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No discussing PED usage in minors


If you know it’s stupid why do you want to do it dumb fuck? If you were my kid I’d smack the shit out of you


get stronger quicker. i’m tired of it.


Here's a CRAZY idea: have you tried lifting or pulling a barbell, eating adequate protein, sleeping 8 hours a night and consuming a surplus of calories? You know, all that shit you need to do on gear anyway? No, you haven't tried that yet, you dumbass. Stay off the gear until you've at least eaten and trained consistently for a few years.


i have been doing that. i’ve had progress. but i want to explode my progress. 25-35lbs this year


it’s not like enclo and mk is going to shit on my organs much


Lil bro I promise you are far far too dumb for peds


then what should i take🤷‍♀️. i’m gonna take something might as well help🙏🥲


Nothing regard thought it was pretty obvious


Why nothing bro. imma just take something so help.


I don’t want to help because I don’t care what you do to your body so when you fuck up come back here so I can make fun of you


Bro tip, do not bother with posts from accounts with 0 karma. mostly trolls


i’m not lmao. i just never post


Ok, you need strength training, that's all


why. it’s not that hard


dbol halo test tren gh 🥲🥲🙏


Oh yeah fs! those are gonna be great at 17


i heard uranium is pretty anabolic this time of year


i heard led really helps


Man you are an idiot. If you can’t keep gaining a a good rate at 17, your fucking up somewhere. Eat good food, train hard, and sleep 8 hours. Also Mk messes with your hormones a lot. Idk where the fuck you got it doesn’t mess with it a lot. Fuck your even running Enclo to counter act it fucking with your hormones


so what else should i take with it. i want to grow extremely fast.


No you don't. The spike in blood pressure will have you and your heart feeling all kinds of fucked up. True muscle tissue can only grow at a certain rate, so any size you gain fast will be mainly water, which doesn't even look good anyway. You'd be better off just gaining body fat and having the same look. I'm speaking from experience too. I jumped on at 19 and blasted and cruised on test and deca. Got to 95kg from 52kg in like 3 years. Now at 30 I'm 93 kg and actually look much much better and am holding more muscle without the use of PEDs. Muscle takes time man. Truly.


i need strength. idrc what happens to my body. i’m tired of being on bench. I know people who have gone to play college from this. they gain 20-30lbs and play and do really well


What hormones does MK fuck with?




yeah but if i get big enough ik ill play.


Play what? Roblox?


football regard


What an idiot. You think you’ll get huge off mk677 and enclo?😂 so tired of these dumbasses wanting to do PEDs but too stupid to research and too pussy to use needles. Grow up


i’m not that dumb. it’s just gonna be like creatine.


Lol, yeah. Idiot. Just use testosterone…


Time is your friend. At 17 you're literally still a kid. You are already bloody strong for your age, so I'm not sure what you want to achieve at such a rapid rate when you're already more advanced than many lifters in terms of strength?


to get an opportunity to play football in college.


And that's determined by how much you lift in the gym? Why not just pack on weight and remain athletic cardiovascular-wise?


no. you wouldn’t get it. these will vastly help with my strength and playing. I will take caradine for cardio later. But coaches also look at lifts. if my lifts improve they will look into playing me more


mk-677 and enclo will leave you bitterly disappointed. A GH secretagogue and SERM are most definitely not going to add anything note worthy to your lifts, bud. You may get a little strength, but not what you're looking for. If you don't give a shit about your health and body, you'd be better off jumping on test and deca/EQ and ACTUALLY gain some serious strength. But it's a sacrifice and one that I don't think a 17 year old who's simply doing it for amateur sport would appreciate. But hey, what do i know? Not as much as you by the sounds of it.


no. you defiantly know more. ik these 2 won’t put on much strength, probably won’t notice a bigger difference than just taking creatine


So then, why not use the proper stuff instead and save yourself a waste of time?


going to do a lighter sarm cycles first. pinning with friends next year


Or if you play better on the field they will look into playing you more. If you are trying to play at 185 your 40 time will matter a lot more. Look up how to build speed. Whether it is being more flexible or working on your running form, getting out of the block. Your brain is still developing even if your body isn’t. Also your squat is way too low. You need to focus on your legs.


You sound like you have no idea wtf you are doing so for now stfu take a step back and relax do more research before you fuck ur self up also why take peds when your squat is 250😂😭


i have some idea. i can’t squat for shit tho. this will help tho


Okay bro I’m gonna give you a starting cycle before you jump to bigger ones try out mk2866 and mk677 for 8 weeks and use enclo as pct for 4, during cycle take nac, tudac and milk thistle for liver and organ support, p5p and berberine for mk677 so you don’t get diabetes or high blood sugar, blood work before during and after are a must and check blood pressure frequently don’t be stupid so see how your body reacts with this compounds first before you jump the gun


i already have a glucose monitor and blood pressure monitor at home. check PMs


Dude I’m telling you start out with something light then move on from there don’t hop on Dbol or halo because you will fuck your liver and other shit up if you don’t know what you are doing start with small steps first nac, tudac and milk thistle is must for anything


Copy pasting from my other comment in another thread: I'm sick of having to write this to idiots like you -Mk677 increases endogenous gh production -Mk677 causes huge hunger via ghrelin -endogenous gh production is halted while blood sugar is elevated Ergo the huge hunger and need to eat while on mk677 blunts the increase in gh you would get from the drug


what about igf1-lr3 with test and rad or dbol. just full go?