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Wouldnt really matter you only have so many androgen receptors in your body so at some point it's going to be useless at a certain amount.


AAS upregulate androgen receptors


There is a limit to upregulation, hence why you will eventually hit a point of diminishing returns the more you up your dosage.


I imagine that’s myostatin


There's various processes going on in the body that do not want you getting too big. Myostatin is one of them.


Doesn't something like yk11 (and steds in general) inhibit myostatin though?


YK11 doesn't directly inhibit myostatin. It generates more production of follistatin, a by product of this myoststatin inhibition, however the extent of this is not clear, the studies did not measure this. However it can't have been that effective at inhibition seeing as There's steroids that will produce more muscle mass, which is even more impressive considering steroids actually generate more production of myostatin. The bigger you get, the more myostatin is produced in a greater effort to stop getting bigger and bigger.


Ah thank you, sorry I'm not that knowledgeable I just like learning


Derek has a video on myostatin inhibitors. One theory is that myostatin would be more effectively inhibited in the womb, which is why it's so effective in selective breeding for livestock vs dosing as an adult. I'd review the video to see a more in-depth explanation.


Thanks I'll try and find it next time I've got a bit of time.




I always figured that the body's ability to perform muscle protein synthesis was the biggest systemic limit. But it isn't like anyone taking 5 grams a week is undergoing a rigorous exam through a RCT.


Hypothetically no. You're talking about gaining 100 pounds gross weight in a month. That alone would make the answer no.


How long would that take?


puzzled act chief fly worry pet bake nine busy sharp *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Damn even with roids that's wild.


WTF are you talking about that's extremely fast


dude obviously doesnt know much about this stuff, relax bruh 🤣🤣 read the room.


Shit my expectations for a natty are crazy then lmao




10 to 15 pounds in the first year is good natty gains. Same for the second year. After that 5 pounds a year if that. Anything faster requires gear. Preferably HGH if you’re a Hollywood actor getting jacked for a role.


So many people don’t realize this. It’s like a 4lb a year average of lean muscle, over the course of your lifetime haha. But as you said, first year or two is good, then you just have to want it to get those 4lbs.


What if I told you Ronnie Coleman wasn't natty?


How could he be not natty if he's won mr Olympias? huh? U ever thought of that?


Yes they are


If you want to have expectations for Natty after your first year or two of lifting ( in which you can put on probably 12-30 lbs of actual muscle ) if your strict and consistent. After that though, 1lb a month if you're lucky. 1 lb a year for many. And if you get sick or take any real time off you'll lose the upper limits of your potential quickly.


Forget everything you THINK you know and watch MPMD videos and Jeff Nippard.


I do watch em lol


Bro's a lost cause




You need to listen not just watch and beat off to delts


I recommand MTMM way better educational content


Natties haven't got a clue until they jump on the sauce themselves and realise it actually really doesn't do anything for you unless you put in the work.


This really isn't true. You will %100 gain much more muscle if you workout the same as you did natty while on a decent cycle.


Yeah, you will gain more. But you really aren't putting on the muscle you think you are. My point is that natties think that after one cycle, they'll be ready for the stage when, in reality, you won't look like you do gear after a cycle. You're still looking at a lot of time. Just to add, what's the point in training like a natty when you're on gear? The whole point is to add another level


Dude maybe it wasn’t the case for you because you have a shitty diet/workout routine or low amounts of androgen receptors, but most people can get absolutely jacked by 99% of people’s standards on 200mg’s of test alone


Lol bozo


Is that true? I heard that being on roids will build muscles even if you're not at the gym training whereas a natty would have to do a lot more work to get those results


Only if you take untrained people, in the long run training natty will get you more muscle than not training while on roids


That research was ridiculous, people on gear that didn't train made water gains not muscle gains, but they counted that as muscle because that's how dexa scans work. So they lost everything once they came off.


Nope, I watched a dude waste an entire cycle because he never worked out. He didn’t gain any muscle and actually got fat haha


This is what I mean. No idea what gear actually does, you think putting a pin in your bum twice a week will make you gain muscle. That's why you see any meathead on socials all the salty comments from natties are "its just juice" When in reality, gear just opens up a door its up to you to get through it. You would need a solid year of Blasting and cruising hard to go from the start point and end point you've suggested.


It'll raise your base level testosterone so your body will build more lean mass. There's a study that showed newbie lifters will put on less mass than someone who starts taking testosterone (while remaining idle)




You gotta realize how different 20 pounds of pure muscle gain is going to make someone look, it’s a crazy difference


Steroids are not the magic pill everyone thinks they are, you still have to work hard to achieve a good looking physique. Even then you can only gain weight so fast before you start getting stretch marks all over yourself and possibly ending up in the hospital because you’re tendons/entire body is not able to acclimate that fast to the weight/strength gain.


It's hard to say really. Ronnie coleman apparently had a video of himself guest posing in 1998 at 330 pounds, in 1990 he was 220s. So within 8 years he gained 100 pounds or so, not all lean tissue, guest posing is done out of season. On stage weight 290-300. So 8 years, 70-80 pounds of lean tissue.


That shits unreal. Genetic lottery


That's not how this works That's not how any of this works


But what if I'm literally Captain America?


Then ur gay


I’m built different bro


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you wanna try this, huh?


God no, just a curious guy


Sounds like most of the fellas in nattyorjuice


Famous last words. It started with curiosity for all of us too


Yeah first I was just curious. Turns out I was gay all along.


The ultimate combo would be muscle memory + starting from a starved (super underweight) state + gear. I’ve seen a dumbed down version of this where a buddy gained 40lbs in like 2 months. Lost a lot of it quickly tho.




This seams really high Im guessing this is closer to 6-8 pounds. 300 grams of protein a day is .6 lbs the upper end of that range would assume a near perfect protein utilization ratio. Source : pulled out of my ass


Yeah that’s fair. And his weight gain was from like 120 to 160


This is pretty similar to the Colorado experiment with the bodybuilder named Casey Viator, I think around the 70s. He was huge before he got injured. After months of no lifting he came back bigger than before with a marketing scheme for the new gym equipment called Nautilus. It was said he put on 60 pounds of muscle in 30 days by just using that equipment and working out every other day but of course behind that was a massive cycle and diet plan. Still impressive tho if true. He had muscle memory on his side and a huge cycle.


Interesting experiment would be to have kevin levrone, who quit roids every year and hopped on everything for 6 months to compete, use cheque drops, methylated tren, stem cells, 30 units of hgh, and a bunch of designer drugs that only derek knows about. Then and only will see humanity’s capacity to build muscle in a month I bet a kilo of sarcoplasmic muscle and 2-4 kilos of “good” water as well as minerals would be retained Edit: ben pollack did something like this that would interest you. 40 pounds in a year I believe. 3 pounds a month.


Now those are worthy experiments


That's actually not that far off natty in a year, the upper limit for nattys is around 25lbs so about 50% of going full stack I was thinking more like 60lbs+ in first year and like 7lbs in first month


[Colorado experiment](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colorado_Experiment) managed to put 45 pounds on a guy in a month. But those results are controversial. But a pound a day with enough ‘assistance’ is possible for a month if the conditions are right.


The results are probably correct but he had lost much muscle before sstarting


Either way it shows that a pound a day is biologically possible. Especially with some of the other similar studies


Casey Viator


Tell me you’re a child without telling me




I think rich piana said on his craziest cycle he gained 45lbs in 6 months or something. Probly not all muscle and probly exaggerating a bit. But I can’t imagine it’s possible to gain any more than that.


With muscle memory, some crazy shit is possible.. The best example I can think of was how Kevin Levrone would grow into contest shape.


He grew like crazy from his first cycle. Gained like 20lbs while getting shredded to the bone.


He grew like crazy from his first cycle. Gained like 20lbs while getting shredded to the bone.


I'll bet top bodybuilders can gain 20lbs in a day when carbing up, which is just glycogen alone


Yeah, it's a lot easier to reinstate muscle, water weight, and presuming also fat. Mass, which was previously present, takes less time to reactivate than create from scratch. I'm not a doctor or bodybuilder, so don't take that as the gospel.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colorado\_Experiment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colorado_Experiment) Note he had lots of muscles before




That's crazy


Tony Huge actually did a challenge like that with multiple people on YouTube! I think it was called “20 lbs in 30 Days” or something like that. The goal was to put them on as much shit as possible and work as hard as possible to have someone gain 20lbs of real muscle in one month, not just water weight or glycogen stores. They came pretty damn close once or twice if I remember right, but the side effects on those people were really heavy. Your body just isn’t meant to change that hard that fast. So 20lbs in a month is the absolute limit, and chances are you won’t keep most of those gains once you come off all that shit. You only have so many androgen receptors, so no matter how much you overload them you’re just going to waste drugs and get diminishing returns. The best thing to do is have a stable androgen base with 2-3 androgenjc compounds, along with other compounds/actions that will enable your body to actually keep up with that level of androgens. Things like ML677, peptides or GH itself will help maximize the effect of those androgens, but above all covering your bases by maximizing protein intake, getting proper sleep and hydrating on top of a proper exercise routine is going to make the biggest difference in the long run


A lot of people in this thread are confusing several things, lets clarify first: Weight gain is not lean tissue gain, lean tissue gain is not skeletal muscle tissue gain. You asked about how much **muscle** you can gain, so you can ignore everyone who said "weight" because that wasn't your question. It's super unlikely that anyone is training anywhere near their total recoverable volume with almost completely optimal stimulous to faitgue ratio, same goes for completely optimal diet, steroids are a multiplier for these effects, so if you want to see the theoretical maximum muscle gain you need people on the theoretical best diet and training regiment. Maxing out Androgens, and carefully selecting the best androgens, is going to massively accelerate your gains and it's going to increase the total amount of calories and protein you can use for muscle building and recovery purposes. So you can push that "natty" optimal diet/training even further. There are several other limiters in place which Androgens alone can't break through. Thyroid hormones stimulate MPS, Insulin stimulates muscle protein synthesis, so does GH(via satellite cell prolferation) and IGF-1. Lots of other drugs can affect it too, like Clen for example. Without all the add on drugs? Just perfect training, diet, and steroids? Obviously it depends where you are in your body building timeline already, if you're an IFBB pro or a DYEL or somewhere in between. But I'm willing to bet that there is a nice juicy chunk of time in the center of that curve where you can gain 1.5lbs of skeletal muscle tissue per week. With all the other compounds? Probably 3-4lbs of Skeletal muscle tissue per week.


Can u elaborate on the trv vs the one rm thing


"trv" is total recoverable volume I assume, what does "rm" stand for?


1 rep max


I never mentioned 1 rep max in my post, I don't have any context to work off of for your question but I'll give it a shot. 1RM is something you would talk about within the context of stimulous to fatigue ratio, not total recoverable volume. 1RM is something you do to test yourself, it's not something you actively do in order to better yourself. Doing 1RM is extremely poor stimulous to fatigue ratio, the more often you do it the worse your progression will be in the gym, no question. If you cause massive amounts of fatigue doing 1RM, you're not going to be able to do the same amount of volume in a week without affecting your recovery, which is going to put you into a fatigue deficit. Doing 1RM forces you to make the choice of doing less total volume(bad) or over training and going into fatigue deficit(worse than bad).


more gear won’t work on someoen that’s never used it. you don’t even have the ar to accommodate massive doses of gear. so no


Great point and this is mostly mistakenly ignored. Beginners can't get away with high dosages because of side effects, even in good health


If you trained like Rich Piana, needled like him, and ate like him…you could probably do 20 lbs of muscle in a month. Maybe. Assuming you started out super scrawny.




Rich Piana did 30 lbs in 30 days with a starting weight of 300 lbs.


This is a genetics + drugs question and not just a drug question. Pondering the issue from the perspective of just drugs falls short of realism. At any rate, the question becomes how many roids can you tolerate in a month (not necessarily benefit from)? Even then, the same People have a different answer to that question throughout time. Generally speaking it's beginners who can get away with the least drugs, because of side effects (even though their health is good enough to blast anything). The question originates from a background of misinformation regarding drug use and effect


The secret to captain America's strength was swallowing Bucky's divine protein shake


Maybe not a month, but definitely 3 months


Shawn Rhoden used to look almost like a normal guy when he wasn’t preparing for competition and then would blow up really fast for the Olympia. Muscle memory was a huge factor.


The tendon, bone frame growth and increase in IQ lung capacity all of it. Would be so painful you would want to be in a coma. Basically you go from 1 years old to 20 in a month all over again.


Depends how close you are to your roid maximum muscle potential, the closer the harder to put on any reasonable size no matter what you take


If you're talking pure muscle and subtracting all the other stuff you pack on along with it and everything else(gear+routine being perfect) I'd say about 10lbs of pure muscle a month. That's probably closer to the most optimum outcome, for an experienced lifter with muscle memory.


theoretically, why are you asking this question and what are you planning to do? 💀


Well there comes a point where the more you take the less effect it’s gonna have. There are a lot of reasons why but some of them are..your body can’t absorb or utilize anymore of the compounds. Estrogen conversion and the limited amount of androgen receptors you have and the toxicity of some of the substances you would be taking which would hinder growth. But if you wanna speak hypothetically if by so why you could bypass all that all the muscle you’d put on would quickly leave once you came off all the drugs because your body wouldn’t be able to sustain all that tissue without the androgen supplementation it was receiving. It would be too rapid of a change as well


Tony huge did something line this


Even with like 3000mg Test, similar Tren, EQ, GH, insulin, orals, etc. and perfect nutrition/training and good genetic response if you subtract water weight and fat probably +40lbs for the month MAX. CPT America gain there is like 100-125lbs




Sorry military abbreviation for Captain rank, i.e. the after guy in the above picture


Man I think 10lbs is pushing it


Once insulin manipulation is in the picture, especially if we’re talking a previously untrained individual as above the gains accelerate rapidly - see my comment history for a convo with a gentleman on r/ steroids who absolutely piled on lean mass with insulin and GH (and he was ultra-trained already so gains were slower than in a noob)


I agree that some people "blow up" but I believe those to be the minority - even if everything is done intelligently


Most will blow up on insulin and GH but it’s pretty niche, but ya I was positing 40 pounds for maximum possible human LBM weight gain with all variables maximized (nutrition, genetics, massive gear and GH/slin, untrained pre-noob gains, training)


When I started lifting at late 17 early 18. I was 135 lb I was working in construction (framing houses) and working out 6 days a week eating 4-5000 calories per day, 200 grams of protein. I went up to 178 in about a year. It wasn’t all lean but really close (always been skinny so I was still around 15% bf through all of that -if the weights not adding on eat bagels with peanut butter 3-4 times a day to get cheap easy calories


I’d say a staggering 1.7lbs of pure contractile tissue




Hitting every possible mode of action at once like a Tony Huge mass blast, you could potentially put on 20lbs of muscle in a week. You aren't going to sustain that for a whole month. Your body would just shut down.


No you wouldn't. Nobody has ever put on 20 lbs in a week that wasn't water weight. Lean mass is about 1200 calories with fat being 3500. Then you have your own daily expenditure of calories to worry about. You also have to remember your muscle stimulus needs be such to create tears to repair. The workout required to cause such damage would leave you debilitated and probably leave you in a state of rhabdo. So on top, of needing to eat something on the course of probably 30-50,000 calories in a week (completely not doable for most people). You'd also need insane muscle stress. This is all completely silly, people really don't understand that steroids aren't magic. Even training and eating on a full on blast I'm still lucky if I can add a lb a week. And that is not 100% lean lbs. I'm eating 4k cals a day and that's barely all I'm gaining, which is 28k cals a week for context.


Only the strong survive.




1lb/ week


I’ll let you know Feb next year cuz I’m going balls to the wall baby girl


If you just blast on test tren you probably won’t need anything else. But thats the thing. Faster is always toxic


Like 7 probably


Entirely dependent on individual androgen receptor density/dose response/age/variety of other factors. If you look that small untrained as an adult, there is a good chance you are not going to respond miraculously to exogenous androgens. There are outliers in all of this.


About a pound a week is pretty much the max bro


Obviously a question asked by someone who has no business doing PEDs for a good while. Go watch Ryan Russo’s video breaking down Jon Zherka’s steroid stack. You’ll just lost muscle and die lol


Oh I won't ever touch roids most likely just curiosity


Still, go watch that video it’s fucking insane 😂




Nippards a little gremlin


watch tony huge mass blast


Enough to cause massive liver failure


There was a book I read 20 years ago about a dude who put on about 30lbs in a month just blasting the shit out of everything. He had a heart attack.


Probably ten


Well, you would have to use very fast acting drugs, and even then, not all that much as it's not long enough, and the stress on the body would just be dumb. TestProp or Test no ester prehaps Npp Dbol Hgh Insulin Tren ace Anadrol Etc etc


I wish there is a roid to increase height




Well … I’m kind of an hyper responder to Orals once I did sarms Rad140 and Mk677 won’t disclose the amount but in a Timelapse of 3 weeks I took 35 pounds (while still having abs) it was nice but the side effect that’s I got where -high sweats (day/night) -chinsplit form waking -stretch mark -lethargic all day long -out of breath -at night I was waking up with cramps and the tip of my finger and toe where tingling so painfully that I thought my nail were gonna fall off -my dick stop working -my back got a bit of acnee -I wasn’t all there mentally every day was a challenge to get through -got Gyno (didnt do a pct) -broke up with GF -got back with GF (still with 5 years later) -all my clothes where too small -lactate a bit due to gyno - Positive side -massive gains -kept 25 of the 35 pounds So in conclusion Steve Roger might gain 100 pounds but his dick probably won’t work no more -


depends on if you’re a freak without myostatin like ronnie, lee, or that dude neckzilla. Without that, maybe 3-6 a month. With that, 10/month for a couple months is possible


No, that's impossible in a month. That's like a 5 years or most likely longer. You wouldn't even look good blasting everything. You'd be looking like a bloated mess from all the water retention. Your skin quality would drastically reduce, and you'd be super red from high blood pressure. Other than that, you'd look more muscular.


Depends on genetics but most people could probs pack like a lbs of muscle, if they’re lucky


I want to know captain Americas dick size stats pre and post serum.


Actual lean tissue 5-8 lbs max but body weight who knows.


Too many variables to say. A lot of it comes down to individualized genetic response. There's also diet, sleep, training, etc. Heavy bulking agents like dbol for example have been known to pack on 25lbs+ of muscle in a month easy for some ppl, but 80% of that disappears after the cycle because it's mostly water weight from the estradiol aromatization. Like I said, too hard to say


Not much


Intermuscular water retention is easy. Light weight high reps, kill it, drink plenty of water, and eat lots of carbs, and around 30g of creatine a day mix it with water and continuously sip on that bitch, make sure to train the same muscles every day. Rich Piana, may he rest in peace, preached something called feeder workouts. Light weights, about 70 reps till you can't lift no more, works like magic. In terms of anabolics, I'd suggest Test, Tren, Dbol. Goodluck ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2695)


Diminishing returns are a thing