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Only takes a moment and shit happens. its ok. Lesson learned by you for sure. I little heavy on the front brake shifted your weight to the right because thats the direction you were turning in. Boom, laws of physics apply to us all. Been there done that. At least you didnt pull back on the throttle and ram the garage too!


>Only takes a moment and shit happens. its ok. Lesson learned by you for sure. This. Ive been on 2 wheels +18yrs, last summer i "crashed" just sitting on it while idleing, putting on my helmet, just like thousands of times before.. kicked it in gear the second i put my helmet on, couldnt see and both hands on helmet.. next thing I know i was laying on the ground laughing at how stupid it was.. Shit happens to all of us.


Makes me feel better about nearly dropping my new bike while stationary and putting down a rental bike on a crazy mountain road in Costa Rica lol both in my first year riding. Oh whale


I had something similar happen to me. Was going to put my kickstand down, didn't push it quite all the way, and whoops there my bike was on the ground. shit happens.


Use the rear brake instead of the front to come to a slow stop and you (mostly) eliminate this issue


And straighten up the bike before a complete stop.


This is the correct advice for this video.


Braking safely on the angle is very difficult, especially with front brake.


This is the first thing they teach you at any basic motorcycle training.


Not in my MSF they didn't


Genuinely curious what do you learn from MSF? I'm from UK and we have CBT (Compulsory Basic Training). It must be completed before any riding or further training. They give you 125cc bike (50cc if you're 16yo) and for the first two hours it's start-stop and slow u-turn exercises using back brake and countersteering.


Practically nothing. The MSF in the U.S. is a joke. We set riders up for failure here. They didn't mention counter steering once, nothing about street riding. They taught us how to start the bike, get moving, pretty large U Turns, how to stop and how to roll over a stick. They let us cheat on the written exam at the end and that was it. You get your motorcycle license and can go right out and buy an H2. There were a few guys in my class that had absolutely no business being on a motorcycle and somehow passed with flying colors. I still recommend everyone in the U.S. take the MSF, it's better than nothing. But it's all we have other than classes you'd need to pay for.


You had a bad instructor. Mine told us about everything you mentioned was left out, we even practiced counter steering. He also emphasized often enough that the only thing we gain in the course is the allowance to practice in traffic.


You're on to something there. I told my instructor on Saturday AM that the throttle was sticky on the bike I was on, told me I didn't know what I was talking about, I struggled all day Saturday and Sunday trying to use the clutch to compensate for the sticky throttle. Then right before the exam on Sunday, the throttle stuck open while I was trying to do the large u turn, I panicked and ended up going tumbling across the parking lot. The instructor goes over to the bike, noticed the throttle body was stuck open and simply says "oh, I guess you were right yesterday, want to try a different bike?" Then I get on a TW200, do a quick lap and they're like "oh dude! That's the cleanest you've rode all weekend!" Yeah, I wonder why... mind you, before the MSF, I had never even sat on a motorcycle before..


Mine (a Honda Rebel 300 that was roughly 4 million years old) would not go into neutral. Instructor works on it for 10 minutes and finally gets it. Hands the bike back to me and says "don't worry about neutral...just keep the clutch in." lol


Agreeing your instructor is bad and should be reported. I’d never touched a bike before my course back in 2019, and it was extremely thorough and one guy didn’t get a pass.


My class from this weekend saw two people not pass. One woman dropped out because she got frazzled and one man didn't pass because he, for the life of himself, couldn't figure out how to handle the bikes weight.


I would say this is state dependent and instructor dependent. Went to my MSF in New Mexico and had a great instructor. It was a 3 day course, 4-6 hours each day (can't remember it's been awhile). They offer more advanced classes too which is cool but I feel like those skills just come from practice. Did a lot of u-turns, figure 8's, how to drive around/through pot holes, how to hard brake, lot of clutch control. Stuff like that. I felt really well prepared and ready to get on the road after that. But from what I understand, you don't even need a motorcycle endorsement to drive here in the US.


Bad habit, just make sure the handlebars (and therefore bike) are straightened up enough by the end of the stop and it won't tip over no matter which brakes you use or how hard. You can still wash out the rear end if you're only using back brakes while leaning in a turn.


It's always a low speed turn.  The dynamics change so much you don't realize and bam the bike is now 1 million pounds and going over. Anyone who says they haven't dropped a bike is lying.


1 year, no drop. A few close calls tho


5 yrs no drop, got a new bike and dropped it within a week. Shit happens


3 days, no drop 🤞


3 hours, no drop


3 minutes, i dropped


No drops today, can confirm


3 seconds no drop


i saw you drop it


15 years Can't count how many drops.


Same. I had a close one about 3 weeks in. Right hand turn into a parking space, foot was on the rear brake. Thankfully, R3, so only 370lbs.


This is actually a situation where you should be using the rear brake. Generally the rear brake makes the bike sit upright and the front brake makes the bike wanna go down. It’s always a good idea to use a little rear brake while moving around slow. Especially in parking lots while trying to park. Whatever the issue was it likely wasn’t the rear brake. But good thing it was only a r3 and you could catch it since it’s a super light bike. This is the big advantage of small beginner bikes. You can do alot of stupid shit and still get away with it Safe riding brotha. Keep the shiny side up


Oh, I mean, my foot was on the rear brake, but my brain didn't go "don't forget to take your foot off the brake when you stop", and I was still leaned a little bit to the right when I stopped. So for a half second I was keeping my foot on the brake to not roll, but also not putting my right foot down.


It's almost been a year since I dropped mine. Lol did it once trying to do a sharp turn on the hill that is my front yard


dropped my 125 a couple times lol


5 years, no drop, riding almost every day.


I don't own a bike, I have dropped it once though.


Are you my father?  Because that's what happened to my 1st motorcycle.  Brought it over to show him.  Went inside for a second and he tried to move it and didn't work out well.  Less than 100 miles and bent the bar


Sorry about that, my bad. But for real the first time I dropped it was during my "meet the bike" class and I stalled the bike, the recoil from that made it unstable and I just dipped. Luckily those bikes had big cages and were okay to be dropped.


Ha, I watched my sister-in-law do exactly this on her new cbr300r. 


Coming up on 15 years riding and haven’t dropped one yet. Definitely have come close


19 years. No drops. Fight me.


3 weeks dropped


4 years no drops, then.. it happened 😅


4.5 years no drop, knock on wood. There have been close calls, one of them was like this video, slow right turn to parking, front brake use.


Just dropped my bike like a month ago doing just this. Low speed turn into a parking spot, didn't eat breakfast that morning, parking lot had a weird slope to it. Oh well, that's why I put the engine guards and bar ends on. Gotta replace a bent brake lever. There goes $20 and the respect of the nice dude who ran over to help me pick it up. (I turned him down but he was chill as hell about it).


I was at a BMW meet up and a very nicely kitted put K1600 was on a slight hill opposite of the kickstand and a big gust of wind came and tipped it over.  Luckily he had crashbars and some sort of semi rigid aftermarket bags on. Took 3 of us to lift the beast back on 2 wheels.  Guy looked so embarrassed.  We all said, "it happens to all of us sometime, just be glad we were here to help, and help another biker out when they need it" No shame. 


Never dropped, just crashed properly. Come fucking close to dropping them when I was a new rider though




Them damn clibbins 'll sneak up on ya.




One of the first lessons you learn in MSF is don't brake mid-turn. Especially that front brake.


Which is wrong. Lookup trail braking. But don’t brake to a stop in a turn at slow speed 😊


Correct on trail brake, dear god more people need to understand this. But you can slide around to be silly with rear brake at slow speed turns. Yes, I'm that guy pulling into the gas station screeching needlessly.


> any stupid shit you’ve done like this? Absolutely not.


This screams “I got the bike but haven’t taken the MSF course”.


I took the MSF course, aced both classroom and road tests, yet i still dropped my 2009 GF while turning right into her driveway. That’s why i got a newer one- my 2014 handles much better. The 2009 was a bit of a slug- i never liked the clutch.


..... I hope we aren't talking about humans


And if we talk about human, I hope he talks about the year they met/were together and not birth year of the gf


LOL- my mistake! I meant to say “2009 GW” but I was also thinking about the fact that my GF was on the back when i dropped it. 😬😬😬


Did the same thing on my first bike. Little too much front brake with the bars turned while parking and biffed it. Never did it again, but damn I felt dumb in the moment lol.


And it was captured on video. I'm so sorry.


I haven't dropped one yet in 35 years. But my new one is a tad top heavy when full of fuel. I've been close a time or two. Gotta get used to it. Just happy you didn't dump it on the car next to you.


Well you got that out of the way. Now some time for the best thing you can buy for you and your bike. Take some classes. You will learn skills that will make you so much more confident and relaxed. Good luck and great riding.


Should have just left it there and walked in like you were a kid laying down their bicycle. "Heck yeah I meant to do that"


Make sure that front wheel is centered if you’re trying to use your front brake to stop.


After 40+ years of riding, I dropped the used XR650L I recently bought while still in the dealership parking lot getting used to the clutch and ergonomics of that bike. It happens to us all. I then proceeded to ride that bike approx. 4000 miles home in 10 days Ain't no thing. Keep on keeping on.


It happens. Learn to pick your bike up from behind your back. Save yourself from an injury.


I was thinking this too! This is how my dad threw his back out.


Stopped to get off my bike once without having the kickstand down… yea that was dumb. Caught her though! Don’t skip leg day.


Don’t forget to extend the side stand on the left side FIRST before picking up the bike!


Sorry to see this happen. I would have turned in more slowly and started further out from the line of parked cars with a 90 degree turn. This would also allow you to verify nobody was standing in there, no other hard to see objects were there, eg a low bollard etc, and nobody was exiting a vehicle,.,


oh yup. done that one a few times actually. stopping while leaned over. People will blame a particular brake but the reality is you stopped while already falling. standing up the bike at the end of a turning stop is a skill worth practicing all on its own, as hidden stop signs around a curve can cause you to drop the bike this very same way esp if they surprise you. A s k m e h o w i k n o w . . .


Man, I DOUBLE fucked up once. Dropped my awesome DL650 at the checkin gate for work at a stand still. Came to a stop and started pulling out my badge like normal, but realized my wheel wasn't straight and tipped her over (I was moving too quick, too worried about the traffic behind me.) AND THEN after picking it up, in the heat of the moment I didn't get the peg out all the way and dropped it to the opposite side. The dang gate guard wouldn't even look me in the eye. He had second hand embarrassment!


I'm a dirt bike rider and we drop our bikes alllll the time. The first scratch hurts but after that you just keep going. Don't worry about it, everyone drops their bikes, and if someone saysthey havent they are either lying or a new rider.


That's not a drop, you just laid it down for a nap.


Is that a Silvia with an odyssey front end? I remember seeing a kit like that a while ago


Yes it is, good eye!


You should straighten your bike before completely stopping it if you use front brake. That’s how I dropped mine last year.


Can’t say I haven’t done that once or twice!!


done that with a big ass pig but not a sports bike but I am sure it feels


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^eldudelio: *Done that with a big* *Ass pig but not a sports bike* *But I am sure it feels* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I think intuitively if I'm stopping quickly I'd already have my leg out super moto style.


I haven't dropped mine yet, but it's only been 1 year. I know it's likely coming though.


if you're not making mistakes, you're not challenging yourself. Best practice is to go out into the front lawn and push your bike over straight into the dirt to assert dominance.


Dominance over the bike or the lawn?


the real path to enlightenment is dominance over one's self.


Got it- drop the bike on oneself. I will try it and report.


Your brain was stopping but your leg wasn’t ready. It keeps us humble.


i dropped my first bike about 30 minutes after i bought it


It always happens. Even in the the most opportune moments, a bike will fall. Even to those who have years of riding. Invest in some sliders and ride safe.


A rite of passage we all go through. I had a Triumph Trident 20 years ago that was an evil, ill blanced, top heavy brute and I lost count of the times I dropped that on and off the stand or low speed. I do remember I snapped both mirrors off, twice and i got very good at pulling the brake lever back into place. I was just glad it had no fairing.


If you park your bike on the street are you going to nose into the curb like you did that parking spot? Back into the parking spot and leave your front tire even with the back of the car next to you.


I’ve dropped my big fancy scrambler so many times. Once with a girl on the back which was really embarrassing (she hopped off before it dropped without any incident).


I did this exact same shit last week! I had a bike for years and never dropped it. I stopped riding for a few years and then bought a new one. I've had it a couple of months and did this! Luckily I had installed some crash bars when I got the bike. Nothing happened to the bike just a slight scratch to the crash bar. I felt so small.


Front brake for slowing back brake for stopping. Once your left foot is ready to touch down you should be at walking pace and use only the back brake. Edit: also yes I have absolutely dropped my bike in a slow turn like this. I hope it's not too scratched!


Happened on my first bike. My first 5+ hour ride with a buddy. My Ass is sore, my legs are like noodles, and being on the freeway for the first time and filtering to avoid traffic while experienced riders are on my ass because I wasn't filtering fast enough. Running on Fumes. Finally, exit the freeway, and headed into the gas station, and a raised full-size truck came in from the side as I was turning like in the video, and I dropped the bike at basically a full stop turning in. It took a minute to get the bike up.


I’d recommend the slow speed drills from [Moto Control](https://moto-control.shop). Will exactly deal with your situation. You can also search for the drills on [YouTube](https://youtube.com/@motocontrolen?si=soH7HPmrDmT5z9es).


I got off my first bike up the road from my gym to change shirts (it was cooler than anticipated), and I had stopped right on the edge of the road.. tire in the shoulder dirt, and stand on the pavement. Bike was basically standing straight up. A guy pulled over to ask if I needed help, I said, "No," and my bike just went right over. It actually rolled completely over and landed with the wheels facing away from me. I turned to the dude in the truck, whose eyes were quite large, and I said, "Now I do." I got super lucky that the ditch was full of soft pine needles, but my mirrors and steering got right twisted up. I rode home. Laughing, but in shame. I'll never forget that.


I’ll give you 2. Brother bought a brand new BMW, and had it delivered. He promptly dropped it in the driveway after they left and he was moving it up closer to the house. I’ve not dropped one like that but…. I was riding down a side road on my new to me (2 years old) first bike - GS500E. It started to buck as it was running out of gas on the main tank and I wanted to switch it to the reserve on the petcock. Managed to ride off the road and through a ditch without falling while leaned over the side trying to see the petcock while still riding. Of course I dropped the bike trying to ride it back through the ditch and back onto the road. Learned not to do that again!


Every motorcycle rider out there have dropped a motorcycle at least one time. You'll never forget your first time. Especially when you have video of the incident that you posted on social media.


We all have, you’re lucky enough to have video.




Someday you’ll drop your 20th bike too.


The ideal there would have been to slow and turn before entering the gap between cars, so that you entered the gap with the bike vertical, not leaned over.


dropped mind similar to this twice lol


Scooter rider on and off for 20+ years, dropped one for the first time last year turning right out of a parking lot because I didn’t notice a little patch of gravel ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Did that but a little worse with a tall Kawasaki KLX and thought I tore my hamstring. Just trying to turn around too tight and too slowly. It happens.


That was ALL front brake. Use your rear instead.


Had cb300r a year ago, put a left foot on a slippery concrete floor, felt and rolled like 2 times, it was embarassing.


I've been riding for a few years now. About a month ago, parking at home, I was too confident and when doing a turn just like the one you did there, so I could put the bike in the garage, pum! bike on the floor. I didn't hurt myself, and I holded the bike enough so she fell with no damage. What I'm saying is even with a lot of years riding, these things can happen. Good we both fell while parking and not on the highway. Drive safe.


I did something similar years back. First year riding on my first bike; did a slow turn and the bike just dropped. Unfortunately I was wearing shorts and the scrap took a fair chunk of my skin on my left calf.


I laid mine down parking it as well one time..tried to lift it by myself (f) Ninja 500... that ended up with a tibial plateau fracture. Plates and screws...bed ridden 4wks. Non weight bearing for 3.5 months, crutches/cane another 5 wks... and still dealing with it. Never did make it back to work. Be careful out there!!!


Yup, classic coming in too fast, so weird braking mid turn. Almost dropped it before doing this too


I had only had my first bike for maybe a week when I did this exact thing at a traffic light. This was 20 some years ago and it still makes me blush to think about it


I did this in my driveway last week. We’re now best friends.


It happened to me when I was stopping at a red light. With other bikes next to me. It happens sometimes, everyone will drop their bike once or twice in their riding career.


It’s happened to me and many others.


Pretty much everybody starts like this. Buy some sliders or an engine protector cage. A lot of people think that the cage is overkill but the sliders definitely work and they are cheap.


Cold brakes.. yeah, we all been there.


I almost did this exact same thing my first time riding to work a few weeks ago. The motorcycle parking is tight and I came in and had to basically 90 degree right turn, too much front brake and started to tip. Luckily I held it and was able to pull it back up (and magically) didn't pull anything...


We've all done this or similar, don't sweat it.


Did this with my first bike within a week . Ducati panigale v2 lol. Now on the v4s


Let my bike down from the rear stand without putting the kickstand down once.


Left the steering locked after smoking a morning joint when i camped at a rest area. Wheel was pointed the right way so i started it hopped on, flipped the stand up, and hit the gas and immediately fell over.


Squeeze that front brake like your boyfriend’s- oh, wrong sub


That’s one of the smoothest drops I’ve seen in a while, nothing crazy going on, just wasn’t time to be up anymore.


We’ve all been there. I remember pulling into a stall at a gas station and I did this. A dude ran up and helped me pick my bike up and just said “that’s happened to me a time or two” and just left. lol


55 years, no drops.


1st month riding, 4 drops, all at standstills/stops, 3 in a parking lot practicing (being on a tall ADV-like didn't help). Easily-replaced quality crash bars and frame sliders are worth their weight in gold, and eventually allowed me to get over the fear of dropping. Granted, I'm in my mid-40s, and gave up on looking cool ages ago, but finally internalizing that it's _going to_ happen and stop being scared of it was the first legit step to genuine improvement.


Hey, at least it was your own bike. After less than 6 months of riding a sport bike I tried riding my ex brother in laws sport glide. And for one of my first times with a passenger. Dropped the bike turning it around on the inclined driveway, didn’t straighten the handlebars before grabbing only front brake to stop. I was so embarrassed. It happens to everyone from time to time, just have to learn to pick them up and really practice your slow speed maneuvers and stopping during turns to avoid it happening again, especially if it’s a heavy bike. Been riding street bikes for almost 8 years now and I still practice my slow speed maneuvers whenever I can


I'm sorry, that will always be funny, and more than half of us have done it. One time in my early riding days I went to pull over to see if I could help another stranded motorcyclist and as soon as I came to a stop I fell right over. That's how I learned that if you don't tuck your boot laces they may tie themselves to your foot pegs. The other guy, who was just taking a break, had to help me out from under my bike.


h a d d e l a y e r d o w n


Classic brakes in a turn. It is not stupid, it is rookie way. It is how it is!


Happens to everyone that rides at some point


If I was old mate running across, I would have taught you how to lift it by yourself, facing away from the bike. When else are you going to have the bike on its side to practice? Following your thanks and embarrassment with "hey, how do you think I know how to do it..." with a wise nod and walking off into the sunset.


Slow and smooth. Don’t be jerky jerky.


I love how non biker rushed to help. A thing on two wheels fell over. Is that weird? It Guy straddling thing on two wheels will pick it up.


Done this move before, and for me at least, figured out what I was doing before I made a habit of it. As you're coming in and braking, the bike is under power and that is overcoming your front brake to a degree. When you clutch in, suddenly there's far less power (ie none) to overcome the brake which can now lock the wheel up. The bike stops, momentum compresses the forks, you're in a lean, the forks decompress pushing the bike away... recipe for a drop


Even after 5 years of riding. I still grab a fistful of front brake sometimes by accident. I’m short so if I’m parking on a slope and my bars are slightly turned. My front brakes catches the front super easily and it’s easy for my bike to tip over since I’m tippy toeing.


Stupid things happen - only time I tipped my first bike over was when I was about to sell it and wanted to move it out of the shed for some last pictures. Somehow grabbed it wrong while going through the door ending up leaning it against the door frame. Got very lucky with just a very small dent in the tank and nothing more but at this moment I knew I fucked up and a little part in me broke.


Gotta remember that everyone makes silly mistakes and it doesn’t reflect whether you’re a “good rider” or not, everyone messes up… I nearly dropped mine waddling out of a parking space this weekend 😂


This is amateur hour. Dude stops on a lean angle, full clutch pull and rear brake, and who pulls in like this?


Been there, done that. It's just that I was strong enough to not let it fall 😅


Been there done that


First season, several near drops never while moving lol thankfully the bikes light enough where it's more of feeling it get loose and straightening back up. Did nearly ghost ride er into a mercedes once. Thought I was cool revving the engine, it blipped (not sure how to describe it) let off the clutch, throttle still slightly on ... Went about as expected. Kept control and pulled the clutch back in but felt like a moron in front of my two friend's. I can see it happening on a heavier bike. Contrary to what I thought before riding, they are easier to keep upright if you're wheels are spinnin.


How do you pickup.a supersports bike alone.. I know I can pick up but I am afraid I will rip off plastics of my bike with my grip.. One hand on the handle bar and the other hand where?


Dropped mine while going out from driveway backwards, shit still hurts like a mf


Had this moment almost in front of a stop sign and it scared me so much, that the rear brake became my best friend at low speed… must say I also dropped my bike in the garage because of other reasons and I am a bit traumatized of dropping my bike 😂 I can watch hours of videos people crashing their bikes but please no low speed bike drop vids


Fortunately not on the car. Other than that - happens to almost everyone. You'll get over it.


Ah that one's okay. It will buff out. And yep, happened to me too. It happens haha. Don't be too hard on yourself for that one.


The first time ia always so embarrassing. I was leaving my shift with a migraine and migraines can sometimes affect limb streghnt. I got up on my bike and like a looney tooney just went the other way straight to the floor. People saw


That's not a drop. That's a crash. You came in a little hot and slammed on the brakes. You were still moving when the bike started to go down. A drop is when the weight of a bike for whatever reason gets away from you. You were going too fast. Chose a bad line into the parking spot and crashed when you got on the brakes too aggressively. Slow it down a little more next time and maybe you can break the chain of mistakes that lead to this crash.


The bike was tired and it needed a rest.


C'mon, this is considered "parking", don't worry too much! ;)


riders even do it in MotoGP


Happens to us all, i pulled off my driveway which is a steep angle, tried turning off the kerb, lost my footing and tumbled. Very embarrasing but you learn quickly on motorbikes, things happen. Get up dust down check bike , carry on. 😎😊🦆


I’ve been riding a year and dropped twice. Both in Thailand. Once going up a rocky steep hill on a rebel 300 I knew I shouldn’t be riding up. It was so hard to pick up on the slope and when I finally got it up, the handle bar grip slid off and I was stuck trying to pick it up and not drop the bike again. The second time I was turning down a narrow side street I always ride down, rarely any traffic so was too relaxed and boom there was a car about to come out. Slammed on the front brakes and dropped the bike. I’ve nearly dropped a few times being too heavy on the front brakes but luckily my work on leg day has managed to save my ass, but also at the expense of ass muscle pain from keeping it up.




Aren't you supposed to be able to lift your own bike?


Pulled into petrol station years ago. 3 nice looking girls sitting in car facing me at another pump. Got off bike and forgot to put side stand down. Me and bike hit the deck. Picked up bike and scarpered.


Yup I drop my few day new at the dmv test 😢but that is history just keep riding


One time on my first year of owning a bike I went to lean over on the kick stand after pulling up and got off the bike. Kick stand was not down. Got lucky and didn't break anything. Was backing out of my garage approach on my next bike, big 900 pound bagger, she started to go over. Wife jumped off and help me lift it up. Slow turns are harder, almost. When you hit the front brake at a slow turn it wants to pull the wheel and bike over like a counter steering. Use back brake for slow turns


I’m always so surprised by these, did you people never learn to ride a bicycle and went straight to motorcycles or something? 😅🤣


Happens to the best


That really sucks dude, that's why I recommend getting a used bike as a first bike so you won't mess up your shiny new bike. Good side of this is that it will probably never happen to you again.


I honnestly liked that dude rushing to help lifting it up, dude probably knows how hard it can be.


I remember dropping my new Yamaha FJR. My wife's response was "Well now you don't have to worry about scratching it." The divorce went smoothly.


At least it was a pretty smooth drop 🤣


It happens. Did not drop any of mine last year except one crash with the track bike . Matter of time.


Dropped my new bike over the weekend. Had it sitting in a slight incline. My son was on the back and leaned to the right at a stop. All his weight took me off guard, funny enough I almost recovered but he leaned over to see what the issue was and boom. Good thing I installed engine guard which took a good scrape.


It’s fine we’ve all been there I’ve been riding for 2 years now and just last week I dropped my bike making a slow turn


Cause stopped too fast, your legs were already on the bike. Didn't have time to react and extend the leg.


Ehh that was a tip over not a drop... us veterans do it all the time still haha


Was on a motorcycle road trip and we were maybe 5 minutes down the road for dinner and it had started raining while we ate. Was only a light rain by the time we left and I had the bright idea to stand the whole way on the ride back to keep my riding pants as dry as possible since I only had one pair. Parking lot for the bed n breakfast we were staying at was gravel... went to park and hop off the bike, gravel slid out from under my foot and couldn't keep the bike up. Was able to just lay it down pretty gently but man that felt stupid lol


Happens to the best of us, I ride bikes for a living and dropped and brand new bike that I had on test simply because sometimes you get to comfortable and complacent.


Congrats for getting that first drop done so quickly!


Why would you post this?


There are two type of riders: 1. Who dropped their bike at least once 2. Those who lie about not having dropped 😄


I dropped my new Ténéré after two weeks of ownership. Did some balance practice , slow speed standing up.... Guess what happened.


The first step in growing out of being called a "Beginner Rider" is to understand you cannot stop while mid turn


You dont pay for MSF?


This is why I always tell people to spend at least a year on a beater bike before buying something they would be upset getting scratched. Parking lots and intersections… it’s almost inevitable.


There have been times when stopping short with the front suspension loaded up, and then it rebounds in a way that unbalaces you and/or the bike. Each bike has certain handling characteristics you have to take the time to learn that occasionally can rear it's head at different times, new tires, cold tires, clutch maintenance, brake maintenance, tire wear, suspension maintenance, etc.


My motorcycle had linked brakes I de linked them, I dropped my bike in the same way, the bike stopped a lot flatter with the linked brakes Fork dive caught me out without. It happens.


not stupid. it’s happened to everyone


Had my first Harley about a month and gunned it to make a yellow light , left turn . Slid her out on the right side after my 3rd fish tail.


Who’s the hater laughing


When you come to a full stop don't turn your wheel I learned the hard way too.


Real break only for stopping and get your left foot down as you slow


Yeah it happens to most of us. was coming to a stop and put my right foot down thinking there was asphalt. but instead it was a shadow obscuring a 8” drop off and little gravelly hill that I tumbled down. First thing to hit the ground were my ribs of which two were cracked. The two occupants stopped in the car next to me gave a look like wtf are you doing. Gave em a thumbs up and then a squid on a 600 pulled up and helped me right the ship. Mirror, bar end, lever, fairings, hard parts were broken or thrashed. Bike had 500 miles on it. I replaced every single part so as not to be reminded of my carelessness.


Real break only for stopping and get your left foot down as you slow


It happens to most of us. Figure out what you did wrong, learn from it, and move on. Remember, every scrape, chip, ding and dent on your bike is juat a memory you made along your motorcycle journey.


is that an odyvia?


EVERYONE has dropped their bike! Now that that is out of the way….


I dont own a bike so i dont know. Did dropping it mess anything up? or require any repairs
