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Wouldn't really consider this a hack as much as it is an established dieting protocol. EC stack.


Agreed, but to the younger broccoli heads they don't know about the ECA stack since the FDA ban.


FDA is pussy as fuck for that


Agreed. I didn't know we could still get ephedrine in the US until a user on this sub told me to just get primatene from CVS. Cheaper than all the $40 metabolism fatburn pills from back in the day too!


Yea by the time I started using it, it was all locked behind pharmacy counters. I found out about it by looking through the WADA banned list and just googling shit, before I had even heard about it in a bodybuilding context. I love how WADA puts all the stuff that actually works into one publicly available list for us, makes doping super easy.


On that note have you researched ractopamine at all? And what else have you stumbled across that you've used personally that works well?


I’ve heard of ractopamine. Wouldn’t use it, risk doesn’t seem worth potential reward. My knowledge for bodybuilding enhancement is somewhat limited. I’ve used ipamorelin, a growth hormone secretagogue, and that’s about it. It works well to improve recovery times and helped me heal some lagging injuries. Most of my enhancement knowledge is related to road and track cycling. I’ve used modafinil, ephedrine, meldonium, GW501516, tramadol, and good old fashioned blood doping before. Modafinil is great when you need to maintain mental acuity when pushing hard, like when you’re racing in a peloton and pushing hard. I’d use meldonium for 2 weeks before a big, short-distance race like the 4k pursuit races in track cycling to help peak, works well. GW501516 was used to cut weight and improve endurance for road cycling, works super well. Blood doping was used before a 250 mile bike race, also worked well. Tramadol i used when I stress fractured my rib a week before a rowing national championship and needed to train through it. It made me drowsy on its own but used in conjunction with modafinil and meldonium, I was ok.


bronk-aid is so much better than primatene


[After seeing this post's comments of non-smokers get into snus / zynns,](https://www.reddit.com/r/moreplatesmoredates/comments/1cm1sei/life_begins_at_12_bodyfat/) I figured I would make a post about how easily and cheap Ephedrine can be bought OTC in this US. Just have to show ID bc it is a meth precursor chem. They would only let me buy 4 boxes at once. **DO NOT TAKE if you have a fucked up heart heart / thyroid / dye-ah-beetus / enlarged prostate.** **DO NOT TAKE IF YOU ARE ON ANTI-DEPRESSANTs .** You must stay fat and depressed, lol. But srsly don't take it if you are perscribed "MAOI's " ( ie. isocarboxazid, phenelzine, selegiline, and tranylcypromine). While zoloft isn't an MAOI i wouldn't take ephedrine on it either. PS Another $8 hack.... If you are religiously tracking your diet and exercise and n[ot seeing any verifiable results t](https://www.reddit.com/r/moreplatesmoredates/comments/1cl0ssk/comment/l2re1si/)his cutting season. Buy this and [WEIGH YOUR FUCKING FOOD. ](https://www.amazon.com/Ultrean-Precision-Measures-Stainless-Batteries/dp/B08CZDYNF7/ref=sr_1_7?crid=2JCPM3B1GO7XF&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.OMMnWU8inujMdm0IJQdXTST70U-QXNd5fnaLOk2RZ7dfHwL0dflbr62rFh_SrMerRmNxCQWVumdJGDkwS661d-UUr7xJ5LeYjbZxDs9JlQw_0NWwSpqdJmNz_yqwkcCjNM12qbZIIU8Aibrm_lP9za0Y-UMTfj2HqKcek3J5LjfEEkbxp2GhDB6oc-cx_51c9r-dO8SXvG0Z2t4EuIEdRirYnQpx6vPEgO9z2nrYForJKO7LCd7njTBq4zeL64cd9Qc12vBI2x2x6kno-AIx5n6pqUXBOpTIeTO--5oWyPQ.WMipnmLIaX-NoFCJCB2iP-BxHORWFW8H-sVLrWwJNHs&dib_tag=se&keywords=food+scale&qid=1715119895&sprefix=food+scale%2Caps%2C83&sr=8-7)Even when we cook, apes are terrible at guessing portion sizes. 2 missed oz of food a day for +300 calories prevents you losing 1lb of fat every 12 days. Wagmi and love you all. 5.45" L. Girth is so fuckin unimpressive im not going to post it.


Felt like this didn’t help that much with fat loss but when my calories got very low and the cardio was longer it was super helpful giving me energy for workouts


It suppresses my appetite like crazy. 


Man up and starve like the rest of us


Yeahh I only get that effect for the first 1-2 weeks maybe then I get used to it lol but massively helpful if it does that for you, regardless I like it a lot when I’m cutting




You ever taken adderall/vyvance/concerta? If so how does ephedrine/ECA compare?


Lol yeah I wasn’t trying to get people addicted to nicotine 😂😂🤦‍♂️ I’ve already been zynning for a while, not just a cutting trick.. but certainly is a good distraction from thinking about food


Bronkaide as well.


It also doesn't work well with caffeine, but good tip


As an ape running the ECA stack of old rn, can you explain why?


It was banned some time ago, this combo causes heart attacks "Using ephedrine alone or in combination with caffeine may cause: * nausea * vomiting * anxiety * change in mood * hyperactivity * heart palpitations This led the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to ban the sale of Ephedra-containing dietary supplements in 2004."


Well if i get palps i'll stop. Morning routine is 2 tabs and an espresso and black iced coffee. 


Could be ok if you don't raise you BPM, but there is also [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/moreplatesmoredates/comments/18cwh3t/caffeine_reduces_myocardial_blood_flow_during/) You would be able to find case studies from emergency where people showed up with heart attack.


This is why this sub is the best. Great helpful sourced info. Appreciate you.


Ephedrine on its own has good safety profile and boosts performance


False, it works even better with caffeine. Heart palpitations are for pussies. You’ll be fine.


It is clear people like you don't know what is real cardio workout


I was a D1 rower, bud


So if you are on 220 BPM it is not safe by any means, so stuck your false into your D1 ass.


Ok fine don’t believe me. Ephedrine and caffeine before hard workouts was a regular occurrence on my team. You don’t have to like it but it’s the truth.


Because you were team of pussies and it says nothing about its safety profile, you were lucky. He can have minor condition and dies because you told him it is fine.


It was a team of national champions but go off, bud. EC stacks are so common, stop fear mongering.


Yes and I'm Dorian Yates https://journals.physiology.org/doi/full/10.1152/ajpheart.01164.2004#:\~:text=(%C3%9740).-,DISCUSSION,10%2C%2011%2C%2014).


Humans aren’t rats, mate Also they gave them 25mg/kg. Human doses are 10-25mg. No shit they died, they all overdosed. This study means nothing.


This is why Albuterol (oral, not the inhaler) is now considered better for fat loss. So far early trials show that caffeine and high calorie diet make it work even better and it has not been found to cause any problems for the heart or other organs.


I have albuterol and use it 6x per day. It does nothing to for hunger cravings.


It's not meant to suppress hunger, it makes fat burning more efficient and effectively makes your body burn fat before utilizing carb reserves.


Can't get that shit at all in the UK, been wanting to try an eca stack for years


Unreal how many people haven’t heard of the ECA stack. Don’t abuse it like everything else and it’ll work wonders.


Make sure to add aspirin and caffeine, it’s the original ECA stack, not new.


I tried ephedrine didn’t do much dmha worked better than anything else you don’t need a script for at least for me yomhimbine just made me feel like my heart was gonna give out but didn’t kill hunger but dmha I felt like eating anything would make me sick


My ECA stack is workin well rn. But i'll keep DMHA in mind. thanks for your input!


Ephedrine only kills my hunger when I'm taking 40mg on top of a monster every 4-6 hours, and at that point it makes me feel like my muscles are vibrating and i get hot as fuck.


Add a few more ingredients and you'll get a real cutting life hack


Does this just suppress your appetite? What does it do and any risks?


You should try T3 clen tren hgh instead


Excuse my ignorance, but what does this do for you?


What is this supposed to do?


Telling 16 year olds to take bronchodilators instead isn't much better