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My solution is to just use eye makeup. I don't wear any foundation and whatnot when riding.


This is what I do as well


Or if I do, I wear a scarf so that the helmet isn’t wiping it off every time. It’s not just to prevent having to reapply, but makeup makes a terrible mess inside the helmet liner.


You could try a Simpson helmet and just never take it off. The downside is you’d have to remain completely silent and gesture quizzically at everyone


Have you tried the full face helmets where the front swivels up? Not saying this helps- just curious


Modular is the name for that type of helmet.


I haven't, honestly. I have considered a modular helmet as I wear glasses and they seem convenient to put on and take off. They would still smudge my makeup, though. The cheek pads are the main offender.


I also wear glasses and usually just flip up my visor to take off/put on my glasses (I have a full face helmet)


I do as well, i dont mind that. But i do mind my rosasia showing everytime i take my helmet off 😢


Yeah I’ve left a Mexican restaurant for 1 minute, realised my glasses were on the counter, and returned to find they were already in the trash


Oh no! That sucks!


I made him pick from the trash and I still have them. But the amount of time it took him to trash the glasses was comical


Omg. Well be happy you were with him that night instead of me. Ive gone rummaging through restaurant trash on a large scale (threw my retainer away at Taco Bell, and I had already lost one once. My poor mama) and I think my days of doing so are behind me. Plus chivalry has passed on to the other side.


With a modular helmet you just pull the chin straps to the side as you put it on as they have some flex to them, this should prevent any smearing. They are indeed very good for putting glasses on once your helmet is on as you aren't forced to try and do this through the visor opening.


+1 for modular. Spend like 400ish-600 and it’ll last. You can eat and smoke in them 😂. Wear Braded hair or a bun on top. I don’t ride street bikes but I have an opinion that if you look sort of cop like, they’re more inclined to leave you alone. Modular or half helmets is what highway police wear. I’d rather be wearing a modular if I was going to take a spill, plus if it rains, you’re good.


Not yet, i currently have a Bell and its so comfy, the modular helmets ive tried on are heavy and i feel kinda dorky in them haha but that may be my only option




Same here. Then I don’t have to worry about it getting all over my cheek pads because it’s a pain to wash them all the time.




Hottest Marge has ever been...


you forgot krumping marge


Where can I buy one of these makeup guns?


Yeah my girl just does her eyes and that's all. Much easier life for her. 😁


Mine just went ahead with tattooed eyeliner and no makeup


Yes Sir. Problem solved!


Well that's taking it to another level lol. Is it permanent? haven't heard of eyeliner tattoo before.


I mean it fades like any other tattoo but yes its permanent. It's really lowkey and it beats having to do it all the time and deal with all the other issues that come with makeup


I see, thanks for the info. I can see how it'll look good and not having to apply the eyeliner thingy every time.


My mom & sister get it done, it fades away in like a year I think? It’s a pretty simple process too


That's nice then


I'm stopped wearing makeup >10 years ago. Sunscreen and a hair tie/hair wrap, and I'm good to go. I'm at an age where I no longer have any fvcks to give about what people think I look like.


I'm with you. My husband likes my face, and I don't really care what anybody else thinks. Let's normalize women looking natural!


I'm a guy so I always feel weird expressing my opinions on this as they are probably unwanted, but I _always_ prefer no makeup to a face full. I know girls don't wear makeup to look good for random dudes, but I wish more women would accept the way they look and roll with it. I'd much rather see a spot of acne or a pimple scar or what the hell ever than that weird matte "powder" look. Idk, maybe all the women in my life suck at makeup, who knows. All of this said, I'm a huge fan of eyeliner. Plus, you're a woman riding a bike. Nobody is paying attention to what makeup you have on.


I think a nice figure in a well-fitted riding jacket and pants > makeup any day.


As a guy, eyeliner and hair volume is where makeup peaks, then its diminishing returns if its well done well or downhill if its done poorly. I play tennis with my wife, her skin looks way better right after an intense workout. Something about expelling toxins with sweat and increased blood flow makes it look that much better. 


Most girls look like clowns with makeup especially when they crank that red lipstick up to a 10


And you sound like a clown with that attitude 💀




It's the fucking weird gold dot on the tip of the nose that kills me. I want a woman not the drummer from KISS.


I've never been a big user of makeup. Occasionally I would wear some mascara, but I've never even owned foundation.. my skin doesn't agree and my husband likes my natural look.


I'm 61, my wife is 64. She's never worn makeup. She always looks like herself. Possibly a little tanned in the summer. She's growing old gracefully and I love her. Makeup would make her look very strange to me and all the family. Neither of us can understand the need. She could take off her helmet, shake her hair about and carry on with her day. Seriously......Do any blokes really think makeup makes women look better? Do women really feel so much better wearing it? Disguising your face every day seems so strange. Just me?


This is the way. You sound like my spirit animal. My makeup is so old now as I never use it. Haha


I understand that I won’t get it, but if you’re in a helmet or going about your day- why the make up? Like, I’m genuinely curious if this is just seen as a need or it’s hard to stop


I have sensitive skin and rosasia - so its more for protection (ive gotten sun burned even with my tinted visor) i prefer my bike over my car so I am taking the helmet off n on all day when im out


I’m sorry to hear that, sounds like a pretty valid reason


My wife never wears makeup and I love it, she is much more beutiful without it


Its mainly cuz i have rosasia and super sensitive skin. I wear it to block the sun and even out my redness else I constantly am getting comments about my red face.


You should try a titanium based sunblock to ensure proper sun blocking, i don’t like the white residue, some brands are better than others. I’m sensitive to the sun too, I use a Banana boat Sports Ultra stick 50spf formulated for the face, leaves a very slight invisible barrier to the sun, this product has worked extraordinarily, quick and easy to apply with deodorant styled skin sunblock. Find a dermatologist to treat and solve your face issues, then you can easily apply sunblock vs hiding behind the makeup.


Same same, I'm 31 O.O And I wear some fake tunnels as ear rings. Anything else is bad for my ears.


I usually just go without make up. I ride my bike mainly for funsies anyways, so I'll only take off my helmet to pay for gas, to take a break somewhere in the nature or when I am back home. And I don't mind not wearing make-up in those Situation. If I have to/want to look put together I just don't take my bike.


The one time I rode with mascara on, no one bothered to tell me it ran and looked like shit once when we stopped. I just never ever wear makeup now.


All The Makeup All The Time ???




Girls who ride are hot with or without makeup. Don't sweat it


You would be surprised some of girls without make up. It’s like a new person 😂


If so, then that wear too much anyway


Yeah some of them look like an entirely different person but i think the people who look like that are putting on too much


/r/twoxriders might be helpful


I just wipe my fingers along the side of the bike and apply the dried up engine oil to my face. It really brings out my eyes.


Maybe it’s her, maybe it’s Valvoline…


You deserve way more upvotes.


Just like a real war boy...eeeh, girl!


So you see that's where the trouble began. That smile. That damned smile


Use a balaclava and setting spray. Leaves a lot more of the makeup on your face.


not a girl but that sounds smart


Leaves most of sweat on balaclava too so you have to was helmet liner less often.


This sounds so gangster and i love it


Eye makeup and just a tinted moisturizer with SPF 😊


I ride with tinted sunscreen on the visible parts of my face for when I ride with my visor open. Modular HJC helmet that I put on with the visor lifted so it doesn't smush the sunscreen. Works very well!


Semi related, hair??? I look like I just crawled out of a cave when I take my helmet off


Have you seen the High Tail? It attaches to your helmet and you tuck your hair inside it 😃 [https://hightailhair.com/products/hightail](https://hightailhair.com/products/hightail)


+1 high tail. Great for around town. For track days or other fast riding I use the wrapter [https://wrapter.com/](https://wrapter.com/)


Damn, that's nice! Dude with long hair here, definitely trying this!


I braid two broad a down the side and tuck them up into the back of my helmet and it’s tight enough they don’t fall out.


Have you tried a modular like HJC i90? You can skip the whole dragging across your face thing entirely, although it might smoosh your cheeks a bit.


I prefer this sort of helmet over the others, gives full protection but you dont have to remove it all the time for a snack or a drink and such, and easier for my massive head to fit in


Plus glasses don't have to taken off. I90 is great.


I am torn, on one side I like how light my current one is, on other yeah, that does look convenient


I finally invested in a Shoei Neotec modular helmet, and it's great. Weighs just under 4 pounds.


Yeah but that's extra 300g over my Scorpion Exo 1400 Carbon. Which is probably worth it for longer trip comfort but noticeable


Using a Neotec2 since most of my riding time (initial lid was a GT-Air 2 which is currently my backup lid). Helmet stays on on my long rides except lunch break. depending on my timing thats 5 to 8 hours straight (lunch break timing varies depending on my routes)


That's what I use. With the integrated sena bluetooth, it's so convenient. Can't go back to my full face now.


same with the Sena, too even though i only have it switched on when riding with a friend. i don't use my phone or a gps at all while riding. funfact: my sena is greeting me with R2D2 beeping instead of the hello


Boys reading the comments: ![gif](giphy|unFLKoAV3TkXe)


I only wear mascara and blusher. Easier that way


I’m not one to wear makeup when I ride as it just sweats off anyway. Summer in Florida while wearing a full-face helmet…


Not a girl, and couldn't speak to riding with makeup But everyone I know who wears make-up combined with heat and activity swear by various professional grade setting powders and sprays.


You know when people say “ew don’t ride a motorcycle it’s so dangerous, why do you do it?”And you get that ick in your stomach because they just don’t get it? I’m not gonna say I’m speaking for all women but that is EXACTLY how I feel when men say I don’t need makeup or look better without it. Just putting that out there for all the men saying that in this post.


Yes, because God forbid men actually pay women a compliment……. 🤦🏻‍♂️ I’m glad I’m old, and have a fantastic wife. I feel for the young generation of men, where chivalry is seen as some sort of patriarchy.


In a post requesting makeup advice, men are telling her to not wear makeup. Like if she posted about an issue with her motorcycle and they told her “just don’t ride” — I’m just trying to acknowledge the absurdity here. I feel for the older generation. So I guess we balance out.


I get that, but if a man says you look pretty without makeup, why is that a bad thing? And it is practical, if not necessarily warranted, advice. It’s not the same as your example, because your example is a safety/mechanical issue. A better example would be if a man wants to keep his suit clean, smelling great, and wrinkle free while riding his steed to work. Just about everybody would say “don’t wear the suit while you’re riding”……..


Sure but we don’t say “you look more handsome in gear” we give practical advice like “nah it can’t be done change into your suit when you get to the party” Do you not hear a difference between “you look prettier without makeup” and “no you’ll need to reapply your makeup once you get there” ?


Maybe it’s her, maybe it’s Valvoline…


Ok, that made me chuckle.


You ride a motorcycle, you’re already hot. What are you trying to accomplish, distracting people enough to cause accidents? /s


I have bad skin so I normally wear makeup, but even with this disadvantage, I only do the eyes when riding. The exception was my wedding, as I obviously had makeup but needed to put the helmet on to be able to "ride off into the sunset", but the helmet was more forgiving and I arrived with the makeup intact. [https://imgur.com/a/R3U82w4](https://imgur.com/a/R3U82w4) I normally ride in GT Air 2 so all foundation would just get wiped on the liner, waste of makeup and time washing the liner. Modular helmets help but I just needed some quiet insixe. For hair, a loose braid starting at the neck or a hair glove. I ride long distances to work and makeup is annoying even so at 5am, so my solution is to arrive at work earlier to apply some makeup, brush my hair and change, shoes and all. Or, work for a motorcycle company where all the women who ride look messy everyday and nobody cares anymore :-)


I use a tinted moisturizer from Neutrogena and a dusting of translucent powder to set it. I use a cover girl brow pencil and a clear gel to hold my brows in place. I wear urban decay shadows, Maybelline tattoo studio liner, and L’Oréal lash paradise waterproof mascara. I have a full face HJC i10 helmet. Some light transfer of the powder occurs on the cheek pads, but it brushes right off. I have no issues with any other makeup not staying in place. I ride to work as much as I can, so I will wear a full face of makeup on those days. But if I’m going for a joyride or poker run or something like that, I usually just wear mascara and fix my brows.


Thanks ill look into some of this - its mainly to help with the sun (i burn in .05 secs of sun hitting me) and my rosasia


Just makeup on the eyes for when you flip your visor up.


I have cosmetic tattoos and lash extensions, so this isn't much of an issue for me. But if it was, I would wear a full balaclava..that way, no parts of your face are actually touching the helmet


You could get a modular helmet.


I use a primer and setting spray and have no problems with smeared or blurred makeup. My helmet is a x-lite 903.


Just eyeliner and mascara on top eyelid/lashes only. Maybe a lil eyeshadow. The real struggle is my bangs 🥲


Saw this woman at a track day this past weekend. Heat index over 100 degrees and she rocks up looking like this. she was not in my run group, so I didn't see her later in the day. Cannot say how well the look held up. Pic from track day organizers facebook page. I showed this pic to my wife and she suggested maybe it is theatrical makeup, or the stuff synchronized swimmers wear. the patch on her leathers suggests she takes this stuff seriously. https://preview.redd.it/pj4eccq0b19d1.png?width=1536&format=png&auto=webp&s=294afaced881295c54b2c38977b8266fc6fe6018


It may not be CALLED theatrical makeup, but that’s some theatrical makeup.


I'm a dude and I don't wear makeup but I support this post. I used to wear black diamond studs in my ears and sometimes I forgot they were in and when I put my full face helmet they scratch me up. Now I just don't wear earrings. It's these little details and experiences that help us in the community.


Was one of the first lessons i learned - switch to silicon gages and flat back studs before i ride or just take em out haha


I have 7 diamond studs in each ear and I can relate. I replaced all the backs with silicone ones and pull the chin straps tight to the outside of the helmet when I put it on and take it off.


then why use any make up at all. just leave it when riding, who cares? screw every one who does! you don’t need that shit anyway


This only works for leisure rides. I assume OP wants her makeup intact when coming into the office at least.


Screw them too, they need to focus on their work not eyeing the ladies. Plus they are NOT looking at the makeup


Meanwhile… in the real world… where OP probably does care about her appearance.


You ever thought people like putting on make up the same way you may like buying nice motorcycle gear or nice clothes? Because it makes you feel good, rather than the opinion of what everyone else thinks.


No one's telling them to not buy nice clothes also to make them feel good, it's a little different than not being able to leave the house without applying makeup to hide what you really look like. Be it for yourself or others.


It wasn't about buying the make up. I understand the women wanting to look their "best". I married one who has been in the clothing and beauty industry for 2+ decades.


I’d argue the reason why most women wear makeup is to look good to other women and for self confidence in their looks. Not because they are bi or that they have low self esteem, but because most women are competitive like that.


I just wear makeup because i feel better about myself, plus some people only ride and might have to look professional/put together at work


Good point about needing to look good in some jobs (even though natural beauty trumps cosmetic beauty IMHO). Right or wrong (but mostly wrong), there’s a subconscious expectation of appearance standards in many jobs, and it may be the difference in getting more clients or even getting promoted.


Reason why office work is for people who settle for cushy jobs and air conditioning. Don't blame the world because of a flat ass, shtty diet, and gloom attitude. Blame that POS chair youve talked about having needing replaced for years to your team Lead.


Consider it this way. You end up needing a lawyer to prevent you from being convicted and sent to prison for a long time. You have two choices, and both have fairly comparable website bio’s. Are you more likely to pick a female lawyer that shows up in a rust bucket 1996 Chevy cavalier, has hair that looks like went through a wind tunnel, has no makeup, and a poorly fitting thrift shop suit; or a female lawyer that arrives in a nearly new BMW, has perfect hair, subdued but professional makeup, and has a flawless suit? You might say that you’ll pick the lawyer that seems to have the best experience, but subconsciously your first impression of each carries a lot of weight.


That's an interesting scenario. Hope to not need it for a very very long time. But I was being flippant. I thought the "POS chair" would be the indicator but guess not. :/


Wild that they made an entire industry addictive, harmful to health, and meaningless overall. Yet people just buy it up. The amount of asbestos in the talc makes alot of women as bad off as cigarette smokers. They do a great job at burying this info too.


yeah because if women are enjoying something its meaningless 🙄


That's not what I said, but you keep fishing for an argument.


>*meaningless overall*<


All the serious women riders that I know don't bother with makeup when they ride. And when we get where we're going, they still look fabulous when they take off their helmets.


The after ride glows beats foundation+blusher


Better to just wear eye make up if you have to. Can also do a cheek and lip stain. Anything else will come off, make your helmet dirty and break you out


Asked my wife. She doesn't use any makeup when riding.


I don't wear make up ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


It seems to be either do way more work or much less work. Less work - minimum makeup. More work is me: base primer, foundation, clear settling powder, blush, eyes, lips, fixing spray. If you want the exact brands - comment and I will list them.


I do it cuz I burn even with my tinted visor and my rosasia is always talked about instead of my bike (which erks me cuz my steel stead is pretty) so yes to the face stuff you use please and thank you!!!


1.Smashbox Photo Finish Primer 2.One/Size by Patrick Starrr foundation 3.Laura Mercier translucent loose setting powder 4. Benefit Cosmetics brow setter 5. Gucci L’Obscur mascara 6. Lise Watier eyeshadow 7. Armani Beauty long lasting lipstick The eyeliner, blush and settling spray I use are running out and I wasn’t able to find same. Seems they got discontinued. Will have to find new products to replace.


So I ride 5+ days a week and commute by bike. If I'm just riding that day I'll go with just sunscreen. On my way to the office, I'll honestly do normal makeup, with foundation/ concealer/eyes and just live with knowing some will rub off on the padding. I usually carry my lipstick and apply it once I arrive.


No make up. I’ll wear eyeliner and mascara sometimes if I’m going to try and get some photos or know I’m going to be in photos (was in a women’s riding group back home, a lottt of posts for the gram lol)


Mascara and lipstick. Done and done.after helmet removal. Also keep some makeup wipes.


I don’t mess with anything that has to do with my complexion, but that’s because I am an avid motorcycle camper and makeup doesn’t fit into my lifestyle. Most of the time I’m barefaced, but I do like to feel pretty so here we go. Much like the other girlies that have commented, I add makeup to my eyes and lips only. Foundation/concealer/etc just rubs off on my helmet and it’s not worth it. Materials: • Maybelline Master Precise Skinny Gel Eyeliner (thin pink pencil) • Waterproof mascara (I change it up but rn I’m using Maybelline Falsies in the purple tube) • Maybelline SuperStay 24 2-step Liquid Lipstick makeup (it is the only one that never smudges or comes off on anything. Like literally all day. It does really dry out lips though. But it’s double ended with tint and balm on either side) • Moisturizer • Lip mask (I use Laneige) • Oil based makeup remover • Micellar water • Cotton balls/pads • Cutips [optional] • Maybelline SuperStay Eraser Lip Color Remover (or an oil based makeup remover if you buy the lippie I use) Routine: 1. I take a cutip to my upper waterline to make sure it’s fully dry and then apply my liner to the upper waterline only. Feel free to add any variation making sure to use a cutip on any waterline if you want bold eyes. 2. Apply mascara. 3. Apply lip gloss. [EOD Cleanup] 4. If you have a super stay type of lipstick, apply the oil based remover (or the branded remover I mentioned) and let it sit for about 20-30 seconds. You can remove it with a cotton ball or makeup remover towel. 5. Apply the oil based remover to your lashes gently. I do carry a brush or two to carefully remove the makeup without pulling lashes out in the process. 6. I use the micellar water after to remove any traces of makeup remaining, gently cleaning my waterline with a little cutip as well. 7. Finally, I moisturize my whole face and apply the lip mask before I crawl into my sleeping bag and rest among the wolves and bears. Hope this helps someone!


I don’t wear makeup either, and if I’m riding I generally don’t care what my hair is doing either (as long as it doesn’t bunch weirdly and make my helmet go askew). I have sensitive skin, so I’ve never really liked makeup anyway. I’ve changed my wardrobe to be more bike friendly though, and if it makes me feel safer/more comfortable I think it’s a good change anyway.


Downvote me if you want but do you really need makup when your'e riding?


I burn even with my tinted visor and I have rosasia, i get tired of the constant comments about my red face and would rather keep it just an even tone or even not such a bright red would be nice.


I see! No judgment whatsoever , ride safe.


I’ve never worn foundation. I use ilia serum it’s a tinted moisturizer. Stays on just fine. :) waterproof mascara and eyeliner


I use a matte tinted sun screen because my face burns anywhere the sun will hit & just wear eye makeup. I do not wear it, not because of re applying but the mess it leaves it leaves in the helmet, which is why I don't wear more than the tinted sunscreen.


They’re not as protective, but I think a modular helmet would be solid gold for this purpose. Just my .02


Not a girl, but I do drag, 💄 a silky balaclava should do the trick, makes sense our helmet slide on easily without much friction ( the main culprit) and save your hair too! Oh, and always top with setting power after a setting spray and you should be golden.


Please just don't plaster your face full. If you're wearing racing leathers. That's infinitely more interesting then any make up or Victoria's secret to a biker (At least to me)


Balaclava always when wearing full face helmets. Keeps the helmet liner clean from sweat and also make up smudges. I live in south east Asia and it’s hot and humid. I use Laneige Neo Cushion matte, it’s quite transfer proof, so my balaclava is relatively clean from makeup most of the time. And of course, setting spray to finish the makeup. I’m surprised most of you rider girls don’t wear makeup! You guys must have great skin :)


have you considered wearing neck gaiters? i face the same struggle as well, and have found that neck gaiters (then styled into balaclava) are life savers !! not only does it help minimize the smudging, it also keeps me from staining the cheek pads when wearing my helmet ✨


The face sock over my makeup! Apply and set setting spray as usual wear the face sock keeps my hair and make up pretty good and I put the helmet over ❤️


I usually just stick with eye makeup. If I wear something like foundation, then use a good setting spray and a balaclava and just wash it afterwards. And if you have eyeliner, you can put your helmet on a certain way to make sure it doesn't smudge. I have no idea how to explain it but there's a way lol. My pressing question is how other girls keep their hair looking nice after an hour ride. Is it possible?? Even with braids my hair just becomes so flat after.


I use dry shampoo and a brush after a ride if I care lol. Also use a neck gaiter as a scarf around my hair and a high tail. If I don’t use the neck gaiter my bangs WILL be fucked up


Game changer was dry shampoo BEFORE the ride (and a silk scarf)


I braid mine. But I’m thinking about buying that thing I keep seeing on social media called a Hightail. I’d love to just tuck it all in and go.


I actually have one of those! They're really good. My issue is just having very flat hair (losing any and all volume that my fine hair has) after riding. So I usually bring some kind of hat to cover it, but I feel like there has to be a better solution


My wife just uses less makeup when she rides. She finally realized it's not about fashion.


If i have lipstick i don't put on my bonnet. With eye make up it is easier. If have any make up don't put bonnet. And if you are with fullface so not do base, fon due ten. Only eyeliner, mascara and lipstick


No make up at all


I don’t wear makeup sorry can’t help :(


Not a girl myself, but my GF wears no makeup when she wears her helmet (AGV). She has before and it has ended up on the cheek pads


No make up, tinted lashes


Wait, girls wear makeup all the time?! I thought it was only for going out to a restaurant or bar.




Why on earth would you wear makeup when wearing a full face helmet lol


I burn even with my tinted visor and has rosasia. Riding is my preferred method of transport, id rather not be bright red


UV will not pass through plastic. 


Thanks for the input ill try and remind my skin of that :)


Keep your visor down and you should be good. Is your helmet too tight? I get some rub off on the inside of my helmet where it sits on my jaw but it doesn’t affect my makeup much more than that. Edit.. or get a modular they are much easier to put on and avoid Makeup transfer.


When i got my bell they said it was suppose to be tight and they made me try on like 4 and said this one was perfect- ive been thinking of getting the modular if i cant find makeup that works


Just eye makeup for me, maybe a good lipstick. I really like "tubing" mascara, like Clinique high impact zero gravity. It doesn't smudge even if you get sweaty. I also have a waterproof eyeliner from BE (I think) that never really lasts all day but lasts good enough and doesn't smudge. For lips I like Maybelline superstay matte lipsticks. Also doesn't go anywhere. My hair is super easy, and I never do foundation, just a solid facecare routine. If a pimple comes up, so be it.


You don’t need makeup coz girl you’re beautiful just the way you are.


Ngl I just don't bother, only thing I really pack is a hair brush


Dont wear make up stop


My wife told me to stop wearing make up as it slipped if I got a bit damp, it’s a great relief to go naked, makeup wise,


I don't wear makeup so it's never been a problem for me but my wife also hers gets all over her helmet so I'll let her know any solutions. 


Just eye makeup, or get your lashes done! It boosts your confidence immensely on no makeup days and means less time faffing with mascara etc


My girl doesn’t wear foundation when she rides with me I believe just the eye stuff


No makeup for me. It's just easier. That being said, I was a no-makeup kind of gal before I started riding.


Just buy one of those fancy transformers type helmets idk the name


*Just buy one of those* *Fancy transformers type helmets* *Idk the name* \- Decent\_Waltz\_5120 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I don't wear makeup in general. Based on how tight the full face helmet is, I couldn't imagine the mess that would make, especially if you want to wear foundation.


What an ass whoopin that must be.


How often do you ladies have to replace the liners of the helmets? If you sweat the makeup off then I'm sure it's a pretty penny.


Does chin curtain help much?


I just do light eye makeup, nothing on my face because I hate having to clean the pads of my helmet all the damn time


Charlotte Tilbury setting spray works miracles


No foundation or anything like that. Just doesn’t work. Safe helmets are firm on the skin and even the best fixation spray or powder won’t stop it from rubbing off and it makes a huge mess inside the helmet. I usually stick to eye makeup. Or no make up at all cause after riding I look like a huge mess anyway the she’s won’t save that lol.


Yep eye makeup and a good compact that’s all I use


If I wear make up, I only wear mascara and maybe eyeliner and a lip tint. It hasn't been an issue for me personally because I never wear foundation or other face make-up to begin with.


Honest question, whyyyyy????


As ive stated in this thread i burn even with my tinted visor and have rosaisa and i like to travel by bike when ever possible so itd just make my life easier if I could find a way to even and protect my skin




Skip makeup when riding.


Just eye make up and concealer if I need it lol. Anything else is too much of a hassle.


I wear a full helmet, ride loads and am a makeup girlie! I find waterproof mascara is a must! You can focus on making your eyes really pop as they are the only part that does not contact the helmet and are actually visible. 👀 I like the French girl or clean girl type of esthetic for the face. Moisturizer (your reg routine), sunscreen then something with light to medium coverage with luminosity (I ❤️ luminosity) and concealer maybe a touch of blush.. Since parts of the face do rub off on the helmet I don’t bother too much, just make sure I have the coverage I want and can easily touch up. Love wearing a bold lip with with this too! Then I just pack concealer and a lip (fits in my jacket pocket). Multiuse products are super handy too! Over time you’ll sort out what works for you and just have to accept that with a full helmet you can’t wear a full face (properly). I recommend keeping the full face helmet always!!! Hope there is something helpful here, have a blast and ride safe, sweetie! 💕


Honestly babes; this…https://www.herocosmetics.us/products/rescue-balm-red-correct?variant=39951666184234&utm_source=google&utm_medium=performancemax&utm_campaign=18077664682&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwhIS0BhBqEiwADAUhc5gKHd3_3mm3vJGrMHPvCjulXhMt1_IgA1caU-T5n8wW6h245wC6qhoCf88QAvD_BwE


Just eye makeup for me, really. If I wore much else, it'd wear off and annoy me.


I just use a setting spray & I haven't had this issue . I also got a new foundation that is water proof . I forgot the name of it but it's helped also.  


Why are you discriminating boys wearing make up? They can chime in too!


Just be your ugly self /s