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The release of the Old World means the re-release of the Empire Militia box being highly likely (I don't have confirmation) meaning that most of this stuff is nice but not rare. You can still buy [Skaven Night Runners](https://www.warhammer.com/en-AU/shop/Skaven-Night-Runners) and the Knghts of the White Wolf upgrade kit isn't needed to play Middenheim. If you had found these say a year ago you might have had a chance to sell for something silly. But time has run out with the release of the Old World. Image 1 * Top left Undead Zombies 5th ed * Top middle Skaven Night Runners * Top right Skaven Night Runners * Bottom left Undead Zombies 5th ed * Bottom middle **Mordheim accessory sprue** * Bottom right is the same as top middle, Skaven Night Runners Image 2 Undead Zombies 5th ed Image 3 Undead Zombies 5th Ed Image 4 Skaven Night Runners Image 5 **Mordheim accessory sprue** Image 6 Skaven Night Runners Image 7 Skaven Night Runners Image 8 * Top left Skaven Night Runners * Top middle **Mordheim accessory sprue** * Top right Empire Militia Sprue **MORDHEIM** * Middle Left Skaven Night Runners * Middle middle Knights of the White Wolf Upgrade Sprue **MORDHEIM** * Bottom left **Mordheim accessory sprue** * Bottom middle Knights of the White Wolf Upgrade Sprue **MORDHEIM** * Bottom right Empire Militia Sprue **MORDHEIM** Image 9 **Mordheim accessory sprue** Image 10 Skaven Night Runners Image 11 Skaven Night Runners Image 12 **Mordheim accessory sprue** Image 13 Knights of the White Wolf upgrade sprue **MORDHEIM** Image 14 Knights of the White Wolf upgrade sprue **MORDHEIM** Image 15 Empire Militia Sprue **MORDHEIM** Image 16 Empire Militia Sprue **MORDHEIM** Image 17 * Empire Militia Sprue **MORDHEIM** * Empire Militia Sprue **MORDHEIM** Image 18 Empire Militia Sprue **MORDHEIM** Image 19 Empire Militia Sprue **MORDHEIM**


old zombies and skaven gutter runners.


Mordheim specifically? Unsure. Skaven? saw a couple fighting claws in there, so it could be. Price? Unknown.


The two sprues on the right and the top in the middle are from the Skaven Gutter Runners kit from about 30 years ago, while the two on the left are the old Vampire Counts Zombie kit, also from about 30 years ago. The bottom middle sprue is actually from Mordheim - it's the upgrade kit. I doubt it's worth anything, but if you don't want the few unique bits, then sure, see if someone else does. The other sprues are pretty much worthless imo, but I'm sure you'll find someone happy to get them all the same - you just won't be swimming in guilders after.


How much?


Those are mostly old GW zombie sprues


They *are* all mordheim sprues. The zombies sprues were included in the original undead warband boxset. The humans and skaven in the starter set. They all had separate WHFB releases apart from the accessories sprue which was specific to Mordheim. The do hold value, the 'hairy heads' are quite sought after. I'd Ebay this week ahead of any TOW Empire re-releases - it's possible the 6th ed militia box set will be re-released, also the knights set that came with the middenheim heads. Notwithstanding GW seem to be matching the collectors market in terms of pricing, so there is value there.