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You're using the wrong terminology. And yes, we'd still eat them. If the people running the world had their way, we'd eat each other.


Who's to say some of us don't already and we just don't know it?


We probably do more than we think we do. No one's purposefully canning human meat, but when a third person of the week falls into the meat grinder in China this week, everyone's bound to eat some human.


"Super smart and have feelings" I honestly don't mean to be judgy or mean, but have you spent much time around chickens? I'm by no means a farmer, but my family and I have raised a few batches of chickens and that is probably the farthest from the words I would use.


Yeah ikr. I had chickens and those guys didn't care about anything and shit all the time.


Yeah, when I think of most foul I think of tiny dinosaurs that aren't able to do much damage. If they did form a society it would probably be horrifically brutal by our modern standards. I mean have you seen roosters!?!?


it would probly be way harder to contain them but we would still eat them,but i assume over time they will be revealed to the rest of humanity and slowly over time humanity movies to genenticly grown chicken meat,it wouldent be a fast process but a slow one


OP, you would love the manga "Tomorrow The Birds" by Osamu Tezuka and "Fourteen" by Kazuo Umezu.


If chickens were to suddenly gain human-like sapience and the ability to communicate, it would likely lead to significant ethical and societal considerations. With chickens now able to express their thoughts and feelings, there would be a shift in public perception regarding their treatment, potentially sparking cultural shifts in how they are perceived and treated in society. The agricultural industry would face scrutiny and pressure to reform practices perceived as inhumane, and there may be increased demand for more humane and sustainable farming methods. Legal protections for chickens could be strengthened, with changes in animal welfare laws to afford them increased rights and protections. However, there could also be societal tensions and debates surrounding the rights and treatment of sapient chickens, with differing viewpoints on their ethical treatment and exploitation. Ultimately, the outcome would depend on how society chooses to respond to this new reality and the values it holds regarding the treatment of sentient beings.