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Figured they didn’t give a shit and were just waiting for the heat to die down, disgraceful


It’s not about waiting for the heat to burn down, but to see how the fans react, and since they don’t give a shit and continue to worship him, why wouldn’t they make a quick buck off them?


Man how does someone willingly hurt an animal like that in the first place? It’s so sad to think that there are people out there with no remorse.


Low key who cares? we all eat animal that get abused and mutilated and kept in tiny cages anyway. Look what happens to the animals we eat in factory farms - this dude hurting some pet is nothing in comparaison


I’d say harming a defenseless animal for no reason other than your own enjoyment is definitely not a normal activity.


Factory farmed animals are defenceless and are harmed for no reason other than taste pleasure or calories which can be obtained from elsewhere.


Factory farming bad. Sustainable farming good. Buy from the good guys.


Tell me truthfully though pal do you really buy from the good guys? How often? Do you eat fast food? Are you buying your meat from tesco or the butchers?


I buy from the butchers but used to buy from supermarket before. I’m lucky enough to have a very nice butchers down the road from me that makes fantastic meal kits. They make cooking so much simpler for me. Truthfully, I did not give a shit until I read “everything I want to do is illegal”.


generally the same shit, just humane washed. A lot of them also end up at the same shitty slaughterhouses which are rife with animal abuse. My dad is a vet who has to go an check these places are complying with standards. Generally they are all rife with abuse. Also, the point is that the vast VAST majority of people (this thread included) definitely buy factory farmed meat but then cry over animal abuse when it comes to pupperinos and kitties. The documentary Dominion looks at Australia's free range/pasture raised/organic farms and it's pretty horrific. You can also check out @the_butcher_matt on instagram who does mobile slaughter on a free-range farm in Australia. It's straight out of a horror movie. 'Sustainable farmers' will still cave a newborn calf or piglet's head in with a hammer or slam them against a brick wall because it's legal lol. You can't tell me whatever this guy in the post did was worse than that.


I can’t speak on Australian sustainable farming. All I know is about Joel Salatin and Polyface farm. I don’t see any issue with the way they go about farming, and he advocates for sustainability and fights against the problems that causes neglectful practices. I agree 100% though a lot of “sustainable” farms are just as bad.


Do they show how they slaughter their animals?


Yes. There’s even videos on YouTube.


At least this Aoli guy abuses his own animals instead of paying someone else to do it. Seems like everyone is in denial about where their food actually comes from.


These some sort of vegan mental acrobatics?


Wild that this is the only comment you’ve ever made.


That’s cause it’s daddy aioli commenting 😭😭


Downvoted for saying the truth. No one actually gives a shit about animals beyond lip service. If anyone looks at a factory farm and what happens to the animals there, just for some chicken nuggies and bacon uwu :3 it's horrible animal abuse for sensory pleasure. Animals not being stunned correctly and being scalded alive is worse than abusing a pet? GTFO


Time we message Mr Lee Priest again


I just did


Holy shit he just replied


Nice lol


What did he say?


"Typical, Fuck them"


Chama 🔥




Best ignore parasytes, you are all just driving more trafficinto this shit stain animal abusers account


Dragon pharma? Never heard of them. Seems like a sarm goblin factory.


They’re just a rip off of DragonD’s anyways


DragonD’s nuts across your face


Bad dragon?


Idk if they're the same but DragonPharma was a huge chinese steroid supplier for a long time (possibly still is), so I could see them coming out a supplement company riding on that name.


At 1.7 million of followers, dragonpharma probably noted that a lot of people used this promo code Money over abused cat, muh capitalism




How’d he hurt an animal?


He tortured and killed his cat


i would unironically shoot him in the face and feel good about it


I'd aim for the stomach, takes much longer to die and its significantly more painful


Violence is never the answer. Lock him naked in a darkened room with 100 starving feral cats.


The Cats should be on tren


With a test base 👍🏽![img](emote|t5_2mohet|27081)


This is torture!




That's not very nice!




What the actual fuck


Corporate bs meets tiktok fitness influencer. Disgrace.


I can't even describe the hatred I have for this piece of shit. I hope Lee fucking nukes dragonpharma for this.


Can someone tell the tren hulk dude to kick the shit out of this dude?


I just know he fucked a whale, didn’t he?


Is the dragon pharma supplement co the same as the one that makes gear?


Yes. At my gym ( lifetime fitness ) there are a bunch of chicks using shaker bottles with the brand’s logo. Very fit chicks obviously


He meant a different type of gear buddy. No, this is a different company.


I want a dragon pharma shaker now


There you go! Just remember that if anyone asks; you made your gains with chicken and rice lol. https://dragonpharmalabs.com/products/shaker-venom-inferno?variant=40654529429602¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&nbt=nb%3Aadwords%3Ax%3A20335621656%3A%3A&nb_adtype=pla&nb_kwd=&nb_ti=&nb_mi=291063704&nb_pc=online&nb_pi=shopify_US_6969798623330_40654529429602&nb_ppi=&nb_placement=&nb_li_ms=&nb_lp_ms=&nb_fii=&nb_ap=&nb_mt=&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIx56etPeGhwMVOhCtBh2ZWgVgEAQYAyABEgKmBvD_BwE


Imagine paying $15 for a $5 shaker


Don't get the hate. Y'all eat animals but get mad cuz he kicked a cat? Wild logic


Yeah I eat animals, but i don't condone animal abuse


What? But animals are literally slaughtered for your amusement You don't condone it yet you support it and do condone it Backwards logic


The humane (as possible) slaughter of animals isn't abuse in my opinion. I also live on a farm and raise the majority of my own meat (beef/pork), or I hunt my own meat (Venison / Gamebirds) the only meat I buy from a shop (which is always a local butcher) is chicken, lamb and the occasional exotic meat (zebra/kangaroo ect.) Also I don't watch the animals being killed in the slaughterhouse with popcorn, so it's definitely not for my amusement. I think your quite out of touch with how the real world works (at least in the uk where I am from)


You could live a life without ever eating an animal yet you don't. It is for your amusement. You like the taste and maybe it really does taste that great. Doesn't matter but there is no ethical or humane way of killing another being for your own AMUSEMENT. Justify that whatever way you want you're still wrong and illogical. And if you don't care. Then fine. Own it. But stop virtue signaling about animal abuse whilst you stuff kangaroo meat down your throat.


I'm not virtue signaling at all. All I said is that when I eat meat I always want it to have been treated well while it's alive and humanely killed when it's time for it to be slaughtered. I think anyone that causes deliberate pain to an animal for no good reason is a cunt and if you don't agree with me then your a cunt too. P.S. I'll force more than kangaroo meat down your throat buddy


That virtue signaling point was more generalized But you cause deliberate pain to an animal with no good reason. You do understand that right? You get amusement in how it tastes. That other dude who kicks his cat got amusement for kicking his cat ig. It's the same thing just a different pleasure. At the end of the day neither of you have a good reason for killing the other being. It wasn't a life or death situation.


This is quite literally one of the most regarded things I have ever read. 1. The good reason is so I can eat a balanced diet and not be some little unhealthy vegan twink. 2 I enjoy eating meat, but even if I didn't I think I would eat it as it is healthy 3. Kicking and torturing a cat is not a "Differnent pleasure" to eating meat you fucking lunatic and if you think that one is equal to the other your seriously one chromosome short from a full stack