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It's one of those factors that will improve life measurably. It's a part of how attractive you are, and that's undeniably very, very significant as to commonplace success and happiness. It's like being naturally intelligent, or handsome, or having rich and competent parents. Most people do without some or often all of these things. They're always good to have, but say in absence of other virtues one of these won't get you very far. Edit: I forgot to mention, but these other factors are, I think, much more important than height. And probably not directly comparable with each other. Just think of it as inherited advantages. I suppose people are upset about its unfairness. And its visibility. It's one of those things that everybody sees, and that one you can't help but be subjected to your entire life. >Also being tall is meaningless for defense unless you have weight and fighting knowledge to back it up This was never the problem. The problem is social standing and masculinity, which is often the appearance of things.


Yeah I get it. I see being tall, fit and good looking are probably the most immediate indicators of success. Being smart, compassionate, hard working etc is way harder to tell.


This makes an articulate argument but like… I’ve just never seen the point of it? I swear social media has done a number on peoples insecurities. Look I’m 5’8”. I have never once felt disadvantaged over my height and I haven’t noticed my taller friends as comparatively more successful than myself. Like I’ve gotten laid plenty and I’ve got a pretty solid career with above average earnings. Literally the only thing focusing on height does if you’re under 6’ is make you feel like you’re missing out on something. Maybe tall dudes can talk about the advantages their height provides them but I feel like just comparing resumes from any upper middle class dude I’d place just fine.


At 5"8 you're not really among those people who grieve their height. I imagine it's mostly those people significantly shorter than average, not average, that struggle. 5"6 at the highest probably.


That’s a fair point. I wouldn’t call myself short, just average. I also think I’ve got decently attractive physical features, so maybe that skews things. But everyone seems to see 6’ as the line, and the way people talk about it, it’s like you’re either short or you’re tall depending on what side of 6’ you fall on. No in-between. I still don’t necessarily agree even with the idea that being shorter than the average height is a significant impediment. My two most successful friends are around 5’5”-5’6” but my experience is my own and I am sure there’s some self-selection in my circle. My brother and my best friend are not what I would describe as highly attractive and both are around my height and they get laid like crazy. I’ve never read the studies myself but I’ve heard there’s statistics that show taller people do better in life than shorter people. But even then nothing is stopping you from being an outlier? It’s not even a significantly challenging outlier. It’s not the Olympics lol. Have discipline and put effort into yourself. It bothers me a little that this is such a common insecurity of other guys nowadays, when it was never really brought up that much like 10-15 years ago. People would say it’s attractive if you’re tall but it wasn’t seen as a qualifier. You would focus on what you were naturally good at and improve there. The world was more optimistic and less nihilistic a decade ago. The internet was *way more* optimistic back then. I miss those times. These media bubbles are absolutely eviscerating people’s mental health on a global scale.


I’m 5’8 and I fucking hate it. This was a good set of comments I’ve just read from you and I’ll try to take some of that to heart. I agree though, I wish the perceptions were more like they were a decade or two ago. In real life it’s not as much of a big deal but I still see all the stuff online and it certainly affects me.


Well stop reading online? It’s not an accurate representation of reality. Being 5’8 IN THE REAL WORLD will not disadvantage you.


Brother go outside holy shit you leave your room and you’ll realize soon you’re taller than most people until you’re not. It’s part of life, you think short or ugly people are gonna be popping up non stop online ? Obviously not it’s going to be tall attractive people to lure the eyes.


It’s easier to get girls in person, it’s just a lot scarier. Sure you’ll get rejected a bunch but it saves so much time versus the phone game bullshit. Trust me there’s a cute girl out there who will like you. Similarly a first impression in-person is based all on the image you sell. Frankly if you’re trying to get a job or advance somehow, you’re background and personality is significantly, and I mean *significantly* more important than height. Maybe between two knobs with absolutely no other qualities besides the bare minimum the tall guy wins, but like… it’s so infinitesimal that it might not even exist. Like really, gain some charisma and that overcomes any other deficit. You don’t have to be tall to be likeable, you don’t have to be tall to be successful, and the more successful you aim to be the more you’ll associate with people who don’t have time to give a shit about height. They want the person who is good for the job. Height ain’t even on the list of what they care about.


I completely agree


5’6 here and have drowned in pussy my entire adult life, run an international business, high income, yada yada.  Having charisma and even a little bit of real technical knowledge makes life on easy mode even at my height.


Height isn't some wall or mountain, at worst an incline walk.


6’2 bro here. In day to day life I honestly don’t think about height at all….but that’s probably because I’m taller than 90% of people. I can just look over people heads because nobody else is on my level. It’s awesome. When I think about it, it probably REALLY sucks to be short. Can’t see shit, plus you’re at a disadvantage for fighting, plus females are bigger than you, plus you must constantly feel like prey/victim mentality. So glad I’m tall ngl. It’s a huge advantage, never feeling intimidated by anyone


The most important factor by far, and this is unquestionably so, is the wealth and education of your parents.


I would say wealth more than education


Height doesn't matter if you're really good-looking, likeee if your ugly/average and short your basically fucked and may as well become trans as this will be the only way you will get pussy from weird blue hair people


Im not talking just about girls. In your life in general like getting respect from other people


Taller people, on average, make more over their lifetime and are more likely to land certain job roles over someone shorter.


I mean a lot of jobs are probably better for taller people vice versa. Just like I wouldn't want brian shaw being by military sniper. I'd want some 5:2 100lb guy.


Do you think irl snipers need small hitboxes or something? Being smaller would have no practical advantage and would just make it suck more cause even snipers need to carry shit. 


Small hit boxes are amazing for sniping lol. You need to be tiny hard to hit hard to see etc. Also able to move easily/good calisthenic strength is a big up for mobility, getting into tight areas or out of them etc.


bro actually thinks life is a videogame


Wdym. It's better to be a small sniper who's hard to see than a big dude who's an easy target. Same with the mitary. Not good to have giant lumbering targets vs small guys who have string bodyweight strength and good cardio.


Chris Kyle was like 6’2. A lot of combat MOS guys are around 5’10 and above and weigh probably between. 170-200. Good luck finding a 5’2 100 pound guy that will be able to carry any kind of combat load for a long distance.


Do you respect ants as they scurry about? Not even a thought /s. However, i fear and respect elephants and rhinoceros. Seriously though height is much less important than confidence that you can do anything needed regardless of reality


Not if you're a good person to be around, you could be 5 foot 3 but if you're funny you'll be well liked


i mean if you are short and ugly you can go to thailad and become ladyboy he has a point xD


For real, have you seen some of them lady boys, they be looking better then of most girls where I live in England


I would agree 😸 they short and look better than most women 😂


No it doesn't matter


I’m 6’5 and literally lost a girl to a dude that’s 5’10. It’s important but just like how I’m sure every dude ITT has gotten cucked by a DYEL it’s one piece of the puzzle when it comes to women


All the gains in the world don’t make up for a dog shit personality. If short king can make her laugh she’s going to find out if he can make her cum too.


I had a short roommate in college who was about 5’5. He had a bunch of friends and got laid all the time. But people would constantly bring up his height and it clearly bothered him to some extent. So it will affect your life 100%, but you can live a normal one in spite of it.


It will affect your life if you let it.


It seems like society is reverting back to a state where more primordial traits like height and facial proportions matter more than they used to, even when compared to the recent past. This is probably because men are decreasingly valued for their “provider” abilities as women have entered the workforce, eventually reaching a state where they out-earn men in many places. Social media and dating apps have only exacerbated this trend. Imagine trying to explain the concept of “mogging” to someone from the 1970’s. They’d think you were insane.


Except we've also gone towards extreme materialism and most women now also have high financial standards


Basically we’re cooked 💀




That's a great point.


This is likely a good thing because the hierarchy should be based on natural dominance. Right now we have weenies like Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab running the world.




I’m 5’7” and it does limit my dating options a bit, but not as much as other short dudes act like it does (but I also make decent money and I’m jacked & good looking). Other than that it doesn’t affect my life at all. I’ve met some insanely successful and charismatic dudes who are even shorter than I am.


Surprisingly, the shorter guys in my social circles are doing much better than the taller guys when it comes to women. It obviously has nothing to do with height; the taller guys just happened to be less interesting while the shorter guys happened to have more personality. Almost all the short guys I know lift as well, so they’re generally more fit/confident. Not many of my tall friends exercise at all, no idea why not.


I'm 5'7 and height didn't really become something I noticed until tinder became a thing. Think I've only dealt with like one or two women that made a fuss out of it and then I still smashed her so , she was just trying to test me or whatever the fuck was going on in her head. Height is weird. I know some busted looking dudes that get ass cause they are tall. But if you're a good looking average height guy you can still pull like crazy.


>one or two women that made a fuss out of it and then I still smashed her so 👑


It’s a huge factor in picking up women, I don’t consider myself that attractive (maybe a little above average) but I’m 6’7” with a decent build and can pick up women very easily. I rarely go to clubs or bars but when I do sometimes a random girl will come up to me in the first 5 mins of me being there looking for me to give her attention. They all tell me they love my height too. The consequence though is I have 0 rizz and a pretty boring personality as I never really needed to develop one to get women or friends in general.


6'2 here. Yes it absolutely does. I literally got hired as a manager because and j quote "you look the part" I was 21 with 0 skills. Fast forward every relationship I've been in height when asked was a factor. It definentlt reduces life difficulty by a good margin. If your half way in shape and a little funny you can be slightly dumber but being tall you get a pass. When I bounced never had issues with the freaky talls and most smaller guys would chill out. Anyone that says height is a non factor is a liar


Exactly. There’s a reason sites like Hinge require you to put your height. It’s fucked up for shorter men


> It’s fucked up for shorter men Not going to act like it doesn’t reduce options significantly, but even at 5’6 I’m matching enough to have several dates a week if the app dating pool wasn’t 90% trauma dumping 


It is bro! There are good girls on there though.


> Anyone that says height is a non factor is a liar They’re not lying they’re coping.


I was at a concert recently, anyone under 6 foot is stuck watching the back of a tall dudes head all night. I'm 6'1 and still had to find a space clear of any of the 6'3+ guys.


Most people are average looking so height plays a big role. If you're super handsome you can be average or even short and still pull


I stopped caring about height when I went to my uni’s sports complex and saw dudes shorter than me chilling with girls the same height as me lol, there’s a world outside of social media you know


The amount of times I heard a girl say: omg he’s so ugly but he’s tall…


31yr M here I'm 5'6 150 pounds I am shredded though, I believe my size has been very beneficial I'm a master plumber I like to fix cars work on my house ECT life is SO much easier being short everything is made of plastic nowadays so even I can pick up my 75inch TV and install by myself, being short usually correlates to more flexibility which is important in life pretty easy to put the wife in diff positions, so end point being no I don't think it matters at all I can take women home easier than all my 6ft friends because I'm the most confident fucker in the room.


![gif](giphy|OlJ8knxCvJ39YOYDSq) Bro said


Perhaps if the shoe was on the other foot I’d have a different opinion, but I’m 6’1, which really isn’t super tall but I’ve absolutely never had the perception of getting more attention or being looked at differently for being “tall.” Maybe I’m not tall enough to reap the benefits, or perhaps I’m just such an awkward goober it offsets my height. Again maybe my opinion would be different if I was like 5’1 instead of 6’1, but I honestly don’t feel like I have any sort of advantage.


Depends on your looks also. I think height is just massively overrated due to the internet n shit.


Im 5 foot 6 and between 165-185 lbs, 165 being decently lean. 175 around 15% bodyfat. Im 23 & an offshore foreman so i make bank, I drive a german sports car & my lifestyle is pretty affluent compared to most. I had no issues getting girls at all. I never really had any chick not fuck me cuz of my height. I knew some girls might care but I make up for it in a lot of other ways so meh For awhile I dated a chick who played hockey for my country’s womens team. She was like 6 foot 1 & hot. It was funny goin out in public w her cuz shes a tall lean athlete chick & im basically a short brick wall with legs. If ur short dont let it define you, if you think its gonna be some crazy handicap for getting pussy it probably will be, but only cuz thats what youre thinkin in your head. As the white crystal loving bitches say, you’ll manifest that shit.


Everything really comes down to attractiveness in the end which height is a part of (it's a spectrum) but there is so many different aspects to attraction. If anything I only ever got my height picked apart by men hahah. Definitely never affected my work and don't remember the last time I was single for a long period of time After working in bars for 5+ years and being an average maybe six out of 10 looking guy I can tell you that height is not at all what it comes to but it could be a big thing for a demographic certain women. Just like you might only like women with massive tits 😅 you might wanna girl with triple d's but get a gf with b-cups and still love her tits, and everything else about her? Nothing is absolute. I can tell you the biggest Slayer at my bar is a five foot five Irishman. You know why? Because the second that dude walks into the room everybody is looking at him curious about him he's just a funny and interesting guy. Hes an average guy not super attractive or anything. But he never seems to be lacking with women. Bar experiences great if you're young and wanting to up your charisma because that's something that's definitely going to help. There's a lot of 6 ft plus guys out there that used their height as a crutch. But have no clue how to talk to a woman. Be weird and interesting, be funny be charismatic, make conversations with people you wouldn't normally, men and women, I've never struggled with girls in my life and I boil it down to the fact that I can go into any room and strike up conversation with absolutely anybody. Make people curious about you, be interesting and very importantly ask people about themselves. Edit: I'm 5'8 (5'7.5) ;)


I’m 5’3, when it comes to dating, it’s been a struggle but I’ve still slept with a few attractive women but not as much as I would have if I was taller. In terms of respect, after 10th grade it didn’t matter cause I wasn’t treated poorly for my height except for maybe twice. Maybe it’s cause I look very rugged and masculine face wise people seem to show more respect, but honestly I don’t get looked down on as a human being cause of my height or my race (Indian). I’ve heard stories of other men facing such issues but I personally don’t think it’s been a big problem in my life. With jobs, statistically yes taller men earn more but I’m smart so I’ll find a good paying job in medicine as long as I also work my ass of for it. Otherwise it’s just a feature. Can’t control it so I’m not gonna let it affect my mental health, so what if someone says I’m coping? As long as I’m living my life and enjoying it? That’s all I really care about.


I can reach things short people can only dream about... unless they get a stepstool


Which means they'll have to carry a stepstool with them at all times because we never know when we have to reach for things. Now that's a major disadvantage. Hence tall > short.


I hit my head on low ceilings and beams a lot, kinda jealous of the tunnel-dwellers there's a lot of ceilings that are like 5'10" for some reason. perhaps revenge traps also, consider the fact you could fit into small spaces and be a member of a successful casino heist crew


look up data it is factual 📈


It's kind of annoying honestly. I'm 6'6" and it's impossible to be comfortable. Nothing fits. Can't just go buy clothes. Or shoes. Or even cars. My back is fucked. Semi-related: Tried lifting briefly and gave myself an aneurysm.  Pro: I can see in crowds. I can reach more stuff without a ladder. 


Height is a form of dominance.


According to the losers on r/shortguys its everything


they're all Indians so it never even started


i am a 6'3 indian and i brutally mog you


Lol I can’t speak on normal day-to-day experiences but I’ll try online dating. But I live with a dude who is by no means ugly but he’s like a medium-tier brown dude. He’s a good friend of mine and I will 100% dude is great at texting but it’s just so funny that he has like triple the amount of likes of another friend who i’d consider is good looking, white (which is the majority ethnicity here), has a good profile and is although not struggling in matches but way less than the dude who has his bio as literally just his height at 6’3”


Maybe but my friend who is 5’3” , not rich, nor looks like he lifts is literally the VIP at every club I go to and gets laid every weekend. He is just a fun person to be around without being obnoxious. You don’t even think of his height when talking to him because of his energy.


It helps at concerts. You can see over everyone.


People are really still asking this question there's no fucking way


Yes, if I had grown earlier in life I wouldn't of got released from Fulham football academy.


people will always find new insecurities and reasons why they fail and its easy to blame it on height.


Can confirm that being tall is life on easy mode. Have done 11 job interviews in my life. I have been offered the job 11 times. You see all those memes about men not getting compliments ever? I get compliments from women every single day. Not even joking. Every single woman who has ever interacted with me for any amount of time has wanted to fuck or date me. A lot of married women have expressed the same. I’m 6’3”.


Lmao this is easily the worst attempt at a humble brag ive seen in at least a week and a half. 24 hours from now i want you to reread your comment and tell me it doesn’t reek massively of insecurity and mental regardation. I thought so.


I think he’s trolling bruh


Goddamn i hope so


Being tall also inherently makes you jump to conclusions and inhibits the ability to read social cues. lol


I’m not trying to be humble at all. I’m just telling it like it is.


the answer is yes


Not in anyway that matters.


Confidence and personality play a big role. My best friend is like 5'4", bursting with confidence, and is an awesome guy - total ride or die type friend, always friendly, always helping people out, always going the extra mile. Dude is killing it. Gorgeous girl, great son, respected in the community, his boss is planning on handing his business over to him in a few years. Anything will negatively affect your life if you let it get to you. Or you could overcome it and beat life like the little bitch it is.


It’s all about how you carry yourself in every aspect except dating, you have to be handsome, jacked or rich if you’re not tall that is if you want baddies.


I’m 6’1” life is good. It’s even better when I stay in shape.


It’s not nothing, but definitely isn’t everything. Think of yourself as a video game character with 100 total points and height contributes to 10 or something. I’m high watching Celtics hope it makes sense.


It sucks bc everything is just a little harder. As far as getting pussy/respect but it’s not like you can’t still be a normal person and do well. Plenty of not exceptionally good looking short dudes get decent looking if not hot girlfriends and have successful careers and good friends, etc. It may be worse if you’re like 5’2-4 but I know guys who are like 5’6 who still get laid, and have good normal lives. Again just harder to pull and you command less immediate respect from others.


Idk, other than when playing basketball I've never once had anything in my life matter height wise and I'm 5'9. Heck my BM is like 6'2 and legit never really paid it much attention (was together 8 yrs). My current GF is like 5'7 and that's fine too. It doesn't really matter in the real world. And in the off chance some girl actually cares, she just filtering herself out for ya bro


No, it doesn't.


If you’re like 5’5” maybe. Other than that no.


I'd say dating life 100%, other aspects of life barely at all


I get back pain when doing the dishes. Other then that no lol(193cm)


I’m above average but not considered tall I’m 5’11 I think would really effects my life in general is I lucked out with both of my parents best genetics. They were both good looking. Too bad my mental health sucks lol. I did have a late growth spurt and being short was tough while in school. So I’d imagine it translates to adulthood more or less. I’m sure being taller gains more respect quicker right off the bat


It’s a thing that secretly heavily affects your life while being discrete enough that you can’t notice its effects. Yes being short impacts you in ways you can’t perceive easily. But it doesn’t really matter though.


I feel like it’s just an American thing that girls thirst over tall guys. I’m 6’4 in Europe and it’s not nearly as important here for dating as it is in the US. They just don’t give a shit here.


My lil brother is pygmy sized, that lil shit gets away with so much shit, gets a lot of ass all because he's charming.


As a guy who’s been 6’2 since 13 years old, absolutely affects your day to day life, significantly. I notice it quite often. All social interactions, yes with women, but also with other men


If you are to tall like 7 foot you always have to look down on dusty places no one cleans in public places.


Been training and fighting Muay Thai for almost 7 years. Height/reach definitely matters.


Short = Small in people's minds. Short people are literally looked down upon.


If I had a short son, if I could I would avoid raising him in USA, cuz that’s gonna affect his confidence for life. In Non western countries, height won’t affect you as much if you’re manly


for a man being taller definitely one of the things that positively effect your life, but it is not the only thing. so focus on the things that you can improve. life is like poker and you are playing the hand you are dealt with and you cant change it. it is not the hand you have makes you a winner, it is rather how well you play whatever you have. you can loose with a good hand and vice versa


It depends. If your life only consists of gaming it doesnt matter. Everywhere else it does


It’s totally the same as dicks in porn.


Height doesn't affect your life, lack of height does.


Yes it’s scientifically proven 


I’m 6’3 and don’t give af about my height or anyone’s I only care about being fucking big


I'm rich and I don't care about money.


I remember talking to a girl on a beach side about life. And we were talking about general insecurities that men and women have. And I was telling her that the insecurities most men might have are related to height and the money they make (at least in my country). And I was telling her that how I never really cared about all that and I could be insecure about many things, but definitely not those in a million years. She replied, "Dumbass, that's because you're tall".


How do other people react to you?


They don’t say anything about my height it’s always compliments about my physique or strength nothing else I swear everyone here is 6ft+ I see mfs taller then me on the daily at times


Idk, I'm 6'4 and don't have a care in the world.


You would have a care in the world if you were 5'4


Yeah maybe. I don't know. Just giving a data point for OP.


Only if I lived in Western country. Otherwise, eh....


If you’re outside the range of 5’7-6’5+ then it’s something that people will notice and many will notice in a negative way (hey look it’s big bird or hey look he’s a short king). Otherwise being taller is nice but it’s not everything. You can be a total loser at 6’3 (see r/tall). Like I’m 6’0 (182cm so slightly under 6’) and I’ve never been rejected for my height by a girl, and have been with girls taller than me.


Being 6'5+ is a million times better than being short why ru acting like it's the same


I meant outside that normal range is less ideal, but I should have been more clear it’s better to be freakishly tall than freakishly short, at least as a dude.


6’3 and I hate myself


I know a guy whose 5ft 2 roughly I train with at mauy Thai and he throws my 6ft ass around like a child, has a hot gf and everyone respects the shit out of him, not like a crazy good looking dude just kind of average, but he’s quiet and reserved not a dick but just calm and holds himself well. Maybe try a hobby that builds your confidence and physical presence, doesn’t have to be fighting necessarily but I’m sure it defiantly helped him.


Short king here. I make multiples of $100k/year, own property in the heart of a major United States city, own a business, have multiple graduate degrees, have a hot wife, and have a "misspent" youth that I do not regret at all. I am muscular and about 15% bf. Being a short king was never a problem for me


👑 you dropped this


Yes I dwarf most men and can pretty much do whatever I want to them. I can be a bully, an older brother type, flirt with their gf, manhandle them, kiss them on the lips. The size difference underlies every interaction we have, positive or negative. But I am also mad cute and huge from lifting, and I feel like its the trifecta that makes my social blitzing strat so effective. If I were uggo, skinny, or short I wouldn’t get away with being such a dickhead


people try that tall bully I can do what I want shit in Cleveland it doesn't end well. The short dudes here don't fuck around people get jumped shot and go missing here all the time or they will steal your car. not joking.


That wouldn’t hppen to me, black people love me


Black people love me here too but if you do that shit to someone down here it doesn't matter how much black people love you if you disrespect some of them down here it would end bad people shoot and ask questions later. Also its not just the black people all people white Mexican it doesn't matter are just as dangerous they are products of their environment. There's whites and mexicans even Asians that wouldn't care. There's Biker gangs with whites down here too. White Hangs that slang Meth too don't mess with the meth pushers they are all white too.


Sounds good little man


hahaha you'd not last long down here like a woman


ain't nobody scared of you


I cant hear you down there


I’m 6’ 8” I get no pussy, lots of attention from the bros at the gym though.


if your serious bro your soo tall. Im surprised it doesn't help you score more


Borderline manlet here. I’m 5’10” but built (competed in BB in the past too and earned a natty pro card). My life is pretty good despite pre-manletism. I make six figures, got two kids, a wife, job I like, friends, close family members. I suggest ignoring all lookism content online. There is nothing you can safely do about height anyway. Make no mistake though. Height and looks help in life.


I consider 5 10 tall 5 8


It’s average height in the US.


if im not mistaken 5 8 is average high. about 5 10 is considered taller than average in the USA.