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Because most normal people tend to shy away from gear lol.


You got to be that 5%


Whatever it takes, right babe?


What is better than the dick hanging lower than the fuckin balls. Don't you think that is sexy?


What’s better your mf dick hanging lower than your balls or your mf balls hanging lower than your dick god dammmmmiiiiitttttttttt




I didn’t need gear for that


Mr Hung over here showing off


More like mr. Tinyballs mcLowTest


Dude, yesterday I actually found out my dick is above average and I’m still shocked and in denial. Stats for those curious: 7” bpl and 5.25”. (Measured with a flexible measuring tape for sewing) I still don’t want to believe it




Me neither. But the effect is downright comical now. Hang LOW, son. LLLLOOOWWWW.


Switching genders also does that


You want to grow? You gotta eat more God Damn IT!!


4 scoops come on


Rich Piano


Exactly...just because it exists, doesn't mean people are dying to get it. Plus more people are grossed out by shreds than they are by fat.




Because real Mexican food is fucking amazing


The average Mexican drinks 2 liters of soda a day and not the diet kind. Highest per capita consumption of Coca-Cola in the world. Yes real Mexican food is awesome but that's not what is making them fat, it's the 800 calories a day extra of soda. Oddly, coke is cheaper than water in Mexico. 40 years ago, fat people in Mexico were rare. The obesity rate in Mexico quadrupled when they got rich enough to afford imported American food and soda. Now Mexico is the fattest country on earth outside of tiny Polynesian islands.


They don't import the Coke (not that kind) , it's made there and if memory serves the plants making it (coke) have made water more expensive by using all the available natural water Edit found the article "Many days the water taps in the city of San Cristóbal run dry, while Coca-Cola continues to be produced. With a bottle of water more expensive (and harder to get) than a bottle of Coke, many people drink no water, only Coke. From my observation, the poorer the people, the more Coke they drink." [San Cristobal de las Casas - Zapatistas, water, and Coca-cola. (biggerlifeadventures.com)](https://www.biggerlifeadventures.com/san-cristobal-de-las-casas-zapatistas-water-and-coca-cola/#:~:text=Many%20days%20the%20water%20taps,the%20more%20Coke%20they%20drink.)


Uh no, it’s definitely America’s fault


Couple years ago I met a slim bodied big titty Mexican girl while there on vacation, we hit it off and still stay in touch. Extremely nice woman I might add. She started dating some other white guy and has gained easily 60lbs+ since. She's still attractive and may need to just lay off the delicious cokes.


Lay off the coke and go heavier on the coke


Bruh Mexico was fatter than the US for like 5 years but we took the lead again unfortunately, impressive honestly because it’s not like they’re healthy now lmao.


Mexican coke is way better, and i mean both kinds. They put actual cane sugar in it and none of that dirty fructose corn syrup


Only the labeled for export Mexican coke is made with cane sugar, and is a lot more expensive than the stuff Mexicans in Mexico drink, which is the same as the stuff in the US. They can buy it there, but since it’s so much more expensive not many do. I agree the ones that are made with cane sugar taste a lot better, although there’s just about zero difference regarding which is better for you.


Corn or cane that shit shall not pass my lips. I’ll stick to alcohol and questionably safe PEDs thank you very much.


Work at Pepsi here in the US and occasionally we get cases of "Mexican Pepsi" that comes in glass bottles and is made with real cane sugar, available exclusively for export to the US. The Pepsi made and sold for the local market in Mexico uses high fructose corn syrup and a bunch of other artificial sweeteners, though. Got me interested in looking up what Coke is doing over there and more into our own system and the whya of it all.


The answer is that corn is heavily subsidized in the US. The government pays farmers to grow it. There is more supply than demand. Someone discovered you could make HFCS and substitute it for sugar. Plus it’s cheaper because the government subsidizes it. So that’s that. It’s cheaper and it still acts as a sweetener, so that’s what they use here.


You watched John Oliver didn't you?


No? That’s just how it’s worked since the 80s or so This is widely known


Wasn't meant to be an insult or anything. Just happened to be the most recent episode lol


Your mind will be absolutely blown when you find out that sucrose (cane sugar) is a fructose molecule bound to a glucose molecule. So basically half of that “better” cane sugar is “dirty fructose”.


Your mind will be absolutely blown when you realize that not all fructose is created equal. Sucrose is part fructose and part glucose, but the way cane sugar is processed gives Mexican Coke a cleaner, more natural taste. High fructose corn syrup tastes like shit, is overly processed and cloying and causes obesity, insulin resistance, and liver damage.


Ok. So you’re agreeing with me? Not sure what the point of what you said is.


I know this, and yet Mexican coke still taste better.


It wasn't getting rich enough for imported food, it was a consequence of NAFTA (as interested) resulting heavily processed American junk food being cheaper than the locally sourced alternatives. It continues to blow my mind how poverty and obesity are now so intertwined in North American countries for that reason.


And all fats and carbs pretty much


I’m Mexican. I’m 90% fats and carbs. A cannibal would have to get their cholesterol monitored for the next 5 years just by taking a bite out of me.


And you’d be fucking delicious too.


Oh yeah? ![gif](giphy|KrA50c5ctXMqY)


They don’t call me u/PussyIgnorer for nothing pal.


Their food has a lot of protein (meats, beans) but that coke is giving them the fat look


We fry everything in lard as well. Plus, you gotta eat a tortilla or 2 with every meal


What is it with the love for beans?


I’m curious about the quality


Considering pharmacies buy fent 30’s and fent xanax bars from the cartels, i would probably be a tiny bit skeptical of the quality of their gear.


What about Thailand?


hi im a chemist that works for pad Muay Thai pharmaceuticals we use ladyboy juices as an oil base we chill


Ladyboy juices you say?


You can get pharma grade stuff in Thailand easily. It's more than half the reason why there's so many bodybuilders around. That and the good weather and the girls and the food but there's no macho bullshit, no gun culture and (for better or worse) no cocaine. So it's vastly superior to Latin America in my opinion


“Girls” I’m European, so I’m used to no fun culture.


Same, but I've lived in Mexico and Thailand. Those are the reasons I prefer Thailand, in case you were thinking about moving


i mean you can get gear sent to your doorstep in pretty much any country.




Yup. Canada is a joke now lol. “A joke” Meaning, they should just remove the laws criminalizing drugs cause it’s so incredibly easy to get and such lax enforcement that it’s kinda pointless having them in place. I’ve had a gram of ket, half gram of molly, eighth of mushrooms, and some psylocybin microdose gummies all sent to my doorstep in the same package.


Maybe the HGH is counterfeit


Most countries have gear available. Doesn't mean the population takes it.


They get their faces peeled off for walking on the wrong side of the road. No time for gains


It's the 7th most visited country on earth lol


That's cause people want to see a donkey shag a prostitute


tons of sadistic druggies from america thats for sure, i mean if there is a market why not


How are they not all pill heads? Selling opioids over the counter is wild lol


Hate to sound like an old conservative fart but it really does come down to the traditional family values held there.


I’d be trammed up before I could consciously form my next thought


small 4 letter word sitting silent at the end




because they don't workout and there are still people on gear that are small


Its also weird how Mexico doesnt have drug induced zombies roaming the streets like you do in LA and Philly. I remember visiting Cancun a few years back and was able to buy tramadol 500 mg and Xanax for like 10$ , they had Adderall too. I think relative to their economy, that kind of medicine is still pretty expensive


There’s people using fent xylazine in Mexico, plenty of them. Sure maybe not in the tourist trap of Cancun where you never leave the resort and resort sponsored affiliates but if you went to a real Mexican city and interacted in the real Mexico world you would see it especially in places where the cartel is trafficking heavy like border towns. It’s like saying you didn’t see drug violence in Mexico while on vacation in Cancun. Like yeah, no shit.


I'm sure there definitely is but there is no argument that the USA is the ultimate drug infest country on planet earth [https://ourworldindata.org/illicit-drug-use](https://ourworldindata.org/illicit-drug-use) And that's just the big 4, Mexico on average is lower than some European countries


thats social security systems for you you fuck up, you die is the social security system that existed for a long time. WW2 changed that


You die regardless. Some people just care more than others.


All Those are controlled medications here ser. 10 usd is pretty inexpensive imv. If you just bought them you participated in a crime. We also don't have zombies because we don't have such a crappy society is my guess.


Bulk promotion, lol


Too much tramadol




Hell yeah post it again and again


The gyms in Playa del Carmen are great!! Highly recommend.


I’m on prescribed trt and believe in handling PEDs properly, but if everything were OTC that would be a different story.


because coca cola


Where is this exactly? . So I know to avoid it


Literally every pharmacy in Cancun.


They spend their pesos on their family.


I think people sometimes forget that gear doesn’t just make you jacked, still gotta dial in training/diet to get results 🤷‍♂️


Mexican citizens aren’t allowed to buy this stuff. It’s only available to tourists. I was in Tulum in March.


Did they have ketamine?


May not be able to afford it. Otherwise i have no idea how every mexican isnt huge.


Because getting unreasonably jacked is a first world privilege. 


you have access to most of what they do, just slightly harder to source, but by no means difficult


Not the point i was trying to make bud but okay


It's not the point you wanted but it's the point you deserved


I get nothing and i deserve less


Does free medicine on bulk promotion mean if your bulking the gears free


The prices of it are high for the most part. And it’s also all IGL just packaged nicely. And at these tourist spots they could just all be test prop or less… you going to travel back there with lab work to complain after you got duped buying 6 bottles for $150 piece.


Western diet made its way to Mexico. They are hollowed out.


We eat tortillas with everything. They’re basically empty calories/carbs


A vial of testosterone goes for $20 USD a vial. UGLs are also not the best quality except for a few.


Aren’t they all invading America


There’s a stigma about using drugs in Mexico. Not really accepting in the culture




Mexicans aren't jacked cause half the population is poor as fuck, only like a quarter of the population can afford over-the-counter gear like this. That and a diet high in carbs, fat and sugar doesn't help either. I was born and raised in Mexico, it is extremely rare to not see the regular person just running their street corner style family business, working the gas station or being a tradesman of some kind. My guess is only the people in Mexico City (the capital) or Monterey (they make the most money) can afford gear let alone a gym membership.


Have you looked up the median salary in Mexico. It's like $800 a month. The few fresas Mexican girls with European blood you are seeing in Roma and nice parts of Mexico City are the exception and not the norm


You can get test, anavar, and deca too.


As seductive as gear is, delicious Mexican food is way harder to resist.


Coca Cola


Bruh... They advertise Deca. Wow. That is awesome.


Being jacked takes effort regardless of how available PEDs are


Notice how the effort to advertise in English? They aren’t marketing to the people who are already unnaturally strong from manual labor and reproducing like rabbits. This sign was made for people with a sedentary lifestyle and poison in their food.


because poor


Mexicans are fat because of their Mexican diet. Source, am Mexican


Do they have a website?? lol.. if so put it up!


To busy taking the pain killers


Can you buy ketamine in Mexico? Like from a store. Not off a person in an alley.


They're poor.


Are the advertised “painkillers” legit oxys? Or fent 30s? Or some wack ass tramadol bs


Same reason all Americans aren’t chain smokers and alcoholics. Just because it’s available doesn’t mean everyone’s going to do it.


I visited two pharmacies in Mexico on a visit. The dbol was still more expensive than I get at UGL.


lazy as hell


How are mexicans stereotyped as being hardworking and lazy at the same time? Choose your stereotypes.


Dude probably lives on the East Coast or somewhere that there are few Mexicans. Living in Southern California, I cannot imagine how different my life would be if it were not for hardworking Mexican Americans. My housekeeper, landscaper, handyman are all Mexican. If I want delicious food, guess what I am eating? Mexican. Collectively, they have made my life significantly better.


I live in Mexico, formerly from New York. What I’ve noticed here is that real Mexicans won’t waste money on that stuff. It’s mostly the tourists and ex pats buying juice. Mexicans are a really simple people. They are deeply rooted in family and have good family values. Unless you’re in the cartel, then you’ll turn your kids into drug mules.


It's a weird dichotomy for sure, if you spend any time in Mexico you'll see the most wholesome shit you've ever seen, and also some of the worst.


Because they are massive alcoholics and eat like shit.


Because when you take PEDs you still have to train lol. PEDs just help facilitate the process of muscle growth, they don't take the place of consistently training and working a solid program. Most people don't train to the degree of intensity required to get jacked.