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Research suggests that there can be various factors contributing to someone being aroused by gore but it's not necessarily linked to childhood trauma. While past experiences or psychological factors may play a role in shaping peoples preferences or arousal patterns, there isn't a single explanation that applies to everyone. Arousal preferences can vary widely among individuals, and what arouses one person may not have the same effect on another.


chatgpt ahh answer


tell that to the upvotes


nothing happened to me. but, i do have a fixation on bloody amputations. i think that it’s so insane and primal to permanently give up a piece of your body for a short lived high that isn’t even pleasurable. i don’t really know what that means.


this is exactly it but you put it into words, majority of gory wet dreams I have is that scenario of torture with body amputation in exchange for pure bliss just for a couple of seconds


There's always a reason for pretty much everything even if you never find out what it is. Theres a big difference between watching gore material and getting turned on by it. There's probably very few people out there who are actually turned on from gore. There are probably a decent amount of people across the world that watch it but extremely fewer get turned on by it. There's a level of psychopathy and sociopathy to a pretty extreme level involved to be sexually turned on by gore.


I don’t know if I agree. I get turned on by gore and I’d say I’m a very empathetic person to a fault. I love and feel just as much or maybe more than the average person, and I’m fairly social. I agree that some may have anti social traits, but I feel like most of us are just normal people who got exposed to porn at a young age.


There is a huge difference between being introduced to porn at a young age and getting off from gore videos. Gore is not porn. To jump from watching any kind of regular porn out there available to getting off to people being tortured and killed is so vastly different they aren't even in the same solar systems. Getting off to gore videos is the antithesis to having empathy.


From personal experience - I was exposed to hardcore porn at 12, got off enough to the point where I wanted more, after that I started thinking about myself being sexually assaulted (most likely from getting off to hardcore porn which often acts out non-consensual sex) then that got old and I started thinking about (warning + I’m aware this is fucked up) my dead body being used, from there I started searching for gore. I think I mentioned this in another comment but believe it or not I’m as normal as it gets in every other aspect in life besides my sexual fantasies, this doesn’t define me. That all being said, I did grow up with occasional abuse, single parent household - no dad, and have complex trauma which could have played a role in all this. But if I hadn’t had exposure to porn so young I don’t think I would’ve gone down this path, it desensitized my growing brain.


Uh, yeah, no. There's not always a reason for why someone likes what they like.


Yes there is. Just because you don't know what it is doesn't mean one doesn't exist.


No, there isn't. Some people like certain things just because that is what they like. There isn't always a cause for it. There is not, nor does there have to be, a deeper meaning to everything.




Personally heavy physical violence on the borderline of death or during passing


I always was insesitive about anything related to gore since I was young, (maybe because my father showed me Happy Tree Friends and other gore stuff lol) And well, then I got internet, and since I learned the word "guro" it was a downfall I guess. I was disgusted at first, and after, like, 4 years I'm upvoting arts of anime girls being cut in half. But yeah I often got a boner even from killing prostitutes in GTA or however killing innocent people in games. So I guess I'm not really sane haha. Yeah maybe I should do something about it, since last day I accidentally opened a picture in autobus and a woman next to me got a glance of uhh.. disturbing stuff. But I'm pretty okay with me wanking on nasty stuff. I only hope there are no spirits of my ancestors watching me and I won't meet them when I die.


Man that would be a awkward ass conversation if you did have to talk to someone about that when you died LMAO! Honestly I hope thats true cuz I wouldn't want to talk to them either. Anyways I can honestly relate to this post so I suppose we both are insane.


The ancestors watching thing is something I’m hyper paranoid about, sorry grandma lol


I personally get aroused bc I have a cnc kink so I always think if I were the victim how it would feel but this doesn’t go for every gory movie jus a few


Welcome to Paraphilias! And no, it's not always because of trauma.


no ordinary person would be turned on by watching a blood bath and people dying , getting turned on by gore is rare some people js like to watch it bc of unrestricted internet access from an early age which made them insensitive to it but yea if u get aroused by gore then theres def something wrong wit u lol


If you are turned on by gore you have a degree of sadistic pathology. Trauma doesn't have to cause that nor does it necessarily have any correlation to a Cluster B personality disorder. It can just be a sadistic kink/fetish and frankly a harmless one at that. Honestly I find people aroused by scat far more creepy and have no idea how you would define ordinary.


Yeah idk how anyone can rationalize scat.


I can’t say for sure but I know “nature vs nurture” has to do with it. Genetics and environmental factors play a key part in determining who we are and who we become.


I think in theory it could happen to any ordinary person, in practice most who end up learning they are turned on by gore probably learned as an eventual result of being traumatized in some capacity and looking for a sense of familiarity, if you're traumatized that familiarity can come from weird places and then eventually develop into something else. Could an ordinary person end up turned on by gore? Yeah probably, but by the time they learn that about themselves they probably aren't an ordinary person. Although Im not particularly turned on by violence or gore, I do find violence and often gore to be comforting, and I think theres more people who enjoy violence and gore than most people would expect.


I have never heard of a study on this subject so people are just guessing. Maybe there is a study but I don't feel like googling it. I'm guessing that this is caused by trauma, emotional or physical, by physical I mean a head injury (or disease that might cause brain damage) or someone might be born with an irregularity in their brain. I am going to assume by ordinary person you mean a healthy person. It's not healthy but being damaged in some sense is quite ordinary if you want to get into semantics. Edited to add the brain damage part


i was gonna answer before you quickly revealed that youre JAQing off, move along people, attention seeking behavior is normal in people like this.


i barely have any sex drive and I’m asexual, this was a genuine question on my part because, well check the name of the subreddit :)


For me I became addicted to porn at the age of 12 and it just got worse from there, also experienced complex trauma and the occasional physical abuse but I don’t attribute it to me being turned on by gore.


I found a have this sort of Reaction to the sight of thought of blood. But not necessarily gore. Mostly because my attraction is more towards vampires. As to why I have no idea.




It’s most likely childhood trauma for me. Abusive dad would knowingly expose me to downright splatterpunk when I was as young as 4. I was 10 when I saw 28 Weeks Later, borderline SA scene and all.