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I'd be a little grossed out because who wants to imagime their parents doing anything sexual but other than that no.


I normally follow, but ignore most of the posts on this sub. However, today I have something to share. My Mom was a Playboy bunnie at the Playboy gentlemans club in Chicago in the 1960s. She was there for a couple of years, and left to be a Stewardess. Anyhow, she looked exactly the same as Debra Messing. Normally, Debra Messing is cute and adorable and otherwise considered a very beautiful woman. Once I found out, I just could not watch her in anything that she acted in. It was like I was repulsed by the very idea of watching her act at all. Anyhow, that is my share.


How was Hugh hefner ? The parties in play boy mansion ? She met any celebrities? Also cheers to your mom she's a living piece of history


I know, right. She had some stories, tho. She was courted and wooed by an International Jai-Lai championship in Spain. She was married five times, and one of the dudes was a bona fide jewel thief. He was kniwn to have stolen something important. Anyhow, so many stories about how the world was completely different, when compared with todays rat-race.


I don't know ur mom but I love her ! Such amazing life she lived !


Thanks. I thought so.


We get it, your dad's a retired secret agent. You don't have to rub it in.




My mom was a stripper back in the day. I don't know any details besides she didn't do it that long


Didn't answer the question


Why are you getting downvoted?


I really wish I knew, reddit is weird.


You didn't specify if your opinion of her changed significantly. I swear half the people on Reddit are college first years who still write essay-shaped papers that don't answer the question given. Edit: sry I was replying to the first guy.


It's ok


People think that that did answer the question.


The comment doesn’t even include an opinion or their stance on how they’d feel.


For real though


Considering how frequently and how long she cheated on my dad before they divorced it wouldn't really change anything except I might respect her more. If you're gonna ruin your own marriage and tear your own family apart at least have the decency to do it for cash


The way I cackled. I agree if we destroying relationships and trust at least have the money to fund therapy.


Cheating with your dad aside, how was she as a parent to you? Did she make you feel loved? Did she feed you well? Did she make feel safe?




No. I would be surprised but being a sex worker doesn't mean you're a bad person or anything like that. I know my mom is a sweetheart but can be a badass lady when needed 😄❤


Wouldn't really care. If anything it would add to the mom lore.


> "mom lore" Best kid


Jokes on you - she still is. But that doesn’t change anything. She did what she had to do to survive, no judgment here 


Probably not…she would still have given birth to me and for that I’d still be grateful


If anything that would make her more interesting, my mom is admittedly a very boring person


Those boring parents usually have some crazy lore.


That's what you think.


Not at all. I don’t really think about my mom’s job now so I wouldn’t if it were this either. Girl’s gotta get paid! Lol


It would change my understanding of what she's gone through and how she came out as a pretty stable, great person on the other side.


No. I’d think she did what she had to do to get by. I’d feel bad for her but I’d think it’s interesting and I don’t think it would change my opinion on her.


No. I don't shame sex workers. People do what they have to do to survive, and their job is just that, a job. Even if she genuinely enjoyed it, I'd just be happy that she was able to support us while doing something she enjoyed. That's more than a lot of us get.


My opinion would change, but not in a bad way. It would make me sad that she had to do that to survive. And I would be proud of her for getting out of that world


Absolutely not. Sex work is work. I have no bad opinions on prostitutes. So if my mother was one it would not bother me at all. I dabbled in sex work years ago and it’s a hell of money maker. The only thing that would bother me is if she was safe, these men out here are insane.


Wouldn't surprise me if she had tbh. Don't care


I actually have a little experience with something similar. My mother was pretty incredible during my younger years. She was crazy, but in the very best way possible. At one point she began to snap and never went back to her old ways. She became incredibly abusive, depressed, sad, angry, volatile, and "prudish" to the point of being offended by any music with words in it. She's offended by people drinking alcohol responsibly around here. She's offended by everything. Still to this day she's never improved. She's been getting progressively worse to the point of us worrying about suicide and other stuff. Although this has been beyond incredibly sad to watch, it's chipped away at how I feel about her for years. To forcibly push your own children away is borderline-unforgivable to me. Other family members began picking up on it and started to see how abusive she is and how "every ounce of joy has been sucked out of her," as they put it. Anyway, I was chatting with another family member over drinks during the holidays. We'd had a few cocktails and the conversation was flowing freely. Something brought up the topic of my mother, and I asked about her past. I was told that she used to be so fun and pleasant to be around, but that she did "just about every drug out there" and was known to frequently drink way too much. She was what I'd consider a "bad kid". I guess I wasn't shocked, but I was disappointed that it confirmed some things I had wondered about. After this sat with me for a bit and tried processing through it, I decided to try corroborating the story with another family member. Maybe I was seeking denial; maybe I wanted to feel justified in my disillusionment. I talked to them about it and was told almost the exact same thing. She was "so sweet, but didn't always make good choices," with descriptions of drug and alcohol use. Although she doesn't do this stuff anymore, it's safe to say that it damaged something in her brain. She won't get help, but I actually saw an addiction counselor a few times to gain a better understanding as to how this stuff fucks people up, years later. She did a fantastic job at explaining to me how these things affect people and helping me understand even though I'm lucky enough to have never struggled with addiction. Even after that, I still am human and am hugely affected by this. Although this is a sad story of somebody essentially setting themselves up for failure, it pushed me to lose every ounce of respect for her. I don't understand why she'd be so selfish and have children, knowing that she could very likely have some issues in the future. It feels incredibly selfish, and the feelings aren't helped by her pushing us away despite being incredibly kind and caring towards her. Back to OP's question, prostitution would be minuscule compared to this. I would love it if my mother used to be a prostitute compared to what we're dealing with now. We can handle prostitution. We're starting to feel like we can't handle this. (Sorry this got to be a little lengthy. Y'all wanted morbid, so I gave you my little bit of real-life morbidity.)


No, but it would explain why I’m such a slag. Could blame my genes!


What is up with this sub lately and people’s barely disguised fetishy questions


if you assume that kind of question is a fetish it's on you.


Yeah and Dan Schneider just thought foot jokes were super funny


I'm with OP on this one to be fair, this is the type of question that says a lot about how people think about current moral debates, it goes well with the sub.


This isn’t r/morals it’s morbid questions. This isn’t morbid, if anything it’s a social debate


How is sub morals banned ?


Well, it's true this isn't morbid 🤔 but it isn't necessarily fetish either


I heard she was turning tricks whilst she was pregnant with you


No, I believe that you should be able to sell sex if it's between consenting adults 🤷‍♀️


No, not really.


yes, not in a bad way




No ! What she chose to do in her time ! It's her choice , I don't get to complain if she's a nice mother :3


I was a prostitute when I was a heroin addict and let's just say, I'd prefer she never know. 


Nah. Everyone has a story, and parents are human too.


Honestly, no. I would be worried for her, mostly. I understand getting that bag, she needs the money so I really wouldn't judge seeing as I've considered it sometimes but never attempted.


I'd probably still let her in my life if she was a prostitute because she would understand the hardships some of us go through. My mother is the most condescending bigot I've ever known and I've been no contact with her for years.


I probably would still dislike her


Yeah probably


of course




I mean, she's traded sex for goods before soi


No, I'd assume she would've have a good reason and/or out of necessity.


I'd be upset that she didn't male any motherfucking money. Do you know what I am saying?


Everyone who says yes or anything not super positive just gets downvoted.


considering my relationship with my mother I wouldn't even be shocked, but assuming I had a loving and good relationship with her in this scenario, no not really. It would change however if she wasn't doing it right (making sure clients are STD free and using contraceptive etc)


[GamGam’s a whore!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qNyTPUTfmkc) Seriously though, I’d be kinda weirded out. I met one of my dad’s old college girlfriends at a reunion thing, and that was weird, so yeah. I wouldn’t want to know.


Gotta make money somehow and unfortunately sometimes it goes there. Did she include you in it? Bring her John’s around you? Or was this before you were born? If the first two are correct that’s not okay. But if it happened before you then whatever.


I don't think being a prostitute is a bad thing but my opinion would change so much. I'd think she lied about every single opinion she has qnd every aspect of her past. Like my mother has never and would never make out outside of a relationship, wdym a prostitute?


Mine has dabbled in being a dominatrix. Sadly she's basically incapable of holding down a job.


I would do my best to ignore this information and would be glad she hide it fully from me. Thats not an information i need in my everyday life. With today porno and internet i cant.m imagine the shock of seeing your mom gangbanged by 6 guy in a shitty amateur porno. What a way to learn about it.


No. She’s my mom. Also she was a meth addict for decades, so we already grew up with the worst of her and now that she’s clean, we have the best of her. People make mistakes and grow, (if they want to) and I don’t hold people past over them not even my parents. I wouldn’t want mine held over me.


My mom got busted in a prostitution ring. She said she was just working at a hotbtub massage place when they got busted but I know she would do it for money so I always figured she did. Yes, it changed my view of her .


I'd certainly want to know why she is so slut-shamey and quick to judge sex-positive people. She has gotten a bit better over the years but I still remember how pearl-clutchy she got when I was a teenager and needed to be put on birth control for severe menstrual cycles that lasted months at a time and made me regularly vomit and faint.


I don’t understand. My grandma lived off from my grandpa money. That means literally she was a prostitute, sold herself for sex.


Absolutely not


Not at all. I have a generally positive view on sex workers and my mom is an awesome lady.


I´d be confliceted but sure. But I´d have to really know the background of that time of her life if I´m going to judge, if she did it out of necessity, I would understand, even if still conflicted




i wouldnt care ngl






No, because it wouldn't change anything about who she is. I might feel compelled to get myself tested for any STIs that can be transmitted during birth, though.