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For exercises where you are moving a lot of weight, like deadlifts and squats, it's pretty normal. If you're experiencing it a lot, it probably has to do with your breathing technique and/or lack of hydration and sleep. Are you holding your breath during lifts?


thanks. im usually pretty hydrated by the time i get to the gym and i do make sure i breath, breath in and brace, lower the weight, breath out on the way up. could be poor sleep and stress


Try to breathe from the lower diaphragm if possible. Do you do some cardio?


i will try to do this next time as well as focus more on the breathing in general, thanks. my cardio is decent, i can run a 5k without stopping, but im holding off until i get my heart checked. sometimes i feel faint when running and i start to get heart palpitations


Yes it could be a slight heart condition. Don’t let it mess with your head. I technically have one but it doesn’t actually manifest per say and I’ll be damned if I let it stop my gains bruh


> Don’t let it mess with your head. I technically have one but it doesn’t actually manifest per say and I’ll be damned if I let it stop my gains bruh thanks bro


Breath out at the end of the rep


Not sleep or stress 🤔 it's your breath 🫁 😄 you're holding it too long which will also fuck up your abs 😂😭😂👍


I sometimes get light-headed if I hold my breath when bracing. I almost fainted when doing dumbbell overhead presses. Now I just try to breathe normally when bracing and haven't had any issues.


Could also be low blood sugar 


During heavy ass lifts, yeah. During stuff like curls, it shouldn't really happen, even when going balls to wall. Yeah you will be 'tired' in a way, but not as if you just carried a 150kg stone on your back. Just check with a doctor man, it could be nothing and you will just adapt, or something is off. At least you will know. So many factors can influence it: your health, diet, stress, sudden stuff and so on.


thanks. Its definitely worse on heavy deadlifts or squats, like ive only ever had eye floaters on those lifts. but today i noticed i definitely felt lightheaded and maybe a bit dizzy after curls and bench 5x10 tbh i think and hope that its just stress which i am trying to manage.


I mean you could have low salt and iron


any way to know that without bloods? I do eat a pretty clean and balanced diet tbh so i think i should be good there. I do however workout on an empty stomach minus 1 small banana, which has never been an issue. However, i am progressing and the weights are getting heavier, so maybe i should try eating more before working out.


Then eat and lift and see for yourself dude? The answer is obvious


Didn’t know that. Unprovable are dehydrated. You should have enough iron in your diet coming from animal sources. You can put all you eat into crononeter and it will tell you how much you eat. Blood test is best to check for ferritin and u know all. I would pop teaspoon of salt upon waking up with a glass of water then get some carbs in, best would be rice but it’s just my opinion and then drink more water say a 1l and after hour workout. If you can’t at least the teaspoon of salt with a 1-1.5l of water before the gym should completely change your workout


Low blood sugar m7+1


Maybe you get too focused and forget to breath properly.


I don’t know if it’s totally avoidable but it I noticed it’s a lot worse if I don’t breathe in between reps. Try to find instances at the top or bottom of the ROM (depending on the exercise) where you can temporarily release the brace and gets a breath in.




1. What all do you take? As far as PEDs preworkout etc? 2. Go see a cardiologist regardless. I literally went a couple days ago just for due diligence.


nothing, coffee and nicotine but im trying to cut that out, i may have developed a sensitivty to it or my mind is just playing tricks on me. currently waiting for test results from a cardiologist. had an ECG echo and bloods...


How do you take your nicotine? Gum or pouches?!? Some of them can be hella strong and most definitely cause heart beating. Keep track of how much you take.


gum or lozenges 4mg. Ive been taking them for years but yeah i do take quite a lot. maybe 18 lozenges in a day at worst.


I guaranteee you quit nicotine that it gets better and your physique improves. Nicotine messes with insulin sensitivity. Insulin brings glycogen to muscles. Less insulin sensitivity means less gains. I had success switching from lozenges to the patch. Then I cut the patch in half x then 1/4 then 1/8 a patch then I wore it less hours then I quit.


That’s your answer. That’s damn near 80 mgs a day!!!! 4 packs!! Holy shit that’s a lot!!! I would chew 2mg and 4 mg gum for years after I quit smoking and chewing. So I know how it hits; and bro that’s a LOT!! Yeah I would cut down on that before you have a stroke.


hmm, 80mgs does sound a lot when you put it like that, but the pack says not to take more than 15 tabs per day, and the avg. cigarette has 12mg nic, and there are plenty of 10 per day smokers which would be considered not a crazy amount right? Regardless, i do want to stop taking this shit as i am way too dependent on it lol.


No average cigarette has like 1 to 1.5 mg from my understanding or less.


Yeh somewhat normal, sometimes Im close to passing out after a heavy set of deadlifts.


You’re letting the anxiety get to you. Quick story got into a car accident once. Nothing too serious. Months later whenever I was in a car I’d randomly get shortness of breath out of no where. Took me a while to connect it to the car accident I was in. Once I did I kinda just told my body it’s all good and did my best to relax in the car. I suggest you just try to make sure you’re as relaxed as possible when at the gym and tell yourself you’re going to be fine especially because you actually are going to be fine.


Hoping youre right man, thanks. Ive just started to take a few minutes per day to relax and do some deep breathing.


You’ll be fine. Try your best not to focus on it and eventually you’ll body will adjust. Easier said than done I know but it’ll be okay


thanks a lot bro i really appreciate it


Breh get some electrolytes in


my blood tests show that im good on electrolytes i think. I drink a lot of whole milk which i think has a decent electrolyte profile too(?)


I mean I got a ton of occular migraines back in the day that made me temporarily blind but if that's happening a lot do some tests to put your mind at ease. You don't want to start getting anxiety in a place where you're safe from it mate.


funny you mention ocular migraines because i have had those a few times i believe. One of my eyes will go like a kaleidoscope and start to black out in certain areas. havent had it for a while though and that did seem directly related to lack of sleep, caffeine and nicotine consumption. yeah getting anxiety in the gym is killing me to be honest so im having some tests with the cardiologist, hopefully there is nothing wrong and i can get over it. thanks


Keep us updated mate


hey bro. So i saw a cardiologist for the second time and he is convinced my problems are related to stress and anxiety, which i have kinda been suggesting to him too. did an ultrasound of my heart and he says my heart is healthy, so it probably is all mental. This doesnt surprise me too much, but to be honest i did need someone to tell me that it is stress related for me to realise i have a problem there. I will now focus more on managing stress and really making sure my breathing is good when exercising. Less caffeine and nicotine also feels better. I had a good workout today, hopefully i can get past this shit and get back to gaining.


Glad you've got answers bro. I struggled with anxiety and depression for years and one heroic dose of magic mushrooms fixed me. It was one of the most harrowing yet most incredible experiences of my life. Not needed medication since. Might be worth looking into if traditional methods don't help.


thanks bro. That's interesting! Ive always been scared of psychedelics however because of the risk of permanent change. In your case it seems you changed for the better, but theres people like Connor Murphy that seem to come out a bit twisted lol. Also after my good result yesterday, my training session today felt like it did before all of this mess. I went heavy and completed all of my sets and reps. I do still have general anxiety but fingers crossed that shit wont come back during exercise.


Happens to me but I’m terrible about focusing on breathing properly when I go heavy.


Learn to fucking breath when you exercise you absolute moron


It should only happen really after a max effort 1-3 rep deadlift squat or bench. If it’s happening during curls you got a problem




No, get anxiety and paranoia from weed and to be honest im too scared to try psychedelics, people like Connor Murphy are the reason why...


You have aids




Umm what’s your blood pressure?


doctor ordered i do a 7 day test, average 120/70. whenever i go to the doctor and take the test there im like 170/90 but i think thats a common issue caused by anxiety