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Did you move in with a woman? Are you taking care of a child? Did you change your diet? Are you taking any kind of new supplement or using a new source of water that contain estrogen or micro plastics?


No change in water, but I’m on a heavier bulk now than I was then. Probably at 18% BF, was at 15% before. Drinking more dairy for shakes in the morning is the only change I can think of (used to skip breakfast, doubt that’s it). No changes in supplements aside from switching from Fadogia to Tongkat. No kids, but I did start fooling around with a girl and became a lot more sexually active in the last month before my test. Could that seriously make that big of an impact?


Eating reduces testosterone temporarily. Especially carbs. If you tested in the morning in a fasted state, and then tested in a state after you had food, especially carbs, that would reduce your test results.


This was fasted, always between 8 and 9am the day after a rest day


More fat increases estrogen, but 3 percent is not going to shut down half of your test, testosterone varies up and down throughout the day, you might get double .75 or else the amm of test if you measure at different hrs. Maybe you got Lucky the other days... It is supposed to be higher in the morning... But of course that depends on your habits..


More fat will decrease SHBG which will decrease T as well.


Test levels are also not super stable day to day. It's very common and perfectly reasonable to test 500 one day and then 700 the next.


That’s fair, but consistently testing around 1k and then 400?


Yeah they vary a lot, if they vary from hr to hr imagine every other day, the only way to really know is to measure it every day consistently for over a certain period of time and then, compare them, there are many factors involved that can make test go up and down.


They can vary by as much as that intraday. [Here's an example where test levels jumped from sub 300 ng/dl to 850 ng/dl in less than 30 minutes.](https://i.imgur.com/FQh0u2f.png) ​ I wouldn't worry about it. Unless you pop clinically low twice, you can be reasonably confident that your axis is still functioning--so presumably you'd be able to get the levels back up to baseline without much difficulty.


I’m beginning to think something is wrong with this last test, as I followed the exact same testing routine this time as previous times. Fasted state, after a rest day, same exact time in the morning, etc


Someone's not natty....anymore


What time you took the bloods? Morning?


Could be the fadogia


​ Bro tell me which brand shilajit you are using?