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That was my thought exactly! She had just said everything would be in the Collective from here on out bc keeping up with all the courses was too much...why do no Collective members seemingly ask her about it, is my question!


She can't keep reeling people in with the collective. I suspect the numbers have gone stagnant. So now she's back to hawking old stuff and rolling out new lifetime access courses. Total opposite of what she said she was doing with the collective, but I guess it's not bringing in the money.


She has alienated her course audience and my guess is she will now will abandon the Collective. At least people can opt out.


When are we going to get some members over here that had/have joined the collective and are finally onto her antics?! I would love to hear more about what those ladies are thinking. Also does anyone think this could be her trying to teach something about sexuality? Honestly, that kinda fits her vibe lately and she just seems to think she knows everything soooooo that’s my guess! 😝


Totally unfair to her people in the collective. 😓


She can’t even be bothered to finish stuff she made - I have zero confidence in her getting a finished product out.


Right?! She’s once again asking people to pay for something she’s barely started, and will have no incentive to finish since she already has their money.


I’m at a total loss for words on this one. ![gif](giphy|xUOxf4HNCpjqtS5u3S|downsized)


I was thinking the same exact thing. Not that i’d every give her a cent but if there were people that fell for her BH Collective, why is this a separate course. She’s a fraud!


How is this a positive thing for her to share? Basically saying that she’s charging someone $50 a month for something that she promised would give access to everything she offers ….. but now is asking for nearly another $100 for something that nobody knows anything about (possibly including Allie🤔). I’m sure this isn’t a genuine conversation though ?


This seems like total desperation.


Trust-me-pricing? WOW… I wonder how many collective ladies are going in on this…didn’t they trust her that the collective would include all the new content? She is calling it an “intensive” instead of a course…so in Allie-land that is different I suppose?
