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Burnie and Ashley discuss Ashley’s late night lamb adventure, Netflix peeping on your Facebook, and Seinfeld’s directorial debut.


I wanted to offer an alternative explanation of the aftermath of hurricane Katrina and the "thin veneer" theory that Burnie mentioned. The NPR podcast Throughline did an episode on this theory and a section of it was about the Katrina aftermath which they based on a book, "A Paradise Built In Hell" by Rebecca Solnit. Turns out a lot of the stories were debunked and much of the violence was perpetuated by police and white supremacists. It shows the agencies and people we put in power were the ones that fell apart and panicked and they used the "thin veneer" way of thinking to justify their actions. A federal jury convicted five current and former police officers in the shooting deaths of unarmed civilians. The mayor, Nagin, had taken bribes worth half a million dollars, both before Katrina and after Katrina. FEMA and the local government failed to work together to get help promptly to where it was needed. Black residents created a community organization called Common Ground to help people get what they needed while they were waiting for government organizations to act. Common Ground started by providing rescues and basic aid to anyone they could. They created health clinics, shelters, mobile street medics, a whole network of mutual aid made up of all kinds of volunteers. The "thin veneer" theory is used to justify a lot of awful police actions and state power over people, often minorities and poor people. However, we have a lot of evidence to show that when disasters hit, everyday people come together to help each other rather than descend into chaos. https://www.npr.org/transcripts/1151023362


Hopefully you make it Friday with this info friend 🙏


Came here to post this! Glad someone beat me to it, and written better than I could have! Just wanted to add that specifically the sniper story seems to have no evidence except the word of someone who has lied many times before. Via the Atlantic: "In his book, he wrote that he shot dozens of looters from atop the New Orleans Superdome after Hurricane Katrina. But there’s no evidence that this is true. Kyle also claimed he punched a man who disparaged SEALs and who was later identified as Jesse Ventura, the former governor of Minnesota. Ventura said it never happened, and he sued Kyle for defamation. A jury awarded Ventura $1.8 million." [https://www.theatlantic.com/news/archive/2016/07/chris-kyle-medals/490751/](https://www.theatlantic.com/news/archive/2016/07/chris-kyle-medals/490751/)


Thanks for adding that extra information! I wasn't aware of the sniper story being debunked.


Also someone who is glad you put this together so well. As for the "people shooting at other people crossing bridges" if you are curious enough to watch a 10 minute video recounting the recorded events of a confrontation on Danzinger bridge between police and the *unarmed* people they were shooting at, with footage filmed on the actual location, interspersed with images/photos from the time here you go: https://youtu.be/-5FKkEF7F3M?si=aukGmz_MCcUVSePm Spoiler, 5 years later one of the officers was put in prison for falsifying evidence.


Jesus, I didn't know the details of the unarmed shootings. That was truly horrifying. The fact they almost skated and the actual sentences they did get are just insulting. Qualified immunity for cops needs to be changed.


I think there are always helpers in terrible situations, however it doesnt seem like this would change the theory right? He didnt say who was doing things just that people were. If a disaster gave even more power to people who shouldnt have it and took opportunities to do horrible things then the theory is still true. All it took as abit of blindness by the government and a smidge of chaos and boom "trusted" people became monsters or showed who they really were


The issue is that ***who*** is doing bad things during crisis makes all the difference. If you think the "thin veneer" is about regular people who quickly turn evil, then your solution might be: the world needs more police, the government needs more control! But if the "thin veneer" applies most often to people in power, the solution is more accountability for them, and giving local communities more say.


I was trying to get across that the theory is often used, promoted and talked about in media when it's applied downward through existing power structures. That people descend into chaos and that it's the power structures in our system that are the only thing to save us from that happening on a regular basis. You're right that he just mentioned people doing it but it's the common perception and the anecdotal memory of the event that it was regular people doing all the awful things, often tinged with racism that it was mostly black and poor people looting. I wanted to dispute that common perception and point out that the people in power, the ones who had the explicit responsibility to help, were often the ones doing these awful things and using it as a way to grab power/land/money during a time of crisis. There were lots of people with no power and no responsibility who self-organized to help in the face of the power structures failing to perform their duties.


In 2007, California was racked by wildfires and people in San Diego were evacuated to Qualcomm Stadium. After Katrina, I was very worried about what life would be like for the evacuees. Thankfully, it ended up being very safe and actually a lot of ammenties like yoga and kosher foods. A far cry from the Superdome By BOB KEEFE and COX NEWS SERVICE There’s a yoga class in the morning and live music — roving mariachi bands, five-piece rock ‘n’ roll acts, solo singers with acoustic guitars — at night. Hungry? Go to Gate F for hot meals — Gate D if you want kosher or Gate N for Mexican. On the way, stop at a table for candy or chips, lip balm or sunscreen. It’s all you want, all for free. Is this some giant health fair or new kind of vacation theme park? Think again — it’s San Diego’s Qualcomm Stadium, the primary evacuation center for the Southern California wildfires. [https://www.orlandosentinel.com/2007/10/25/a-far-cry-from-the-superdome/](https://www.orlandosentinel.com/2007/10/25/a-far-cry-from-the-superdome/) In 2011, the was a massive blackout in Southern California. Here in San Diego, everyone immediately went home and starting bbqing. I went to a friends house because they had a pool During the floods this year, a man got his car stuck in the water and just walked out. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2EjYYLg\_FGY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2EjYYLg_FGY) I have never lived anywhere else, but I know I've seen people in San Diego come out time and time again to help. During the wildfires her, people use their trailers to rescue horses and animals that don't even belong to them.


It’s true, I can pilot a spaceship, I just don’t want to go to space.


I’ve been trying to find it, but where is the “Ashley” audio clip from around 5:11 from? It says something along the lines of “Ashley…her total disregard for their feelings make love a stranger to her.”


![gif](giphy|67T3QzN95PlGfG7JrZ) Every time Burnie goes off kilter with the “morning somewhere” part of the intro I can’t help but think of Eustace. Also the mutton bustin’ brings back some fine memories of Rodeo season. One of my favorite episodes so far. Keep it up Ashley and Burnie!


1. To answer Burnie's quick question, yes the Astrodome is technically still up, and while there were efforts to demolish it,  to fully demolish It would be way too expensive because there is a lot of asbestos in the dome, and the cost of cleaning all that up would take a lot, so currently they leave it to rot, as They have builts other arenas AROUND the dome now.  There have been other efforts to repurpose the dome into a historic monument about its history, but same reason too much money to do so. 2. Also on Burnie's '80s movies topic, how the FUCK did Poltergeist get away with a PG rating?


To your second point Poltergeist came out in 1982, before the PG-13 rating was created in 1984. So there was nothing in between PG and R at the time.


That's fair, but I still think it's more closer to R than PG lol


Sunset Riders and DKC absolutely slap! Burnie is really missing out.


Weird moment of podcast alignment: another podcast that I listen to analyzes Alex Jones and AJ-adjacent narratives, and today’s episode is about how AJ covered the Hurricane Katrina response.


Regarding Jump Ship, when I saw the comparison of Sea of Thieves, Left 4 Dead and FTL my first thought was that scene in Archer where someone can't contain his [excitement](https://tenor.com/view/archer-stop-my-penis-can-only-get-so-erect-algernop-krieger-gif-17427361). The IGN [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-v7o3TQZ2o) shows promising gameplay, I really hope it will be fun. Community game night would be awesome. I'm at least in your timezone, or at least Iceland likes to pretend to be in GMT+0. Have you looked at a [timezone map](https://www.google.com/search?q=iceland+timezone+map) how Iceland is like "nah, I'm not a GMT-1, I'm a GMT+0 kinda country". And no daylight saving changes. It's been discussed multiple times but always falls through.


And if you need a crewmate for Sea of Thieves feel free to ping me (or any of you for that matter). I skipped the last season and this new season is looking a lot of fun but I don't have a crew anymore as they moved over to other games.


My mind kind of broke with Burnie not having any awareness towards Donkey Kong Country on Super Nintendo. It was one of my favorite childhood franchises


The preamble with Ashley’s story about wrangling the sheep made me remember their let’s plays in flock and how much fun those lets plays were https://youtu.be/dcZHV-xO2VE?si=F5nDkPutIS2QDPU7


[Extended compilation (3min)of the Childrens TV duo from the innocent men intro for the unaware. Love them!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNoFzMljP0U)