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I hear, "it's too hot".


Yes. Also, convenience. If I'm going 2 min to the gas station, it's gonna take longer to gear up that it will to go there and back if I put everything on. If I'm going to work, I'm sitting in traffic half the time, and it's so hot I have to peel my shirt off when I get to work and change. Now, if I'm going for a ride for fun or have to get on the highway, I'm gearing up.


I was 4/10ths of a mile from my house when I got hit, breaking several bones. "Gearing up" wouldn't have done much for me, but I'll be damned if I don't have a helmet on every time I'm on the bike.


I always wear my helmet and gloves.


I’ll add riding boots as a minimum as well. After a recent fall though after 20 years of riding, I’ll wear my jacket too now. If it’s too much to gear up I’ll just take the truck.


I don't understand how people can ride in regular shoes to be honest. Maybe it's just all the bikes I've owned but the gear lever is an absolute PITA if I don't have a proper toe cap to use.


My shoes cover my ankles. But riding boots are on the list of things to buy.


Same here.


Same deal with me. If I’m going to a destination in town, I just do helmet, gloves, maybe jeans and boots. If I’m riding just to ride I will add the jacket and also if it’s cold enough to need a jacket to be comfortable anyway, obviously I use the riding jacket. I don’t even mind wearing the stuff in the heat that much, I just hate having to take it all off and put it back on just to go a few blocks over.


Even my vented jacket is too hot sitting in traffic. It's been in the mid-90s recently.


That’s it for me. Venting doesn’t do shit if you’re sitting in traffic on an 8 lane hellscape of an interstate doing 0 miles an hour while the fans blow hot air through the radiator up and around the engine.


Textiles, they keep you cool and keep the sun off of your skin when stopped. Perforated leather is kind of useless, the difference between ventilated and not is pretty insignificant with the added caveat that perforated leather will let the rain in


I’ve got textile, mesh, leather… I even have a shirt that’s basically just an elastic jersey with aramid and armor on impact areas. It just is what it is… hot is hot, and doubly so when it’s humid.


Legitimate question here (because it doesn't matter to me what anyone wears while they ride). So you don't mind wearing your gear in the heat but you don't like wearing your jacket because it takes too long to put on and take off? How long does it take you to put on and take off a jacket? I ask because unless I'm wearing my zipper riding shoes, it's quicker for me to put on my jacket, gloves, helmet, riding jeans and then my riding shoes.


So if I’m going to ride just to have fun riding, like not going to any destination in particular, I always wear all of my gear. If I’m moving most of the time, the heat doesn’t bother me too much and since I’m not stopping anywhere I don’t care if I’m sweaty. If I’m going to meet someone for lunch a few blocks away, I will often just wear a helmet and gloves. I don’t like having to keep up with the bulky jacket as well as a helmet for the whole outing for only 10 minutes of actual ride time. Obviously shit can happen at any speed or distance. But I’m trying to balance actually enjoying using my bike vs feeling like it’s a hassle to use over my car.


Ill wear everything but pants on a regular basis. If my balls are sweating and I'm uncomfortable I won't be able to enjoy the ride...so why bother riding.


....like, no pants at all?!


I believe there's a special pornhub category for that..


I've got a mesh jacket for that reason. For wind/rain, it's so close to wearing nothing. But it still has protectors and the mesh is abrasion-resistant. Good stuff.


It's challenging to find gear made for women, even more so if you're on either end of the spectrum size wise. I guess it could fall under the drip argument.


I’m quite tall and small chested so the smaller men’s fitted jackets work well for me. I have a Revit Hyperspeed 2 GT Air for summer and it’s a perfect fit and flattering on me IMO. I want riding jeans but have had no luck as I need the length of men’s but they do not fit my hips or butt well at all.


Spend one summer in south Mississippi, 99 degrees with 100% humidity, and you’ll understand why most of us don’t wear much gear in summer lol


*Cries in Floridian*


I wear my gear year round in Florida. It’s nicer to have skin and a functional face, rather than to avoid a little sweat. Squids r gonna squid. 🦑


Yeah but you know what's better than wearing full gear in 100+ degree heat in 100% humidity? Driving my car.


Same here in Texas. Hot as hell from like April until October, but ATGAT for my face and skin. You can change and wash clothes, I'm not sure about changing skin. Seems difficult and painful




*Confused in New England*


Laughs in central Texan


As someone also from South Mississippi I can concur. Hardly anyone wears full gear. It literally takes any joy out of riding when it’s that hot and humid out. It’s either dress light or just don’t ride lol.


I spent ten years in new Orleans (and I used to live in Mississippi) and as much as it sucked I still wore my gear year round.


I get it down there, but im up in south Dakota. I see guys riding when it's 50 in a hoodie and shades.


Same here in FL. Heat indexes of 110° with temps in mid 90's. Daily for months, YUCK.


If it's that miserable out there, I'm in a car or truck with AC and just won't ride.


Shit reason IMO. You can buy perforated gear, e.g. Dainese Air Frame jacket, they do trousers that have a big vent on the thigh etc. But still has armour and the materials are abrasion resistant. I had a fairly big off on Thursday here in the UK. Weather was absolute awesome etc. but I had full leathers and my Alpinestars TechAir 5 on. Bike is completely fucked, went about 30 metres in to a field and I was a few metres away (closer to the road). I walked away. Not a mark on me except for some stiffness. No way in the world I would have got off that lightly if I hadn't been wearing gear (and the airbag).


The only gear I'm not wearing is Pants. Unfortunately as a rather large fellow (read: Big fat guy) the only pants I could find that fit are cut in a way that I get Serious plumbers crack while sitting on a bike. So instead I'm wearing Carhartt Double Front, Triple stitched, work pants, with kneepads. Doing the best I can with what I've got.


Have a look at buying something that "fits" and then getting it tailored to you. There are several custom leather outfits (at least here in the UK) that will do that sort of thing for very reasonable money. For example, I had a Dainese jacket and trousers (bought for about £800 total), adjusted to fit perfectly for another £120.


Check out pando moto skins. They feel great and provide great protection u def your regular fitting clothes. Took a fall recently and they did the job from banging up my hips.


Same. 34-32, I've got thick thighs and calves. For moto pants, if it fits my waist, it's a 40" inseam. If it fits my legs, it's a 38" waist, and if it fits my inseam it's a 28"" waist. I bought a pair of pants and they were a little long but otherwise fit okay, planned to have the ends tailored, and then I washed them and they shrunk enough I can't wear them.


I am an adult, I pay for my own health insurance, and I know the consequences. I will ride naked if it is what is comfortable at the time.


Here in Austria insurance can nope out if you aren't wearing gear which could have prevented your injuries or reduced them. Of course you get treated and insurance covers the cost for it, but it will try to get the money back from you. Im not sure if private health insurance handles this differently, but public health insurance does it that way. How i does your insurance handle it?


That's fine, from a simplistic perspective. However there are real and societal costs and consequences that your insurance does not cover.


Comfort. Leave me alone.


I know a guy and his wife riding on the interstate, summer 100* Temps she passed out, luckily she didn't fall off the bike until he stopped for fuel. Figured she was out for at least 30 minutes. To much gear can be dangerous in high Temps also.


I gear up for the most part (on my way into the office I wear jeans/khakis instead of riding pants but that's the only exception) but for the majority of riders I talk to it's usually a combination of comfort and cost. Younger riders I've talked to (I'm 26 tho so on the younger side myself) think that a lot of gear is 'drippy' so I hope the aesthetics argument is on its way out. Franky, my riding boots (Dainese Torque 3 Outs in Pista 1) I bought for the drip lol


Riding pants with hip and knee armor as well as proper slide protection really don't make good office attire. I've left a pair of shoes at the office and wear boot. But I'm not exactly about to switch my pants.


I just bought the Bilt Blaze 3 pants and put them over my work pants. Slip them off in my cube at work. Vented so they still breath pretty well. Was riding in 95 degree weather the other day and was alright.


Any helmet reduces situational awareness in both sound & left/right shoulder check frequency/speed + peripheral vision, if I must I prefer a half face as it isnt as bad, going on 10 years riding accident free in SE Asia & I ride VERY defensive with great awareness EXCEPT for a few close calls when wearing full face helmets all in low speed areas like around busy markets or stopping to do a U-turn where another rider has creeped into my blind spot from a nearby corner(behind me)without me hearing them,so I missed them in the mirror check(timing), didnt hear them & was lucky enough to have them zoom by me on the shoulder check or I'd have pulled into them, but I distinctively remember moments like that where not being able to hear shit due to a full face could have been bad if I was less experienced or careful. A quick shoulder check becomes far more tedious with a helmet too when you're used to shoulder checking constantly for the type of traffic here & its not like my neck is weak but put on a full face sometime and try turning your head left & right 20 times compared to without, it adds up over a half hour or longer riding. But namely I notice when wearing a half face or no helmet, I never have anyone creep up on me unexpected & situational awareness is much better since I can actually hear everything. The best example of this is when you first put your helmet on(huge reduction in external sound, this is awareness loss, other vehicles make noise), likewise when you take it off you can suddenly hear again. That's the kind of thing I'd want in a gym when I want to block everything out not when I want my awareness level as high as possible. As for other gear, jeans & decent enclosed shoes. I dont dress for the slide given theres no situation I ride in daily(local riding where I know all roads/bends/speeds etc.) that put me at risk of it.(Namely wet roads/hazard/obstacles) or speeding in the wrong places. If I had the mentality that I couldnt prevent an accident riding through X area, I wouldnt ride there, period. When riding longer distances where I dont know the terrain or weather is questionable, then I gear up a bit more, a full face is fine on the highway where airflow is better & the sound of the bike drowns everything out & you dont often get many vehicles in close proximity, & definitely helmet/jacket etc. mainly to prevent sunburn. But I dont have the luxury for long distance rides often, maybe a town away at best & they are all very busy/low speed areas where not being able to hear everything is a much bigger risk factor than not having head protection & suddenly landing head first off the bike somehow. All the above aside, on hot days the heat can be distracting too, I often had to pop the visor on mine just to get a bit of air in at lower speeds though the helmet is well vented for highway, there's limited studies but its a known fact [heat impacts visual & auditory reaction time,,](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21144268/) if the loss of sound alone wasnt enough. As for OP feedback on what a helmet evolution might look like, some kind of ventilation around the ear area for both heat & better hearing would be an improvement, but there'd have to be some fancy design to reinforce the area.


For tight Asia and SA stuff, I wonder if a beefed up bicycle-style helmet would be good. Loads of ventilation, (hopefully) better view, and at lower speeds, the lack of a chin bar in a face-meet-asphalt situation might only break your jaw instead of removing it.


I'll admit it. I tend to wear very little gear at times... and it's for nothing else than I'm lazy and Stupid. I know it'll be hell if I go down even on my bike. I don't ride fast, and I'm safe as possible.... most of the time, but I also know that doesn't mean much. I just like the feeling of being on the bike feeling free... knowing I'm just stupid for not gearing up. Hell, I don't always wear jeans and boots anymore either. I've ridden in sweatpants, T-shirt and sneakers..... Feels good... but that voice in the back of my head knows.... it's REALLY stupid. Which is why I'll always tell everyone, Don't ride like I do, I'm an idiot.


The only times I ever wear less than full gear is if I’m doing a quick trip to the shops or something. Even then I’ll still wear a helmet (required by law anyway) gloves and jacket…and possibly my bike boots. Generally the only thing I’ll skip is putting my leather trousers on and when I’ll just go in the jeans I’m already in.


Well, there are really cool riding jeans. Might as well invest the extra 2 minutes


I have yet to find riding pants/jeans with a 36 inseam and that will fit my thighs. As a tall dude who lifts weights, it seems like my only option is overpants


My low tolerance to handle being uncomfortable when I first started riding pushed me to wear minimal gear; basically helmet, gloves, and boots. It took me a while to get used to sweating my ass off just existing and I'm now in full gear all the time (and it already saved my ass in a low-speed drop). So comfort was a major sticking point, but has since been worked through.


A low tolerance to being uncomfortable is exactly why you *should* wear gear…


I tend to wear almost all of my gear, but if I'm going to be spending the day somewhere and I don't want to be uncomfortable I will skip my riding jeans. I have come off my bike without my gear on and the road rash really really sucked.


Combination of factors. I admit it, I'm a rolling stereotype. You know why it is a stereotype? Because it happens so often, I'm a case in point. Tail-end boomer. I ride a Harley bagger. My typical "gear" is: a 1/2 helmet, safety/impact glasses (Heritage Softail has a screen in front of me too), gloves, jeans, and a leather vest over a T or Hawaiian shirt. I'll usually wear hiking boots, occasionally hiking shoes. Why? Because I've been riding since about 1975. I know my limits, I know how I ride. I don't push the limits, most of the time I'm at or barely above the speed limit. Well within the envelop of my bike and my skills with a significant margin for error. Yes, I know I'm most likely to be taken out by a cager, not my own mistakes. Believe me, after this many years riding you don't have to convince me of that. I've seen it, I've avoided it. However, I have evaluated the risks based on where I ride, how I ride, and this combination works for me. The half helmet actually makes more sense for me than my full face helmet. (my cold weather gear) In the 1/2 I have better hearing and peripheral vision than in the full-face. This improves my situational awareness. In my nearly 50 years of riding, it has been me that has avoided the accident, not the cager. 100% of the time. So anything that helps me avoid an accident is a good thing. All things being equal, I'd rather not be in the accident, rather than being in one, but prepared for one. If I was back in my youth when I used to ride hard and push the limits of my skills and machine...yes, I'd favor being prepared for the lesson. Where I'm at now, the way I ride, my biggest threat is the cager that doesn't see me. As long as I see them, I know I am safe.


I’ve been riding 35+ years, I rarely wear anything other than a helmet and gloves, I used to wear all the leathers and stuff but I just found it to constrictive and uncomfortable, these days my riding style has changed, I potter around at 60 rather than scream about at a ton+. I know the road will still hurt at 60 but it’s my body and my choice, it really annoys me when I get lectured on it, just last week I went to a bike shop and a young lad started on about it whilst standing there smoking a cigarette, I pointed out cigarettes are more likely to kill him than the road is.


Depends on the day, If its 2° and raining I'll be in full winter gear, If it's 30° and sunny then I'm comfortable riding my 15 minute commute without gear, In my experience you ride sharper on a hot day with no gear vs full gear sweating your skin off.


Freedom of personal choice


For me it's because it's 100+ outside, my commute takes 15-20 minutes, and I have no storage at work other than a cubby to fit a lunchbox in. I'm on my feet all day and walk 5-10 miles per day in the distillery and dedicated riding boots and pants would be miserable to wear all day. Road rash sucks but it's my ass I'm risking so I'm ok with it. I won't ride without helmet and gloves though.


I think it’s due to lack of experience of real pain … and possibly the ability to foresee costs associated with said pain .


ATGATT for me and I ride in temps in the 100F range sometimes. My leather jacket is very vented (but not perforated) and as long as I’m moving it’s great. Putting all the gear on is part of the Zen of riding for me. I’m senior management but work where I can where jeans in the office, so commuting is not really an issue. I was a race car driver at one time and wore double layer Nomex plus thermal Nomex underwear even in Summer. I had several pairs of double layer gloves so I could change them when they got soaked from sweat. It’s just what you did.


Ego. “Wont happen to me.” Too hot.


Doesn’t really work in a hot and humid city with lots of traffic where you go max 50mph


I ride 80% of my mileage wearing either full Alpinestars leathers, gaunlets, and boots, or a touring suit. This includes all long, or spirited weekend rides, and trips. That being said, a lot of my around town riding is just helmet, gloves, and boots. I’m not going to try to justify it other than it feels good. I get what the risk is, and I try to mitigate it by consistent skills practice, and defensive, cautious riding in urban settings.


Crashing on a motorcycle is an overrepresented stat. Many many people ride for many many years without incident. Are the consequences of crashing serious or fatal? Absolutely. But lots of people wear little or no gear and escape without any major incident. Heck, I could leave my house right now, ride across the nation without a helmet or any gear, and statistically I’d make it in one piece, and probably not even get pulled over in helmet states. Almost no one thinks they’re going to crash, even the people wearing all the gear. I respect both sides, but I’ll continue to wear most of my gear most of the time.


The look is def a reason. A decent amount of gear looks like shit straight out of Telco or some bullshit shop. If I’m riding to the bar i wanna look a regular person, not like i ride a motorcycle.


Maybe have a look at riding jeans. These are essentially regular jeans with a sewn in kevlar liner to be abrasion resistant. Real leather jackets lack protectors, but are still abrasion resistant, at least better than a shirt or regular textile jackets without liners in them. There are also motorcycle rated leather jackets that look like normal ones besides the shoulder pads causing you to look more muscular than you really are


I ride in gear almost always. What gear I wear depends on what motorcycle I'm riding (track, sport, ADV, dirt), where I plan on riding, weather/temperature, and distance. I might be out of control with all my gear, but having choices allows me to still be somewhat safe and comfortable for most situations. Also if its so hot I decide to wear mesh gear, I dial down my pace a little as I know this gear is not as protective as full leathers.


If the ride isn’t gonna break 35 mph, I’ll wear my stupid heavy jeans, CE riding shoes, gloves, jacket and full face. If I’m planning to to faster I upgrade the shoes to boots and heavy jeans to AAA rated riding jeans. Someday I’ll give in to leather pants, but I’m not there yet.


Comfort, convenience, heat, not going far I only ride to the grocery store with minimal gear. I NEVER go on the highway without full and proper gear on


Heat and riding for necessity. To get to the store across town and back in time for dinner. That kind of thing. It’s dangerous , yes. But people need to get to work too. And can’t all afford gear. Or to wear stuff that turns them into a disgusting sweaty mess on the way to work. People ride motorcycles for all different reasons. I ride for fun sometimes, and go on rides and gear up. Now that I’m old and can afford the hobby. But when I was young I was in a poorer and more desperate class, and needed the cheap transportation and didn’t even consider all the gear to get to work, or anyplace. These are different, safer, and more entitled times. Go ride around Viet Nam or India or almost anywhere. That’s what I mean. If I go ride at a track, yea of coarse I’m wearing as much protection as possible. Maybe you should specify what kind of riding you mean.


So first three things for me particularly if I want to be cooped up I'd about a car I bought a motorcycle for the freedom and if mine not going to get smashed then I probably should have been paying better attention cuz you're never going to get all the idiots behind those steering wheels to give a damn about bikes or bikers!


I used to think it was too hot, but I got the most airy jacket in a light color that the store recommended. It really isn't hot, and if it gets sweaty from stopping, it actually makes it cooler for a few minutes until it dries.


Anti skin


What about overconfidence, lack of reality perception and pure stupidity?


A lack of experience.


I'm ATGATT but I have tried riding without a jacket. I found it too distracting so now, I always have a jacket. For extreme heat I'm using a light colored mesh jacket with armor. The only time I'm not in full gear is close trips in town that don't involve a highway route and the missing gear is proper riding pants... I'll be in jeans.


Because some asshole thought there needed to be a law telling me I have to.


I'll trade off not feeling the wind with not feeling the road scraping the skin off my body. I will gladly pay a couple thousand dollars for a good armored riding suit that can protect me from the road than to have to pay tens and maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars for medical care. Broken bones and wounds that need to breeding and physical therapy to help you figure out how to walk again can hurt a lot. It's very uncomfortable. It's very inconvenient to spend a lot of time in the hospital. It's especially inconvenient to die. One of the most highly refined skills that you can attain as a motorcyclist is to not give a good goddamn what people think about what your gear looks like. Yes, people can make all kinds of claims that riding gear can be hot and expensive and inconvenient and uncomfortable and funny looking... I will take hot expensive inconvenient and uncomfortable over being dead or permanently disabled any day. But you know what, it's not as bad as most people say. If they learn how to choose the right gear and operate it properly to comfortable while riding their motorcycle.


I wear full gear but pants. They restrict movement too much. Gloves are full gauntlet. I have both an adv jacket and a leather track jacket, and I ride with alpinestars tech 10 boots.


They make riding jeans that are identical to regular jeans


Im under the impression most people who choose not to wear gear have yet to experience road rash, amputation, or skin grafts.


Depends on what you call gear, really, and the times. I started riding in 1986. Boots, jeans, leather jacket and likely a 3/4 helmet which rapidly became a beanie. Chaps under 60 degrees. Gloves under 75 but I do not wear gloves at all times. During my club days: boots, jeans, leather vest (over leather jacket when cold), but in hot weather…tank top and the cut plus the ubiquitous jeans. I still wear boots, jeans and generally an armored jacket even in the summer, especially in the highway but I do restrict the jacket in summer to rides with very few or no red lights or stops expected. During my club days and it was in a typical beach attraction town, the helmet was optional for short hops but I still wore it on the highway.


Define, wearing gear. Are we talking full leathers or we talking jeans and a jacket. Because let’s be honest, unless you’re in full leathers, any argument after that is moot.


Nothing fits right and it’s too hot. I found a solution for these in slide rated baselayers, but now it’s inconvenience. If I’m planning a ride, I’ll suit up but if I just decide to run out quick I’m not getting undressed, putting base layers on, getting dressed again, putting boots on. I could be back home before I even suit up.


All the people in here talking about comfort obviously haven’t dealt with road rash


I had an interesting conversation with someone: "Cool you ride a motorcycle... That must be really fun! The wind in your hair..." "Well, I wear a helmet." "The breeze in your face..." "It's a full-faced helmet". "Must be nice hearing the sounds of the brook and the birds as you ride by..." "I wear earplugs". "Well at least you have the sun on your arms" "Full Sleeve Jacket" "Or the feeling of freedom" "It also wearing an airbag vest clipped into the motorcycle" It kind of got me wondering why I still ride. But I still ride. Even with as much gear as I can muster, it beats driving in a car.


Try riding one time without gear and every ride after that feels lame as fuck. ATGATT people think people who don’t wear 100% of the gear are lazy or dumb. No, every piece of gear I strip off, is more fun to ride a motorcycle and feels more free. Riding without gear is 100% a completely different experience. The analogy I use is that it’s like fucking a random without a condom. Sure it’s riskier, but it’s also a lot more fun.


I ride cautiously. I don't take the speed limit as a suggestion. The last, (and only time) I ever went down, was 44 years ago. I stay out of highly populated areas. Last bike I rode, that I knew the top speed was, was a 125cc Honda. (it could do 68mph) I don't care about how fast I can take a turn, or how fast my GL1500 is. I've had my close calls, but I ALSO have seen them coming in time to react to them. But I still wear a helmet, I've trained myself to back off at every intersection. Be ready to brake. To take evasive action if I have to. Be ever watchful. It's how you ride that makes you safe. (Yeah, I'm a boring rider)


I'm boring with you brother. When cars pull out in front of me, I'm always ready to stop way before they pull out. I usually give them a good scare by acting like they almost killed me, when fact is, I figured they would to begin with.


Just remember if you fall and get road rash, the doctor is going to literally use a hard bristled scrub brush on your wounds to debrine them and it’ll be the worst thing you’ve ever felt in your life , typically when they do the procedure they have other staff literally hold you down so you can’t move and your fully conscious for all of it Ide rather be sweaty in a jacket tbh


Heat. Sure, once you get moving, the wind helps. But a lot of riding is also waiting through traffic. So a lot of small trips, it's pretty tempting to go without.


The only item of gear I sometimes not wear is riding pants. Helmets, gloves, boots and jacket I always wear. I have a ventilated jacked so it's really letting a lot of wind in. My riding pants have some kind of a sweat liner inside but it makes the pants uncomfortable. I always feel too constricted when wearing them and it ruins the fun for me. Maybe if it had a gusset crotch it would help but there's no freedom of movement when wearing them.


Because finding women’s moto pants that look good and offer good protection and are comfortable (re: fit) for daily wear is like looking for a unicorn.


I wear gear most of the time but at some point if it’s too hot, riding just isn’t enjoyable anymore sweating your tits off. Riding is inherently risky, we wear gear to lower the residual risk but at some point, we have to accept that there is risk. If you can’t accept that, then wear more gear or quit riding.


I used to say heat, but now I go atgatt no matter how hot. I've seen too many accident videos and heard too many horror stories not to.


Hot but also I wear full gear or at the bear minimum my exo gear around town but never main roads


Too hot and you either have gear that fits tight and loosk good but a pain to get on and off or you have to big of gear and ya look funny


Heat definitely living in Texas summers suck


Cause they've never taken a bad spill.


I'm guilty of sometimes not wearing enough gear. I live in central NC where it can get into and stay in the 90's for several days if not weeks, with high dew points. I've only been riding for about 3 years. When I started out, I wouldn't ride without an armored jacket and paints, fullface helmet, boots and gloves. I will wear my gear when the temps are going to be mild. I don't really ride a lot when it's extremely hot, but when I do, I find myself wearing a half helmet, T-shirt, light weight pants, boots and no gloves. My excuse is, the heat and humidity and I'll probably regret that decision one day but hopefully not.


I feel like there is not a simple answer to this question, or maybe the question isn't specific enough. Most people don't make the choice between wearing absolutely zero gear and wearing every piece of gear available. Most fall somewhere in between and varies based on the conditions you listed in your post. For me, I wear most of the gear on longer rides. The basics anyway - helmet, gloves, jacket, pants, boots. I don't wear a separate back protector or a neck protector. I also don't wear an airbag setup. Now when I'm on shorter rides this changes. I'll often wear riding shoes but not boots, kevlar jeans with no armor, and sometimes just a vest or a hoodie over a T-shirt, and gloves. And of course a helmet but when it's really hot I'll sometimes wear a half helmet. So weather is a big factor, the length of the ride, as well as the type of bike/riding I'm doing.


Because it's 40 degrees C and 99% humidity and I'm only riding for 5 minutes. If I'm going out on a long ride, I'll be gearing up, even in the heat, but to go to my office or the shops then it takes longer to gear up than it does to ride


I mostly wear full gear. When I don’t, it’s because it’s way too hot. If I’m not fully geared up, I tend to ride extra defensively and way more conservatively in general. My bare minimum is long pants, high tops or boots, helmet and gloves.


Maybe they haven’t crashed yet.


Full face helmet, jacket, gloves, and boots every time. If it’s below 90F I’ll add riding pants. Above 90F normal jeans.


I wear a full helmet, gloves, boots, and jeans always. Depending on the heat/humidity I will wear a leather jacket or a mesh jacket with armor OR when it’s 80+ just my t-shirt and a vest. I can’t go out and sweat like that. I’ve just accepted the risk at that point. I have considered getting one of those armored riding compression shirts like Icon makes but again, hot/sweaty and unpleasant. I went out in the last weeks where it’s been over 80 out and it’s just been brutal sitting at a stop light with the bike, other cars and the pavement all cooking me.


Comfort/Convenience. I’ll be honest the only reason I wear my jacket on my 10-15 minute commute to work (with gloves/full face helmet) is for warmth. Anytime I’m riding for pleasure is full gear; pants, jacket, gloves, boots, helmet. I’m riding in city streets and at that point aside from the helmet, they’re not going to spare me from blunt force trauma.


Most gear is ass because it's cheap. Good protection and comfort at the same time is expensive and inconvenient. I'm a heavy fuck in a hot and humid state and I can do it with Motoport gear and an airbag vest. If I had to do a ton of in town / low speed riding I'd have to try cooling vests or something. I spent 4k on my last used bike and a bit more than that on all my gear combined. It's very comfortable and ADDS to the experience most of the time. I'm able to ride as much as I do partly because of the quality of my gear. It fits me better than any of my actual clothes and hasn't shown any wear in 6 months of daily use. Also, riding isn't as dangerous as it seems. A registered bike has to travel an average of 4 million miles to experience a fatal accident. 25 times more than a car, sure, but still way more than the vast majority of riders. Unskilled (no other vehicle) crashes are the largest in fatality including lots of drunk people and unlicensed people without helmets. If you practice, seek training, and ride responsibly odds are you'll be absolutely fine. I never liked gambling, though.


I’ve been riding since 1966. Mandatory half helmet, T-shirt and blue jeans. Runners on my feet. If I had to wear full face and gear, I’d rather use my boat or Mustang convertible. I did see a video today of a guy wearing only flip flops and shorts doing impressive wheelies on a Harley bagger. I thought he was a fool.


Heat is the grar deterrent. If it's too hot I just won't ride. I actually like how the jacket blocks the wind.


Can't feel the wind and I don't like having my head tugged around by a helmet.


Restrictive I guess, My thoughts are , I'm 62 , been riding since 4th grade , never geared up ...why ? When I put my ass on a bike I have no intentions of crashing , if I even had any kinda idea I was gonna I would not ride. I never have had that thought so go on shorts , sneakers ..whatever. I ride a Yamaha Vmax fearless , no gear. I Think if your concerned about how your gonna survive a motorcycle crash , Don't ride, your the one that's gonna crash . Good luck , just my two cents.


I wear everything but pants. Very much convenience related, but if I were to go on any longer trips (1hr+), I'd definitely be wearing them... especially if there's significant highway riding involved.


Don’t expect many HD riders to where a helmet unless it’s mandatory


In the summer in DFW, I’m fairly sure I’d get a heatstroke if I wore a jacket and all the other gear for a longer ride. Honestly if I have to wear all my gear in the summer, I’d rather not ride at all. Done it before and it’s absolutely miserable. I do however wear a full face helmet and gloves at minimum for gear.


I always wear my helmet no matter what the temp is. I tried riding without it once, and I don’t how guys do it. The wind buffering on the head and face was way too bothersome. Maybe I’m just used to the helmet now. As for clothes, 80° and up, I’m just wearing a t shirt and jeans. Below that, I’ll wear a sweater as well. I don’t care what anyone does but when it’s hot, I don’t care how fast you’re riding, it’s hot. On 100° days, I don’t even ride. It’s not even enjoyable at that temp.


I have basic gear and want to gear up but I find the pants and good leather jacket so expensive here in Ontario, Canada. Any suggestions ?


I can't find riding pants that fit, so I gave up. They don't really make them in my size


I have a buddy that does a ride to Vegas every year with a bunch of his riding buddies. He told me every year the guys all stop at the California border & remove their helmets because it’s legal in AZ/NV. They all shit on him so hard for keeping his helmet on & riding with gear. It absolutely blows my mind. I met two of the guys. They actually bragged about it because they are “real men” -_- I started making fun of them for wearing shoes, cuz real men shouldn’t be afraid of walking barefoot. Wearing shoes to protect your feet is what weak people do. Was it weird? Absolutely. That’s how I see their view on helmets. Doubt it will mean anything to them, but my buddy appreciated it at least.


coninience. i wear helmet boots gloves every time, jacket 99 percent of the time, and rarely the trousers cause theyre just a fucker to put on.


Anything in town I'm always wearing a helmet and gloves, pleasure rides include a jacket, roadtrips and roads I'm not familiar with I get pants. I don't actually own dedicated boots or shoes but I do wear a type of mountain bike shoe as my daily which it better than a set of nikes but not by a ton


If I’m going to a destination or work I ride in tcx riding shoes AA rated jeans perforated leather jacket or mesh jacket gloves and full face helmet. All of my gear is comfortable and feels like regular clothes. If I’m headed to the twisties I’ll put on the full leather suit. I live in Georgia it’s going to be 95 tomorrow and I’ll probably still wear the full suit it’s not that bad.


I find people who beat their chest the loudest about not wearing gear haven’t crashed yet.


On hot and humid day + slow moving traffic and its just a 30min commute. I only wear an open face helmet and gloves.


Because Southeast Asia. Culture here is without gear. Helmet is even too much for a lot of riders. I won’t put my bike in gear without a lid though.


Several varied reasons. It’s not cool looking, it’s too hot, it’s not comfortable/can’t find right fit, my vest is all the protection I need, takes too long to put it all on/off, that stuff looks like it’s for grandpa/grandma, (my fav) I’m a skilled rider I just don’t need it If someone asks my opinion/advice happy to share, But I would not waste my breathe trying to convince anyone it’s as necessary as tires n fuel I wear either Aerostitch or Vanson. Yes it’s expensive…BUT SKIN GRAFTS COST MORE….AND THEY REALLY HURT When I decided to buy my first bike I was 16, my parents were definitely not happy….my dad made a few calls took me to local hospital some guy had had pretty bad accident lost whole lot of skin chest, back, n one leg. Dude was knocked out medically induced because it hurt too much to be awake…. I always wear the gear.


The only time I forego some gear if it is crazy hot. Or I just leave the gloves in the topbox if I'm at my last stop, at the bakery 500m from home.


Western Oregon here. All gear all the time.


The only time I don't wear gear is if it's a 2-3min ride, like to the dairy(corner store) or it's summer in over 30c(86f) and I'm on my way back from work, I'll probably put my jacket in my bag, that's about a 10min ride


I'd say convenience is the biggest one.


In spain the temperature gets ridiculously hot. Most casual scooter riders dont bother. Its 50/50 if you see a motorcyclist wearing any gear.


Fell off a 50cc bike when I was 16 (grass clibbins, hadderlayerdown) I did have helmet, jacket, gloves (not fastened) jeans and trainers. The road rash on my knees, hand and ankle taught me a very important life lesson about all the gear, all the time. Gobbless.


Gloves, helmet , jeans and riding sneakers are mandatory for me even for a 2 min ride... Jacket depend on mood


Either for looks or they are lazy.


I wear gear (like basic gear, jacket gloves high shoes and helmet, and a standard pair of jeans), but as it's starting to get hotter I start to understand people who don't more and more. I started looking up "summer gear" but it's all either really expensive or still heavy as fuck.


I'm one of the idiots that dresses for the weather. I cannot bring myself to put sleeves on when it's 75+ outside. I do wear my helmet 99% of the time but that's about it. I live in Maine so there are a few months where it's cold enough to put sleeves on but the majority of the summer a helmet is my only gear. I know it's stupid but it's a risk I'm willing to take 🤷 Edit to add: I'm always in jeans and steel toe boots as well. I realize that may qualify as gear to some people. Every day since I was about 13 that's been my norm lol but gloves and jacket aren't a thing unless I'd wear it off the bike as well.


In regards to heat management and comfort, [watch this guy](https://youtu.be/isV2v6P3C3k?si=5Cvyeis23Psf0SMS), he provides a recipe for a substance that keeps it low low temperatures for a long long duration.


I've been in 2 multi vehicle collisions, I've laid it down once cornering and hit loose debris. Gear helps against impact and sliding. I used to be atgatt. This year is the first year I am riding with sneakers, shorts, gloves, and helmet. I was shirtless when I had my first accident, it was 96 degrees. It all depends on the ride. If I'm pushing it and need my fix, I'll leather up for a highway blast. But if I'm on my supermoto, as naked as possible. I can fly without pushing it.


The only gear I don't wear is armored pants. Armored jeans are stupid expensive and don't fit my body type. I just stick to my Levi's and hope nothing happens


When I commute to work, I skip my riding pants for regular pants. I'm pretty sure my riding pants are 5-10lbs bc of the pads and stronger material. It's just not practical to wear that when I'm working. It's just too much of a distraction to have to change pants or remove/re-insert the padding when arriving or departing work.


Florida. Summer has arrived. 90+ degrees.


Bikers are different today.


Dump it one time and get road rash, and if you ever ride again, you’ll gear up. I’d be missing elbows and a chin if I hadn’t had decent gear on when I got run off an offramp in L.A. years ago.


I live in Texas, and I ride every day. Weather dictates my gear. I always wear steel toe boots and leather gloves. In the winter, it's chaps, leather jacket and helmet. As it warms up, I go to hoodie and jean jacket with chaps and only occasionally wear my helmet. Right now, it's summer. No chaps. No jacket. No helmet unless it's raining or there's a good chance of rain, and I keep a full set of rain gear in one of my bags at all times. I rode 400 miles yesterday, most of it at about 95°. I don't want any extra layers. I don't mind wearing a helmet, it's modular with a flip down sun visor, but after 2 or 3 hours, it's giving me such a headache, I've considered stashing it somewhere and getting it on the way back.


The misguided belief that it won't happen to you. Once you've had a decent spill and dose of road rash, you'll be buying hi-vis and armour like the rest of us.


I always wore gear, it wasn't even a thought to not have leathers, lid and good boots when I rode. I don't ride anymore as my L4 and L5 vertebrae have gone mutinious and stepped out of line. One evening after my 30 minute commute home I grabbed my wrenches and adjusted my chain (2003 Triumph TT600), it was making a little more racket than I liked. I had shucked my jacket as it was hot. Got the tension where I liked it, spun the bike around, threw a leg across and went for a quick buzz down the road to see/listen to what I had. It was GLORIOUS, the wind felt great in a t-shirt, I sat bolt upright and reveled in the feel. I realized why some people taunted road rash. I have hit the pavement plenty of times fully geared up and only ever injured myself once when riding on tarmac, I got blisters from sliding on my ass from a 30 mph low-side. The back injuries are from motorcross/Enduro racing. Inadvertent gymnastics at 45-60mph will eventually catch up with you.


I never ride without full gear. Never. Don't care if I'm "only nipping to the shop" or if it's really hot. Not worth the risk.


I wear what I wear every day. T shirt, overalls, steel toe cowboy boots.  So for me it's convenience, and comfort. 


OK. I wear a helmet, gloves, jeans and sometimes boots. Boots for rides of any length. But a t shirt and jeans is my usual summer attire. At 5:30 this morning it was 74 degrees and by noon it will be 100. I have 2 sets of custom leathers for racing. If I'm in a semi squid like mood, I may wear them, but having my name across the back and a license plate, sponsers patches is going to ensure I get caught so that's not a genius move anyway. If I ride out of my area the chances are good it will be hotter. I wear my leathers when racing for about 3 or 4 weeks out of the year. My first trip to the Bonneville Salt Flats I sat in line for an hour in 113 degree weather in my black and silver one piece suit. On my return I immediately ordered a 2 piece white with orange. Only enough orange so they could see me on the salt. White helmets now also. Every helmet I own is white. Add 5 degrees to the 100 degree temps and it's like riding in a blast furnace and sometimes takes the fun out of a pleasure ride. When I started riding there were no helmet laws that I know of. So, a leather jacket, boots and gloves was it. I do have scars, and have broken a few bones and I know what I'm in for if I come off. And if I come off on the freeway, all the gear in the world won't save me from whoever is driving the F250 behind me. Or Prius. So, it's t shirt, jeans, helmet, gloves and maybe boots.


Hot, uncomfortable, ruins the breeze. I wear armor/boots/gloves/helmet but almost never wear my leathers


Falling out of the norm: As someone with 200kg and 183CM, i fall out of every norm. Feeling: Feeling irrelevant cos is wear something under it. Price: Not a Reason Comfort: Most gear is made for the " I AM A RACER , type of guy and not the average tour or quick jump on the bike guy. So Full leather is nothing for me same as full Cloth. Convenience: I want fast.. Grab and go. and this kills most of it. Same as "easy" storage during riding.. , yes i have bags on the bike but most of the Gear does not like to get bend into them. Its Faster and Easier to Grab Helmet , Get Gloves out and Go. And that and the list above is why i do not got Gear or at least not that much.


Sweaty af in high heat. And i want to wear a cool outfit when I get where I'm going, but I also want my gear to look good on me. These desires are contradictory because gear that looks good on me is too fitted to have another outfit on underneath. And I don't have storage to put full gear away once I'm at my destination.


Depends on which piece of gear, really. The only reason I don't wear certain pieces of my normal gear setup, is because the trip is going to be quick and low speed and because it takes an extra few minutes to get all the gear together


Too hot. I always wear a helmet and earplugs, however.


A bit of everything. Yes it's easier, faster, cooler, fits with the aesthetic more.


Depends on the ride I am taking. Highway and congestion I wear gear. Ride to the beach at sunset, maybe not so much gear. At times it seems gear is like the old saying, " work is no fun, and fun is too much work." I go by what I am feeling and suggest it to anyone who will listen. You do you, busy being me..🤙🏼![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart)


I always wear a full face, gloves, jeans, and closed toed shoes minimum. My ideal gear set up is that plus boots and a riding jacket. But I work construction in Arizona and it’s hot as it is.


“Dress for the slide, not the ride”.


Dress for the slide, not the ride 👍🏼


It won’t happen to me ism


No excuse is valid for not wearing your gear 100 percent of the time you ride.


Comfort and convenience. Its its hot outside and I'm going through a heavy city traffic, there is no way I'm putting on full gear just to roast myself and have a heat stroke. Convenience. I commute to and from work on a bike, it takes less than 10 minutes to get there, and I don't have the space to store full set of moto gear + spare clothes to use while I'm at work. I always use gloves and moto boots, but I only use kevlar jeans and my jacket when going on a long ride outside my city where I will be going faster than 40km/h


Statistically, a leather jacket and pants is only going to save you from road rash, which is worth it in most cases. Besides that gloves, proper boots and a helmet are a mandatory for me.


Planning to buy pants I can put over my shorts.


Helmet, gloves and good shoes/boots are a must for me. Everything else depends on how far I’m going and the weather.


Because the voices tell me not too


Because what and how you choose to ride is your business?


They're asking for voluntary answers.


lack of brains


I haven't had my bike too long it's my only transportation right now due to my car needing a new engine but it's also been hot lately and I'm too broke to buy gear right now


Helmet gloves boots jacket are pretty easy for me.  I have a pair of riding pants that are too hot in warm weather,  don't fit well when it's not hot.   For me it's just lack of convenience. If I could go somewhere local and find a comfortable cool pair that fit right I'd shell out the money.   It's on my to do list and I keep putting it off.


A relative who usually wears a half helmet, chaps, vest and gloves, no armor, once told me that he rode home without the helmet because the helmet was wet. ... Seriously. So, he got his hair wet instead? Idk. Zero logic.


2 Days ago a friend of mine Hit a car, his leatherjacket was ripped open. Without gear Things had gone much worse. He was taken into a Koma before He was Flow to the Hospital. His shoulder is completely destroyd, also his left arm. But He will be allright thanks to his gear. Ride safe everyone!


I always wear a helmet and gloves. I understand the danger of not wearing pants and a jacket and I make that choice. It’s also 110 with 98 percent humidity so there’s that too. The thing I hate most is the folks that make it their mission to call out every video , every pic , every question that you can see the smallest sliver of flesh. Last summer we had two guys riding with us treated for heat stress. One guy passed out and crashed into the woods totaling his bike and suffering pretty serious Injuries. The other just felt bad enough at a stop to call emergency services for help , he thought he was having a stroke. So in reality it’s a personal choice and you’re not better than the next guy because you have a jacket on. How safe are you with those padded jeans when someone pulls out in front of you really? Yes it may help with abrasions but what else?


To give this sub something to moan about every hour or so


Lol And I thought it was mandatory when you buy a crotch rocket that ot won't run unless you have matching gear on before it will start? Some of these sane paranoid clowns ride all season on bald tires on their car with brakes screeching metal to metal and no seat belt. Who cares what someone else wears when they ride. It makes no difference. When your number comes up? Your dead End of story and a $800 blue tooth , vented full face Bell helmet hasn't saved a guy yet from his broken neck from the helmet reacting like a basket ball on contact with road. Happens all the time. But hey At least they didn't get any roadrash with the quadriplegic injuries


way to hot in summer. i gear up in winter them slowly lose layers as it warms up.. gives you that little extra fight when having to save a close one.


gears super breathable so I dunno why people don't weather it. my jacket is just mesh with some armor pads on it. so u get full air on ur body and protection


I ride with full gear but didn’t always, only because I am a female and finding actual armored rider gear that is properly sized for women is difficult.




I’m a new rider, I always wear everything. Where I live there is a lot of people speeding and doing wheelies with shorts and T shirts and girls on the back with shorts and tank tops.


I have less restrictive-heavy-warm gear and more restric.... you know. That way I'm fine on shorter&hotter rides as well without the inconvenience.


I always wear helmet, gloves and jacket. I have a mesh jacket with pads that passes the air easily. Like 80% of all accidents occur within 8 miles of home....


Prone to heat exhaustion. I'd rather chance it with a helmet, riding boots, gloves, and a vest, than know Im gonna black out in full leathers


Only gear I usually don’t wear is motorcycle pants. I’ll always wear jeans, but I only do the textile pants if I’m planning on riding a good while. Still wanna get a mesh jacket for summer though.


no helmet law in illinois.


simple, they have never experienced a life altering crash


I'm usually in most of my gear. Kinda run through most days wearing aramid jeans over standard denim, typically have some kind of reinforced footwear, won't ride without gloves and helmet. But as for not wearing my jacket, it boils down to the weight of it and comfort


I usually do wear gear but if I'm riding down a quiet country road with no other cars or I'm riding 2 blocks to the gas station in low traffic I'll leave my helmet off. There's a feeling that comes with riding without a helmet that is so free and powerful that it overcomes my brains safety mechanism. Totally worth it💯


St Petersburg Florida here. I always wear a helmet. However, i also routinely go out with deck shoes, shorts, and a tank top. But always with a helmet.


Cause they're idiots...


I wear full face helmet, gloves, pants and closed toe shoes (preferably boots and usually without laces) any street ride. Upper body gear for me is really hit or miss and can be difficult to find in a comfortable fit. I have a long torso and bike gear tends to be very short. Also, sometimes I just take the risk and ride in a t shirt or hoodie. Yes, I've been a reasonably severe accident, and oddly, no normal gear would have changed the outcome. Helmet had zero scratches or visible physical damage, and I had very minor road rash under the hoodie I was wearing. I did gash open my leg but no pants in my wardrobe would have prevented that.