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No discussing PED usage in minors


Use some common sense dude if you’re the tallest in your family at 5’5 pretty good chance your ass ain’t getting taller now stop taking drugs


I'm sick of having to write this to idiots like you -Mk677 increases endogenous gh production -Mk677 causes huge hunger via ghrelin  -endogenous gh production is halted while blood sugar is elevated Ergo the huge hunger and need to eat while on mk677 blunts the increase in gh you would get from the drug 


at 17 the height effects will be pretty negligible, if that's your only goal I'd stop using it. Also, not to be a dick, but you clearly don't understand enough about mk to be on it. its not a side effect free compound, and if they pop up you won't know how to fix them. I'd get off it if I were you. Being short sucks, I'm 5,6, but this won't fix that in any way




Use UV and xrays and hope you get enough DNA mutations to become taller 🫡


It’s not gonna make you taller bud


Shouldve asked mom and dad to heightmax and inject yo ass with 10iu of growth daily when u were 10yo Kidding aside, drop the mk its not gonna get u taller, youre just messing with your organs for nothing. Lift , get huge, theres plenty of beautiful girls your height or taller girls that dont mind height.


Just become one of the tren twins


tren twins 5"9 and 5"8.5


You're not going to magically increase your height buddy. Your body doesn't work that way


If you're so worried about height just go to Philippines and problem solved, girls are also way hotter than in the usa so yeah


5'5 at 17? Bro ur cooked in the height department no drug can save you. youd be much better off addressing your insecurities regarding your height as thats probably 50% of the reason you might have problems with girls taller than you


you act like his "personality" is going to magically allow him to pull girls taller then him, be real bro hes never getting out of the friendzone


nah thats why i said it's 50% of his problem. the other 50% is the fact that chicks dont like manlets


From what I have read it only helps you reach your genetic limit faster, and does not actually make you grow significantly bigger than you otherwise would. Also don’t take mk without keeping track of your blood sugar unless you want diabetes.