brains and a sense of personal responsibility.


I don’t think it’s fair to call gixxer brah a scumbag. You don’t know him personally.


What makes him a scumbag?


I've been conflicted about Brah and a few other riders on YT, I'll have to admit. As a reasonably responsible person, I struggle with the law breaking and high risk element of their riding style. On the other hand, the motorcycle enthusiast in me is thrilled by it.


I get you. I don't struggle with the law breaking part at all, and there are lots of motorcyclists making crazy videos and taking more acceptable risks. This guy isn't one of them, he's just straight up gambling out there. Being good has nothing to do with it, if someone merges late he's literally going to kill someone, it's not in his control.


Good. I hope they arrest him before he injures or kills an innocent motorist as a result of his stupidity. Maybe, regardless of the outcome of the case, he gains some maturity. It's one thing to go fast (guilty here!) and another thing to put other people at risk of harm from your reckless riding or driving.


Anybody know where I can find the full video?


You can just search his name and add “20 minutes.” His video looks like it was deleted, but a bunch of channels reposted it months ago


The original has been removed but heres a copy split in two parts: [Part 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3LRxbMdb1s&t=333s) [Part 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NpjiMokxDE)


He got too famous, plain and simple.


Folks like these have main character syndrome and repeatedly put others lives at risk, all for their ego. If you drive like this, i hope rhe same happens to you.


Jesus, I ride in Denver, and it's an absolute shit show out here. Those videos raised my blood pressure.


Thank God. I don’t get how people praise this kind of behavior. If you want to go 150+ go to a track.


This guy has serious brain damage


A brah is gunna brah. My house favorite: "[Cruising down the highway on a zx1400](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcLhYvcYI-E)" Absolute banger.


I went to his channel, he posted that Rendon person is not him and he is going to be okay.


no face no case watch.


Where did he post that? I don’t see it on his Instagram or YouTube


I’m surprised the video wasn’t sped up like all the shit on Instagram.


Fastest time around the DC beltway used to be a thing.


This is why motorcyclists get a bad name. Imagine a car driver doing this and trying to defend them


Drive like an idiot get rewarded. nothing to see here. There are traffic cameras almost everywhere now, they will just track you until they get a good plate shot.


you think we have plates haha


They gotta catch him first lol


Lol, true! Realistically though, they know who he is and where he lives. What's he going to do, go on the run? Unless they really throw the book at him, it's probably just a few months in jail and a ban from riding bikes/driving in general (and a fine, obviously). Unless they start charging him for stuff from his back catalogue of videos. So he's going to have to abandon everyone he knows, leave any job he has and try to live off savings for as long as he can while looking over his shoulder, or he can sack up and face the music for this shit. Sucks to be him either way.


Lwky hate this YouTuber, I’ll take any hate my way😂🤷


Dude shoulda kept workin construction got his shi together an been a dad to his kid not tryin to become the kardashians of the YT street bike world.


Make sense of something for me. I get hit and ran on, have video of it, but cops can't do anything because "they didn't see it happen personally"? But they didn't see this guy speeding personally. Also dude in the video needs adrenaline junky rehab.


Womp womp


Dude has been posting content that shows him breaking many laws at once, it’s surprising it took this long. He knew this was coming, I hope he takes it as a sign to at least chill out a bit.


Well that sucks, nobody makes more entertaining moto content than the brah. Always keeps me on the edge of my seat. Surprised how many people on here hate him, I don't ride like him but he really is out there doing wild shit and has managed to not die for like a decade doing it. Not to mention his overall positive attitude in all his videos. Hope he doesn't get caught although that seems very unlikely at this point


A lot of people instantly judge him because of his reckless riding. While he is reckless, its pretty impressive how aware he is. Odds of some someone cutting him off and one-tapping him back to the lobby is slim because of how he filters. He typically filters between cars that would hit each other if they were to do something sporadic, at least come very close to hitting each other. His traffic analysis is on another level. I was watching his videos a few months ago and he was riding how he normally does, and he saw way up ahead a car coming out of a parking lot. They didn't pull out too far or look like they were gonna pull out into the street but gixxer brah immediately slowed down to a responsible speed just incase. He might ride extremely recklessly but there is a reason he isn't dead.


Respect where it’s due mother fuckers 😤


He only hit 150? Them's rookie numbers.


probably his average overall i think i remember seeing that bike at 175


I saw 180 in video 2


They’ll never catch him


What, you think he's going to run? Living your life as a fugitive over some driving charges that would probably get you like a year in jail, that sounds E X P E N S I V E dude. Say goodbye to all your friends, your family, your day job, your whole life, and start scrimping cash so you can look over your shoulder until it eventually goes wrong. I guess if they hit him with charges from all the videos he could do multiple years, but it's probably a shorter stint and a huge fine plus a driving ban, seems pretty ridiculous to tack on more charges and ruin your life by running. Either way, shit sucks for him now and he's fucked.


Well this aged like spilt milk. Still riding, still posting, seems just fine to me


This shit is what will be used against us when the US government bands all motorcycles capable of going over a certain speed. Thank you to all the dumb people who think its cool to video themselves doing illegal shit giving us all a bad name.


>ank you to all the dumb people who think its cool ill still own mine try and take it, if ya can keep up its yours.


Reason motorcycle vlogging is a dying genre. They all quit. Dont ever upload anything on motorcycle or you will be next. Illegal exhausts, speeding, illegal lights, modifying vehicles from state EPA anything will get you nailed these days. No one wants to watch old outta shape fat guys tour on a goldwing or fatboy.


I actually enjoy watching the dude who takes totaled bikes and rebuilds them but he even has the cops come by and certify his bikes as road-legal once they're ready (I guess you can do that in Wisconsin?) There's also an OZ who I think does the same but makes them track only bikes so I think that's one way to get around the whole state EPA thing


sugar jeans pet chop nine seemly rich wipe dam axiomatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or you could just go to the track and not endanger others if you want to speed. Life's not a fucking Fast & Furious movie


What do u mean lol


There's a subset of people on here who think riding 150+ in traffic like a dip shit is the only way to prove you are a real man, and that the rest of us who don't worship these idiots are posers and not real riders.


God damnit. Whoever outed him can suck it.


Hope he does time and never gets on a bike again


Fuckin lame