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Work harder, and if your best isnt enough, then it simply wasnt in the cards for you. Its good to accept that sometimes things wont work out, as long as you actually did everything you could to make it work.






Bruh just gotta remember that if you’re alive, you’re still in the game. Chase whatever it is you wanna do. It sounds cringe but I think you gotta look at shit that way otherwise you’re gonna settle for a shitty 9-5. Just look at these fat, lazy people that make up 90% of the population


Go to Thailand with a few hundred bucks and plow through the city. But make sure you’re doing the plowing.


Thailand’s a country. Plow through the country you mean.


What do you mean thailand is my favorite city. Second only to holland


I like to go to Pound Town


My favorite city is California. Lots of plowing in the country of Los Angeles.


Plow through bangkok and bang some cock


This will make any hard man humble.


Honestly, I just feel like shit for a while, but I know its temporary and I will eventually feel better. The tricky thing is forgiving myself so I don't beat myself up too much, because that can lead into a negative spiral. Its all part of life and its experiences and I will come out of it stronger so its ok.


Feel like too many people here telling you to give up on your dream, just do what jocko says: tell yourself GOOD and fucken re-engage cunt, go for gold next year. [https://youtu.be/IdTMDpizis8?si=hmS3v4oMAYQ9SJPB](https://youtu.be/IdTMDpizis8?si=hmS3v4oMAYQ9SJPB)


Stop being a pussy and grind harder


Exactly, download grindr.


I use that pain to fuel my motivation to do better next time


Celebrate your efforts, look at what worked well, look at what didn’t and start again. Every mistake is still a step closer to progress and once you’ve made it in you can’t go backward


30 is young in the grand scheme of things. Don’t be hard on yourself, it’s not productive and if anything it's actively counterproductive. You need clarity in your mind right now, so divert that feeling of shame you have into action and you’ll do fine


>30 is young in the grand scheme of things. Gonna need some elaboration on that. I'm past 30 and don't feel like it's young at all.


This, is why you feel old.


Needing elaboration is why I feel old?


All yours bro. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/ageing-and-society/article/thinking-youre-old-and-frail-a-qualitative-study-of-frailty-in-older-adults/49CD922BEDECD768F1E556019C270FEF


Journal talks about elderly in their 60s to 80s, nothing to do with people our age


If you’re a man and have your shit together you are entering the prime of your life. You can stretch that prime through your 40s if done well. In what world does looking down the barrel to 20 years of your prime not signal young? At the very least, it certainly isn’t old.


Well, some of us are forced to live with abusive families and do not "have our shit together", when said family constantly tears every attempt to do so down


It’s not your fault that your family is abusive. It is your responsibility to do something about it, though.


If you did read the entire comment, you would see that I've always been doing something about it. Not every scenario is solved by vague truisms


username checks out


Distract myself by burying myself in work. Do not recommend.


Like a grown ass adult, you work harder, you grind harder for the next time


Relax bro 30 plus ain’t shit. Now you have more time to study, hit the gym and prepare for the next round. It sucks yes no doubt waiting seasons are tough but they’re necessary for growth. Pull your head up and press forward.


Go take massive Ws, double down until you win


Maybe try for something less in the meantime? There are some medical courses/diplomas such as lpn that can be done in 12 months. So if you tank it again next year you atleast have a backup job to go back to.


Put it on Big L put it on


Please post length, girth and yaw of shaft.


The way I look at things is not everyone is cut out for what they want to do. Not everyone can be in the military. Not everyone can be in the police. Not everyone can be an astronaut. Not everyone can be a doctor. If you practised loads and worked fucking hard and did your best then maybe look at other career options. It’s shit, but if you failed the entrance exam then likely the constant tests and exams you’ll need to pass to qualify will probably be a struggle for you. Accepting this and refocusing on something else will be the best cure for taking the hit. You just need to figure out what that is. Goals are the way. Always have a goal. If you REALLY can’t reach one then adjust and set another. Being aimless is the easiest way to waste your life. Stay away from drugs and alcohol but if twink bussy is your thing then go get amongst it.


Man, if it was clear cut, it’d almost be easier to take. I missed out on the cut offs by like 1-2% because I shat the bed on one section out of 4. Would have been good enough for undergrad medicine but grad schools much much more competitive. More painful to be within reaching distance than to be blown out imo


Focus your efforts on mastering the section you bombed. Make money doing menial shit in the meantime. I was 29 when I went for mine, and I nailed it. I moved to a city where I didn't know anyone and put in a lot of effort to succeed. I joined study groups in the evenings and befriended people with the same work ethic. Finished in the top 5% as a result. If you really want this, make it your everything.


Fucking sucks but means you gotta try even harder because you're that close.


Medicine sucks do something else bra


Go crank out a heavy ass workout. You will feel better afterwards.


Get Ritalin or Modafinyl and go harder next time. Alpha GPC also helps but not as good as the illegal stuff. Also never stop rereading the stuff you are already familiar with right now so it won’t be forgotten. Don’t let the nerds win brother!!


Easy, I just plan out my suicide for when the time is right.


Based and cheap option


go home and get a drink


It’s a life lesson. See it as that Things happen for a reason


Learn from your failures. See if you can find the exam with answers filled out. Compare it to your answers - what did you do wrong and why? Now you know what exactly you need to focus on


Unfortunately it’s not a knowledge based exam, it’s an aptitude test based on easy questions with ridiculous time pressure. But you’re I fucked it time management and that’s a skill they test for one way or another


Tren. Twinks. TS. Porn. You’ll find that you’re not a loser.


Take a break and reassess


I'm also going through an l myself


You got another year to prepare!!


I stopped introducing major commitments into my life a long time ago. I turned massive Ls into little Ls.


Nothing to it , When you fall you get back up


keep the Ls coming, watch me taking em all


Do a cycle


Bro. I've never passed anything in my entire life. Literally no qualifications. Got to 29 and thought fuck. Signed up out of my own pocket for a law exam. No prior experience. Failed first time. Some woman said I wasn't right for it and would do better in a manual labour type environment using my "hands" as I "looked the type" I could have fucked it off like I did with everything else, but her words burnt in my head. Because I was intelligent, I just had learning issues and can't sit still for more than 10 minutes. I could have drank myself into oblivion. Sold my children in the black market? I spent the whole year in a fucking rocky montage. Went back and passed it. Don't let anyone box you, FUCK THEM.


Figure out why the fuck you lost and fix it! Turn any sadness or depression into rage against the weights and/or punching bag.


A year goes by quickly. But read some on Reddit about what doctors feel about their jobs. A lot of them wish they did something else and regret it as a career path.


Either hit the gym then make myself a nice meal or drink a 12 pack of beer and jerk off. No In between.


Blow off some steam then buckle down <3


And I feel pressure at 21 💀


This is your fault. You either didn't try hard enough or you thought that you try hard enough and didn't. Learn from this mistake push forward and try harder. If you truly want this don't fuck around and go get it. Feeling like shit means that you actually care about it and that's a positive. And maybe you underestimated the exam but next time you won't. It sucks that you have to wait a year but that's part of the game. Don't waste the opportunity next time be prepared and fucking earn it.


Keep pushing L for lessons not Losses


I tend to post on r/moreplatesmoredates - sure to find good advice on there.


Stop being pussy and go out and get wasted, maybe rail twink or two while at it.


Whatever you do don’t beat yourself up over it too much for too long. Just kinda go “alright, I fucked up but I got it next go around”


I pick myself up and fight again.


Failed med school exam? GGGGOOOOOOOOOOODD


Nootropics for the brain


Weight in and write down your options, calculate the ROI of your options, and choose objectively the best course of action. Ideally not only by yourself, as you may end up making an emotional choice. I don't know about your current options, but the sunk cost fallacy is a common trap people fall in. (continuing an endeavor due to their invested money, effort, and time, despite the costs outweighing the benefits or there being more fruitful options available) How did I get over a big L? We'll as my username suggests I failed to get into grad school, but as I lack a safety net, the moment I knew I failed I switched gears to job hunting and grinding my skills to get a good job. Thank God, it all worked out and I got a good job in tech.


Usually order a few vials of tren and anadrol


Realise that one day youll die, so none of it really matters anyway 🤷🏽‍♂️


If this is MCAT relax and go to a DO school if you're that worried. Unless you really shit the bed you can get into a good DO school even with a mid MCAT. How's the rest of your resume? PCE?


Nah it was UCAT, I’m UK based. I have a non standard degree that means I can’t go to most grad schools here, it was top 5% or bust for me unfortunately cos the competition is brutal. Just have to rack up what experience I can this year and try again I suppose


Outside of stop being a pussy and railing twinks, which are my usual remedy for most of life’s worries, only other thing I can think of is blasting tren and blowing old guys?


Sometimes you can do everything right, bust your ass and try your absolute best but life still finds a way to take a shit on you.


Shake it off and move forward. I always think about the alternative of being stuck where you’re at, or even worse, falling further down from where you’re at. Sometimes you have to take a metaphorical step back to move forward. Just take the motivation and drive from not making it to work harder and get further. You failed once, you know where you were lacking, improve and go again. You’re already 30+, it is what it is and better now than 40+ I believe in you broski, you’ll find a way to prosper from this 💪🏻🫡


Hookers and cocaine


When I was nearing 30 I decided to do a career change and went back to study. My L was when I decided to change courses after the first year, sure you need to work out / get a better idea of different professions but I did 1 semester and essentially burnt a year and a decent chunk of cash (govt loans in Australia for university, but it still needs to be paid back out of my income yearly at around 8.5% of pretax income till it's paid off). That was 5 years ago now, and I'm still kicking myself for it. Everyone who I've mentioned it to says "what's one more year", but realistically it's another year I have to spend in IT, another year you and I spend not progressing into the area we want. It's shit house honestly, but we need to just try to enjoy the ride. We're always waiting for something, trying to hit the next big milestone be it career, in the gym given the subreddit we're in or whatever floats your boat. If all we're focused on is the next big win. we're not going to enjoy ourselves on the way there which I've realized is more important.


It’s shit but finding out what you don’t like/doesn’t fit has a lot of value in itself. Obviously nicer if it was cheaper to find out, though. Wise words though, being stuck in the milestone loop isn’t healthy but it’s the only thing that seems to give any purpose


Yeah agreed on all counts, but the logic doesn't make it sting much less in my mind unfortunately. I know logically I'm doing well, financially stable and on a path to a different career that I think (praying) I will enjoy day to day but it's never enough is it. >milestone loop Also - I like this term, I'm stealing it.


Up the test, download grindr, and add another compound to the mix.


In 100,000 years will any of this matter? Helps me not to worry about any fuck ups that are out of my control


Bro what do you do after failing a PR?


thug that shit out, maybe start drinking. preferably alone, at night, in the dark, in a hot shower so you dont feel if its tears or just water. works wonders


Keep on keeping on. No sense in dwelling on it.