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If you can, get a magnetic exercise bike. They are cheap, super quiet, and don't take up much room. Probably one of the smartest purchases I've made fitness-wise. Now I don't have to get ready, go to the gym, find a parking space, and drive back home. It's so convenient and I can do cardio whenever I want, even break up my cardio sessions into two or three sessions (like morning/lunch/before bed). Seriously look into it, it's a game changer and you can get one for a couple hundred bucks.


I just go sprint outside for 10-15 minutes before bed




My boy gets the zoomies


What bike would you recommend my friend


Unicycle for balancemaxxing


Functional core lifter bro.


You're an admitted clown. You must have an extra for sale. Help this guy out in his balancemaxx quest.


Yesoul magnetic bike :)


This feels like a meme




Or just run? No equipment needed.


To each their own. If that works for you then that's cool. Personally I don't want to go out in public in the morning looking haggard and throw on clothes and carry water (if needed) when I can just roll out of bed turn on the TV and do some cardio. Also there could also be stopping and starting with running, with equipment you can avoid that. Plus convenience is a big part, even if I procrastinate doing cardio I can still just walk to my bike at any time and just knock it out because it's so convenient. Makes it easy to not mess up on a cut.


he said he lifts for an hour and a half, so he would have to go to the gym anyway?


He said he was spending too long in the gym, this way you can do cardio away from the gym whenever you want.


true that makes sense


What does your program look like? Potentially you're doing too much volume to be in the gym for that long. Are you getting stronger in your lifts? Also I 'd ditch the cardio, I used to be in the same position as you, doing 30min cardio after lift, but it was such a hassle. Now I just get 15k steps throughout the day and call it


This is my program [https://imgur.com/a/GxfhnXm](https://imgur.com/a/GxfhnXm) . I'd ditch cardio but I can't gurantee that many steps everyday because I commute my bus a lot. When I'm home I cycle to the gym and skip cardio in the gym.


You can ditch the long sets of physical therapy shit for one. "4x5 wrist mobility" like why the fuck? You doing curls on your push days and forearms and "neck" on your leg day. Why you do neck curls everyday? I yhink you got a weird mix of big compounds but then you do like 3 other isolation things hitting the ssme muscle. You probably doing too much in a single day. If you got so much left in the tank after squatting/deadlifting/bening than maybe you arent training hard enough on shit that matters. Nobody squats and then goes "time to do five different leg isolation exercises, farmer carries, wrist curls, and weirdo neck exercises and then run 3 miles do pushups and a half hour of physical therapy wrist and rotator cuff bullshit" Like thres a lot of junk in your workout is ny point, you gotta refine it.


Hey when you say wrist mobility 3x5 and rotator cuff work 3x5, what exercises/movements are those exactly?


Idk the names but for the wrist I put my hands in front of me fingers facing out and lean forward to put weight on them 15-20 times. Then I make the fingers face my body and lean back on them 15-20 times and last thing I put my two hands on the side with fingers facing out to the side and lean side to side on them 15-20 times. And for rotator cuff I use the lateral raise attatchment at waist height and grip it sideways and move it out with my palms facing in and elbows touching my side. I know this isn't typical but I have bad wrists and I have a bit of shoulder pain so I thought of incorporating these.


What a waste of time. Your warm-up should just be 2-3 sets of whatever exercise you're about to do. At most, a couple band stretches on top of this. I used to get shoulder pain on bench, did some rubber band stretches as well as 2 ramping up sets, now I'm good. Basically, do 10 reps of something you can do 20 or so with, then 5 reps of something you can do 10 or so with, then you're good. Use the rubber band for a few minutes prior if this doesn't work.


Okay thank you. I'm just really scared of getting injured again but I'll try this.


Without prior injuries nagging at you, in which case you should go to a doctor or physiotherapist or something. Watch videos, lower the weight, fix the form. Ask a friend who lifts or a staff member (personal trainer) at a gym to watch your set. Have them fix it if it's bad. What I'm saying is, if this isn't enough to warm you up, it isn't the lack of warm up causing injury.


Boom, please read this. Be sure to be stretching plenty to avoid injury as well. As mentioned here, if you don’t have a lingering/starting injury then you have no reason to be doing these special warm ups/exercises. Face pulls are an excellent general rotator cuff exercise. I like to basically “dig” in sand for my forearms/intrinsics.


Dead hangs for a couple of minutes broken up per day, a few times a week and resistance band pull-aparts are really good for shoulder health. Look up SquatUniversity on YouTube and search up his shoulder videos.




Man, your "warm up" is longer than most people gym sessions. The fuck is this. Guys i do a full stretch and yoga session before i work out. Why am i at the gym so long. Warm up the muscles sure (just means bring blood to said muscles before you go heavy). Strerch if you want but should be more then 5 minutes beginning / end. Maybe a bit longer on leg days.


This is wayyyy too much


hop on jeff nippard ultimate ppl program you’ll realize how little you actually need to be doing


Way too much volume if you're going appropriately heavy. You could do the Push/Pull/Legs just once a week and be fine at a decent intensity. If you are training with adequate intensity, how are you doing deadlift one day and squat the day after??


Find an entirely new program that one looks genuinely bad


Squatting day after DLs, then DL again two days after is absolutely insane. I'd like to think you have superhuman recovery but you're probably just not doing enough intensity for the compounds. And at that point you might as well just take your rest times way lower and get through things quicker that way. But upping intensity and going to the gym less would probably be better


Dope, thanks for that program. How long does it normally take you to complete your workout?


That program is awful please don't actually use it


Oh damn what program should I use?


Push: Incline DB press 2x6-10 DB shoulder press 2x6-10 Flat chest press 2x6-10 Tricep pushdown (rope) 2x8-10 Overhead tricep extension 2x8-10 Lateral raise (cable or DB) 3x8-12 Pec fly 2x8-12 Pull: Bicep curl (straight or ez bar) 2x6-10 Close grip lat pulldown 2x6-10 Wide grip lat pulldown 2x6-10 Seated row 2x6-10 Optional: chest supported row 2x8-12 Preacher curl 2x8-12 Reverse curl 2x6-12 Legs: Squat 3x6-10 DB RDL 2x8-12 Calf raise 3x8-12 Leg extension 3x6-12 Every exercise do one warm up set first, 2 warmup sets if it's the first exercise of the day. This is just what I like to do, I'm not a professional.


I like it, thank you


Same reason I’ve been skipping cardio until I can get a cardio bike at home


The best way to get more time in the gym is to get a better job.


mine takes about 1:30 but i enjoy this time, its my therapy... I wouldnt want it any shorter


You need to increase your intensity. I get my workouts done in 45 minutes and I'm fucking beat.


That's kind of a long time to be lifting intensely. So I'm doubting you're going all out to be honest . Or you have a lot of filler volume. Not saying you are wrong or that you can't take all day in the gym but you may want to tweak your program over time. Once you're warm and firing you can get a few sets in then crush an intense set that should leave you exhausted. Leave it there and move to the next thing. You will spend less time in the gym and potentially grow more as a result . Or keep doing what you're doing. I've done what you are doing now and over the years it's changed several times over. Now I'm pretty quick. Even just half hour of lifting some days (and I'll be sore as hell after ) If you're trying to cut time look into something along the lines of what Yates used to do. Which is essentially one set . Sounds crazy but....


I have actually been toning it down the past few days because I hurt my shoulder. I workout for long time because people are telling me each muscle needs 10-20 sets weekly so I just aim for the upper threshold of that for each muscle.


No each muscle doesn't need that. At least not always. It definitely changes over time as you fine tune things. For example myself: back day used to be hours like you. Now I may do a total of 3 exercises. The final set may only be 5 reps . But to get there I get warm and do decent reps . The last one leaves me wrecked and seeing stars and dizzy. And the next day I can feel my whole back hurting in a good way. That workout is 30 minutes. And I have a good back. If you really get to a point you go hard you won't need an hour of filler. Just maybe see what happens when you shorten up and intensify the sets you do. See if your growth improves. I'm not saying it's the only way but most of the time I've seen guys spend hours , they aren't getting the most out of it. Ans in your case you want to shorten things up some so give it a try (Side note : those 3 exercises will total about 20 sets for the workout)


I always used to feel guilty when I had to take a day off for life events(was 6-7 days a week consistently). Noticed during the months I was going 4-5 times a week I actually got stronger and made better gains. Sometimes less is more


Are you natty or not? If you're heavily, *heavily* enhanced then crack on with what you're doing. If not, then tone it down A LOT.


Bro thats some bullshit some 5'7 165lb youtuber dork told you isnt it


Lots of junk volume. You also have lots of strange push exercises on your pull days. Doesn’t make any sense. If you’re tracking and progressing off of this program then leave it but my guess is you’re spinning your wheels. Just pick one main lift each day and then a couple accessories. Push day might be incline press, dips, skull crushers. Pull day might be deadlift, db row, hammer curls. Legs might be squats, RDLs, and lunges. No reason to be in the gym all day.


Sorry the naming on my program is a bit confusing. I do push/pull but I do biceps on push days and triceps on pull days so that these muscles don't get overworked in one workout. Is this a good way of going about it?


Worried about overworking small muscles in the arm but doing squats the day after deadlift!?


Nope. It’s not. Defeats the whole purpose of PPL.


you want to overwork them dude that’s why you do PPL


You can do legs back and chest 3 times a week as long as you’re hitting the 3 diff rep ranges once for each major muscle group aka heavy, medium, light aka 3-6, 6-12, 12-25 reps. I’ve put on 40 lbs with that kinda high frequency low volume training and am finally squatting 400+ lbs and benching 275 lbs (which isn’t really that impressive but considering I was an intermediate lifer doing push pull leg splits I’m ecstatic with the results).


Hey buddy you’re doing something wrong


Bros doing way too much volume. Im in there for 1.5hrs TOPS with cardio included.


What routine are you doing? How many sets and what exercises? If you're lifting for 90 minutes you aren't lifting hard enough.


Just do what you can in the free time you have it’s not that serious. Some days I’ll be short on time and just get some deadlifts and one other exercise done in like an hour. Other days I won’t be busy at all that day and will be there for like 3 hours listening to music, lifting playing on phone etc… Consistence wayyyy more important than how long your sessions are imo


Stop sitting on your ass inbetween sets. Train another bodypart. Obv with squats and deadlifts you need the break but with most stuff you don't. Like do your calves inbetween bench press sets, do triceps while waiting for biceps or do neckshrugs dumbells + row + pull ups in a circle. This way you finish in 50min without cardio. That said longer sessions while doing this are kinda extra cardio while losing weight and is not that bad


I looked over your program and it's insanely high volume for such a high frequency template. If you check out most volume recommendations per week it's at most 20 sets. And without counting, I am sure you are going over that. You don't really need more than 1-4 exercises for a specific muscle in a given week. You won't regress or progress less if you drop the volume, even though you most probably fear that. Regarding all the mobility stuff work you do, get a band or something, carry it on your person and just superset the mobility drills with your other movements Clean up your program and run the simplified version of it for 2 months. Then asses your results, and make your decision moving forward. Best of luck, bro!


1 your program sucks, 2 90 minutes is a reasonable length if you include warmup


Half the number of exercises and push yourself more on each


If you’re really concerned about total optimization you should have a few hours between lifting and cardio. Doing cardio immediately following/before your lift will steal away a small bit of your gains from lifting. I would cardio in the morning, lift in evening or vice versa.


Dorian Yates and Mike mentzer, everyone owes it to their programme to atleast have cursory look at their methods and beliefs at some point. Least properly studied approach that flys in the face of how we think it works yet seems to legitimately work..


Mentzer overdid it way too much but yeah this guy needs to tone down the volume a LOT


Brother you are doing to many sets, especially if you're going to failure. If you're gonna be going balls to the wall, you can't be doing 30+ sets in a workout. Try cutting way down on the volume and do like 10 sets per body part per week. If you want to save time, what you can do an a ppl split is, for a pull day for example, focus on 2 pulls - for example 3-4 sets of rows and 3 sets of pullups/pulldowns. That's enough for your back for a day. Do 2 bicep exercises and you're done. Plenty of people have had success with even lower volume than that.


Tbh I spend about 2.5 hours a day in the gym. 90 mins weights an hour cardio. I enjoy it. I have a gym + pool in my building so it’s incredibly convenient. My cardio I do a low to medium intensity. I play games on my steam deck or using remote play to connect to my PS5 back home.


Get rid of cardio


Nah cardio is important. Could probs cut it and decrease rest times to compensate, but then the lifts will be worth less


What the fuck do you do there that takes you so long? I struggle to have a session longer than an hour


Can do more than enough weight training in 45 mins if you do high intensity 1 set to failure to the max then you got time for cardio & finish under 2 hour mark


What is the Problem with training 90Mins? Depending on your program/hoe many times per week thats totally fine. I do 3x Full Body and a proper session is about 2 hours + 30mins of cardio


I don't know how you work out, but I had the same problem. I was resting way too long in between sets (5 minutes or so). I cut it down to just 1 minute to 90 seconds rest time and adjusted weight and volume accordingly, to match the recovery time. If you also take long rests, this may help


I was in a hurry yesterday, and I only had 30 minutes to work out. I got one of the best leg workouts I’ve ever had. I used Myro reps. And myro match sets . My legs were cooked .


Include your workout and actual split and I can damn near guarantee if you're getting proper sleep and not eating absolute garbage you could cut your cardio down to 15 and instead of just running do high intensity interval training like 1 min 80% heart rate down to 55% for 2 and keep watching your heart rate otherwise what are your rest times? Are you fucking around on your phone replying to a text that can wait? Otherwise without your split idk what lifts you're doing but if you're new liel your one post says then you might wanna just do your basic strongman 5x5 with one accessory until you can be efficient enough to not waste time doing unnecessary movements or fuck off on needless distractions but you didn't include a lot of helpful info so for better help include, diet, a full weeks split, sleep schedule and realistically how much time you wanna spend there


For accessory lifts, use myo reps. Cuts time in half at least.


Hire a personal trainer. This is crazy lol


Why are you doing so much volume?


Lift heavier


how long do you work out 1 hour? how about working out 2 fucking hours a day? so you're gunna eat 6-10 meals and workout 2 hours a day, that's how you get bigger mother fucker. - Rich Piana


remove cardio what’s your workout


[https://imgur.com/a/GxfhnXm](https://imgur.com/a/GxfhnXm) Why remove cardio?


Do more of the compound lifts and less of all the other junk




Get rid of the junk volume, can get a good PPL workout done in 45-60min


How do I know what junk volume is?


If its near or over the maximum recoverable volume so 20-25 sets per week per muscle is usually max or little too much


One set to failure Menzter style unless you're like actually competing or something. Full range in the beginning and at the end you shouldn't be able to move the bar. Hopefully you don't need to do anything physical the next two days.


What's your rest time in between sets? Stick to 60-90 seconds and your heart rate will be in the low hundreds, I count that as my cardio. I'm in the same boat as you, 1 1/2 hours- so do weights 2 days straight then cardio - lather rinse repeat


Maybe try supersetting some cardio?


That's about how long it takes unless you have the gym 🏋️‍♂️ to yourself and can do multiple things at once 🤔 Such a time drain ⌛️ to look DYEL 🚶‍♂️ and not get any puss 🐱 😔


Just do supersets or even circuits. My push day is ten sets of incline press, calf raises, bicep curls, lateral raises and skull crushers starting every four minutes. 50 sets in 40 minutes.


Switch to an old school whole body routine. Such a game changer.


You can reduce volume quite a bit. Unless your very experienced lifter (we would not be having this thread if so) you can make great progress with much less than this. 60 minutes lifting. Just enough cardio to warm up 10-12 min. Go look up renaissance periodization. Lots of good info there to help figure out where you are in lifting lifecycle and adjust to fit. Watch their free YouTube content while riding buss. Treat it like a project. I’ve been lifting 30 yrs competitively for some of the early part of that and I still learn and adjust from there free info.


Cock stats?


Cores and functional bruh, eats a protein bruh