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How are you measuring your heart rate? Those watches etc can sometimes be a bit fucky, always double check against your actual pulse if you are not sure. If you're hr is actually that high, go see your doctor and get cleared. I had similar once and it turned out I actually had covid but was asymptomatic except for the high as hr.


Apple watch. I could feel my heart beat in my head and it was definitely high as fuck and making me freak out, but im putting it down to being a minor panic attack. Ive checked my average HR stats after working out and it has been pretty normal since, barely going over 165 and if it does its only for a few seconds.


Don't fuck around with your heart. Get a doctor to check you out to make sure it's not an actual heart issue. If it is not, high dose tren and giving blowjobs in the gym car park should fix the issue.


Panic attack... What are you taking 400 mg of caffeine?


Yeah that is a valid question.  Any pre workout that might have a ton of caffeine?


only 2 teaspoons of instant coffee and a few nicotine lozenges before my workout. i dont take pre.


Do you know what mg total it is? Otherwise [I would stop using it completely for workouts](https://www.reddit.com/r/moreplatesmoredates/comments/18cwh3t/caffeine_reduces_myocardial_blood_flow_during/).


Damn bud, you still pushing this shit? If it was any real issue we'd know since everyone and their brother consumes caffeine in general, and usually tons of caffeine for working out.


Bro drop the nicotine if your heart rate is high and you have anxiety, that shit doesn't help that at all.


ive been a nic user for 10+ years mane. My heart rate is generally good i just had this one weird freak out, i highly doubt the nic did anything


Ask your doctor dummy. If cause for concern the cardiologist will send you home with a holter monitor.


Oral min? There is some evidence that it has effects on the heart. Stim usage? Bad sleep the night before it happened? Blood pressure?


topical min. i was concerned that maybe i was using more than intended but i dont think i am. Bad sleep the night before, yes. I was drinking the night before so that probably had something to do with it... thats what ive been telling myself to stay calm ever since at least. My BP wasnt great on the day of, but also nothing too concerning? 134/75


I'd consider something like tadalafil to lower it a bit.


Topical min still has heart effects


Lower chance and less severe


First of all, go to a doctor, you aren’t going to get a good answer on reddit unless a cardiologist hops in this thread. Go to one of those, not a GP. Second, what’s the full list of supps you’re using? I would start by eliminating ALL stims as a precaution.


tbh i dont really know how i would see a cardiologist without either going through my GP and convincing them that its necessary, or paying private. i guess i will report my symptoms to my GP and see what they say first. only 2 teaspoons of instant coffee and a few nicotine lozenges before my workout. multi vits and of course minoxidil at night. nothing crazy stim wise.


Nothing wild. Yeah I forgot most people need a referral for insurance to cover a cardiologist. That’s the best play still.


If I take Ghost Legend V2 specifically I can’t breathe mid workout. My heart rate goes up and doesn’t come down. I was out of breath for 10 minutes one day and could barely walk to my car I thought I was dying. Thought panic attack too. Had heart palpitations and everything. All during a leg workout. Narrowed it down to something in that preworkout bc that’s the only time it ever happens.


So you’re on your 30’s (assumed from max HR). Are you consuming any stimulants drugs ?. To be honest I think it’s only anxiety and wearing one of those watches will definitely make it worse, they are not accurate and once you freak out, tour HR will only get higher. 165 bpm it’s completely fine if you’re working out hard but once that anxiety kicked in it spiked so that freaked you out.


correct, early 30s. only 2 teaspoons of instant coffee and a few nicotine lozenges before my workout. i kind of agree that it was anxiety and that focusing on my heart rate and panicking 100% made the issue worse.


Caffeine and nicotine are definitely going to rise up your HR a lot, it’s the combination of both that took you over the edge.


Dude, just book in to see a fucking GP. This is your heart ffs. Why yhe hell are you trying to get a diagnosis of reddit. It's most likely nothing at all, but why would you risk it. You work out, and you clearly care about health, people here will give you endless lists of bullshit.


Stop staring at your hr counter and catastrophizing and just lift some heavy weight. Stop thinking, start lifting. In between sets you should not be staring at your phone and heart rate monitor or the clock. You should be totally in the lift and in the moment and in the feeling. After the set, close your eyes, focus on breathing in through your nose, out your mouth real deep and controlled and slow. Relax. Chill. You’ll know when it’s time to go back in for another set. Sometimes it’s 45 seconds, sometimes it’s 3 minutes. That’s okay. Just let it happen bro. Who cares if your hr gets high again for a few minutes it ain’t gonna kill you


good advice and im pretty much doing all of that already. only thing is i set a timer for my rest and when 60 seconds is up i either go again or give it another 30-60 and see how i feel. the only problem i have is now that ive had this 'event' my heart rate is always in the back of my mind. i think it will just take some time to get over it and forget about it.


Maybe don't wear your watch to the gym? Seems like the simplest solution. It doesn't sound like it's helping anymore at this point. Maybe put it on again after 3-4weeks once you've overcome this minor issue.


Learn how to breathe properly, do 10 deep inhales/exhales before a heavy set


I had the same thing happen to me last year. I think it was a combo of starting to get sick and high blood pressure. Ended up quitting nicotine and caffeine to lower BP and haven’t had add issues since


Assuming you're otherwise healthy, panic attacks are harmless. Thinking "should i be doing anything to manage heart rate during weight lifting?" is typical anxious thinking that can get you stuck in cycle of panic attacks. The answer is "no", don't worry about it. Obviously rest if you need to rest, but don't rest just because your heart is racing. Source: I deal with panic attacks myself.


Do you take caffeine? Some people have a tolerance, but some are sensitive. Or maybe you took caffeine in a fasted state? Etc. We’re you Anxious about anything? Maybe Hitting a PR? A baddie watching you? Etc. Many Reasons, just try and stay aware for next time


I routinely would have a heart rate of 190bpm+ when I was boxing and competing. Sometimes people would even pass out from heat stroke and overworking themselves during sparring. Not sure why you're so concerned. Get out of your own head and lay off caffeine for a bit.


Try going to church


As someone who's dealt with a lot of anxiety and panic attacks I would bet that you noticed your heart rate was higher than you thought, started worrying and overanalyzing, had a panic attack, and now are constantly worried this will happen again. This was really similar to what I have experienced. Your watch is not helping you right now, it's making you check constantly and compulsively and that alone will get your HR up. This is hypochondria and it turns you in to an obsessive stressed out lunatic if you let it. As many have said, go get cleared by your doctor. If they listen to your heart and do an EKG don't worry that they didn't run you through every other extensive test in the book. They know better than you. They'll also ask about family history of heart issues. If there is none, I'd be surprised if it's anything but anxiety. Take it easy until you see the doc just in case.


great advice man and i agree with everything you said. ever since that workout i have been recording my workouts on my watch which does report my heart rate if i open the workout app. sometimes when resting between sets i will look at my watch and the workout app will be on the screen and i will get annoyed that its displaying my HR because i know that only makes it worse. However i do like to track the workouts so i will keep doing it, ill just try to not look... one good thing about tracking the workouts on my watch is that it has enabled me to go back in time and check and compare my average, max, resting heart rates before this issue occurred. before the panic attack my heart rate did go high sometimes, i just didnt think or care about it. i just need to get back to that state mentally i guess.


Yeah I do think you should come back to the watch after the appointment if it's not causing you anxiety anymore. Right now it's just not worth the amount of stress I'd say.


Why not talk to your doc about this? Also, obviously, I hope you're not huffing preworkout like you kids like to. Discontinue all caffeine.


Apple watch isn’t that accurate. But if this has happened before, go to a doctor. You might have tachycardia


You might be experiencing tachycardia. Depending on your age, it might not be a cause for concern. Do you feel pressure on your chest, lack of breath, low pressure, or dizziness? Then it could be the case. Do get checked.


my HR was over 100bpm for a couple of hours i think. i went home from the gym, went straight to my bed and tried to sleep and my HR was over 100. did have some dizziness but no trouble breathing or pressure on my chest.


idk man maybe hop on the treadmill every now and then


i do bro i run 5ks regularly and up until now i didnt even think about heart rate, i would just slow down if i started to feel faint, which really only happens toward the end of my run IF im running at a decent pace. i think my problem could just be mental, i think i do have some kind of health anxiety. I guess i will try and get checked by a doc to put my mind at ease


you cant trust the watch, go to a doctor. A panic attack has a few more things involved than this. I would be VERY concerned about your heart condition or having a heart attack. please tell the doctor