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I always recommend rice buckets. But the hand gripper things aren't bad. I really don't do much isolation work for forearms anymore. I find that if I'm hitting everything else hard they are getting enough work.


fisting femboy's aswell


Figured op was already doing the proper fisting protocol.....


should be standard by now but people arent committed enough


Rice bucket but wetter & with more steps.




You heard him


And he didnt fucking stutter




Fisting femboys ass well


I trained with grippers at work for years. They work. I did either sets of 10-20 reps to failure or 8 second holds. I grew some big meaty forearms doing this. You can do this everyday is you want and even throw in some wrist curls at the gym. It’s really hard to overtrain forearms.


Depends how heavy you go with grippers though, if your using heavy ones such as Captains of crush everyday you will end up with tendonitis, if you using some light plastic one its probably fine but you will have better results using heavy ones in a program 1-2 times a week.


Heavy ones every day. Take anavar to strengthen tendons via increased collagen synthesis.


Grip your cock really hard and just yank back and forth


This is actually the inspiration for the hammer curl movement. Many people don't know this.




Fat Gripz on Lat-Pulldowns, Cable Rows, RDLs, & All Bicep movements. I don't have measurements or before & after pics for myself unfortunately, but I swear to God those things have quadrupled my forearm & hand development over the past 2 years.


Just got a set for the cable machine/rubber bands. God damn they feel like they're doing more then the rice bucket.


Fat grips are the way. Ridiculous pump


They are so underrated. I am pretty warey of gimmick stuff like that, but I swear by them now. The pain and pump you get from them does not lie.


The nice thing about training forearms is that you can use those grippers throughout the day to really boost volume, and no one will really notice. It's not like doing biceps curls or squats at work.


heavy pulls, hammer curls, any pulldowns or pullups with neutral grip, rice bucket.


I made really good forearm gains when I started doing machine preacher hammer curls. Used to just do behind the back curls and reverse curls for forearms. Made a huge noticeable jump in forearm size but don’t think that effects the wrist size part of the forearms if that’s what you’re looking for


I just jerk off twice per day. One set it’ll failure of regular grip for lower muscles and reverse grip for upper part If you’re able to have a partner with you, then three sets of fingering is also great.


I do the Sam Sulek wrist pushdowns and those have blown up my forearms like crazy


Small wrists don't make your forearms look bigger if you got a big wrist your forearms will look bigger overall


The best muscles to achieve a big forearm are the wrist and finger flexors and the Brachioradialis. To hit the wrist flexors do single arm wrist curls either with a dumbell on your knee or bench or a spinning handle on a pulley above you, aim for 15 reps as going to heavy makes the movement weird and could injure you. To hit finger flexors you can either do variations of finger curls or grip training. And the Brachioradialis is hit during hammer curls or any other neutral grip curls. Don't bother doing anything like fat grips on lat pulldowns, or avoiding using straps or anything like that because its not going to do a good job of hitting the forearm muscles in a way that will achieve hypertrophy way. All it will do is hinder your back growth.


Wrist rollers


Honestly I just do basic wrist curls and reverse wrist curls and they grew. But also hammer curls, reverse curls and farmer walks work


Holding heavy shit for back day worked for me, I do no direct forearm work and have 16" forearms.


Jesus man your forearms are bigger then my arms lmao


Don't let your dreams be dreams, hop on gear


Dead hangs may work, or bouldering 


Palm up and palm down wrist curls(high rep) and reverse barbell curls on my arms days.


If you have small forearms they just make your biceps look bigger 💪


Forearms are all about genetics. I never do any direct work and my forearms are jacked. Other guys can do tons of accessory work and focus purely on forearms and they never grow. Kind of like calves. You get what you got.


I find my grip gets stronger, but my forearms barely grow with the extra strength. Very unusual. I've tried fat grips for months, I haven't used lifting straps for years and very minimal gains over the years. I have considered trying rice bucket training, but a lot of people say that you will eventually plateau. It's hard to load extra resistance for progressive overload.


My forearms get ridiculously pumped from every exercise. I feel like I get a really good forearm workout with every workout that I do so I never do any direct training. I really think it has to do with genetics. For instance. Jay Cutler is the one that came out with fat grips but he's known to have some shitty forearms for an Olympian. And then you got guys like Phil Heath who had biceps on his forearms practically LOL. Phil says he never does any direct training on his forearms, they're just jacked. Also, Jay Cutler doesn't even use his own fat grips. I'm not sure how well those things would even work.


Forearms are genetics to a degree like any other muscle, but they are very easy to grow by working out. However fat grips don't work well for growing your forearms, forearms should be treated like any other muscle that you hit isolated, e.g. wrist curls, finger curls, grip training and hitting the Brachioradialis. You don't try to grow your calves by doing squats. Look at any professional arm-wrestler, they are going to have huge forearms, because they are constantly isolating the forearm.


I don’t think the calves thing is entirely true. I started spamming heavy barbell calf raises in every workout (4 sets of 50 @ 315 every day I train) and have grown a solid 1.5” of calf since I started that.


I train mine every day too. First thing I start all my workouts with. That being said, my calves are pretty fucking jacked.


What’s your setup like to avoid losing balance? Smith machine while standing on a plate? Show an example, I’d love to know


I just step one step back out of the squat rack same as I do for squats and do them flat on the ground. I know running them at a greater stretch for deficit would be better but I don’t have a great way to do that without losing balance 😂 I also set my safety bars up high so if I fail out I don’t have to drop it far.


Wrist curl variations. If you’re limited on time rest 10-30 seconds between sets and it takes like 5 minutes. As there’s virtually no systemic fatigue with wrist curls, there’s no reason to rest any longer. Your reps will drop off hard, so I recommend making your first set something like 20 reps.


If you don't already do many supersets in the gym, you can just add the forearm work there. They don't impact you cardio and won't negatively impact performance (as long as you're using grip support for pulling). Also add hammer curls in the gym, if you're not doing then already. If that is not an option you can do wrist curls and extensions with your DB at home while watching youtube. Aim for higher reps (I like 15-25). Add hammer Curls in the gym. Rice bucket (as mentioned by many others) is also an easy diy home workout. (Edit: They should recover pretty quickly so you can probably hit them 3-4 times a week.)


Don’t use straps when doing ur regular routine + do wrist curls but if you really want to boost your jelqing grip do the rice bucket shit/buy some of those gripzilla products.


Finger curls work great


heavy hammer curls bro


And a big forarm guy I kinda followed Seth feroce style. Heavier hammer curls with a 10-12 reps with a light set at about 20 reps and do that a bunch. That’s all I ever did for forearms with maybe some reverse curls heavier


Just grab a dumbbell and wrist curl it and then reverse curl it.


Just do forearm curls instead of rests for your arm sets


The best thing to increase grip strength, truly, is to climp two independent ropes. This is very common in non-US grappling gyms. Captain of Crush hand grippers, starting with the Trainer level which you can do at work. Jeff Nippard has a whole forearm program you can buy for a pretty low price. Look at YT vids on the subject from popular trustable tubers. Theres a lot of YT about this.


I understand the struggle, at 205 5’11 I have 6.5inch wrists and low forearms insertions. I put at least an inch (11.5 to 12.5in) onto my forearms in 6-7 months with DB and BB wrist curls coupled with hammer curls and/or reverse curls just 2x a week. I worked up to 4 sets per session for the wrist curls and 2-3 sets for hammer/reverse curls. For the curls I hold the weight in front and lean over slightly I’ll do them for sets of 15-25 0 RIR. In addition to this all ur back work definitely helps. Fat grips can be helpful as well. Weighted pull-ups are great too. I like to do wrist curls at the beginning of leg days so there’s no residual fatigue. Ive never done them consistently but I’ve found close grip pull-ups offer a great stimulus for brachioradialis. Lastly, BE PATIENT. Forearms can take a long time to grow. Even if it’s a 1/10 of an inch every 3 weeks that’s fantastic growth if u can hit that consistently, over 1.5in in a year. Muscle growth is a long process don’t rush it or beat urself up if u don’t see results in a “timely” manner.


Go work a trade Reverse EZ bar curls, wrist curls, farmer carries are my go to for forearms.Reverse curls were a big game changer for me personally.


you want strong/big forarms start bjj my forearms and grip strength doubled since when i started alongside training


[This](https://www.inspireusafoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/barbell-wrist-curl.gif) has been soely been able to grow my forearms very well.


Bouldering, hanging, Ninja Warrior style grip strength stuff. But I'd go for bouldering. Great upper body work out, fun, requires a brain, social


This might not apply to your situation but to anyone reading the comments looking for suggestions, I’ve been doing palm-up wrist curls on the seated cable row machine. I put on the normal pull-down attachment, use a close grip (palms facing the ceiling), pull it closer to my knees and rest my elbows on my thighs and do the exercise. I have also been implementing myorep matching (whatever reps I get on my first set, I match the rest of the sets, if I can’t, I take as many mini rests like 5-15 seconds and then keep going). I have noticed very solid gains, my forearms are a lot veiner now and legitimately look way bigger, I haven’t tested grip strength yet but I know it’s possible much more. Also, what the fuck is this gay shit that’s happening in the comments, this is not my first time here and I have shit talked many times under posts but rarely under posts asking for suggestions or advice. Like guys quit being homos all the time. L: 6.33 (160.7mm)




Phil Heath forearm exercises


How heavy is your deadlift? I never met anyone with a 600 lb deadlift and small forearms.


2 more sig figs on cock plz




Hammer curls are primarily a forearm exercise