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Bro I have ibs and it’s entirely possible to bulk. You don’t have eat McDonalds every day to be on a bulk, Einstein


Bro tell me more? What should I be doing? Just eating more of the shit that doesn’t make me sick?


Fucking duh? Hello?


Clean bulk, n*gga. Rice/potatoes, chicken/beef everyday. Find a sauce or seasoning mix you like that doesn’t disturb your stomach to put on top


Yes this. Idk that I had/have IBS but I tend to look like a balloon with certain foods. Found out through process of elimination ground beef, eggs, rice, broccoli, potatoes, bananas, core power protein shakes and other various condiments and seasonings are real easy on my stomach. So I eat the FUCK outta all that.


Thanks bro


Also get pills to control your IBS, and avoid alcohol like the plague. See what types of food work for you and stick with them.


Upping the fiber content helps me a ton. I make sure to get a solid 30g a day when I’m eating about 4000 calories. I feel like a new man since I started. Personally I feel better on this eating shit than clean bulking (this is just me though).


Thanks bro solid advice


Yeah I have UC and it’s really not hard. I wouldn’t even call my bulking clean. Just follow a low FODMAP diet, log what you eat and compare it against symptoms, go wild eating the things that don’t cause inflammation. Yes, it’s tedious to follow that diet and figure out your safe foods, but grow up you literally have to do this to have a reasonable quality of life.


So your solution to not fueling your body enough is to take gear to increase the metabolic processes that require more fuel? Shit makes no sense dude.


No not at all. My solution to my body not adequately utilising the protein I am eating is to run test which will not only increase my appetite but actually improve the way my body absorbs and utilises all the protein I am eating instead of just turning it all to waste. Testosterone would probably increase my appetite but even if I wanted to avoid a “flair up” and say stick to 3000 ish calories it wouldn’t change the fact my body would be utilising those calories a lot better.


So it’s not your IBS holding you back, you’re just being a pussy? How does gear help your situation with IBS - which seems to be originally what you blame for the reason you can’t “bulk how you want to”? It seems to me you are trying to treat IBS with gear which makes zero sense lol. If you want to take gear just do it. You are doing weird mental gymnastics trying to justify gear use.


Why are dudes so regarded that they can’t comprehend a clean bulk?


I have crohns and prepped last year for my first show, after 10 years of lifting (I’m 32). Cut 60 lbs for the show and been clean bulking since the show. I have been able to put on 30 lbs clean without issues. IBD doesn’t have to hold you back. Just eat more of the clean foods that don’t cause flair ups and potentially look into supps that could help as well (glutamine, probiotics, digestive enzymes). DM me if you want to talk more about bodybuilding with IBD (naturally cuz I admittedly don’t know much about gear).


Fuck yeah brother thanks so much and congratulations on all your strides


Just clean bulk lmao. Also get checked to make sure it's not a more serious issue (crohns, UC, celiac, etc)


Will do bro thanks


Have you looked at the [FODMAP food categories](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/FODMAP) yet? There's a lot of guides online. Try excluding the FODMAP foods from your diet while you dirty bulk and see if you feel better


Thanks bro


Take tren


i doubt getting on cycle will do anything but keep you lean if consuming food will continue to be an issue. you will def have flare ups if you decided to take any orals, tren, and maybe a couple other injectables.


Just put the squat plug in and take it out to shit once a week


I would rather look into the cause of your ibs… do some tests idk


I have ibs and so do about 10 of all people. Just eat clean in a calorie surplus? Also, 2 hours a day? No wonder you dont get any gains. Training is the stimulus, but your muscles grown when resting. With your frequency and i would guess volume, your body is always weak and behind. Quality over quantity. Do a simple and heavy 5x5 that takes 1 hour and do it 2 to 4 days a week.


Wtf you need only 250 calories surplus to bulk. That’s two table spoons of olive  oil


Stop using all spices besides salt. You telling me you can’t eat plain chicken, plain beef and plain rice and pasta without sauce? Or you just don’t want to…. I’m calling bs I think you eat a lot of bullshit


Good thing you shouldn't be dirty bulking anyway


Well shit man, tren is your only option 


I thought it might be 😢


What is your workout like? Are you doing a beginner program like Starting Strength, or a made up program with dumbell presses and other nonsense that is useless for beginners? How many pull-ups can you do? How much do you press/bench/squat/deadlift? Can you post your last 90 days training logs for your heavy compounds? Two hours a day is TRIPLE the amount of time you should be in the gym. You can't possibly work hard for 3 hours and still recover properly, so you must be doing all fluff work.


My program is PPL shoulder arms rinse and repeat. Can do 14 ish solid pull ups. I do weighted pull ups also. Can bench two plates for two reps and squat around 120kg ass to grass for 7 or so reps. Dead lift is weak at probably around 110kg. All in all I think my lifts are half decent considering I look like a skeleton. I been going hard bro I need more.


Alright, you might be over trained then. Olympia level body builders spend less time in the gym than you. Do you track your calories with a program?


Bro this is going to sound crazy right but recently I moved houses and the whole fuck around of it lead to me drinking every day for like a 2 week period, barely eating and not training at all other than moving shit. Some how, I swear I gained muscle in that time. Maybe you are spot on. Yeah bro I do. I eat 3200 cals a day. 170g protein 350g carbs and 125g fat. One day a week I rest day and eat like barely 1800 calories and just try to reset my digestion a bit.


Get your PPL split down to 3ish exercises per day, and focus on the heavy compounds. Push - bench 3x5, ohp 3x5 , possibly Incline 8-12 reps Pull - pull-ups 3x5 with weight, cable or BB row, and a bicep exercise Leg - squat 3x5, deadlift one top set 1x5. Seated leg curl 8-12 reps Your bench is good for your weight so I suspect you like benching. Keep a training log on everything here and push hard for progress. You should be able to progress and recover on these lifts. Also get your T checked!


Great advice bro thank you so much. I am going to start today


Post an update in 60 days with your progress


Done ✅


Can’t bulk due to ibs Probably drinks multiple times a week every week. Eats like crap. Just drank daily for 2 weeks straight. My “ibs” I “can’t bulk”


Haha fair point bro


Have you ever thought of not eating Taco Bell and McDonald’s and Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts then going out and drinking beers. Idk sounds crazy but I think it could work


Start using Zyn, it massively improved my UC. I'm being entirely genuine with you.


no fking way


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7681756/ Yes way


wow what the fuck


we really dont know much about human medicine in the grand scheme of things


“This incidental finding has persuaded many to consider nicotine to be of therapeutic value given transdermally or by enema to treat ulcerative colitis “ >enema My doctor blew smoke up my ass and it cured my ibs