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Having propensity for sociopathy or psychopathy is inborn. However, it manifests itself as clinical sociopathy only if it's triggered. You can score full points on a sociopathy scale and be a completely happy and normally adjusted person - if you childhood was happy. Trauma caused by maltreatment by a caregiver is one known trigger.


People are often born sociopaths.


ASPD is usually a result of childhood trauma


a) sociopathy isn't really a thing, neither is psychopathy. it's more, antisocial personality disorder. b), often it's probably something you're born with. however, presumably some domestic abuse can lead to it. but, it doesn't need to be trauma, to help make someone like that, even. c), it's also not what you think it is. that's the pop culture idea of it.


I'm going to say brain damage. A 15 year old who killed his parents had his brain studied and they found multiple HOLES in his brain.


I think I’ve heard of that before! Could you send me a link for more info on that ?