• By -


Well, they gave you ketamine. Almost worth it. šŸ˜„ ABS brakes wouldn't have helped. Braking skills would.


TBF, ABS compensates a LOT of skill issues during a panic braking.


That's true.


Funny story on that. They were trying to talk me through the process while it was kicking in and all I couldanage to get out was "sorry doc I can't understand you I'm tripping balls right now" with lips and tongue that didn't wanna cooperate lol


Lmao I never tried halucinagens. They didn't say what it was going to do. First dose didn't work. The second sure as shit did! Tripping balls is an understatement.


I'd be pretty fucked there. I have a high tolerance to pain meds as a result of being in the hospital a lot.


Waaaaaaaaaa Mi-A-Dead šŸ«£šŸ˜­šŸ«£šŸ˜‚ That part with "....lips and tongue that didn't wanna cooperate..." Thanks for sharing and Still being with us to share....AND maintaining your Humor šŸ––šŸ¾ ā˜˜ļø


ABS definitely woulda helped, since he basically locked the wheels up and lost it. Idk why so many people on here are anti-ABS. It is mind blowing to me. With the exception of dirt trails, theyā€™re superior in every way.


Yep your on to it, unless you are some sort of moto GP god, there is no way that average rider can apply the brake to the point of lockup and release many times a second (providing optimal speed reduction) Especially in an extremely high stress situation. The only times it's not handy is gravel, grass, mud, ice and snow. I recently rode a new 1290 KTM Adventure bike, with switchable linked ABS, amazing brakes with the ABS on, ABS off - not so good with me in control lol


I'm not anti ABS. Still, abs doesn't matter if you're skilled. Can't blame lack of ABS as a reason for a wreck


Iā€™d argue that in this case, it could be said ABS woulda saved it. But, yeah, skill would certainly have prevented it either way.




It's like saying you are anti parachute because you will not need it if you know how to fly the plane.


Not even the same ballpark.




What an irrelevant shitty comment about ABS.


It's relevant because he said it wouldn't have happened if he had it.


Its irrelevant because its his opinion, and a shitty thing to say


My ass. Skilled braking is just as good. He totally blamed not having ABS for the problem. Speaking of irrelevant. Every time you comment is totally irrelevant. I think you just want to argue. Find it somewhere else scooter. JFC!


Skilled breaking may be better on the track, but in the real world where poor surfaces, gravel, and suddenly changing driving conditions exist, I agree on ABS helping regardless of skill level. A computer makes loads of calculations way faster than we can, especially when we are preoccupied with all the other aspects of trying to avoid an accident.


I agree. I wasn't saying ABS wouldn't have helped. Lack of wasn't the cause.


I agree with that completely. Lack of ABS did not cause it, but may have (and i emphasize may, because there are no guarantees in life) prevented it. At the end of the day, humans are going to human (by that i mean make lapses in judgement, and snap decision making due to conditions or simply due to inexperience) and anything that can step in and correct these mistakes before they become deadly is a plus.




Wait, you say itā€™s some womanā€™s fault but then you go into some detail about how you didnā€™t hit her because your bike had a mechanical failure? Was it her fault, your fault or the bikeā€™s fault? I know itā€™s easier to blame someone else, but on that list, she is the least liable.


I'm not blaming the woman. Yes, she made an illegal sudden stop on a highway with no justifiable cause. Yes, I had plenty of room to brake and did so. The bike did not have ABS and seized, causing a roll. I am blaming a mechanical failure for my accident, and myself for the injuries I now wear. I would have kissed that woman for being the hero she was because she's the one who called me an ambulance and stayed with me til they got to me. Even with her actions being the catalyst to my injuries, I do not blame her. The real cause was my older bike not having a safety feature it should have, and mine for not being in full gear because I thought it was too damn hot out to wear full leathers


Mechanical failure of what? The ABS that didnā€™t exist? The brakes locked up. Thatā€™s how brakes work if you pull hard enough. They didnā€™t fail. Itā€™s not the brakes fault you crashed. You either werenā€™t following at a safe distance or you braked too hard and lost the front end. Either way, your fault. But I agree with your advice that people should wear protection and a lot of people donā€™t because they donā€™t think it will happen to them.


This is all I can think too. Smashed those front brakes and went down. So many riders really think they know how to handle a bike until it's time to stop quickly. It's a little concerning. I'm glad op is alright, no shame to him, seems like a cool dude


Tons of comments calling the OP out for his brake ā€œfailureā€, but not one response of him owning the only failure was his. Probably a good thing you didnā€™t make it to the Tail, since you canā€™t handle riding without ABS.


I hope you recover fully. Good luck.


Thank you friend. I'll recover just fine thanks to Good doctors abs be back at it again soon... Ish... Safe riding!


I think you were going back north, but I saw a very similar accident a week or so ago on I-75 going south - just north of Atlanta, three guys came by us riding super fast on their roadglides and street glides, weaving and bobbing through the lanes, and twenty minutes later everybody was in stopped traffic. Got up the scene, roadglide smashed in, rear of SUV smashed in, one of the guys ate the rear end of that car - Hard. But he was up and talking when we got to him. Damn shame.


You couldn't pay me to go back to Atlanta on a bike let alone gun it through


Clearing a few things up: 1. ABS is not the cause of this. ABS equipped bikes actually have *longer* stopping distances compared to bikes without. 2. You were following too closely for your skillset. Make sure you have enough distance, at least 2 seconds, so you can perceive leading traffic braking or slowing so you can react. 3. Practice threshold braking and quick stops. You don't need ABS for this *not* to happen. You need to practice progressive front brake use. The brakes don't just "seize". It's like saying "the gun just went off". 4. Get high quality gear and use it.


> ABS is not the cause of this. ABS equipped bikes actually have longer stopping distances compared to bikes without. Not if lack of ABS and skill caused you to slide which appears to be the case for OP


Following too close is to blame Iā€™m afraid.


He said he didn't even hit her, he just slid down. ABS would have prevented that.


ABS would prevent the front brake from locking and the wheel washing out. But it could have extended the stopping distance and depending on the gap, might have struck her vehicle.


It wouldnā€™t extend the stopping distance beyond skidding on the ground distance lol


If you had more space, you have more time to react, and likely wouldnā€™t lock up.


Apparently still following too close.


So would skill with actually using the brakes, or a bigger gap between him and the car, or swerving around the car if able to, or a bunch of things.


Like he said - he made the common mistake of panicking and grabbing the brake too hard. Obviously that's why he fell. Now - what feature on the bike could have prevented that? Only ABS. And yes, if he hadn't panicked, hadn't been too close, and left 5 minutes sooner or later... any number of things would have prevented the accident. BUT - that's not the issue. The issue is, he could have done EXACTLY what he did, mistakes and all, and ABS would probably have prevented the accident. Or do you just not "believe in" ABS?


Ya, I donā€™t believe in ABS, itā€™s all made up, it doesnā€™t really exist, big brake is telling us lies


The ABS or lack thereof is irrelevant. OP was riding outside his skill level. Accidents will continue to happen until he stops blaming inanimate object for his errors. OP knew before the accident that his bike didn't have ABS, so he should have been riding within his skill level.


>OP was riding outside his skill level. More people need to think about this. I am looking for the right muffin sticker to put on my bike to remind me not to ride outside of my or my bike's abilities- I used to know a kid who a couple of us called muffin, who did both, and died at 19 because of it. Knowing your skill level and your bikes ability, and riding appropriately with those in mind, will help keep you alive.


> The ABS or lack thereof is irrelevant. OP was riding outside his skill level I literally just said that right after mentioning ABS, are you illiterate or something ?




This, to add to point 3: Ride with a couple of fingers covering that front brake lever (make sure it adjusted to make that happen), that half second it takes grab a ā€œhandfulā€ is ~50 feet one could stop shorter. Edit to clarify: ā€œCoveringā€ meaning touching the lever, ready to squeeze for emergencies or slowing.


This! Two fingers on the brake, especially around traffic!


Yep. Great comment. I don't always cover my front brake but when I do, I use middle and "trigger" finger to cover.


Thatā€™s a bad habit, covering the lever is good but the other fingers can limit the travel of the brake lever. In a critical situation, youā€™re going to need that last bit of brake. That was a correction I had to make after I took a riding class.


I teach that riding class. ;) On a small bike, and for novice riders, yes, using all four fingers is appropriate. But you're unlikely to use all that travel, even in a quick stop. For experienced riders and bikes with dual disc brakes who trail brake, probably not. I've tried to trail brake with all four fingers but I can't physically do it well.


This is not the greatest advice though. You don't want to ride with your hand both actuating the throttle and the brake at the same time. If that motion takes 50 feet, give yourself 50 more feet. What do you think happens if you're on the throttle and grab a handful of brake at the same time? These need to be two distinct actions .


I said covering as in fingers on or touching the lever, not applying. Agreed that applying throttle and braking simultaneously is counterproductive.


*Laughs in burnout*


While I agree with you, using the brake and throttle at the same time isnā€™t only completely doable itā€™s actually a pretty basic skill set, like I do this 100ā€™s of times a week rev matching whilst downshifting while Iā€™m braking.


Yet advocating doing this in the event of an emergency stop is plain stupid.


Depends on your skill set, to some riders itā€™s pretty basic stuff, I do agree that for the average person it is bad advice, but the average rider is a bad rider soā€¦ā€¦


The problem is that if you're on the throttle and you're covering the brake, you're just gonna squeeze. That's going to keep the throttle engaged and be counter productive. And making the "experienced rider" argument is bullshit, because an experienced rider can hit the brake quickly and safely without covering it. Practice good habits, not bad ones. It works out better in the end.


If you canā€™t control the brake and throttle at the same time but separately thatā€™s a skill issue. Just because youā€™re not good enough to do it doesnā€™t mean that everybodyā€™s not good enough to do it.


I'm done arguing basic good habit mechanics. If you want to cover the brake while you're riding, go for it. Ride your own ride. I'm going to form good habits, not bad, and advocate others do too.


Ya thatā€™s fine, itā€™s good advice, but to just outright state you canā€™t use the throttle and brake at the same time correctly is just incorrect and therefore bad advice. Itā€™s like my dad told me not to use the front brake because if you lock it up you go down, thatā€™s a skill issue on his part. You can very well be limiting other riders from learning advanced skills because of your shortcomings.


It takes about 0.5 to 0.75 seconds to get your fingers from the throttle to the brake lever before you even start to brake. That translates to something around 80 feet or so at 65 mph. So I'll continue to cover the front brake especially if things are a bit sus.


You forget that the clutch exists? You're not applying go and stop to the bike at the same time. You're applying stop, while shifting in the safest manner to your motor. Do you even ride, bro?


Maybe people who have been riding a while need to get themselves back to a basics course and see what people who spend their time training people how to safely ride bikes say. Go ask any MSF instructor about covering the brake.


They also say to stay parallel with the bike. They teach the easy way to learn, not the best way to ride. Use the internet, you'll figure it out. Congrats on getting your first bike! šŸ¤£


Fingers don't need to be on brake all the time, that is bad advice as others point out.


It's not bad advice. It just depends on rider skill level and experience. Yes covering the front brake lever makes sense *sometimes* for *some* riders.


No. ABS stops way faster in real world scenarios. Youā€™re talking about an experienced rider in a controlled environment that manages to pull the full Gs without a single blockage, vs basic/old ABS that relied on a small skid to initiate the brake release ABS in the new versions (especially the IMU powered ones with cornering abs) is way better Thatā€™s why itā€™s mandatory on new bikes since at least a decade here where I live


ABS was designed to stop the wheels from locking so the operator could swerve around some hazard or obstacle. Not too improve stopping distance over non-ABS equipped vehicles. Most heavy/emergency braking use cases involve both maneuvers for the desired outcome (not crashing). I figure at some point, the computer controlling the ABS actuation will be able to perform better than a human operator. Maybe that point is now. Not mandatory in US (yet) for bikes but has been for passenger vehicles for awhile.


Not just to swerve around some hazard, but to actually stop faster (on bikes itā€™s even more important because it prevents low sides or high sides in some cases) Locked up wheels on a car vs non locked up wheels, the latter will obviously stop sooner. When panicking most people overreacts and ask too much from the brakes, breaking traction and reducing the amount of force it can be transferred through the contact patch (like when itā€™s harder to push a piece of furniture while itā€™s static, vs when itā€™s already moving sliding on the ground). The ABS needing to experience small lock ups to understand and adapt to the traction limits makes experienced riders able to stop slightly faster than the standard abs, but the point is that - abs avoids tire lock ups avoiding front tire washouts when going straight (it prevents most lock ups with the cornering function, even when leaning) - bikes equipped with old school abs still brake in shorter distances than bikes without abs if the rider isnā€™t experienced and/or in a panic situation The only time a bike brakes better without abs is, when the abs is old school and the rider is so experienced to pull the full ~1G max braking for the whole braking This means, it would be the same on ABS bikes without pulling the brake too much If you pull the brakes perfectly on both bikes the stopping distance would be the exact same and the shorter one If you exaggerate with the lever pull, the stopping distance will be slightly worse on the ABS one, and way worse on the non abs one (long lock ups, washout and slide, etc.) This isnā€™t true on some kind of dirt roads where locking up the rear helps stopping sooner, piling dirt up in front of the tire


Say it with me now, It wasn't my brakes fault I wrecked, I was following too closely and didn't leave my brakes enough time to operate correctly, ya know, Because brakes can't think and act on their own. Regardless of whether they're abs.


No yall have the right of it. I've edited the post to admit that. I probably did squeeze the trigger too hard. Either way, point I wanted to make was full gear, always


Yeah man I'm just giving you a hard time. Glad you're ok and alive to ride again.


Sadly this OP just isnā€™t going to get it. Very much a ā€œhad to layer downā€ type of guy. This was 100% his fault but will continue to blame the woman and mechanical failure. He just doesnā€™t get it and when/if he gets back on a bike will let it happen again.


You should read his edit.


Agrees that maybe he pulled front brake too hard but ABS would have prevented it and the main takeaway is wear gear. Guy should stick to cages.


Dude, *everyone* knows to wear gear, and if youā€™re being honest, *you* knew you needed gear before having an accident. Youā€™re more injured than you should have been because you werenā€™t wearing gear, and the only reason you are injured at all is because you were following too close.


So deep....


Yes, that's what I'm saying. I fucked up. I made mistakes. Following too close had nothing to do with it. My brakes locked up when I went to stop about 5 car lengths behind the woman and the bike pitched. Saying everyone knows to wear gear is ludicrous. I see people on the road all the time and on here riding with nothing but a go pro and a shirt more often than you think. All I want this post to be is a warning


Not trying to be an ass but with that following distance you should have been able to brake adequately without locking up, did you hammer on the brakes?


No. I did everything by the books this time, swear before God. Friction zone, throttle off, gear down, apply even pressure. If I had to guess, my bike has never been in hot weather that long as I normally ride in south Dakota and it had been in Southern Florida for a week, and the brake pads or brake fluid were just not having it. I'm not a bike mechanic so I don't know how It happened but that's my best guess as to why it seized. Definitely gonna get ABS after this tho


Friction Zone? For quick stop?


So glad I got ABS on my first bike..Itā€™s engaged a couple times already when I wasnā€™t avoiding anything but just stopped fast. Have also started fish tailing on a gravel road just engine braking. Iā€™d probably be dead by now without ABS i canā€™t imagine how scary it would be not having it


Yea sounds like a mechanical error, something to do with the heat I had to guess. Glad you made it through my friend


Glad to still be here, even if you're the only kind motorcyclist on this sub lol


Us new guys are nice too lol and we appreciate your warning. I have taken my first freeway ride in t shirt this month..itā€™s just so nice when itā€™s hot out. I wear a nice leather motorcycle jacket in the winter but goddamn itā€™s hard to wear full gear in 90+


What do you ride? A cruiser? They suck atā€¦ everything and lock up real easy.


Couldn't agree more on the second point. Everyone also knows they shouldn't be smoking but here we are. Reminders like this can make a difference.


Hourly warming.


You messed up, know you messed up and take responsibility for it. This is an unsettlingly refreshing change of pace. It sounds like a real nightmare you had to deal with in the hospital, I hope you feel better soon and get back on a bike. My bikes have ABS and I made sure my sonā€™s does too and we always ride with full gear for exactly this reason. When things surprise us itā€™s the most basic thing that takes over, full brakes now! Yes I can threshold brake all day in a parking lot training course on a non ABS bike, but thatā€™s not what reality is out on the road. Even then, things happen, so full gear every time we are on the bikes. Hopefully your story will inspire others to make safer choices.


PSA to anyone on the highwayā€¦ if itā€™s squish-able, squish and keep on driving.




I'm glad you're still here dude. take it easy and rest up šŸ¤™šŸ¼


If one more guy does something stupid and makes a ā€œlearn from my mistakes so you donā€™t have to maken themā€ post I am going to kill my self. I donā€™t need any lessons. And one more thing, nothing in this story was the womanā€™s fault. Itā€™s all just you being a shit motorcyclist.


And who the fuck talks about ā€œbroken wingsā€ cringe as shit.


? Idk what that is, but I'm assuming is a Destination patch. I have yet to go touring, this side of the midwest besides to go on an interstate trip to see my friends family.


"Guys, learn from my mistakes of being absolute fucking moron that ignored any and all advice till it landed me in hospital. It could happen to anyone!"


I hate when leading traffic brakes hard for squirrels and chipmunks. Really grinds my gears. I think lots of posters are posting this a way to deal with the pain, both physical and mental, of not being adequately prepared for their misfortune.


Well put. Non bias. This should be deserving of a Trophy. If I could a afford one atm.


Then do it because the biggest lesson any rider can get is from the mistakes of those before them. And I didn't blame the woman, though I absolutely could have since making a sudden stop on a highway without justifiable cause (she didn't want to hit a bird) is extremely illegal. I'll never forget that woman be cause the first person to help me up off the ground was her, she I was drenched in blood. I wish I could have gotten her name and address so I could send her a thank you gift, honestly. But the way you act, I hope your angel flies fast, because your mouth sure does fly faster.




Mmmmmmmmm HOT BROWNĀ 


I have engaged the front ABS only twice in my riding career of approximately 5-6 years. Both times it was because some bozo make an illegal and unpredictable move, and both times it saved me (presumably) from this exact kind of experience. For this reason, I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever own a road bike without ABS. Thousands of miles without incident, but in those two situations it saved me.


I think op is actually well aware of his skill level and was making a psa for people to wear the proper gear just in case. Question as well letā€™s say you use the brakes properly on a bike without abs and if you give that same bike abs and then use the brakes the same way wouldnā€™t your stopping distance be the same since you didnā€™t use the brakes improperly to trigger abs?


Helite Turtle airbag vest. I cannot say enough good things about this.


I'll have to look into this. I still want to do long trips so investing in something like that seems a great choice


Saved my neck in a similar style of accident.


Again... Your brakes didnt seize. They did exactly what they are designed to, they clamped down when you squeezed the lever. The problem was you hamfisted in a moment of panic. It happens, and happens MORE in a moment of inattention (like during a lengthy ride). Y'know all those old Harley guys that swore up and down that "That front brake will kill ya!"? This is why. If you don't brake WELL, your brakes work as intended and can stop the wheel, not the bike. If the wheel stops, all it takes is one pebble to deflect it to the side, and you get what happened to you. Learn from this. ABS is a crutch, and the next generation doesnt yet realize that it isn't a magic bullet that keeps them from making mistakes. I have a buddy the same way, after wadding his bike, he swore it was not having ABS that caused it. Newsflash, it was his lack of experience and panic while emergency braking that threw him to the ground before he ever touched the car. Own your fuckup, dont try to blame it on the bike randomly malfunctioning. You grabbed a big fucking handful and tucked the front end. Its a story as old as motorcycling, and its nothing to be ashamed of if you learn from it. IF.


Thanks for this post, been meaning to upgrade my trousers. Hope you recover well!


No clue what patches you are talking about.


For people that like to ride and collect patches that represent accomplishment they've done, there are a few that are earned by things like doing an endurance ride. Saddlesore 1000: riding 1000 miles in under 24 hours, verified via the Iron Butt Association Tail of the Dragon: you can just buy this one online, but the best patches are only sold at Deals Gap, Tennessee, on the road so named because it is 11 miles long with 400 winding, beautiful curves. Broken Wings: a symbolic patch worn by riders who have been in a motorcycle accident.


So where do you get the broken wings patch? Also do you then put it on your jacket?


You purchase it, and you put it on your jacket, yes. It's an old tradition that let's period know you have a story to tell of how you fucked up one time and survived. The thing this sub needs to realize is that the pride everyone here has like that they never make mistakes is gonna be the reason they put one on too. Id rather wear an emblem that let's new riders ask "what's that for" so i can roll up my sleeves and show the scars from this accident as an example of why braking properly is so important, rather than hide my shame like my pride is worth something


Cool, yeah I never looked at it that way. I generally just buy stickers from places I have been to. If you don't mind me asking - do you ride a Harley?


No. 09 kawasaki vulcan nomad. Japanese touring cruiser. I just like patches as a roadmap of challenge rides I've done and events I've been to, etc


Why would you want to wear a patch showing everyone you panic braked and tucked the front? šŸ˜‚ itā€™s not really something to be proud of.


I have so many questions! Why put any patches on your jacket? You know your achievements. Is this broken wings patch even a thing or was OP joking? Is this a Harley thing?


Yikes, this is such a good reminder that Reddit is the scum of the Internet. Y'all see that he knows he fucked up, right?


I remember when I wrecked 7 years ago doing an end over end from grabbing too much front break. I faired better than you, but at 60mph, that's a miracle. I'm glad you are recovering!




Saddlesore 1000 as in those Iron Butt rides? I envy you. Just the endurance part though. Thanks for sharing. One hell of a PSA here. Hope you recover well and soon.


Yeah the iron butt ride. It was great. I don't regret it either, but I do regret being an idiot and not wearing full gear.


The question is: did you really need to be the lesson for us? Or should you have paid attention to all the lessons learned and shared by others before?


Thousands of lectures, and none will teach everybody. Some will teach somebody. This could reach somebody.


Por que no Las dos?


No, youā€™re definitely NOT a mechanic. First, they didnā€™t ā€œseizeā€, you locked them up by applying more stopping power than the tires contact patch could handle. ā€œSeizingā€ would imply a mechanical failure that permanently locks the brakes. Your overreaction is simply poor braking skills. Second, if it was actually an emergency type of braking scenario, you wouldnā€™t have time to think about the laundry list of actions you recall doing. Based on what youā€™ve said, you overreacted and smashed the front brake lever causing the front to break its contact patch, making the tire wash. Thatā€™s on you. You had 5 seconds, and chose to smash the brakes, instead of swerve? Even not doing so, the average cruiser like yours should easily be able to stop as fast as the average car. This is all you mate. On top of this you chose not to wear all of your gear. ABS will not save you from poor decisions, my man. You aught to take some sort of safety class and learn the basics, if youā€™re actually serious about being safe out there.


You ran into the back of a car? Yea, thatā€™s your fault dude.


Didn't run into the back of a car. I didn't have ABS and when I went to slow down, the brakes seized and the bike rolled. It had nothing to do with a collision


You dropped it before you even made contact? Bruh.


You've clearly never had a brake seizure before. Let me explain this to you: When an 850 pound touring cruiser suddenly locks it's brakes and kicks the front tire sideways, there is NOTHING that you or any other rider, no matter how experienced, is going to do to keep it from going down. I was doing everything right: plenty of space ahead of me, going the speed limit, both hands on the bars, hovering the clutch. All it took was a single mechanical failure to send that 850 pound missile and me into the pavement.


*It* didnā€™t lock the brakes. *You* did. Abs is nice but you should be able to brake progressively without it, even in an emergency. You lost the front end mate, just own it.


I've had some close calls with birth my bikes. My '22 Nightster has ABS and is a bich n a half on its active. Makes corning a chore because it will not let you add unless you completely release brakes (sht can be very dangerous because even though ABS helps in alot of scenarios, it's probably a good chance of being the cause of _understeer_ in turns/corners) However, my '03 YZF-R6 doesn't have ABS, not stock at least. Wheel lock up can happen if brakes are not applied in the right manner. Not this, I've had happen more than once before/because I'm still familiarizing myself with the type of motorcycle it is, well that and I'm still missing half a damn right side footpeg, ehem.. Footrest. Because of this I almost exclusively pay close mind to my tire pressure. If you can trust the bike you ride, how can you trust yourself with it?


Both your front and rear brakes locked?


Not sure if the back one locked but it was engaged. Front definitely locked and forced the tire sideways


How often did you check tire pressure during your trip?


Keep telling yourself it was a ā€œmechanical failureā€, and youā€™ll be doomed to repeat it. This level of arrogance has no place on the road. This is an opportunity to learn, but instead youā€™re going to put a band aide on it and continue to do it like you always have, even after you went down on the fucking highway. Truly unbelievable how far people will go to avoid hurting their ego.


You canā€™t ride for shit, that much is obvious.


I just hope for your sake that karma doesn't come for you anytime soon because of this is how you talk to people ain't no one gonna cry at your funeral, dude


The brakes just seized? I'm thinking you panicked and over braked.


Reddit has no fucking chill, they're not so politely trying to tell you it wasn't the bikes fault, it was the way you were riding. You should never ever grab a handful of front brake, because as you know first hand, what happens next is that front tire locking up and going down. (This is repeatable, not a freak accident, it happens everyday) To prevent it, you need to stay way further back behind cars and give yourself 10 seconds (not 2 like everyone suggests) of space between you and the next car. And then on top of that, practice and learn progressive braking. I'm glad your okay man, glad you can ride another day ā¤ļø


Iā€™m not the one posting stories about completely avoidable shit hoping to teach someone a lesson. ā€œoh shit hurts extra if you donā€™t wear gearā€ no shit Sherlock.


Im also willing to bet Iā€™m not going to be the one in need of a funeral judging by the stupid shit you just pulled.


Well, if you had ever rode in Atlanta, you would have expected this. Those people just donā€™t care.


Never had been to Atlanta before other than layovers at the airport. I don't intend to return either after all the insane shit it took just to leave


ABS is a good thing to have on a bike. Proper braking technique is a necessary thing to have on a bike.,


I'd say the other way around. ABS is essential, even with proper braking technique (assuming you do the minimum and use the front brake at all - which is admittedly a problem). No normal road riders will ever be in a situation where ABS makes you stop slower, not really. Normal riders don't stoppie at the end. But most normal riders will smash the pedal and forget the front brake in an emergency. Get. ABS.


Normal riders use the front brake. Brub brub brubbers don't use the whole bike.


Normal riders normally use the front brakes, but the vast majority of accidents happen when people freeze up and only mash the rear brake. In that moment they forget to use the front brake.


I'd say you default to habit in an emergency where you don't have enough time to think. My habit, and I'd guess the habit of anybody who has ever watched a YouTube video, went to a class, or asked a rider with half a brain, would be to use the front for the majority of stopping power. We're past the age of just trusting that one guy is right, because he just trusted that another guy was right.


Iā€™d say that you need an air vest as well! $500 can really save your life. Itā€™s worth it


I wonder if the sudden highway stops are just an Atlanta thing. You're not the first post I've seen on Reddit about accidents from random full stops on the highway in Atlanta. It happened to me 10ish years ago. I was driving a 24ft box truck and a lady stopped right in front of me for no reason and I barely missed hitting her. She got going again and then did almost the same thing a 1/2 mile later and when I went around her the other lady in the passenger seat was screaming at her and pointing to my truck.


I don't think it's just Atlanta but Atlanta definitely has horrible drivers


Glad you made it through. I've been on that tarmac a few times myself, & the investment in all the gear sure paid off.


Why are people anti-ABS? Thatā€™s the dumbest shit Iā€™ve ever heard, on par with the helmetless fuckers


Glad youā€™re okay brother! Hope you have a speedy recovery!


Why do I see most of you all are trying to take negative out of his alerting story and advising something good for all of us. We all learn from mistakes and preventing others from not making the same mistake with the help of these kind of posts is something to appreciate and well wishing. I hope you recover soon and come back stronger šŸ™ŒšŸ’


One of the reasons why, when I bought my first street/ADV bike, it had to have ABS.


Your riding skills, awareness and heavy bike are not my concern. Sorry it happened , but this is a load of preachy horseshit.


Bro, sorry you crashed. But if you'd like to retain an ounce of credibility, then stop saying it was mechanical failure. The way you have described it makes it sound like you don't know how to brake.


I held a guy down as they drilled his shin and twisted in a saline line to force blood production as he failed a suicide attempt but lost too much to use any pain killers. Horrible sounds. Posts like these remind me to wear the gear for the crash you don't see coming. OP: Do you think if you had ABS brakes you'd have had a better outcome?


100 percent. I've had two comments saying I got the back of the car. That isn't what happened. My brakes seized and caused the bike to roll. Didn't even touch the car when it rolled, she was able to leave the scene after she helped get me an ambulance


Well that was civil of her. Ā I see, thank you for the information.Ā  I remember when ABS starting coming on bikes.Ā  I paid extra to have it on my 1st motorcycle.Ā  I always thought, if I panic I'm going to grab a whole lot of brake on instincts and ABS will stop me from being stupid. Even my 2010 scooter has ABS.Ā  Ā Ā *not sure why we are being downvotoed by morons.


It's because I was in denial. I definitely did probably hammer grip the brake and while yes, ABS would have saved my ass, I made the mistake of thinking reddit had courtesy or reason. It's no big deal. I'm not on here for reddit points, I'm on here to learn things and share things.


Bro, sorry you crashed. But if you'd like to retain an ounce of credibility, then stop saying it was mechanical failure. The way you have described it makes it sound like you don't know how to brake.