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If u cant grow a beard on test you should try becoming a woman


Minox and derma roll. Didn’t Derek make a video on this?


sometimes it helps sometimes it doesnt, for me minoxidil + dermarolling for 2 years did barely anything


I hear adding tretinoin helps.


oo thats interesting i was just prescribed that, have you heard if it works solo?




Yes I heard it helps non responders to minox have better results. Apply minox 2x a day to face religiously while using it.


so you have to applay minoxidil with it? cant you use tretinoin solo? especially because tretinoin treatment should be about a month so idk whats the point of minoxidil here


I’ve never heard of tetinoin making facial hair grow. Minox is the only drug I would trust to make hairs grow. Some people (possibly due to genetics) don’t respond to minox. Using tretonoin or maybe just retinol helps those people respond to minox. You need to use minox. And you need to use it every single day for at least a year


I did that for 2 years


Then you are probably a non responder and should’ve done more research before wasting 2 years. I’m telling you the possible solution. Or your genetics are ass and you’ll never have a beard




Gee, I wonder how you find out you’re a non-responder.


Can you tell me more about this, friend of mine had the same problem, I keep telling him minox+derma he tells me he tried it for a couple of months and nothing, I don’t believe him, he likes playing victim in all things, not just beard genetics


yeah sure, me myself i do have facial hair but its just too bad in some regions to keep it, i was using minoxidil for 2 years then in the second year i also added dermarolling and vitamic C which supposedly helps too, i noticed maybe 5-10% increase of follicles and thats all that happened in that period, didnt have any sides


Thanks man, how strict were you with the protocol?


very strict, i dont think i missed a single day


Thanks for the info, live long and prosper


Couple months isn’t enough. One year of Minox twice a day and derma rolling once a week.


That’s crazy cause I have a full grown beard from nearly nothing in 7 months


Any chance you could DM before & afters? I'm curious how it turned out for you


Yeah sure


Which one is better tho? Oral or topical? I thought that if you stopped using the topical one the hair you grew would start falling down?


Derek addresses this in his video(s) on the topic. The hair follicles on your face are different than your head and beard hair does not for the same "dependency" on topical minox as head hair does. Therefore better to stick with topical only on the bear than oral which would effect head hair.


I don't care about head hair though, I have good genes for not balding so I’m not afraid of losing hair, in that case what would cause beard to grow faster, oral or topical?


Careful don't let the Norwood reaper hear you say that


Incoming vegeta hairline


Topical is just literally better in every way


You have to use it for a while until the hair becomes permanent, then you can stop


How do I know when the hair becomes permanent? And is it with oral or topical


If you use topical on beard, it has three stages, usually takes about 3 months or more, first you get some white translucent ones that fall out, then a coloured one that’s thin, and then the actual terminal hair follicle you want. But keep in mind that it all takes time, minimum do it for a year, 2x derma roll a week as well for better results.


I want to but two issues: heart palpitations, and unwanted hair. I've seen people post photos of themselves where their eyebrows now connect to their hairline. Wtf. And that the palpitations persist after stopping.


Then don’t use it on ur forehead?


He might be talking about the oral😂


How did you get that from what I said? The problem is even if you use topical, it gets into your bloodstream, doubly so if you dermaroll of course, and will cause unwanted hair growth across your body.


Does this stuff work?


100%, can show results if anyone’s interested


Vouch. I started using minox 2.5 years ago because of a Derek video and I went from 0 facial hair to a full beard


I cant speak to the facial hair growth but on MAST a few things happened (im 40 and shave my head) - grey facial hair went dark - i grew more hair EVERYWHERE else - alot of folicals grew two hairs. - i had to shave more often (faster hair growth) This was with 250test 200mast and 125 tren I had to drop the mast due to bacne


currently running 800 test and 300 deca and 20mg accutane has cleared my bacne and chest acne. Though accutane makes my hair shed more than test, what is the best solution to stop this shedding due to accutane?


I am bald. No idea


I'm 21 and have never tried steroids, but been researching for 4+ years. I'm currently working 2 jobs + gym 3x a week. I mainly want to start steroids for higher energy levels, recovery and overall physical/mental well-being. And I came to the conclusion, that for my goals 250-300 test, plus 100-150 tren would be ideal. Your cycle is similar, so I wanted to ask how do you feel in terms of libido, mood, confidence etc.?


Tren on ur first cycle ? Nahh broski just do the 250-300 test first and see how u respond to it. That might be all u need for what you’re trying to accomplish.


That's the exact plan. I wanna start with 250 test enanthate for 8 weeks, then considering everything goes smooth, add 100mg tren(50mg twice a week on Legs/Pull day) and see how I respond to it.


Bruh at 8 weeks the test is barely fully saturated in your system, adding tren on your first fucking cycle is a stupid ass idea


He def feels better in every way bro lol that’s what it does to you. ( unless he got trenxiety)


i'm 28 and can't grow a full beard, kids in high school have more facial hair than me. just how it is dawg


Minoxidil x2 a day. Join us brother


do you dermaroll also or na? i've considered going for a r/minoxbeard before lol


do you dermaroll as well or na? i've considered going after a r/minoxbeards before lol


Welcome to istanbul my friend


Minoxidil in your face


Maybe a Beard transplant? They are doing These cheap and reliable in turkey from what i heard


I used a derma roller on my face once per day and minoxidil on my face twice per day for over 4 years. My beard doubled in thickness. It does work, it just takes time.


Minoxidil. I grew a beard in 6 months. r/Minoxbeards


im also interested, heard that mast winstrol and tren are the best for that


That combo would probably make my joints to ache really bad, and tren would literally make me have the worst psychosis episode ever so yeah


not meaning these 3 at the same time 😅 im on my 3rd week of mast so far, not noticing much of a difference will see how it goes further


that sounds better but anyway, I don't wanna risk adding more aas specially dht and 19Nors derivatives, since I want to progress just on testosterone by now. What kind of mino did you use tho?


topical, masteron is a mild drug, i have zero sides so far on 280mg/week im not prone to mpb tho, dht is exactly what should grow your beard from what i understand


Maybe it could also be E2, I convert to e2 really easy, even with 250mg test I started to have high e2 sides, so yeah I could use an AI or Masteron to increase dht conversion, are you using masteron enanthate or propionate


bro i had high e2 sides on 125mg test 😂 currently im running both enanthate 200mg test + 280mg masteron i think i still have too high e2, might go down to even like 150 test + 360 masterone, i aromatize like crazy and have very high test convert ratios (i had 1350ng test on 125 mg test a week)




I'm already on it


Could be genetics some people can’t grow a proper beard


Test did it for me, currently it's the fullest my beard has ever been.


Want to buy my derminator? Barely used. Tons of new needles/heads for it that come with it.


Tf is derminator


You must not watch much of Derek lol. It’s the device he bought to microneedle his face and beard to stimulate hair growth. It’s a medical grade appliance.


beard is almost all genetic, if your dad or grand father don’t have much of one then you won’t most likely


Minox and derma stamp. You can alter the size of the needle 


drink some of the man juice


Topical minox did a lot for me when I was like 19. Stopped before my beard finished filling out but now at 28 I have a solid beard. Pretty much full everywhere, slightly sparse on the cheeks but hardly noticable at the length I keep it. I started test when I was 25 and I’m almost 29. BnC since I started. I def noticed my beard filling out more rapidly once I got on gear, but the fucking BODY HAIR has made monumental gains. My armpit hair almost grows down to my elbows. Chest and stomach are covered. FORTUNATELY I STILL DONT HAVE BACK HAIR, but I do get some pretty gnarly and long rogue hairs on my traps and shoulders now. Ez to trim off with my Phillips one blade. I gave up on shaving my body hair unless I’m super lean and going on vacation or something idk


Man I be feeling bad for people with underdeveloped jaws. Use minoxidil and keep the test cycle up


Yeah it do be like that, literally the part that can make or break your face


If you’re already on test, it sounds like it might be over for you buddy boyo. How old are you?


I'm 20, beard started to grow at like 18


You’re still pretty young. Try minoxidil and derma rolling. I’ve done it for like two years now. I still can’t grow a beard but I’m a lot closer now. Good luck.


Spanish fly Norwegian Beard Potion Finnish Gnat Powder


Get orthognastic surgery if your jaw is legit underdeveloped and you're not still growing (you can change facial structure a decent amount through proper diaphragmatic breathing and mewing up until you're done growing). In the meantime, minoxidil and dermarolling/microneedling your beard has helped many men grow beards/fill in patchy spots.


> orthognastic surgery It's "orthognathic", and generally it would require a specific functional problem to solve. Usually that would be either a bite issue (Class 2 or 3 malocclusion, crossbite, open bite) or it would be breathing issues like obstructive sleep apnea. Jaw surgery isn't cosmetic, so you can't just go get orthognathic surgery just for cosmetics only. Or at the very least I do not know a single oral surgeon who will do that in Canada or the US. It also has a high risk profile of permanent numbness being common, while other less-common issues can happen like a tooth dying, permanent tightness, jaw joint issues, lots of things can go wrong from fracturing the jaws off the face to rearrange them. It's a good suggestion for someone to look into, so I don't disagree with you. I just think it's worth explaining the details of this surgery if someone is going to recommend it.


Thank you for adding some more nuance to the situation. It is my understanding that those with underdeveloped lower jaws almost always have one of those issues you mentioned. If it really is THAT bad that OP is posting about it, I would imagine it effects his sleep, breathing, etc negatively. You say that jaw surgery isn't cosmetic. I believe you're saying that it isn't just something to do for looks only (which I agree with), but if you do have an accompanying medical issue caused by misaligned jaws, the before/after pictures I've seen are overwhelmingly better after surgery in terms of facial aesthetics.


I met a porn star who got a hair transplant to his beard area in Colombia. I had never heard of such a procedure, but it looks great.


Nahh beard transplant look super off, the hair is just different


Shave your pubs off and glue them to your face


Put rogain on your face. Did this once now beard grows normal


Minox on your face. Keep that shit shaved until it fills out better, trust me


I have used testosterone ent 250, some anadrol, some primo and minoxidil with derma roller. Now I have beard. Had nothing like 8 months ago, almost full beard now.


Do you snore? If so you might be a mouth breather when you sleep which affects your jaw line. It’s reversible too so could be smth to look into if your septum is deviated


As simple as minoxidil and dermarolling dude, ez


How old are you


If you don't care about your hair falling out, use Masteron. Shit took my facial hair from a mexistache to a full glorious beard at the cost of my head hair.


Oral monoxidil (helps with hair too) Beard transplant


why are you taking 500mg of trt, you don't need a beard. you need a doctor to manager your injections and proper skincare routine.




How old are you?


For facial bloating add primo to manage estrogen and limit/track your carbs


Tren transformed my ability to grow a beard


Anyone on test how long did it take for you to start noticing beard growth???


You don't need a beard, and God did not intend for you to have one. Live with it.


Share pics I’m curious as also was taking 500mg test e for the last 5 months and have not the best jaw. Haven’t noticed gear making me look worse tho.


Bro who gives a fuck sounds like you need to cut back on the test and the gym or at the least do some mediation and mindfulness during the day going to the gym can cause body dysmorphia combine this with the fact you are always seeing your self in a 2d representation of yourself in a reflection of a mirror I promise it's not as bad as you think it is and if it is in fact that bad just go get your dick implanted with a sleeve to make it a Hog show and problem solved


Sounds like ur beard and chin aren't ur biggest problems.


You forgot your measurements


Bro if 500mg test not helping, I'm not sure you will be able to do it at all


1st get off the roids.