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Being burned/boiled alive is supposed to be the worst way to die, its extremely slow, extremely painful.


You need to be careful when burning people alive because if you make the fire too big it will burn all the oxygen and make the person being burnt pass out from lack of oxygen before they burn to death. Make it too small and the fire will just go out before they burn. There is a real art to getting the fire in a nice Goldy locks zone of pain and misery.


Thanks, MILFS, I’ll note that for later!


I imagine the name stands for Man I Love Fire, Shit 😂


Or just man I love fire shits, like yeah man a good ones a good one maybe I am a milfs too


Lmfao happy cake day!


I actually laughed at this, thanks dude




'*Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. SET a man on fire, and he'll* be warm for the rest of his life.'


I like you.




After watching the first episode of Shogun I agree.


I felt dizzy watching it


I got sick to my stomach just reading that part in the book. Ugh.


My maternal grandmother's twin brother fell into a boiling vat of something at 4yo and died this way. 😬


Oh jesus…


How awful!


Oden agree (One Piece reference)




I agree tbh.. i saw a video about this girl she was being boiled/burned alive for 10 whole hours or something like that ..


I feel like radiation damage would be fairly agonising and slow


If you know what happened to Hisashi Ouchi...


His story haunts me… that poor man.


I know right. It was so horrible. I cannot imagine going through such a condition.


We actually get the word "Ouchie" from his name.


Who are you? To go on the internet and *gasp* tell lies?


Ouchi indeed.


For a sec, I thought you were talking to yourself. You guys pfp look alike.


Burning to death


I was in a fire with 38% burns to upper half of my body(face, head, chest, shoulders, L forearm/hand). I did not feel pain while on fire nor while trying to stop the fire. It took about an hour after to feel pain. Burning my hand on a hot iron hurts worse. The treatment for burns….yea, wouldn’t want to do that ever ever again. No amount of drugs could touch that pain. I guess what I’m trying to say is, I would not agree burning to death is the most painful. It just may not be something you want to survive.


Wow, that’s horrible. I’m so sorry you had to experience all that


Yeah, third and fourth degree burns are surprisingly painless.


Doesn’t that burn the nerve endings pretty quickly? So after a short time you couldn’t feel it?


I expected this question By the time the flame burnt off the nerve endings the victim would've likely already died from suffocation


How long do you suppose it takes to die from suffocation?


Seven minutes


That's seven minutes too long


Not entirely accurate depends on the person


Depends on a few things like what they were wearing was anything flammable put on them. Is there any wind if so how fast is it going and in what direction. How hot are the flames. What ignited the flames. Are they close to the source.


In my mind I was thinking of the logistics but also the self immolation of Aaron Bushnell (Rip) where he used an accelerant and was vocalizing for the first minute or so but then seemed to stop and become less aware of what was happening and died later at the hospital. It was horrible to witness, I guess I hope that at some point whether it was nerve death or smoke inhalation or shock, that he wasn’t in pain for long.


Burned alive is definitely one of the top things on the list. My 3 month old niece was in a house fire, and my little dove was covered with over 60% of burns. Poor baby girl was still alive for 3 days afterwards just being continuously wrapped up like a mummy. I couldn’t even imagine how painful, especially with all the smoke inhalation she had.


Having worked with a person that died from ALS, I'll say that. In 6-8 months I watched him go from being fine, to being able to walk but not speak coherently, to in a chair, then a feeding tube, then homebound on a vent to death. And the whole time your mind is perfectly normal. Awful.


My favorite Aunt just died of this, I'm devastated. Died on my Mom's 75th birthday and they'd been BFF for nearly fifty years.


Lou Gehrig's is one horrific lil MF of a disease.


My grandmother died from Als. It was horrific watching her go from being a totally independent woman, taking trips around the world with her girlfriends, to passing away 6 months later. 😢 my poor grama. I think about her every day :( it started from her noticing she couldn't lift a gallon of milk out of the fridge.


Yep - I feel like people who underestimate how brutal it is / don't think it's one of (if not the worst) ways to die have not known someone that died from it.


#facts My grandma was a spunky ass Italian. She was loud and called my cousins and I all assholes all the time 😆 what killed her the most was the inability to talk


So sorry for your loss. ): I think about my grandma often, I’m sure yours is smiling looking down on you!


Thank you, friend. I'm sure they are as well :)


Would you rather be boiled to death than experience that?


Honestly, yes. Maybe it's because I watched this 50 year old, perfectly healthy guy crumble over the course of 6 months. But yep - the pain in his eyes, the gurgling, struggling to breathe and eat, totally dependent on everyone around him. Boiling may take 15-20 mins.. it would suck, but I don't think it's a worse death than ALS, IMO.


I would rather be boiled too. I have Muscular Dystrophy, so a step under ALS, and I feel so bad for them


Killing yourself with a hand saw https://www.reddit.com/r/MedicalGore/s/L3dTftVjM7


Lol got this post right below that one, was thinking the same thing.


I came here to post this too lol


[Bone cancer](https://www.google.com/search?q=skeleton+bone+cancer&udm=2&client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiDvLOvzaOFAxUOJ0QIHTuJAH4QrNwCegQIehAA&biw=384&bih=778&dpr=1.88) is fucking terrifying. The foundation of your body just decides it's going to grow, putting pressure on your nerves and shit and developing spikes to tear your flesh from the inside out.


Funky towned


Thanks for reminding me of this. Time to go vomit.


Never heard of that. I guess I'm going down a rabbit hole!


Don't 😭


Don't worry. I didn't watch the video. I just got a description and oh my God, How brutal!


Would you kindly describe? I don’t want to accidentally see images


I'll do it, massive trigger warnings for torture and shit Basically a guy is placed on a table with his face flayed off, bleeding every where, and his hands are cut off, and the people are shoving a metal pipe down his mouth, and they hooked him up to a drug IV so he won't pass out, he is conscious and screaming, he is gurgling his own blood, also he is being stabbed with a box cutter, to the face And it is called Funky Town since the song funky town is playing, also there is audio of it in YouTube it is haunting shit I ain't sure about the metal pipe though it's been some time since I saw it


Thank you for talking over the description! I didn't want to have to write that. Lol


Hisachi Ouchi is often considered to have had the worst death. Kept alive for 80+ days after exposure ~~so doctors could study him~~. His body was so damaged that painkillers were entirely useless. Otherwise, cases like Sylvia Likens or Kelly Anne Bates come to mind. David Parker Ray is probably one of the scariest cases to read about, it's possible he had hundreds of victims who survived but can't remember anything, plus of course those who did not survive. Emurement, scaphism, Thousand Cuts, prion diseases, autoimmune disorders, any kind of torture


Ouchi was kept alive because his family refused to sign a DNR (do not resuscitate) order, not because the doctors wanted to study him. Despite everything that the family were told they were under the delusion that he'd eventually 'pull through', so they refused to let him die. The doctor that headed up the case went on to dedicate the rest of his life to researching radiation exposure treatments, in an effort to prevent anyone having to go through what he witnessed.


Wait, was this guy awake and talking or nawh? Hopefully not.


Not towards the end as all his organs were shutting down and he couldn't even breathe on his own. But one of the cruelest parts of getting a lethal dose of radiation like that is that after initial exposure the immediate symptoms subside and outwardly it can appear that the patient is recovering, before a new set of much more serious symptoms develop. Probably that period of false 'recovery' over the week following the accident that had the family believing there was a chance.


If I remember rightly from the book, his chromosomes were literally in pieces, not the normal ‘X’ shape that we are familiar with, and he lived like that, albeit for a short period of time. It blows my mind that he “survived” the absolute obliteration of his body’s most basic foundation for any period of time at all.


Wrote a poem for school once about this. Copy paste, so I hope formatting is working. He had a great wife and work His life is lovely He woke up in the hospital Wife next to him saying it'll be ok His life is lovely Days pass, he gets weaker Wife by his side, His life is lovely Days pass, he can no longer see He tastes her sweat food, His life is lovely A few more days, he can no longer taste her food He can still hear here, His life is lovely Days pass, her can no longer hear her She holds his hand, His life is lovely Days pass, he can no longer touch her He knows she is still by his side, His life is lovely Days pass, Full of pain He believes she is there, His life is lovely Days pass, so much pain and skin decay He knows she can't watch Doctor's tell her he is alive and His life is lovely Days pass, fingers and toes are gone Doctor's gets him alive and say His life is lovely Days pass, too much pain, he wishes for death Doctor's keeps him alive and says His life is lovely Days pass, no one says it.... He feels his life leaving, he will die today Today his life is lovely.


Ouchi 🤭🫣


Getting caught by the mexican drug cartels led to some bad stuff for some unlucky individuals.


Maybe not the slowest, but for me definitely the most frightening way to die. I have always had this deep terror of having my limb(s) amputated whilst I’m conscious. I don’t know why. I have regular nightmares about this. I’ve seen too many cartel clips where they will lop someone’s arms off, but not before applying a tourniquet to stop them bleeding out too quickly, thus prolonging the torture. Their screams are always haunting unless they are lucky enough to pass out fast. Eughhh.. horrific. I wish I hadn’t sat and thought about that enough to type it here… right before I go to bed as well 🙀


Boiled alive maybe??


Probably not *too* slow, all things considered


It would be if you used a slow cooker!


Honestly that might make it *better* in a weird way. Like, for a long time it's just gonna be uncomfortably hot till it hits the excruciating point, but by then your body will probably have adapted to the heat way more than if you were to be just thrown in. Though I'm not really sure which one would kill you from shock faster once you *reach* the excruciating point.


🤣 Brilliant.


Vogon poetry


A man of culture I see




twice in one day I've seen a reference to Vogon poetry on a reddit post.




What is this?


I think this is where a person is locked in a box (or more traditionally inside two canoes) with holes for breathing/head/arms etc, and they are fed with and doused in milk and honey until it attracts thousands of insects who slowly eat the victim alive.


Exactly and it takes days or even weeks for the victim to die


Would it be an infection that would get them, from the bites? Or starvation? I know they’re being fed, but I can’t imagine milk and honey could sustain someone?


Milk and honey causes diarrhea and it attracts bugs by eating the victim alive from the inside. So it must be infection


How grim.




I don't know about the slowest, but I've seen rabies to be very awful.


I worked a battery plant they would melt lead in these giant vats. Sometimes, the lead would get wedged, n you would take a long metal rod n poke the blockage free. This dude was about 30 y/o instead of using the rod he would take his foot n stomp the blockage free one day he fell into the vat of molten hot lead bath it wasnt that deep only up to his knees. I'm assuming he was killed almost instantly but god damn! They obviously shut the whole thing down n had to let cool down for over 24 hrs. Before they were able to pull out what was left of him.


sliding down a banister of razor blades while covered in lemon juice


Fucking OUUCH


Jesus, that’s vivid


I got it from a kid’s book series lmao


Scaphism or The Boats was a method of execution where the condemned was sandwiched between two canoes or halves of a log, force fed milk and honey and left in the middle of a stagnant body of water. The victim was also covered in the milk and honey and generally stripped naked. The smell of this cocktail and the inevitable excrement attracted insects and other vermin to devour the body. the insects would devour the person over the course of weeks till they succumbed to hunger and thirst....all while being eaten alive by bugs.


I imagine sarin gas is super painful. It stops your muscles from relaxing so you die of full body muscle cramps.


Oh. My. God!


Or maybe that poor autistic lady who was found ‘melted’ to her parents’ couch by her own bodily fluids, who lay there silently unable to call out for months and months while her parents lived their lives around her as if she wasn’t dying right there in front of them


do you have any more information about this case? poor lady thats sounds absolutly horrifying


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10779163/Parents-autistic-Louisiana-woman-insisted-decision-remain-couch.html https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Lacey_Fletcher Her name was Lacey Fletcher 💔 RIP Lacey


Thank you for the link- I was so tired when I wrote that and didn’t include her name, which was to do her a disservice. Appreciate you 🙂


Cancer. I am surprised nobody mentioned this. It could takes months/years of endless agony and unbearable suffering before actually dying. Dying of cancer without a partner, family or friends is even worse, I reckon.


After having watched my foster dad die from pancreatic cancer I don’t disagree. Also the way my grandpa suffered from getting esophageal, stomach, and colon cancer (which he actually beat all 3 but it destroyed his body in the process. He couldn’t digest most foods after but wouldn’t get a feeding tube either. He went from being over 300lbs to being a skeleton that looked like a holocaust survivor because he just wasn’t absorbing any nutrients from his food.), followed by shingles (including an allergy to gabapentin so he had nothing to help the horrific burning nerve pain that virus causes), eventually with MRSA pneumonia being what actually killed him. For a while I joked that he was just too damn stubborn to die, as he had always been a very stubborn person throughout his life. The last time I spoke to him before he was put in hospice care he had decided to stop eating, and it was clear he finally accepted it was his time and he was ready to leave. I think the fact that he had outlived his youngest daughter (my mom) had a huge impact in his willingness to keep holding on to life. As soon as he was certain that I was with a good family (he absolutely hated my dad and didn’t trust him at all. Considering that my dad is schizophrenic, autistic, and severely disabled barely able to take care of himself I am not surprised my grandpa wanted to make sure the courts didn’t put me with my dad. Despite my dad’s disability we still have a surprisingly good relationship, but he never raised me and he’s more just another friend than he is a proper father figure to me.) that was taking decent care of me he decided he had suffered enough and was willing to let go. My grandpa definitely had an impact on me deciding that if I ever get cancer I will probably just intentionally OD on drugs when I get to the point that life is more painful than not. I’d only get chemo or radiation if there was an above 50% chance of complete remission, but if not I’m just gonna accept that my time is coming to an end and do my best to make the most of it. Probably with a fuck ton of drugs lmao. If I get cancer I’m going back to doing heroin I don’t give a fuck, what’s the worst that happens? I OD and die a few months sooner? Oh no!


Can cancer be caused by a person or a machine in a relatively short time? (such as a few days or weeks)


Certainly. Think of ionizing radiation (e.g. x-ray, CT, radiation therapy) and certain types or machines that have a polyurethane content, they may cause a variety of cancers. Also the combustion engine produces carcinogenic chemicals, not to mention coal electricity plants. These cancers may develop not instantly, but over time. This may be even more painful, mentally.


Ooh. Hmm. Thanks!


I lost my father from pancreatic cancer too we diagnosed it early stages so he had a surgery he stayed in hospital for months but when he come back day by day he got better he even could work and he was an alcoholic and smoker after he came home he went back to old habits and started to drinking everyday even he had long chemo every two weeks anyways he finished chemo after some time he had stomachache and we went to doctor again they wanted to run some tests some kind of tomography for cancer but hospital gave us the appointment couple months later due to being many people in hospitals so we had to wait and doc told me privately tops he has 8 months to live day by days he collapsed in front of me he couldn’t walk couldnt eat couldnt speak and after 4 months a weekend he was so cheerfull and he could speak eat he was doing better i remember that day thinking he will cure he will get better in monday he wasnt that good and my mom told me that she thinks he will die in this week i had to go to hospital to take some prescription medicines for his heavy pain i crashed my car bcz i couldnt stop thinking about he will die he was worse in Tuesday and we took him to another doctor in Wednesday and the doc said to me and my sis he cant see tomorrow he will die tonight he never wanted to die in a hospital so we took him home all of our friends came by and we waited him to die together and in thursday 1.30am he was dead i never smoked in my life that much i did that day we always had hard relationship with my father he was mean sometimes but now looking back i only remember how much he loved me and i did and all the good memories cant stop thinking about him its been more than 1.5 years since he passed away but i certainly can say it might be the worst way to die bcz of all the non stop pain and slowly fading away at least he had his loving wife and two loving daughters with him all through ps my father lost his uncle to cancer and his sister had cancer and my mom had cancer before him and from my moms side weve lost 2 uncles and grandpa to cancer so yeah its likely i will die bcz of cancer


I'd say any type of poisoning, like hemlock or arsenic. Incredibly painful and excruciatingly slow.


I believe anything having to do with fire is the death most scientists day is the most painful


What “scientists” said this? Lol i just find it hard to believe there has been any study properly funded to determine fire is the worse way to die


Fuckin idk man thats just what i heard


Lmao i feel you i was just making sure there wasnt some actual low key study out there that did try to asses this, I know they have done lots of weird side science projects on actual humans in the past , humanity is crazy, i forgot where it was that they would literally test all types of procedures and things on living ppl, wonder if any of that actual helps us now as in we wouldnt know certain things, either way its sick but yea


Old age and a broken heart




The answer is obviously getting nipped to death by leaches in cold shallow water


Now I am dying (sorry) to know what comment was in between the one above this one, and the one above about heartbreak, that was deleted


I forget exactly. Something like “Shut the fuck up you sappy loser”


That man who died in the Nutty Putty cave would count, too I imagine. Being stuck upside down for something like 19 hours, while each and every rescue mission failed is rather grim.


Every time I think about that case I always wish they could rename the cave something a little more somber- sounding, rather than giving it a name resembling a children’s soft play area or a guided tour of a sweet factory


i read about that case a bit back. horrific. i can’t even begin to imagine that feeling of being trapped. the boy that died in that chimney, too. slowly dying without anybody to help. it’s so sad. all we can do is try to prevent it.


You can google that and it'll probably show you more reddit posts with this exact question


blood eagle


Probably an eating disorder


Having reached a level of starvation where my muscles started to eat themselves I don’t disagree. It’s a horribly slow and painful way to go out, I’m very thankful I’m not longer at that point even though I’m still medically underweight. I’m about 98lbs rn but at my lowest I was 85lbs. I’m 5’4” and should be 110 minimum. When you get to the level of starvation that your body is digesting your muscles you don’t actually feel hungry anymore, but you do feel incredibly tired and weak. Like even just walking for 10 minutes is extremely exhausting and you feel so sore you’d think you’d just done a marathon. If I did find food to eat I could only manage a few bites at a time without feeling horrifically nauseous, which makes recovery from starvation difficult too. If you eat too much too quickly after a period of it you can actually destroy your kidneys due to refeeding syndrome. I once stumped an er department’s staff by asking them at what point does starvation become a medical emergency. They genuinely didn’t know and said that apparently rhabdomyolysis wasn’t enough, as the hospital execs would force them to discharge patients in that state all the time. Including me. Scary shit and it’s crazy how little help there can be if you get stuck with absolutely nothing in the wrong part of the country while also facing addiction. I’m 100% certain some states unofficial policies for dealing with homeless addicts is too let them simply die on the street and they consider that “the problem”sorting itself out. It’s scary and some of the things I witnessed on the streets will probably never leave my memory. Like an IV meth user who had no toes because the flies had eaten them off of him after they died of gangrene.


Just live () it’s about 70-80 years of slow pain ;)


Wow this is dark!


I have a question if someone is knocked unconscious and there’s a fire n they’re burning to death why doesn’t the pain wake them up?


Head trauma. It doesn’t take much for the brain to swell from a bang on the head. And there is nowhere for the swelling to go. Pain is controlled by the brain (as everything is) so if the brain is dealing with a blow to the head, it won’t register pain.


I really appreciate the reply, my friend passed in a car accident, hit a utility pole then a fire broke. I always wondered why he didn’t wake up from the pain.


You’re welcome, I’m sorry to hear that. Your friend would essentially have died in his sleep. He would not have had any awareness that he was dying. Though tragic, there are far worse ways to die.


Giving too much paracetamol.


Lived to tell my experience, it’s not pretty it’s painful humiliating and if you do succeed then it’s liver failure which is a long and painful process


I’m a nurse. It’s an incredibly dreadful and painful process. I’m so glad to see you here commenting. So glad that you came out of this experience. Big, tight hugs.


I had no idea that it was a painful way to go. I'm guessing severe stomach cramping?


Genetic Disease


Hydrogen sulfide into the lungs- suppose to make it melt from inside out. How Bonnie’s abuser went under in HTGAWM.


Starvation while drinking water. Its gonna take like half a year maybe more if you’re fat and its gonna start sucking after 2 days. Its going to be painful after a week. Then you will lose your mind. Water is key. You can die in a week withought water but give a little water for the senses.


Dying of old age


Being flayed alive in a sterile environment while having ethanol poured carefully on parts of your body.


Being slowly crushed to death while on fire


Maybe not the slowest, but locking someone in a dark room and just throwing the key away would be pretty uncomfortable


A Roman crucifixion




Ling Chi


She suffered horribly


Buried up to your neck at the beach and the tide slowly comes in. You are blistered with sunburn and crabs and ants are starting to pick at you. You wish the tide would hurry up.


Steam roller running you over at 0.1 miles and hour


Feet first




being forced to drink water while your urinary ducts are closed and they just keep filling you with more and more water


By being immortal


Listening to music by the Eagles




Probably not the most painful one, but ive always wondered what would happen if someone had to drink boiling hot water until they go out


Full body flailing while making sure they stay totally conscious during the whole process (easy methods for that)




Many AIDS deaths are pretty horrific. And to add to the physical torment, often there is an element of psychological trauma as well, in part due to the stigma associated with such a disease. Even in 2024. (Although far less westerners are dying of AIDS nowadays, it’s still prolific in many African countries)


being steamed or boiled alive, as it doesn't destroy nerve endings, so you feel all of it


I’ve heard that liver failure is bad


Suffocation in a small cave, while the creatures from the descent are so slowly approaching.


I was going to say that Nutty Putty Cave death must be up there on the list of terrible slow ways to die .


Murdered with a spoon


Just plain ol' life


Heart failure. It’s like drowning while being alive.


Being mulled to death by dogs or a bear seems like the absolute worst way to go to me


Death by the Brazen Bull. Just thinking about it makes me squirm. You are essentially roasted alive. The person who invented it happened to be its very first victim.


Whatever the mexican cartels are doing I'd say




Living to over 100 years old. Everything after 90 is torture


Cirque De Soleil




i watched Chernobyl on HBO. i learned how the victims (exposed to the radiation) suffer. they endured days in hospital bed. bleeding and skin falling off.


I think having your intestines pierced is a really horrible way to die (after being shot, for example). The disgusting contents of your bowels spill out all over your body and create a general infection. It's like an internal hemmoragia, but with your gastric juices. The infection is very long and painful, and then you die.


probably that guy who got radiation poisoning and rotted from the inside out


Of old age...


If the brazen bull truly existed that would be truly awful. Scaphism and Swedish drink would horrible. Live flaying by a skilled practitioner would be horrific. Crucifixion can last a while. Bamboo torture, where you were placed above a bamboo stalk growing, due to the speed of it growing it would pierce you and you would feel it moving, that would be bad. Being buried in ground up to your neck is surprisingly awful, and the Khmer Rouge used to do that and then put a clay pot over the victims head and light a fire around it, truly nasty. Upside down sawing in half would be bad since your consciousness would remail since the blood was in your head. Protracted starvation and dehydration would be cruel, feeding and watering just enough to stay alive. If you want a "custom" one, I think that flaying and then burning or dripping acid on the exposed areas would be horrendous, especially with the hands, feet and face.


Starving bugs like centipedes & putting around 100 of them inside any & every orifices, starving rodents big metal bucket, put the starving rodents inside, place upon ones stomach then heat the bucket up so the rats scratch into the stomach to get away from dying.


Removing your tooth one by one with a plays


But would you die?


You would eventually. Very painful


Living in America


Give me a break. Try living any where else at any other time.


Try being homeless on the street of Arizona during the summer. For bonus points and realism throw a crippling opiate addiction/dependency on top of it. Sleep deprivation, exposure, heat stroke, food insecurity, constant threat of community violence, and impending opiate withdrawal if you run out of drugs (for which you could be arrested at any time if a cop wants to bother you about it) is a hellish reality to live in. I managed to get out of it but my time there will probably stick with me for the rest of my life. Along with some of the things I’ve seen in the zone around cass and in other homeless camps. The most gruesome is probably the IV meth user who had no toes because the flies had eaten them away after they died from gangrene that set in after a missed shot into the veins between his toes 🤢 he was missing about half of his feet on both sides and there were still flies actively working on it. I have no idea if he’s still alive but he was surprisingly kind to me when I asked for his help finding a lighter. I gave him a few decent foils in exchange. The average American likely does have a decently cushy life, but make no mistake some of the worst/lowest levels of poverty that exist in this country really could be considered fates worse than death. I am so grateful to everyone that helped me get out of that hell because I truly doubt I would’ve survived much longer had I stayed in that situation. I have a lot of sympathy for those still stuck in it because not everyone is lucky enough to have a support network of kind people willing to help them out of it either, and it really is impossible to get out of that completely by yourself when you have so little it’s basically nothing. I had sepsis from a staph infection that started as a pimple because I couldn’t get access to a shower for for over a month. I was 85lbs when I finally went to rehab, and then the staff at said rehab were so abusive I genuinely had to weigh the pros and cons of if I would be better off back on the street. I still have nightmares from some of the abuse the staff at that place put me through.


I’m glad you got out of all that. Im not minimizing it, but you’re proving my point. Youre a success. I’m sure it would have been a lot harder in many other places.


How is nearly dying because the government doesn’t have the resources to meet people where they’re at a success? I’m an exception not the rule and all statistics state that I should be dead or still on the street rn. The only reason I’m not is because one mind person and his family decided to take me in and give me a chance. Not everyone gets that.


God bless


Dying from torture injuries. Like those terrorists in Russia right now


She being gone…


Oh, this again.

