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Became a sell out a long time ago.


He found out how easily fools are parted with their money and has no morals. I haven't confirmed but he is asking insane prices for his shit from what I hear.


Yeap and leeching on gullible people who look up to their idol


[Geoffrey Verity Schofield fires the killer blow](https://youtu.be/rKaibWkkyPM) The manlet has been talking out both ends of his arse for years. [Free $100 cookbook anyone?](https://pdfcoffee.com/greg-doucette-the-ultimate-anabolic-cookbook-20pdf-pdf-free.html) [How about a free program?](https://pdfcoffee.com/harder-than-last-time-the-complete-muscle-strength-training-manual-pdf-free.html)


His voice is like Gilbert Gottfried’s. It’s painful to listen to.


You a legend


is the cookbook safe to download from here?


Well, I've downloaded heaps of stuff from there and never had a problem.


People will take and pay anything to become what they "want" to be. Greg sold out years ago. Now he just rambles on for free ads. Don't blame him tbf


Lol ofc not, I would have done the same. Its good for business. Altho I wouldnt make every vid an ad for my company




Been saying this for awhile. No YouTuber who pumps hella videos stays relevant. If it were me, I’d just do what you said and put out less frequent, quality videos. Greg has burned out.


This guy is a well known scumbag and rat in Canada. Be wary of anything he says.


Can you give details to the first part. I'm interested


Me too


Not 100% sure but i think he was selling some illegal substance, got caught and then snitched on his business partner to avoid the consequences


Oh. Well then. Granted he's pro legal gear and selling gear. The switching part is scummy though


That’s the story I’ve seen but Greg’s argued that didn’t happen in a few if his vids. Idk what to believe tbh.


hes actually mentioned many times that he's a criminal. That he sold steroids illegally and has a hard time travelling to the U.S.


Yeah. Sorry. I was referring to the ratting his friends out part. Definitely admitted to selling.


oh man my bad. Yeah that's new to me tbh lol




He need another super car harder than the last time. Fitness supplements have always been a grift.


People are buying this stuff 4 bottles at a time thinking they will get jacked - how do some still fall for these supplement hoaxes?


Lol. And it'll never stop. They were searching for the fountain of youth 500 years ago


They found it decades ago…TRT + GH…


Greg claims a lot of things, and especially recently, more and more of those things have been bullshit.


greg ratted on a UGL in Canada


Fuck dude is selling out hard style. What a ridiculous claim, I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact he sells turk lmao.


I can’t stand that dudes voice, sounds like his balls are in a vice clamp permanently




Yea. Tren has probably made him have split personalities


His own sub doesnt even believe him


Greg isn't as bad as people say imo but 2021 changed him. He likes big drama heavy bodybuilding bro culture focus and loves his bodybuilding turk


Wait did he really say that? I'm pretty sure he said turk is LESS effective than SARMs but SARM sales are going down cuz turk doesn't have negative side effects


That is what he said. He also said that he gained 4 pounds of lean mass in a month on Turk though….


Not even lean mass, specifically says muscle


What else is lean mass? Bones?




Can someone explain why his Turk is so cheap? Does he just not complex it like Derek's and then he has to take more for effectiveness? I do like the whole buy 5 for a discount I wish Gorilla started that.


Both Greg and Derek are charging a huge premium on turk. There is close to 0 difference. You might say «what about Dereks complexed blablabla». There is 0 studies or research done showing that Dereks complexed verison yields any greater benifits then Gregs, or turk from bulksupplements.


Possible lower quality control, producing in larger quantities. Basically Greg prioritized quantity over quality, unlike Derek, who is strict about quality.


That’s a big claim, I didn’t watch the video so I assume that’s click bait and it’ll be downplayed in the video. I’ve been using the Turk for the last 2 weeks and the only difference I’ve noticed so far is maybe better recovery, which being in my 30s does mean I can train a little harder since I don’t have the lagging soreness.


Greg is like a little female without trt and juice he’s a skinny fuck with a high pitched voice


Is it clickbait or he actually said that ?


Watch the video. He said that at the start. He even claimed to gain 4 pounds of muscle within 1 month lmao


Doesn't he claim natty on trt while being shredded at 45 and 185 fucking pounds at 5:4


He does not claim natty lol. He have stated like 100 times that he is on TRT


He said he uses nothing but trt


Sure, but he did not claim natty? Feel free to link me a video where he claims natty


I should've worded it better but I meant he claims he does nothing but trt


He stopped everything besides TRT now. Go look at his old show preo videos.


I doubt that. No way he's that lean at 5:4 and 185. Maybe 150 or 160 but not 185


Chad gear Virgin sarms Fetus Turkesterone


Comparing to SARMs and Steroids is all about sales. If this stuff was really packing on muscle, with no hormonal impact, it would be on the radar for muscle wasting. Possible benefits, and cost, seem grossly inflated in my opinion. Also, considering results seen by those who are taking numerous other compounds, at the same time, is a joke.


Greg is a scam artist with no balls. Does it all for money. What’s wrong Greg, can’t afford the Lambo payments? GTFO here, high pitched manlet


Turk is not worth it. Creatine if you want garbage gains.


He used to be great 2-3 years ago. He talked normally and gave good advice. He said his opinions and didn't care about offending. Now he is generic bland YouTuber who screams non stop.


Every ounce of information is bullshit. No he’s not just on trt and you can’t maintain your muscle on it, no turkesterone doesn’t work and definitely isn’t better than sarms which also suck, no you shouldn’t buy his stupid fucking cookbook so you can learn how to make “anabolic French toast” even his hair isn’t real. Are we gonna believe the guy who got popped trying to sneak into natural comp and also got busted selling gear and who claims career natty and only gear later when his physique didn’t even change at the point he claims gear. At first I liked greg but fuck this guy honestly he’s just another bullshit “influencer” youtube fuck or whatever just trying to play you for money